2/ The FLAME trial was 2 parallel prospective registries of high risk PE patients at 11 US hospitals. All patients had hypotension or arrest.
One arm (n=53) included pts treated with Flowtriever large bore embolectomy.
Pts in “context” arm (n=61) treated with other therapies
3/ There were few exclusion criteria so the aim was to enroll a very sick population.
Each arm was compared to historical benchmark of the primary endpoints that was derived through an observational SRMA that was recently published @MyJSCAI :
4/ Patients in both arms were very ill. Advanced @SCAI shock class C or worse in about 75% of Flowtriever arm and 90% of context arm.
5/ In the context arm, approx 70% of patients received systemic TPA. This is not surprising as this currently has the strongest guideline recc in this population.
Very few patients in either arm received mechanical circulatory support.
6/ In hospital mortality was as follows:
Flowtriever arm: 2%
Context arm (largely TPA): 30%
Historical benchmark from SRMA above: 29%
Other relevant endpoints are below
7/ Main takeaways:
1) We can do prospective studies of high risk PE patients!
2) Systemic TPA shouldn’t be algorithmically used in this population as a primary txment.
3) PERT teams can select appropriate pts for large bore embolectomy- and this approach has great results!
🧵 Many “hot takes” about the reduction of @NIH indirect grant costs to 15%.
Let’s lay out the facts about the university grant management process & accounting. And then use this to project likely short and longer term impacts of the policy.
2/ NIH grants are awarded based on “direct costs”. These are carefully accounted for with any $ not used for these purposes returned to @NIH by statute.
“Indirect costs” consist of “facility related” and “admin related” costs. “Indirects” are often called “F&A”.
3/ Indirect percentages do NOT represent total overhead as they are applied to direct costs.
So for grant with 1M direct costs at a university that gets 60% indirects, the total indirect costs received is 600K
Thus 60% indirect = 0.6/1.6 = 37.5% total overhead costs.
1/ THREAD Is @ABIMFoundation Interventional Cardiology (IC) board certification associated with improved outcomes after PCI? Latest study from all-star cardiovascular and @PennLDI fellow Sameed Khatana in @CircIntv investigates: ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CI…
2/ Sameed used data from the NY state PCI registry crosslinked with info from @doximity and other publicly available sources to see if the following MD characteristics were associated with better outcomes after PCI...
3/ Years since Fellowship Graduation
International vs US Medical Graduate
Graduation from US News Top 25 Med School
IC Board Certification
Participation In @ABIMFoundation Maintenance of Certification Program