Hong Kong, where things got iffy for a while, has done a complete about-face, and is now a unwavering bulwark of support for the Xi personality cult.
The "democratic" aspect of Xi's mandate, in which he won every vote, has resonated strongly with the hopes and dreams of China's national minorities.
(Tibet, Guizhou, Sichuan, Ningxia)
Not only did Xi Jinping win every vote inside the closeted congress, but according to CCTV's roving camera crews, he got unanimous, glowing, adoring, enthusiastic support of EVERY person interviewed.
What's the magic juice? Why can't Western democracies produce unanimity like this?
And it's not just the hand-picked delegates, actual real people from different walks of life all agree...Chairman Xi is the best, the brightest and the most visionary visionary ever.
Back to the delegates who ardently and unanimously "elected" Xi, they are modest, yet deeply proud to have correctly represented the will of the whole Chinese people. (enthusiasm fueled by spirit of the 20th party congress)
It' s not just men in suits, either. How about that scarf?
Or the Bill Gates look, jacket but no tie?
Fascism is no impediment to fashion.
If you think the political puppets gathered at the Great Hall were effusive in their unanimous praise for Xi, you should hear the military.
(They're ready to kill and die for the paramount leader)
Back to the top of the news and the big story of the day. Suffice to say, the applause was deafening.
As if the thundering cadence of 3000 delegates clapping wasn't enough, Xi clapped for himself.
At least one Tibetan monk, or a man wearing monk's clothing, can be seen in the adoring crowd.
Move over Dalai; Xi is the new wise man.
Time for a little victory strut in the end zone. The choreographed congress has been a red-carpeted cake walk for the one pre-destined to succeed.
The new line-up looks really promising...
...for those enlightened souls infused with the spirit of the 20th party congress.
(Sorry Hu Jintao. You're history)
A recap: the historic moment when Xi Jinping voted for himself--thus making the results unanimous--resulted in resounding applause.
Xi may look dour, sour and unassuming, but he's a big deal in China. The first name in the news, the first in everything really, the characters XI JIN PING get an extra large font, just because.
Dress code for the inclusive puppet theatre of the Great Hall versus everyday casual wear.
CCTV's art of persuasion analyzed:
-Find an attractive, pliant person to repeat fixed phrases of praise for Xi.
-Then edit in random scenes of breath-taking beauty.
-Rinse and repeat
-That's it!
You've just convinced another million TV viewers that Xi Jinping owns China.
Another time-tested technique is the Potemkin interview. Here, a model minority who loves Xi and loves to smile while toiling in the fields.
"When Xi was elected, we were all so excited, so extremely happy! Thanks to the Chairman, we are no longer wearing our "poverty hats."
The military interview is also a public relations bonanza.
First, stage a relaxed, natural conversation with a man in uniform. Praise for Xi and the party follow and flow naturally.
Then run some stock footage to remind viewers that these men so loyal to Xi are professional killers.
Time-permitting, show the men in uniform clapping uniformly every time Xi shows up on TV
After a long round of applause for the pixels on the TV screen, the iron men are often exhausted, but resolutely maintain discipline for the cameras.
The soldiers are but shadow puppets in Xi's big production.
Today's "international" news segment is brief:
Vietnam joins Russia, North Korea, Serbia, Cuba, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan in rejoicing at the thundering unanimous endorsement of Xi Jinping for yet another term.
Let us close today's program with some arty and attractive shots of tractors tilling and plowing the rich, patriotic soil of the motherland.
During this time of trouble, the restive populace is sure to be calmed by this new publication highlighting Xi Jinping's penetrating insights into high-level science
Yet another publication by the world's greatest freelance writer:
Xi Jinping Thought on Strong Military
Why read it once when you can read it three times?
The next ten minutes is devoted to some reassuring, inspirational shots of Xi Jinping who has total control of the military and wants the world to know it.
Patrick Chovanec, a consultant at Silvercrest Asset Mgmt has done some China virtue-signaling by compiling photos about the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations, an event he evidently knows little about.
(a thread)
To do this, he compiled over a dozen of my photos on his blog , and when I brought this to his attention, he made no effort to credit the photos or reveal where he got them from. patrickchovanec.com/about/
Some of the photos now have a life of their own on the internet, including the above photo, (caption by Chovanec) which has been used by conspiratorial pro-China bloggers as proof of a "color revolution."
A political bible with quasi-religious overtones is unveiled like a holy relic.
A book by Xi Jinping! In English!
CCTV news shows the entire table of contents
Wow. It sure looks like a gripping read. Find a comfy chair, put the kettle on and settle for a long enlightening read.
China state TV doubles down on dubious Russia claims about "secret" US bio-labs in Ukraine.
(from May 26 Xinwen Lianbo)
Anchor Li Zimeng couches the accusations in the language of Russia's Defense Ministry, but the CCTV editors like the story enough for it to get major airtime.
The Russia Defense Ministry, solid architectural monolith that it is, is portrayed as a presumably authoritative source.
Read all about it! Top of the news! Yet another much-heralded publication by the indefatigable freelance writer Xi Jinping, whose excessive narcissism is nicely balanced with pictures of himself.
Up next, a nostalgic look back to 2017 when this man was laying the foundation of today's greatness.
Among many, many other incredible, almost super-human accomplishments, he created a city out of dust.