1) What we know for sure so far about Chinese election meddling:
Pierre Poilievre took tens of thousands of dollars from China to travel to Taiwan with his girlfriend.
Erin O'Toole hired the former Huawei CEO to run his election campaign.
2) CPC Senators Victor Oh, Don Plett and Leo Housakos recieved ethics violations and condemnation for secretly and covertly taking undeclared exotic vacations from China.
Chinese businessman Yi Wei Cheng gave thousands of dollars to Ontario CPC constituency offices
3) Chinese developer Ted Zhou formed 10 non-profit organizations to help cpc candidates.
Pierre Poilievre declared that as minister responsible for securing our elections said he didn't do anything because China wasn't helping him.
4) Andrew Scheer, Sean Hu and the Conservative party lead a fake news campaign written in 3 chinese languages tailored to the Chinese-Canadian community
Pierre Poilievre might not like what the commission discovers about Chinese election meddling.
Looky, looky, Michael Cooper took money from China for vacation.
6) Pierre Poilievre knew in 2006 when the Chinese Canadian Community warned him in committee about China's interference. He he did nothing.
8) Former CSIS director Ward Elcock says the leaks are not coming from CSIS as the Globe suggests.
It is more likely to be a distraction from something else in the news cycle. #NaziGate
Overcoming Pierre Poilievre's stochastic terrorism to win the election will require a multi-faceted approach.
Here are some potential strategies for Canadians to consider:
2) Focus on the issues: Instead of getting caught up in the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism, redirect the focus of the campaign to the real issues that matter to the voters. This could include discussing policies, plans, & platforms that address the concerns of the electorate.
3) Build a strong and positive campaign: Counteract the fear and divisiveness of stochastic terrorism by running a positive and uplifting campaign that focuses on building a better future for the community. Emphasize unity, hope, and progress.
Thread 1) " Canada has been for the first time ever the # 1 best country in the world during 2020 and 2021, dropped slightly to # 3 in 2022, and increased back up to # 2 in 2023.
2) Canada has had the # 1 best quality of life of all countries in the world for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021, and dropped slightly to # 3 in 2022. (2023 ranking not done yet).
3) Canada currently has the #1 best reputation of all countries in the world for overall positive influence.
1) Thread:
I asked AI why Pierre Poilievre would be a bad Prime Minister:
1. Lack of experience in leadership roles 2. Flawed economic policies 3. Questionable judgment on controversial issues 4. Inability to unite diverse groups of people
2) 5. Lack of foreign policy expertise 6. History of making divisive and inflammatory remarks 7. Unwillingness to listen to opposing viewpoints 8. Tendency to prioritize personal interests over public good 9. Inconsistent stance on important social issues
3) 10. Unwillingness to compromise or seek consensus 11. Lack of empathy and understanding of diverse communities 12. Inability to build strong diplomatic relationships 13. Unwillingness to address systemic inequalities 14. History of undermining democratic institutions
@Roman_Baber 1)🧵Let's focus on what we do know:
Top CSIS intelligence officer just testified that Pierre Poilievre's former cpc PM steve harper was compromised by China and operatives had access to affect his decision. This gave Canadians...
@Roman_Baber 2) The lopsided 31-year inescapable secret Chinese trade deal FIPA
The Chinese militay Cooperation Agreement where China's PLA would be trained by our military on Canadian soil
Customs & border activity sharing agreement.
China used this to pursue dissenters in Canada.
@Roman_Baber 3)Pierre Poilievre took tens of thousands of dollars from China to travel to Taiwan with his girlfriend, now his wife.
@BrianJeanAB 1) @BrianJeanAB
Nobody has done more to harm Alberta's oil and gas industry than Alberta's UCP Conservative 💩 government.
@BrianJeanAB 2) These are just some countries, companies & royalty that have abandoned the Alberta oilfields because of the Alberta Conservative UCP's 💩 anti-climate policies and irresponsible war room rhetoric.
@BrianJeanAB 3) Norway abandoned Alberta and has moved their investments to Newfoundland's Bay Du Nord offshore oil project that was approved by the Liberal government.
@NChartierET@adamchamb 1) CONTEXT.
Canada's GDP under this LIBERAL🇨🇦GOVERNMENT was higher during this once in a century pandemic & economic crisis (Excluding April May and barely June 2020) than the best months of your idu cpc Conservative government's entire decade of darkness.