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Mar 4, 2023 β€’ 122 tweets β€’ 24 min read β€’ Read on X
VP AU: This One Time I Met The Devil and Put Him in a Hospital

Inspired by @epica333 commentπŸ’™

Vegas survived attack prepared by enemies but when he hides in a side alley, he is hit by a cute man on white scooter.
#vegaspete #vegaspeteau #buildjakapan #biblewichapas #biblebuild ImageImage
TAGS: Fluffy; Smut; clumsy Pete; dark Vegas; Pete is too adorable for Vegas' heart and too clumsy for his health, so Vegas often visits hospital, doctor finds it sus; Pete is just trying to help; Vegas is cruel but only to others; first night ended in hospital; Vegas dlck broke;
The story will be updated every MONDAY and THURSDAY!

No idea how long it will last, I just need some cuteness in my life and this idea just can't leave my head 😀

So let's begin:

#vegaspete #vegaspeteau #buildjakapan #biblewichapas #biblebuild
Hollow screams begging for mercy echoed around the room, obscured by bullets coming from one side and the other which drowned out any logic thoughts that could arise at the moment. Dead, cold bodies lay on the ground, when the rising dust covered them delicately, like quilt.
Darkish, drying blood spatter most of carved furnitures, soaking into the expensive carpets and staining marble floors. The attack was underway, and while it was hard to determine the winning side, the amount of casualties in men and materiel suggested that only losers were left.
A tall, well-built man with dark hair reaching down to the nape of his neck and eyes as black as obsidian, who was just diligently looking for a way out of the room into which he had been voluntarily admitted not a long time ago, was sitting huddled by an mahogany table, hiding.
There was a window behind, but brunet wasn't willing to jump out if not necessary, given the floor number he was on, but when more footsteps and shouts of new attackers came from the doorway, and the pistol magazine showed up empty, dissatisfied man threw legs outside, jumping.
Loud crash broke the quiet of the alley, while pain spread through bruised skin, but mafioso had no intention of stopping now, instead, hissing and cursing under his breath, he quickly got up, running to next alley, dodging until the only thing he could hear was his rapid breath.
After long time exhausted body leaned against the wall as man tried to calm down his nerves, but though the situation was difficult and he had a long way to home ahead, filled with hiding and dodging the people still chasing him, Vegas Theerapanyakul laughed in disbelief.
Ready to die the moment his bodyguards were brutally murdered in front of his eyes, Vegas managed to get rid off few members of opposite clan and leave while still breathing. The boss of one of the mafia's cruellest families escaped with only a few scrapes and thirst for revenge.
Still in his mind thanking destiny, Vegas turned to side street, trying to figure out which part of Bangkok he was in, when something white flickered in front of his face, making him drop to concrete like a sack of potatoes. Half of his body pulsated in, suddenly brought, pain.
"Oh no! Not again!"

Struggling to stay conscious, in last aware moments, Vegas heard melodic but panicked voice, when suddenly white scooter started to back up and before he could scream in terror, trying to stop driver, he was run over again.

"Sweet curry, what have I done!"
The bone in the outstretched hand cracked like a bamboo stalk, and in the depths of pain, Vegas, for the last time, saw bright face bending over his body, a beautiful one, with dark, big, doe eyes and small indentations in the places of the cheeks - dimples.
Then darkness fell.
What do you all think???? πŸ’™πŸ«‚


Let's go!

The ambulance arrived to pick up the unconscious man quite quickly. When he was put inside, and next to him sat a slim, slender boy with chocolate hair and full, pinky cheeks, the car drove away at the signal, leaving only damaged white scooter dragged to the side.
"I think I killed him," the brunet muttered under his nose, looking anxiously at the battered, dormant face that the pain had been contorting only moments ago. "Khun, is he breathing? I can't see him breathing... What am I going to do now? This is the third time this month!"
A familiar rescuer looked indulgently at shaken boy, thanking fate for helping in avoiding him on the roads, as although the man tried his best by driving carefully, there were often obstacles on his way that he did not manage to avoid, such as a stranger lying in front of them.
"He's breathing, don't worry, but maybe it's time to start taking bus, huh, Pete?"

Sulky expression appeared on lips of the brunet, who, without thinking, grabbed a large, warm hand and held it comfortingly, gently massaging the sensitive skin of wrist, just to feel the pulse.
"But it was just an accident!" he defended himself, though his voice lacked confidence.

"Not your first time tho. Let's hope he doesn't sue you," the rescuer gestured at the unconscious man. "You've been lucky with others, but this one looks rich, and they don't forgive easily."
At his last words, the vehicle pulled up in front of the hospital and, in a hurry, the stretcher and the patient on them were led outside and pushed into the building, where nurse was waiting for them, who, at the sight of Pete, frowned, taking a deep breath and exhaling loudly.
"You again..." She murmured, and when boy began to explain himself, woman ignored his words, placing a stack of papers in front of him and phone pulled from the pocket of Vegas' jacket. "I shouldn't be doing this. Let someone in family show up, until then try not to hurt anyone."
"It's really not my fault! Why no one believes me, he just showed up suddenly... As usual, it's all on me!" Pete grumbled under his breath, trying to start the phone, but the broken screen didn't light up as it should. "Wonderful, now what? I don't do good with eletronics."
After many different thoughts and few prayers mixed with a lot of sighing, brunet delicately pulled off the back cover of the expensive device and removed the card. Then did the same with his own, much cheaper, phone, quickly changing the plastics and starting the equipment.
Pleased with himself, when screen flickered, Pete wanted to applaud, but when the request to enter the password appeared before his eyes, he froze, forgetting about this small but important detail. All the thinking went to waste and the only thing left for Pete, was a headache.
"I did what I could," man said to himself, putting the phone on the table, but quickly the object rang, causing Pete to jump up, nearly throwing it to the floor. "Hello? Good morning?" the energetic voice surprised the caller, who startled, coughed several times before answering.
"Who are you? And what are you doing with my brother's phone?! Give my Phi back to me, now, asshole!" the sharp, disgruntled tone made Pete frown, pulling the phone away from his face for a brief moment and looking at it reprimandedly, as if caller could see his dissatisfation.
"Good morning," Pete repeated, trying to sound kindly, even when person on the other side started to raise his voice again, but when to all of this were added curses, brunet sighed, feeling a lawsuit coming at his poor head. "I'm Pete. I just ran over your brother and he..."
"WHAT?!" screams prevented further conversation, making Pete quickly threw out name of hospital and hung up, for a moment thinking about escaping.

"No, I can't do that, that would be bad," man said, leaning comfortably against wall and, terrified, waited for his imminent end.
An hour passed when a doctor appeared in the aisle, looking at the boy with a wide smile. He hadn't had a moment to inform the person who came with patient about their condition, but now that it was all over, he invited scared Pete into the room where Vegas lay unconscious.
"Nothing serious happened, some bruises, the bone in hand is cracked but not broken, so I recommend a lot rest, visits here and soon he will walk without plaster." The doctor assured, and when no more questions arose. he walked away, nodding the head towards boy before leaving.
The enormous relief completely lifted the heavy weight from the strained shoulders, and while it wasn't the complete solution to all of Pete's problems, the mere knowledge that he hadn't killed or greatly damaged lying man was more comforting than anything else he heard today.
Stranger's somewhat pale complexion reflected the soft light in the room, while coal-black hair and thick, bushy eyebrows bounced off it, giving man a mysterious, slightly shrill appearance. Looking at a sleeping beast, Pete could not throw away few sinful, dangerous thoughts.
Dryness appeared in brunet's mouth, when man's puffy lips opened a little, to help with breathing. Blushed, Pete grabbed glass off the table and filled it with water, taking large sip, but it did not extinguish strange feeling that flowed slowly from fastly beating chest to hips.
"Please don't sue me, I will do anything you want, just don't sue me!" the man blurted out, and when the victim's face twisted at his begging words, to Pete's head come up an article he saw not long ago in one of the magazines in the reception. Especially one line stucked to him.
Quote about human body reacting and hearing people's voice while being in a coma, gave him a silly idea. With this in mind, Pete leaned over stranger's ear, placing his hand carefully on the man's shoulder and the other, with the glass still filled with water, on his chest.
"Please forgive me, don't sue, na? Mister, please..." The bed creaked as Pete leaned against it, making himself flinch and let glass out of hands, watching in horror as the water poured onto shirt. Scared, Pete quickly started to wipe warm, tight skin with first thing he found.
Awkward hands descended lower to Vegas's hips, which were also wet by the spilling and when Pete's helping fingers fell on a slight bulge in an attempt to wipe it dry, the cough caused Pete to freeze, clenching hand in fear on what he could grab first, stranger's half-hard dick.
"What the hell?" muttered woken man, but before he could get an answer, a familiar silhouette stood in the doorway, quickly pulling out a camera and taking a photograph of the two people next to the bed, making the room glow with a flash, but not feeling guilty about it at all.
"I wanted to ask the same question," the newcomer said, hiding a mischievous smirk, looking at the hand still clenched on the sensitive part of Vegas's body, when Pete, as if in slow motion, slightly lowered gaze, almost flying backwards when he saw what he was holding.

"No worries, you're not the first one trying to get to his pants," said younger man, laughing loudly, but Pete, red like tomato, throw few incomprehensible words before running from the room, straight to toilet, closing it harshly and praying that all of it is only a nightmare.

That's it for today!

Thoughts? I'm so curious what you all think about it! πŸ’™πŸ«‚


I lost my laptop but borrowed from friend, this is my only pleasure this week.πŸ™ƒ

A loud knock was heard in a small bathroom built in the hospital room. Still slightly flushed, Pete took his eyes off sad reflection in the mirror, looking anxiously toward the door.
"Y-yes?" his voice trembled unsteadily as he stepped away from the sink, wrinkling the front of his shirt in trembled fingers.

"I don't want to rush or anything, but it's been an hour and I really need to pee," hoarse vocals filled the room, making brunet's heart beat faster.
"Ah, yes! I'm leaving!"

Hurried footsteps and the quick opening of the door nearly knocked over the man behind it, who bent down, grasping the doorframe with tensed hand, his mouth only a few millimeters away from Pete's full, lips, now wet by quick lick of small, pink tongue.
The sight of it, tongue going on tempting lips, making them shine, looking tasty like 5star meal, made Vegas swallow loudly. They both held their breaths for a while, eyes sinking into the depths of each other gaze, air between merging until it felt like they had melted together.
If Vegas was not in need to use toilet, he would have leaned and sunk teeth into lower lip. Then he would suck it deeply, left mark, and then when stranger would whine, begging for more, Vegas will gracefully lick it until he will see orgasm from just playing with brunet's mouth.
"Damn," Vegas muttered, before going deeper into bathroom, rubbing gently against the boy's chest and, hearing him inhale loudly, hid the smirk spilling over the face. Dangerous thoughts filled Vegas's head, making him shiver when he imagined chains on long neck of the brunet.
When the door closed behind the man, again red as a tomato, Pete looked closely around the room, inspecting it all, trying to find the younger stranger who was the partial culprit in his escape to the bathroom, but no one was inside, only him and the unmade, still warm bed.
Worried about his future and feeling the shame of his last moments, brunet unknowingly walked closer to bedding, sitting on the edge of the mattress. A strange smell that irritated his nostrils came to him from the quilt, until the boy moved it closer, taking a stronger breath.
Strong, masculine fragrance, mixed with sandalwood and something else that reminded him of motorcycles, filled his lungs, and, to his surprise, Pete found the smell extremely attractive. Immersed in it, the brunet did not see someone smiling broadly at the sight that he gave.
"You like it?" Vegas asked, coming closer, and when he received only a quick nod instead of an full answer, man sat down on the bed, unable to stop himself from dragging finger along the prominent jawline of boy still ignoring him. "If you like it, you should smell the original."
"Hmmm?" the hazy gaze rose cautiously, and when they looked at each other again, Vegas' eyebrow rose higher, as if expecting an answer from the brunet, Pete shouted loudly, waving crazily arms in the air and suddenly falling his ass harshly to the ground. "Ouch! Not again!"
"Are you okay? Is your little bum fine?" question made Pete rise briskly, taking a few steps back, terrified of how much he was being affected by a man who could destroy his future.

What exactly was in this stranger, that Pete couldn't stop himself from being so uncoordinated?
"I'm sorry! I'm not that clumsy normally, but somehow it's so weird today," the boy admitted, rubbing his buttocks gently, the movements of his hand accompanied by the patient' starving eyes.

Something wild, even savage, woken up in Vegas, something he never felt to anyone else.
"I find it hard to believe," man murmured, feeling a tingling sensation in his fingers, a desire to replace the brunet's tiny hand with his own and make him moan his name. Exactly. "What's your name? We should introduce ourselves, don't you think? I'm Vegas Theerapanyakul."
"Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham," a slight smile lit up big cheeks, showing dimples. "I can finally connect face to your name in my head, it kind of calms me down." A charming giggle came out of his mouth, and the man sitting opposite him, felt the corners of his mouth rise upwards.
"Do you like my name?" he asked curiously, watching Pete nod happily. "That's good, you'll enjoy shouting it in bed," Vegas added quietly, and the brunet frowned, coming closer.

"Sorry? Excuse me, could you repeat?" he asked, looking at the mafioso with big doe eyes.
"That's not necessary, really. So you ran me over, hmm? You don't really look like a traffic pirate." The casual words terrified the boy, who, without a second thought, rushed fastly towards the patient, grabbing fingers of healthy hand and hugging it tightly to the chest.
"I didn't want to hurt you! Please don't sue me. I really don't have money, but maybe I can help you with your hand? I'll cook meals and clean house and do anything but don't sue me," rough hunger flashed in Vegas's eyes, when he heard the word 'anything' coming out of the boy.
"Anything?" he repeated after, staring at full, still opening and closing lips.

"Whatever is needed," brunet assured, though Pete's voice trembled as he felt the inflamed gaze on him.

"Mm, that sounds delicious," Vegas whispered before he suddenly pulled boy closer.
Starving mouth gently brushed soft, plump lips until groan escaped from Pete, and his body lost all strength, leaning more on tough like a rock chest of Vegas. Naughty tongue licked a trembling skin, rapid breaths mingled together until they only heard pleading moans and growls.

Thoughts? Complaints?

I hope on monday I will have my own laptop, as I prefer using mine, and not borrow from anyone.

See you on monday!

Also, if you can, please tell me what you think πŸ₯Ί

It's monday everyone! Let's gooooooooooo πŸ”₯

I hope you will enjoy it today! The plot is THICKENING!

A loud slapping sound pierced the silence as a tiny hand bounced off the cheek in front of it, leaving a red reflection of it's fingers on shocked face of Vegas.
The noise completely pierced the silence in the room, filled with groans and moaning seconds ago, when, now stressed and completely charmed by the kiss, Pete, broke away from the tempting lips, letting the reality of what he was doing hit him with the force of a speedy train.
The smack was not planned, and although the brunet had been kissed twice before, one of which was on the cheek and the other was only a quick peck, done years ago, it was only now, feeling him losing control of his own body and mind, that he happened to react so violently.
But seeing what he had done and hearing the hiss of pain from mouth of the patient, Pete felt panic take over. Guilt run through his body, making brunet to realize that he enjoyed having those lips on his, tongue inside, doing such a magical things, he never knew were possible.
"Oh no, Vegas, I'm so sorry! I never wanted to hurt you like this, it's just a reflex!" he purred, gently stroking man's cheek. "I just... I'm not one of those..."

"Of those?" Vegas repeated, not angry, feeling small, cool fingers in place of the sting, massaging the sore spot.
Still overwhelmed by the kiss, not understanding why every nerve in his body reacted equally strongly to an ordinary boy who was not only not his type, but also did not have a position sufficient for someone like him, Vegas smirked.
Looking from under squinted eyelids at the terrified boy still trying to soften the blow, he felt a storm raging inside of him. Not created by the need to destroy, but by the need to cherish, something he did not felt in years, especially after he took over father's business.
This boy shouldn't be as charming, he shouldn't make Vegas want to give him everything he wishes, to say endlessly 'aw' on his every action. It's unbecoming for mafioso who flooded city with blood many times, to lose mind for ordinary traffic pirate. Yet Vegas has been bewitched.
"You know, people who just do it with everyone, no emotions attached," Pete added, and a huge blush spread all over his chest, at least that's what Vegas had imagined, and before he could stop his hand, naughty fingers slid over the edge of the shirt, pulling the fabric down.
The man was right, and that only made the masculinity hidden in his pants harden to the state it was visible to all, and if only Pete had looked down, he would have discovered how his blushy cheeks worked on Vegas, sitting next to him. "I... I don't allow strangers to kiss me."
"You didn't like it?" the seemingly innocent question made brunet frown, biting lower, still sensitive lip gently.

Hunger again woke up in Vegas who was used to just take whatever he wanted, without asking for permission. This is how world raised him, but this boy deserved more.
"Li-liked, but we can't, right?" big, doe eyes looked into the dark pupils of the mafioso, who only raised the eyebrow in response. "Grandma said I had to respect myself and if someone wanted me, they should work for it." Boy whispered, still gently massaging swollen cheek.
"I'm not interested in anything casual, Khun, and you, it won't matter to you, but I know as soon as I get out of here this will become meaningless," next words were directed more to himself than Vegas, but he heard them and grimaced, knowing how much truth there was in them.
"What if I'm interested in you?" he asked defiantly, and Pete, surprised, laughed under his breath, shaking head in disbelief.

"Me? I have nothing to offer you, Khun Vegas. You can do better," though words were accompanied by a smile, Vegas sensed how much pain was behind them.
Confidence with which brunet said it didn't appeal to Vegas. Someone had to make other person think so badly of themselves, for them to be so sure of it, and while those two had nothing in common, Vegas hated to be aware of how little Pete thought of himself. He just hated it.
"I should decide that, don't you think, Pete? But you're right, it's too early for kisses, we should start with dinner, or a walk, or..." with each single word doe's eyes got bigger and shinier.

"Or from my compensation for running you over," trembling voice disturbed Vegas.
"I don't know who did this to you, but I will find out, and I'll get rid of them. There is always a place at the bottom of the sea," Vegas muttered, but when Pete leaned closer, trying to hear his words, he smiled, charmed by dimples and said louder. "If that's what you want,"
Still under a spell created by Pete, Vegas allowed himself to feel the brunet's lips on him one last time, but this time it was his thumb running over the softness, stroking them gently, and not thirsty mouth.

"Could we write a deal?" the sudden request did not satisfy Vegas.
Mafioso never wanted a business relationship between them, but Pete behaved like a trapped doe, and although the only thing Vegas thought about was tying him to bed and showing how much he was worth, this time, contrary to his character, Vegas decided to be patient.
Like a horse whisperer, he decided to persuade the boy sitting in front, until Pete will come to him, fawning and rubbing against him, begging to take his slim body on the lap and...

Only immersing in an ice-water-filled tub could save Vegas from being completely incinerated.
"Of course, I'm a businessman after all. My lawyer will come tomorrow. Until I'm fully recovered, you should live in my house. Who will help if I suddenly need something in the middle of the night, right?" the riddiculous excuse easily came out of his mouth, making Pete pale.
"I guess you're right," brunet admitted hesitantly, though something in the back of his head warned him into stepping to lion's den. Pete ignored all fears, promising to help and take responsibility for his actions, but leave when things were back to normal. "Agree, Khun Vegas."
"Wonderful," slipped from the broadly smiling lips, and a strange shiver ran down Pete's back, as if the boy had put chains on himself with one, small statement. He quickly stood up, sitting down in the chair opposite bed, suddenly needing distance from the mysterious man.

What are we thinking? Do we like it? I wanted innocent Pete here, he will be innocent and clumsy and I think this may be a de@thly combination, especially for poor Vegas, who just want to take him to his bed and show him paradise, but not so soon, Vegas! Fight for him!

Guess what day we have? It's update day!

Let's get back to clumsy Pete and cold-hearted Vegas. Hope this will make your day better!

A dead, disturbing atmosphere surrounded the men sitting at the table, who, bent over the documents, carefully read everything written inside.
All but one man who, sitting in the middle, kept his eyes on the brunet stuck in the chair, frowning his brows and whispering under breath, while looking through the papers. Black pupils slipped over boy, and the hungry gaze stopped on slightly swollen, occasionally bitten lips,
then on deep, suddenly appearing dimples, descending lower, allowing the imagination to visualize a slim chest, delicately outlined muscles, soft, slightly convex belly. Vegas felt his throat going dry as he pictured himself biting Pete's sensitive skin, marking it as his own.
"Don't look at me like that, Khun," a blush spilled over Pete's face, and now focused on the mafioso's gaze, he squeezed the papers tighter, holding them to closely to his chest. "I can't read and understand it all when you do that! Look down or turn to the window, sir,"
Everyone's eyes went from one to another, and while Vegas didn't like being the center of attention, adapted to link such behavior with making himself easier to attack, he smiled broadly, making afraid of his authority employees, amazed, even wink in disbelief at the rare sight.
"I admire the beautiful view," Vegas muttered hoarsely, devouring the blush with hungry eyes, causing Pete to fidget in chair, trying to hide how much the mafioso's words affected his body. How strongly every little fiber inside reacted to a simple complement spoken by the devil.
"Khun! If you want to see the views, turn around. The window behind you shows more than what's in front of you right now," a grimace of displeasure contorted Pete's face, who raised the papers higher, trying to hide behind them. "An adult can't behave professionally, really."
The grumbling only led to a wider stretch of Vegas's mouth and a low chuckle coming from the middle of his chest, sounding more like a growl than a laugh. Though Pete tried to hide it, the unusual impression made something inside him ignite, spilling fire all over burning veins.
"Sir, if all is correct, please sign the last page. We'll take care of the rest," the lawyer assured, trying to give the meeting a more official tone. "As requested, the end date of the contract is entered as the moment when our client will regain full functionality in the hand."
"On third page there is a note from the doctor who appointed two months for recovery, but we did not write a specific date. After that time, everything will return to normal and you, sir, will be able to return to your life." he added, explaining everything for the third time.
"Normal," Pete repeated after him, feeling a strange bitterness gather in his mouth. "Yes, of course! Everything looks great... I mean, correctly." He added, signing at the designated place and, smiling broadly, handed the slightly crumpled documents to the man with the suitcase.
"Normality will be you staying here forever," Vegas whispered under his breath, but no one heard his words. "Wonderful," he added louder, drawing attention. "Now let's deal with what is important. Your bedroom." Smirk appeared on his face as he winked at Pete. "All can leave."
The noise of chairs pushing back and people going outside filled the space for a brief moment, until the only people who left in the room were Pete and Vegas, gazing at each other, observing every little move. Mafioso with insatiable hunger, and a brunet knowing onlt innocence.
"Great, now you are my employer, perfect. Let's go," embarrassed Pete broke the silence as he rose and headed for the door, but before he reached it, brunet tripped over the bent carpet and, while screaming, he felt the floor fastly and dangerously approaching his shocked face.
Strong hands grabbed the thick sweatshirt, lifting brunet before he hit the ground and, taking the opportunity to hug his back to chest, Vegas rubbed his shoulders against Pete, letting fingers tighten on small, tiny waist, leaving mark on them, but only for that brief moment.
"Clumsy," Vegas murmured, pressing lips to sensitive part of ear until hot shivers ran down brunet's body.

"Let me go!" faster breathing and loud heartbeat told mafioso everything he wanted to know, so he stepped back, but before, Vegas pressed soft body to himself last time.
Confused, still feeling strong but slender fingers on himself, Pete took two unsteady, drunkenly steps forward, slightly tilting his head back just to quickly look into the man's confident face until he felt his body hit the closed, wooden door, flattening on them like a pancake.
"Damn!" slipped out as Vegas snorted with laughter, unable to hide his amusement from the view. "It's really not that funny," red had settled on Pete's cheeks permanently as they left the office and calmly walked upstairs, crossing the hallway to the last door on the left.
"Your bedroom," the inviting hand pointed toward the room, causing Pete to quicken his pace, curiously opening the door and entering the large room colored in light blue, reminding him of a summer sky. Fresh, manly fragrance filled the lungs, making him feel safe and cosy.
Enchanted, Pete slowly moved from corner to corner, looking at handmade furnitures, comfortable armchairs, and large bed in the middle of the room. In love with the place, Pete looked towards Vegas, eyes flickering in the light of the lamps, like stars, taking man's breath away.

"I'm glad you like it," Vegas admitted, sticking hands deep into pockets as he tried to stop himself from throwing Pete on bed and taking him in fluffy pillows.

"And where is your bedroom, Veg... I mean, Khun," the boy asked, noticing two pairs of doors inside.
Instead of answering, mafioso crossed the room, stopping at one of the entrances.

"Right next to yours, babe"

Shock took its toll on the brunet's innocent face, opening his mouth widely, making eyes flash in disbelief as Vegas threw Pete one last smirk before closing the door.

Aaaand what do we think???? What will happen???? Do you enjoy the story? Do we like this Pete and Vegas????? πŸ’™πŸ₯ΊπŸ’™πŸ₯Ί I adore them!

See you all on monday!
Late Monday update!πŸ’™πŸ–€

I feel asleep, this period is kiIIing me so much😭 Have fun!

Bright morning came much sooner than Pete expected, causing sleepy, still yawning man, barely able to see, to walk unsteadily through the bedroom, opening the first door he came across.
Naked body, covered only with colorful boxers, stretched when brunet lifted his hands up, allowing the muscles to wake up as well. Pupils, still half open, darted around darkened room, not recognizing it.

"Good morning to me," a gruff tone reached the boy, waking him completely.
Embarrassment flushed the pale cheeks of Pete, who, realizing his nakedness, quickly tried to cover himself, took a hesitant step back, hooked one of legs and fell on bum, groaning in pain. Strong hand grabbed his shoulders, lifting him up, when loud sigh spread over the space.
"I wish you wouldn't hurt yourself, focus more on me now," the laugh-filled voice pleaded, making Pete slap Vegas across the chest, red to the tips of his ears. "Are you okey?"

A warm hand slid from the naked back to the barely covered ass, gently stroking the sensitive place.
Time stopped for a moment as they both stared at each other, unable to look away, until fingers gripped his buttock tighter, making Pete jump, hissing in pain.

"Ouch!" slipped out, when Pete with difficulty moved away from Vegas, accidentally pushing his injured hand.
Not seeing the contortion on his face, brunet began to massage sore spot. "How did you get here?"

The question surprised the mafioso, who looked around the room, then gazed at a scowling Pete.

"I live here, and this is where I sleep. You do realize we're in my bedroom, right?"
"Yeah, of course! You just surprised me a little bit! Sorry!" Pete muttered, feeling his cheeks, not only those below, burn. "I'll better go back to my place," he added after a moment, slowly backing to the ajar door, as of he was a prey trying to run away from the hungry beast.
As the doorway closed, Vegas was able to finally breath properly, sighing and clenching his throbbing hand, dissatisfied with the stiffness that had just filled his pants. He quickly headed to bathroom, recalling the softness and weight of the buttocks he touched a moment ago.
"This guy will kill me someday," he growled under breath, pulling pants down and, with image of Pete's naked body in head, squeezed gel into palm before closing not hurt fingers tightly around his manhood, dissatisfied that there were no full, tantalizing lips of brunet instead.
In the opposite room, fastly-dressing Pete, glancing from time to time at the door behind, hiding the reason for his accelerated heart beat and unsteady breath, tried to calm down by controlling troubled thoughts and forget the constant feeling of those fingers on bruised ass.
"It's nothing serious, just man touching other man butt. Things like this happen, right? He wanted to help, so he started to massage it," Pete told himself as he walked from corner to corner, until hunger, demanding to be satisfied, interrupted the litany with a loud growl.


Sorry guys, it's shorter update but my tummy is just not letting me live normally! This is maming me maaad 😀

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Mar 20, 2023
VP AU OneShot: I Will Consume You, Until You Become a Dust Floating On The Air

After their first night, something wakes up in both men.

Vegas is hungry.
Pete looks delicious.
There is a bathtub and wine.
And need π˜π—Ό π—Όπ˜„π—».

#VegasPeteStory #VegasPeteau #vegaspete #BIBLEBUILD
Tags: One Shot, completed, Vegas and Pete after first night, date in bathtub, need to own, smut, dark, toxic, obsession, all of you belongs to me, Vegas feels love, Pete is confused, they want themselves and hate this feeling, it's short but I have period so accept it, just them.
This is an old one-shot, but I never posted it. I'm not sure why. Maybe I thought it was too short? Anyway, enjoy!

Let me spoil my readers from Twitter a little bit! Every comment is welcomed, I love reading what you think, even when you do not like it. Please, just be kind!πŸ’™πŸ«‚
Read 35 tweets
Mar 19, 2023
A short thread of Biu sticking out his tongue photos because my tummy hurts, and I need it to be able to breathe normally today 😫

Blood Donation with Build Jakapan #buildjakapan #Beyourluve #BuildisLuved ImageImage
Babydoll, showing how it should be done! ImageImage
So handsome, with alluring tongue snippet 🀯 ImageImage
Read 26 tweets
Mar 19, 2023
"No, I'm sorry!" Tankhun silenced me, wiping my moist cheeks. "I just want your happiness, Pete!" he added, embracing me tighter. "I shouldn't lie, I'm so sorry..."

"I know you meant good for me,"

#VegasPeteStory #VegasPeteau #vegaspete #BibleWichapas #BuildJakapan #BIBLEBUILD Image
If you wish to support me, here is link:
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Mar 14, 2023
VP AU: Those Lips Taste Like The Finest Cherries, BabyDoll

Pete and Kinn have business marriage. Kinn is openly cheating on Pete, making others laugh at him behind his back. Pete asks Vegas for help in revenge.

#vegaspete #vegaspeteau #buildjakapan #biblewichapas #biblebuild
Pete is in unhappy marriage with Kinn, which was forcefully taken because of a business deal. His husband is constantly cheating on him with his lover, Porsche, making Pete a laughingstock of the town, until Pete decides to fight back and show who truly is a boss here.
Pete asks his friend, Vegas, to fake relationship, but by it, he brings back an old story of their drunken, filled with sex, night. 'Pretending' soon changes into uncontrollable, burning them passion.

What will Pete choose, his feelings or fortune?

But then someone dies...
Read 52 tweets

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