Based on risk stratification, we have several options: ⭐️Anticoagulation (AC) alone
Escalation of Care (EOC) therapies:
⭐️Systemic Thrombolysis (ST)
⭐️Catheter Directed Therapies (CDT)
⭐️Surgical Embolectomy (SE)
▶️High Risk
👉ESC class IIa: SE or CDT (if failed ST)
▶️Low Risk
👉ESC class IIa: IVC filter if failed or ineligible for AC
▶️Intermediate Risk
🔥area of active research
Let's get to the 🥩 & 🥔 and the nuances of intermediate-risk PE Rx
👉PEITHO study: tenecteplase vs AC
▶️ ⬇️☠️ or hemodynamic (HD) collapse (2.6% vs 5.6%)
▶️ BUT ⬆️ major 🩸 (6.3% vs 1.5%) and Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) (2% vs 0.2%)
👉In a meta-analysis of ST trials
▶️⬇️☠️ (2.2% vs 3.9%) but ⬆️ICH (1.5% vs 0.2%)
👉MOPETT trial
▶️Reduced-dose ST
▶️no🩸in 👫 who didn't qualify for full-dose ST
🛑ST definitely has its drawbacks
What if we get closer to the thrombus & minimize bleeding?!
7/ Let's talk about Catheter Directed therapies
⭐️Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT)
▶️Catheters are passed into the 🫁 arteries & deliver thrombolytic agents over longer duration
▶️1/4 of the ST dose
▶️ensure thrombolytics get to the right place
8/ Two approaches for thrombolytic delivery:
1️⃣Give the drug locally to attempt thrombus breakdown
2️⃣Break up the thrombus to increase surface area for thrombolytic access
⭐️Catheter-directed lytic therapy with infusion catheters
▶️placing a catheter through the thrombus & delivering local tPA (thrombolytic)
Commonly used catheters:
⚠️Limitation: tPA may not have access to the entire thrombus
10/ How can we lighten the load for our friendly thrombolytics❓
1️⃣Utilize ultrasound waves to break up fibrin strands
2️⃣Mechanically disrupt the thrombus (pharma-mechanical CDT)
11/ The predominant ultrasound-assisted thrombolysis (USAT) catheter used is the EKOS catheter
12/ To mechanically disrupt or macerate the thrombus, options include:
▶️Pigtail catheter with a guide-wire or peripheral balloons
▶️Bashir Catheter: expandable basket of 6 Nitinol-reinforced infusion limbs
13/ ✔️ less thrombolytics
✔️ thrombus maceration can THEORETICALLY partially decompress the RV by quickly establishing forward flow
⚠️ Beware of distal embolization‼️
14/ The RESCUE trial showed improvement in RV/LV ratio at 48 hrs in intermediate-risk pts using the Bashir catheter with 7 mg tPA
⭐️Rheolytic thrombectomy utilizes the Bernoulli principle
▶️High speed saline jets sent backwards from the catheter➡️⬆️ speed➡️⬇️ pressure➡️creating a pressure gradient➡️vacuum the thrombus
⭐️Mechanical Thrombectomy utilizes aspiration to suction 🪠the thrombus🩸
▶️Ideally obviates the need for thrombolytics
The main catheters being studied:
⭐️Flowtriever system, AlphaVac system (manual suction)
⭐️Indigo Thrombectomy System (continuous suction)
18/ What are the risks❓
⚠️Hemodynamic collapse from rapid changes in RV afterload with the passage of wires and catheters (rare)
⚠️Perforation, tamponade
⚠️Ventricular arrhythmias triggered by catheters through the RV
⚠️Vascular access complications
19/ ⚠️Acute respiratory collapse due to:
▶️pulmonary hemorrhage
▶️sudden changes in ventilation/perfusion from distal embolization
⚠️Bleeding (meta-analysis) (CDL)
▶️4.5% non-ICH major bleeding
▶️0.7% ICH
20/ The big question: Do EOC therapies work⁉️
▶️Studies to date have shown short-term improvement in RV/LV ratio compared with ST but no mortality difference & no long-term difference in RV/LV ratio.
Here’s a quick overview….
21/ 💠CANARY Trial: CDT vs AC
▶️No difference in RV/LV ratio at 3 months, but ⬇️👫with RV/LV ratio >0.9 at 72 hrs
▶️1 case of Major 🩸
22/ USAT:
▶️Reduced RV/LV ratio at 24 hrs but no dif. at 90 days, no major 🩸
▶️Reduced RV/LV ratio at 48 hrs, moderate 🩸 10%, major 🩸 0.7%
▶️Reduced RV/LV ratio, 4% Major 🩸 , 1 attributable ICH
23/ USAT vs CDT:
▶️No difference btwn USAT vs CDL
Mechanical Embolectomy:
▶️Reduced RV/LV ratio at 48 hrs, avoided thrombolytics in 98.3%, 1.7% major 🩸
24/ 💠FLARE
▶️Intermediate-risk patients
▶️Reduced RV/LV at 48 hrs, 98.1% avoided thrombolytics, 1.0% major 🩸
▶️93.2% intermediate-high risk, 6.8% high risk
▶️All-cause mortality: 0.3% 48 hrs, 0.8% 30d
▶️Reduced RV/LV ratio, 1.2% major 🩸
25/ Here are some studies to keep an 👁️ out for in intermediate-risk PE:
💠PEERLESS: Mechanical Thrombectomy vs CDT
💠APEX-AV: Single arm study of AlphaVac
💠PE-Tract: Catheter-based therapy vs AC
The #WorldCup2022 ⚽️ finals are set 🇦🇷vs🇫🇷 & is just a few days away, but don't forget about Christian Erikson 🇩🇰 and what happened to his heart in June of 2021.
We will talk about:
⚡️Global incidence of SCD and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the general and athlete populations
⚡️Etiologies implicated in SCD/SCA
⚡️If and how we can prevent SCD/SCA
How do you feel about the following statement:
I feel comfortable with my knowledge of sudden cardiac death in athletes and the role prevention plays