Firsttensor is the 1st Bittensor Validator powered by the people.
Step into the world's most innovative AI universe with Firsttensor and unlock limitless possibilities. Be part of our journey towards an exciting future.
By using the Firsttensor Validator, you can stake your $TAO tokens to earn the highest APR possible / gain access to our fine-tuned models / receive 50% of our Validator rewards!
2 - The Goal
Our goal is to become the leading Validator in terms of benefits for our delegators, starting from the max APR to mining TAO with and for our delegators!
3 - Why Neurons?
In order to achieve our goal, we're providing Neurons to our delegators to ensure our long-term position at the top of Bittensor's Validator rankings.
4 - Funding
By providing Neurons to our community, we can raise capital (TAO) and offer benefits to our holders. This approach can establish a mutually beneficial relationship between both parties.
5 - Maximum APR
☑️Non-Neuron delegators = 3% tax return / increasing to 4% if they stake their TAO for more than 3 months.
For Neuron holder delegators, the benefits are even greater:
✅1 neuron = 5% tax return
✅2 neurons = 10% tax return
✅3 neurons = Full tax return (17.99%)
6 - Top 100 Neuron holders
✅Free access to fine-tuned models customized by Firsttensor.
✅50% of the Validator rewards split between them.
✅Free access to our future AI tools built on Bittensor.
7 - Long term vision
By mining TAO and building innovative AI tools on the Bittensor network, we aim to create value not just for our delegators but for the entire community of the network.
8 - Staying at the top
TAO rewards from mining and from all delegators that will stake $TAO with us will fully go to the Firsttensor Validator to sustain our top position for the long run and to increase the rewards for our early delegators.
Inspired by Bittensor network, the Neural Cluster contains a collection of 4096 Neurons. Their main purpose is to fund our Validator and to separate the holders from non-holders.
Each Neuron has the ability to bring a higher APR to their owner for life.
By owning a minimum of 3 Neurons, the owner is eligible to receive the maximum APR. This is similar to running a Validator on your own, without incurring the specific costs associated with running a node.
Furthermore, the Top 100 holders will have the opportunity to both receive 50% of the Validator's profits based on the number of Neurons they own and have access to our fine-tuned models (allowing them to mine TAO).