During #JBIMethodology Month we’ll be sharing a series of #MethodsInAMinute tweetorials. We’ll begin with key points on Umbrella Reviews by A/Prof Edoardo Aromataris 👇
With the ever-increasing number of systematic reviews & research syntheses available to inform topics in healthcare, SRs of existing reviews, or umbrella reviews, are increasingly being conducted to summarise a broad scope of issues related to a given topic.
An umbrella review is also ideal in highlighting if the evidence base around a topic or question is consistent or if contradictory or discrepant findings exist, and in exploring and detailing the reasons why.
Whether they are called umbrella reviews, overviews of reviews, reviews of reviews, a summary of systematic reviews or a synthesis of reviews, they all have the same defining feature: a systematic review is the main and often sole ‘study type’ that is considered for inclusion.
Umbrella reviews also make great ‘rapid reviews’ - go to the ‘best’ available evidence to summarise the topic quickly and efficiently!
An umbrella review may include almost any other type of systematic review – it just depends on the question that is being addressed. The umbrella review will emulate the same mnemonic, PICO or PEO or PICo, that is appropriate for the question of the review.
There are databases and repositories that index systematic reviews and are worth including in the sources to search – try @epistemonikos or @KSREvidence
Some manuscripts that identify as ‘systematic reviews’ don’t match the requirements for conduct of JBI and other synthesis organisations, nor the #PRISMA reporting requirements.
Preparing a tool with decision rules during your protocol preparation to aid study selection is worth the effort and will help maintain transparency.
There are many tools available to appraise your included reviews and can be applied to almost any type of review. AMSTAR, AMSTAR 2, ROBIS and the JBI tool are all frequently used by umbrella review authors. jbi.global/critical-appra…
When including multiple reviews addressing the same topic, they often include the same primary studies. This overlap needs to be tracked/accounted for.
The corrected coverage area is a useful way to quantify the extent of overlap in an umbrella review. More: doi.org/10.1016/j.jcli…
Umbrella reviews may use different methods to synthesise the results. The aim of the JBI Umbrella Review is to present a summary of existing research syntheses relevant to a particular topic or question and not any further ‘meta-analysis’ of the results of these publications.
JBI’s approach to evidence-based healthcare is unique. JBI considers #EBHC as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of healthcare practices. Read below to learn more about the JBI Model of EBHC.
The inner circle represents the pebble of knowledge while the inner wedges provide JBI’s conceptualisation of the steps involved in the process of achieving an evidence-based approach to clinical decision-making.
The outer wedges operationalise the component parts of the Model and articulate how they might be actioned in a pragmatic way. The arrows indicate that the flow can be bi-directional.
The latest issue of the JBI Evidence Synthesis journal is out now and includes THREE diverse evidence syntheses, each employing a different #JBIMethodology.
A qualitative systematic review aims to identify, critically appraise, and synthesise the available evidence on the experiences of people with progressive memory disorders who are involved in non-pharmacological interventions: journals.lww.com/jbisrir/Abstra…
Qualitative methods & data are increasing in usage in #EBHC research. Instead of quantifying or statistically portraying the data or findings, qualitative research focuses on individuals & gives voice to the patient/client or provider in the healthcare decision-making process.
The latest issue of the JBI Evidence Synthesis journal is out now and includes THREE diverse evidence syntheses, each employing a different #JBIMethodology.
The featured systematic review is a review of etiology and risk which examines the rates of 3 harms of interest in remote communities where alcohol restriction policies are in place for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: journals.lww.com/jbisrir/Fullte…
Systematic reviews of etiology & risk factors assess the relationship (association) between certain factors (whether genetic or environmental for example) and the development of a disease or condition or other health outcome.
JBI’s approach to evidence-based healthcare is unique. JBI considers #EBHC as decision-making that considers the feasibility, appropriateness, meaningfulness and effectiveness (FAME) of healthcare practices. Read below to learn more about the JBI Model of EBHC.
The inner circle represents the pebble of knowledge while the inner wedges provide JBI’s conceptualization of the steps involved in the process of achieving an evidence-based approach to clinical decision making.
The outer wedges operationalize the component parts of the Model and articulate how they might be actioned in a pragmatic way. The arrows indicate that the flow can be bi-directional.
Developing a comprehensive search strategy is crucial when conducting a systematic review but can be a difficult and time-consuming process. Using visual aids can be of great assistance when formulating your search strategy.
Creating a Concept Map helps to develop a comprehensive search strategy and provides you with a visual image of your research topic.
A concept map contains a main topic idea in the centre of the map with other aspects of your topic surrounding it (keywords), alternative terminology (keywords) to describe your topic for each keyword & illustrates relationships of the various aspects of your topic to each other.