I hope you are your success plan because no other person can make your life work for the best Deola.
In this thread are 7 key tips on how to be driven as you go through life.
Want to stay ahead of the game? Follow this thread till the end. #highvalue
Driven means having a strong sense of purpose, inspiration, and motivation to achieve.
1⃣Practice Visualization
A wise man once said you cannot achieve what you have not seen.
Be it your goals or the day's result, visualize the success you desire each day before you start work.
2⃣ Find Your Passion
Pursue the things you're passionate about and you will appear different.
You'll also find it easy to stay disciplined and consistent while putting in the required effort.
3⃣ Set Clear Goals:
Never work without a goal @fiistephen
Whatsoever you plan to put your effort in, set a clear result to be achieved.
With a SMART goal, make sure the
💫Specific has a structure,
💫Measurable has milestones,
💫Achievable is listed with actions,
💫Realistic includes your resources, and
💫Time-bound has its Tools.
4⃣ Have Support Systems
This is very important for you to keep you going on the days you just do not want to do anything.
This could be your accountability partner, coach, mentor, or a close knitted circle of people running your race.
5⃣ Stay Positive
A positive attitude and mindset are very important in the journey to becoming and staying high-value.
6⃣ Prioritize your goals and task
This will help you focus on the thing that is urgent or important for your growth.
You will also find it easy to beat ...
...procrastination while staying productive and progressive.
7⃣ Celebrate Your Wins
Start with the small wins so you can learn to appreciate the big wins.
It is very okay to reward yourself for getting things done rather than waiting to get the result before you celebrate.
Just acknowledge your progress and you will find the motivation to keep going.