Participate in the virtual Redistricting Analysis Forum - March 13 at 6 PM; or at least provide input to the survey
Over 50 participating tonight (excluding the "presentation group") #rdac0313
The Story Map outlines the case for redistricting and the three options:
multiple brief interruptions with an internet troll drawing on the whiteboard. user removed, screen cleared; presentation resumes; interrupted again by some other misbehaving individuals #rdac0313
review of the three options by Ashley from AppGeo - all details shared come directly from the storymap shared earlier #rdac0313
Clarification questions on this or that aspect of the process, redistricting; timeline for this remains to be determined - key depending upon what option is chosen; #rdac0313
School Committee decision is expected in April/May and depending upon the decision, the implementation timeline would be part of that announcement #rdac0313
Reminder that the survey is open until March 15 (yes, Wednesday) - The Survey facilitates your feedback on the three options:
The "master facilities plan" is a deeper dive than this group is chartered with. Not to be confused with the Town 'Master Plan'. The schools determined their needs and space requirements. The Town provides a top level of funding and the schools do the rest #rdac0313
question/comment on the busing policy that 'seems to be benefiting the busing company and not the students' #rdac0313
Getting ready to live report on the Joint Budget Subcommittee meeting about to begin at 7 PM tonight #jbsc0308 agenda doc with budget narrative…
One missing from the full joint subcommittee tonight, 4 Councilors, 4 from FinCom and 3 from SchCmte #jbsc0308
Point of the joint subcommittee is to collaborate on the budget and the aspects/nuances within the entirety of the town and schools budget #jbsc0308
The first Redistricting Analysis Advisory Committee forum to update the community on the options under review is happening now. Being video and audio recorded by Franklin TV, as well as
Additional slides/photos captured (will be put into one album) #rdac0307 Al Charles (Sch Cmte) provides input
Slipping into the Town Council meeting in progress (started at 7 PM) #tc0301
Next up Bylaw Amendment 23-892: A Bylaw to Amend the Code of the Town of Franklin at Chapter 82, Fees, Municipal Service - Second Reading (Motion to Approve Bylaw Amendment 23-892 - Majority Vote) moved, second, vote on the ambulance rates 8-0-1 (1 absent)
Resolution 23-22: Cable Funds in Support of PEG Service and Programming per MGL Ch. 44, §53F3/4 (Motion to Approve Resolution 23-22 - Majority moved, second, passes 8-0-1 (1 absent)
Getting ready to live report on the School Committee budget subcommittee meeting about to begin at 6:30 PM #scbsc0301
Meeting being recorded, 2 members of subcommittee present, #scbsc0301 prior meeting minutes approved 2-0 vote
Budget development anchored in the overall goals; budget should speak in support of the goals, quality curriculum, engaging, rigorous #scbsc0301 target to provide budget draft at Mar 14 meeting