Some crazy Blogger named #VeronicaSwift from “Lifting The Wool” is Obsessed & Hell bent on blaming me for archiving her Blog & getting her suspended from Twitter for her poor behaviour! 🤣 Never heard of this Nut until #JessieCzebotar’s
Are all #TimothyHolmseth#JessieCzebotar Supporters this Crazy?! 🥴 Has #VeronicaSwift’s inability to take personal accountability for her own behaviour turned into a recent Mental Health Snap! Crackle! Pop! 🤪
#VeronicaSwift is Cherry Picking information regarding #MadysonMarquette to create False Narratives that aid in the cover-up of lies while Targeting those that threaten to expose them the most. #Grifters#PAYtriots
Looking at some of the discrepancies from #JessieCzebotar’s L-Affidavits & the lack of research in #VeronicaSwifts Lifting the wool coverage on the 12 year old boys.
#JessieCzebotar actively slandering innocent people while #VeronicaSwift was actively running cover?
Not-So-Swift removed Czebotar’s L-Affidavits & replaced them with articles that target 🎯 Paula C Blades (me). Is it because I hepled exposed the lies?
I doubt #VeronicaSwift will tell the truth about #JessieCzebotar, Sarah. So far, “Swifty Griftly” has doubled down on the Narrative instead re: #LetJessieSpeak
Looking for her 10 mins of FAME? My guess, Swift wants to placed as ‘a great’ along side #FritzSpringmeier 🤣🤭
#VeronicaSwift be triggered & angry… 🤣😂🤣@GeoartsPhoto
I reported 50 posts in less than one 1hr. It took twitter a month to get back to respond. You assumptions are not accurate & you are not that Significant!!! 😂
I wonder if this will effect Veronica Not So Swift Robbins’ book sales?! 🥴
Most people know him as the Guy who CONNED Mike Lindell and America during the August 2021, Cyber Symposium?!
…Yeah, that time when Dennis Montgomery failed to provide promised PACKET CAPUTURES, aka the actual
EVIDENCE of “Alleged” Hammer/Scorecard Election Rigging?! Something that Mary Fanning still seems to Grifting off?? 🤨
Lets Unpack this Story…
Dennis Montgomery: The Man Who Conned The Pentagon.
- Page 1
“The weeks before Christmas brought no hint of terror. But by the afternoon of December 21, 2003, police stood guard in heavy assault gear on the streets of Manhattan. Fighter jets patrolled the skies. When a gift box was left on Fifth Avenue, it was labeled a suspicious package and 5,000 people in the Metropolitan Museum of Art were herded into the cold.”
“It was Code Orange.”
“The financial markets trembled.”
“The feds forced the cancellation of dozens of French, British and Mexican commercial "flights of interest" and pushed foreign governments to put armed air marshals on certain flights.”
“But there were no real intercepts, no new informants, no increase in chatter. And the suspicious package turned out to contain a stuffed snowman. This was, instead, the beginning of a bizarre scam.”
“Behind that terror alert, and a string of contracts and intrigue that continues to this date, there is one unlikely character.”
“The man's name is Dennis Montgomery, a self-proclaimed scientist who said he could predict terrorist attacks. Operating with a small software development company, he apparently convinced the Bush White House, the CIA, the Air Force and other agencies that Al Jazeera-the Qatari-owned TV network—was unwittingly transmitting target data to Al Qaeda sleepers.”
Dennis Montgomery: The Man Who Conned The Pentagon.
- Page 2
“An unusual team arrived in Reno, Nevada in 2003 from the Central Intelligence Agency… they turned into an almost empty parking lot, where a sign read "eTreppid Technologies.”
“The CIA team was there to work with Dennis Montgomery, at the time eTreppid’s chief technology officer and part owner.”
“Montgomery called the work he was doing noise filtering. He was churning out reams of data he called output. It consisted of latitudes and longitudes and flight numbers. …it went to Washington, D.C. Then it found its way to the CIA’s seventh floor, to Director George Tenet. Eventually it ended up in the White House. Montgomery’s output was to have an extraordinary effect. Ridge’s announcement, the canceled flights and the holiday disruptions were all the results of Montgomery’s mysterious doings.”
Dennis Montgomery: The Man Who Conned The Pentagon.
- Page 3
“In court papers filed in Los Angeles, a former lawyer for Montgomery calls the software designer a “habitual liar engaged in fraud.”
“Montgomery was charged in Las Vegas with bouncing nine checks (totaling $1 million) in September 2008 and was arrested on a felony warrant in Rancho Mirage, California.”
“The FBI has investigated him, and some of his own co-workers say he staged phony demonstrations of military technology for the U.S. government.”
“As strange as his technology appeared to be, it was nevertheless an attractive concept. Montgomery was as persuasive as some within the intelligence community were receptive.”
“Over the years Montgomery’s intelligence found its way to the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security, Special Forces Command, the Navy, the Air Force, the Senate Intelligence Committee and even to Vice President Dick Cheney’s office.”
MARY, MARY, QUITE CONTRARY, how does your garden grow? 🌽 #HonkHonk🤡
Interdasting connections!!!
@MartyWaters => @realMaryFanning
=> Paul Vallely => Psychological Operations => Michael Aquino
“In 1980, Vallely co-authored a paper with then military PSYOP analyst Michael Angelo Aquino, founder of the Satanist Temple of Set as his commanding officer in the 7th PSYOP Group, titled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory”
@realDonaldTrump @GenFlynn @shadygrooove @intheMatrixxx @Jeremibullfrog2 @CNN You two #BoogerEaters🤥 are a pair of legends, in your own heads, @ShadyGrooove & @intheMatrixxx! 🤣
I’m really looking forward to January, it’ll be a great 6 year Delta!!! All the Self-Righteous, #FameFaqqing in the World, CANNOT STOP WHATS COMING!!!
@intheMatrixxx namimg Timothy Holmseth (#PPTF) a Pedophile and Lying about me supporting him, while using Holmseth’s propaganda to back a Smear Campaign against me?! 🤪
You just can’t make this shit up!!! 😂
Want to know what else Matrixxx & Holmseth have in common?
1/ They both used @GenFlynn to build their platforms and then turned on him. 2/ They Doxx & use Wrap Up Smear Campaigns against those who support General Flynn. 3/ They were both directly involved with Attorney, Steven Biss; who is now dead. 4/ They both Entertained Mike Gill; who has also turned against Gen. Flynn
There you have it Folks!!!
@intheMatrixxx & @ShadyGrooove Crew have stopped by to support & defend [their] working relationship with #TimothyCharlesHolmseth!!!
🚨🚨WONDER WHAT 3 LETTER AGENCY THESE #BoogerEaters🤥 ARE RUNNING COVER FOR?!🚨🚨 #FindersCult # #HonkHonk🤡
@marley_kingsley @17thSCOG @shadygrooove @MAGADONIAN17 @Twisted17sister @AJPArmy 👆🏻That tweet came before the evidence did. You should read the @GenFlynn Court records, I’d recommend going to @Techno_Fog & @tracybeanz accounts for commentary. Then follow Trumps tweets as the case unfolded.
@marley_kingsley @17thSCOG @shadygrooove @MAGADONIAN17 @Twisted17sister @AJPArmy @GenFlynn @Techno_Fog @tracybeanz Here are some more tweets.
@marley_kingsley @17thSCOG @shadygrooove @MAGADONIAN17 @Twisted17sister @AJPArmy @GenFlynn @Techno_Fog @tracybeanz @marlley_kingsley, and here are some more…