Part 1 : Glen GreenWald & Edward Snowden Funding, a case study in subtle Russian misinformation A glimpse into how intricate the Russian misinformation machine has become and how it exploits every opportunity to undermine the West and the use of NFTs @ggreenwald @Snowden
@ggreenwald @Snowden Last week I had an idea to provide summaries of Russian daily talking points against Ukraine that is often very redundant and occasionally funny in a very dark way.
@ggreenwald @Snowden While summarizing I noticed a few accounts that consistently pushed the “Ukrainian Nazi” talking points the most, one account kept popping up was that of Glen GreenWald Edward Snowden selfie with Glen and Laura twitter. com/ggreenwald
@ggreenwald @Snowden Glen Greenwald is a Brazil based American journalist and author who is known for his reporting on national security and civil liberties issues. He has also been a vocal critic of the US government's policies and actions regarding Russia and Ukraine.
@ggreenwald @Snowden He has argued that supporting US-Russia relations should not be viewed as a sign of being a " spy for the Kremlin" and that the Trump-Russia scandal was based on false or exaggerated claims.
@ggreenwald @Snowden He also have been accused of being too sympathetic or supportive of Russia's interests and actions, especially in relation to Ukraine's sovereignty and security.
@ggreenwald @Snowden His bias was evident in hundreds of occasions ignoring or downplaying evidence of Russian interference or aggression. Here are some examples of his articles, skip blue line if you are already familiar The Long History of Glenn Greenwald’s Kissing Up to the Kremlin
@ggreenwald @Snowden https://www. foxnews. com/media/glenn-greenwald-supporting-us-russia-relations-should-not-be-viewed-as-a-sign-youre-a-spy-for-the-kremlin glenn-greenwald-supporting-us-russia-relations-should-not-be-viewed-as-a-sign-youre-a-spy-for-the-kremli https://www. vox.
@ggreenwald @Snowden com/policy-and-politics/2023/2/15/23588121/trump-russia-cjr-jeff-gerth-russiagate https://slate. com/news-and-politics/2022/03/tucker-carlson-glenn-greenwald-coping-russia-ukraine-wrong-wrong-wrong. html
@ggreenwald @Snowden His twitter feed has hundreds of tweets focusing on his obsession with Ukrainian Nazis, cutting funding to Ukraine and supporting Russia. Twitter avatar for @ggreenwald Glenn Greenwald
@ggreenwald @Snowden When you watch Ukrainian officials lovingly interviewed by CNN or BBC, they often have photos of national hero Stepan Bandera on their wall. He's a Nazi collaborator who mass-murdered Jews and Poles.
@ggreenwald @Snowden Watch German journalist @TiloJung interview Ukraine's Amb to Germany on this👇 1:12 PM ∙ Jul 2, 2022 5,609 Likes 2,331 Retweets Twitter avatar for @ggreenwald
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung Glenn Greenwald
@BrettSaundry Thanks for letting me know, but I actually don't want Nazi supporters as followers. If I had known your ideology, I'd have blocked you. 3:44 PM ∙ Feb 16, 2023 79 Likes 4 Retweets Twitter avatar for @ggreenwald
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Glenn Greenwald
@ggreenwald The War on Terror/Iraq showed how potent US media propaganda is. With Big Tech monopolies, it's greater now. Russiagate, COVID, and Ukraine are vivid illustrations.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry They got millions of Americans who never heard of Ukraine to hang flags on their homes and arm Nazi battalions🇺🇦🇺🇦 Image Image 11:45 PM ∙ Feb 5, 2023 296 Likes 79 Retweets
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry What is of most interest is the fact that Glenn is the Journalist who broke the Edward Snowden story and the story of how that happened narrated by him is quite amusing, here is the relevant part in an interview he gave to rolling stones
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Glenn Greenwald opened his laptop, scanned through his e-mail, and made a decision that almost cost him the story of his life.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Greenwald receives hundreds of e-mails every day, many from readers who claim to have “great stuff.” Occasionally these claims turn out to be credible; most of the time they’re cranks. There are some that seem promising but also require serious vetting.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry This takes time, and Greenwald, who starts each morning deluged with messages, has almost none. “My inbox is the enemy,” he told me recently.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry And so it was that on December 1st, 2012, Greenwald received a note from a person asking for his public encryption, or PGP, key so he could send him an e-mail securely.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Greenwald didn’t have one, which he now acknowledges was fairly inexcusable given that he wrote almost daily about national-security issues, and had likely been on the government’s radar for some time over his vocal support of Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry “I didn’t really know what PGP was,” he admits.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry “I had no idea how to install it or how to use it.” It seemed time-consuming and complicated, and Greenwald, who was working on a book about how the media control political discourse, while also writing his column for The Guardian, had more pressing things to do.

“It felt
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Anonymous-ish to me,” Greenwald says. “It was this cryptic ‘I and others have things you would be interested in. . . .’ He never sent me neon lights – it was much more ambiguous than that.” So he ignored the note.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Soon after, the source sent Greenwald a step-by-step tutorial on encryption. Then he sent him a video Greenwald describes as “Encryption for Journalists,” which “walked me through the process like I was a complete idiot.”
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry And yet, Greenwald still didn’t bother learning security protocols. “The more he sent me, the more difficult it seemed,” he says. “I mean, now I had to watch a fucking video . . . ?” Greenwald still had no idea who the source was, nor what he wanted to say.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry “It was this Catch-22: Unless he tells me something motivating, I’m not going to drop what I’m doing, and from his side, unless I drop what I’m doing and get PGP, he can’t tell me anything.” The dance went on for a month.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Finally, after trying and failing to get Greenwald’s attention, the source gave up. Greenwald went back to his book and his column, publishing, among other things, scathing attacks on the Obama administration’s Guantánamo and drone policies.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry It would take until May, six months after the anonymous stranger reached out, before Greenwald would hear from him again, through a friend, the documentarian Laura Poitras, whom the source had contacted, suggesting she and Greenwald form a partnership.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry In June, the three would meet face to face, in a Hong Kong hotel room, where Edward Snowden, the mysterious source, would hand over many thousands of top-secret documents Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald: The Men Who Leaked the NSA’s Secrets – Rolling Stone
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry As you can see, Snowden was really persistent that non other than Glen breaks the story and after months of trying online and failing it took a physical person to contact Glenn so that they meet together with Snowden in Hong Kong this is how far Snowden went to make sure it
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry was Glen who breaks the story. Remember this name Laura Poitras it will get more relevant soon. While looking at Glen’s twitter profile i noticed one of his affiliations listed as freedom of press org I clicked on the link and later looked up the organization.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Surprisingly or perhaps not the board members of that organization were none other than Edward Snowden him self and.. you guessed it Laura Poitras the two people who originally setup the meeting between Glen and Snowden. Here is their descriptions on their website
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry freedom. press/about/board This becomes important when tied to another piece of very important info of the puzzle, which is the funding for freedom of press org. This takes us to an entity called the PleasrDAO http://pleasr. mirror. xyz
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry It is an art collecting decentralized autonomous organization, the organization placed a bid to buy an NFT from Snowden and according to their website, they received an anonymous loan for 2.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry 5 million dollars in the last 5 minutes of the auction before finally purchasing the NFT for 5. 5 million $ Her is how they describe it on their website:
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry If the name Pleasr DAO sounds familiar if you follow this substack its because it was mentioned before in my previous article about the Ukraine DAO that is currently running a disinformation campaign to reduce western support to Ukraine, here is the article for
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry reference.

#CensoredPickle Substack Ukraine-DAO Investigation: White-Washing Crypto in Ukrainian Blood It started with a fundraising party by Russian opposition and punk rock group Pussy Riot marketing the sale of a Ukrainian flag.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry People sharing, dancing and singing, 7 Million raised in the biggest NFT sale ever. What could possibly go wrong? This article promises to give you a comprehensive picture of what exactly the Ukraine-DAO is, who is behind it a… Read more
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry 11 days ago · 8 likes · MrPickle
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry The stated goals of the freedom of press org is to support whistle blowers in every way, one being providing secure platforms for then to communicate secretly, coincidentally the absolute majority of such “whistle blowers” just so happen to never be Russian or Chinese.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry Bellow is the tweet from Snowden about the Auction and stating where the money will go, it will go to non other than Freedomofpess org. Twitter avatar for @Snowden Edward Snowden
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO It feels like the whole staff of @FreedomofPress is watching live, and we've never seen anything like this. This is more than a spectacle -- this is drama. All eyes turn to the dark horse. Twitter avatar for @Snowden Edward Snowden
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress The @PleasrDAO juggernaut crashes into the lead with $4,300,000. This is practically the annual budget of @FreedomOfPress, and a real monument to charity. And then immediately overtaken by @xaix2k with 2,021. 1337 -- $4. 9M! By any measure, tonight is a landmark.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k https://t. co/jqVhQxXrBH 8:17 PM ∙ Apr 16, 2021 1,392 Likes 276 Retweets Curiously Snowden recently ran a second fundraiser and while the first NFT sold for 5. 4 million$ , the second NFT was eventually auctioned for 14. 69 ETH about 25,000$!!!. In Summary:
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k 1-Edward Snowden tried to contact Glen specifically to leak the Pentagon Papers 2-Glen later formed a connection with Laura Poitras where she later convinces him to meet with Snowden.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k 3-The trio meet in Hong Kong and leak thousands of classified documents from the Pentagon.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k 4- Laura and Snowden create a foundation called “freedom of press” that is created to provide tools and funding to whistle blowers, specifically western whistle blowers in NATO member states 5-They auction an NFT that sold for 5. 4 million$ from Pleasr Dao, 2.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k 5 million of which came from an anonymous lender, one year later a similar NFT sells for only 25. 000$ 6-Pleasr DAO also financed and confounded Ukraine DAO (Ukraine DAO NFT sold for 7 million $)
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k for more info on why that is problematic read this article .

#CensoredPickle Substack Ukraine-DAO Investigation: White-Washing Crypto in Ukrainian Blood
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k It started with a fundraising party by Russian opposition and punk rock group Pussy Riot marketing the sale of a Ukrainian flag. People sharing, dancing and singing, 7 Million raised in the biggest NFT sale ever. What could possibly go wrong?
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k This article promises to give you a comprehensive picture of what exactly the Ukraine-DAO is, who is behind it a… Read more 11 days ago · 8 likes · MrPickle 7-In 2022 Edward Snowden earned his Russian citizenship
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k 8-Glen works and is funded or supported by freedom of the press foundation 9-Glen spends 50-80% of his time spreading Russian propaganda Conclusion
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k One of the most subtle and effective ways of spreading propaganda or hybrid warfare by nations like Russia and China sometimes does not even involve direct recruitment or association .
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k Funding, promoting, offering a safe haven or providing assistance in terms of resources or media coverage is sometimes used without the subject even knowing.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k For example if a whistle blower that is specialized in American or Canadian affairs and never materially criticize Russian activities, that subject might earn asylum in Russia since his work whether out of genuine belief of the respect of American citizen privacy or just a
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k facade for something sinister in either case for Russia it doesn’t matter since its a very simple question does it help Russia or not is all what they ask them selves.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k Whatever faction that help Russian strategic interests will receive Russian direct or indirect impossible to trace support.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k In 2016 Russia supported American Ultra Nationalists which for a second might sound very counter intuitive at a very shallow level but it was a masterful evil move since Russia realized an isolationist policy would mean less American involvement outside of the US borders
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k which could benefit Russian interests abroad since every gap is filled (No better example than Africa) .
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k This article does not conclude if Snowden and Glen are directly cooperating with the Russian government but it sure does not rule it out either and plenty of evidence are in other articles.
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k What is more clear based on what we already know happened in 2016 is that such techniques of for example using a pro-privacy and anti- deep state entities that might believe in the cause genuinely are and has been used by Russia before since their interests are simply
@ggreenwald @Snowden @TiloJung @BrettSaundry @PleasrDAO @FreedomofPress @xaix2k aligned and using new methods like Crypto and NFT funding and rewarding such actors became fairly easy and exceedingly difficult to detect.

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In Summary:
1-Edward Snowden tried to contact Glen specifically to leak the Pentagon Papers
2-Glen later formed a connection with Laura Poitras where she later convinces him to meet with Snowden.
3-The trio meet in Hong Kong and leak thousands of classified documents from the Pentagon.
4- Laura and Snowden create a foundation called “freedom of press” that is created to provide tools and funding to whistle blowers, specifically western whistle blowers in NATO members
5-They auction an NFT that sold for 5.5 M$ from Pleasr Dao, 2.5 million of which came from an anonymous lender, one year later a similar NFT sells for only 25k$
6-Pleasr DAO also financed and confounded Ukraine DAO (Ukraine DAO NFT sold for 7million$)…
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