3/Keep reading to:
▶️Understand the periprocedural TAVR complications
▶️Appreciate the prevalence of TAVR complications
▶️Recognize the late complications of TAVR
4/First, how do you feel about your understanding of the common and less common complications of TAVR?
5/Let’s jump right into the “Big 5” periprocedural complications coined by Eberhard Grube and Jan-Malte Sinning that plague the TAVR procedure:
1️⃣paravalvular leak (PVL)
5️⃣conduction disturbances jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…
6/Let’s make the “Big 5” less intimidating by breaking each down one by one:
Any amount of PVL occurs in about 70% of cases
▶️during deployment, the TAVR valve expands against the calcified native aortic valve
7/▶️the calcified valve is helpful to anchor the TAVR valve, but can prevent proper sealing of the valve➡️leakage
Original trials had moderate-severe PVL in up to 24%
With newer valves (more pronounced "skirts" to mitigate leak) and more operator experience incidence is <2%
▶️utilizing arteries and veins & manipulating catheters➡️⬆️risk of bleeding 🩸and vascular complications
▶️incidence of🩸has improved over time with recent TVT registry data showing ⬇️ risk from 5.5% in 2012/13 to 2.93% in 2019 jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…
▶️Catheters in the heart & aorta ➡️ ⬆️ risk of throwing a clot into the brain
▶️valve deployment causes calcium debris to break off of the native valve➡️brain
▶️30-day stroke risk ranges 2-5%
👉stroke risk has decreased over time rb.gy/y7en5w
▶️incidence of AKI (stage I-III) after TAVR is ~20%
🤔 I wonder why kidney injury is so common in TAVR?!
▶️contrast use
▶️periods of extreme hypotension (ex. during valve deployment)
▶️large catheters in the aorta ➡️ cholesterol emboli
12/5️⃣conduction disturbances
▶️conduction system traverses the membranous septum right under the aortic annulus
▶️valve expansion can lead to compression of the conduction system
▶️can lead to LBBB (4-65%), AF (6.3-7.2%), and high-degree AV block jacc.org/doi/abs/10.101…
13/mechanical complications:
💥annular rupture(.4-1%)
💥valve embolization(<1%)
💥ventricular perforation(1%)
💥aortic dissection(0.2%)
💥VSD(20 cases from 2002-15)
💥intracardiac shunts(0.5%)
💥coronary obstruction(<1% in native TAVRs, 2.5-3.5% in valve in valve)
💥suicide LV
15/ Ok, so we made it through TAVR with no complications. We're cleared!!🙌
Long-term complications can be categorized as bioprosthetic valve dysfunction (BVD)
1️⃣Non-structural etiologies
2️⃣Structural etiologies jacc.org/doi/10.1016/j.…
16/Nonstructural 🟰 hemodynamic valve dysfunction not intrinsic to the valve
These include:
▶️PVL (see tweet #6)
▶️patient prosthesis mismatch (PPM): effective orifice area of the valve is too small in relation to the patient's body
17/Structural causes include:
▶️leaflet wear and tear
▶️flail leaflet
▶️leaflet fibrosis and/or calcification and thickening
▶️strut or stent fracture
▶️endocarditis (0.3 to 2 per 100 person-years)
18/Thrombosis is classified as either clinical or subclinical leaflet thrombosis
▶️clinical leaflet thrombosis occurs in 0.5% as ⬆️ gradients & recurrent symptoms
▶️subclinical leaflet thrombosis has been reported in 10-15% of TAVRs and has no symptoms
19/Let's make sure you learned something.
I feel comfortable with my understanding of the complications of TAVR and what to keep in mind for our post-op TAVR pts?
The #WorldCup2022 ⚽️ finals are set 🇦🇷vs🇫🇷 & is just a few days away, but don't forget about Christian Erikson 🇩🇰 and what happened to his heart in June of 2021.
We will talk about:
⚡️Global incidence of SCD and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) in the general and athlete populations
⚡️Etiologies implicated in SCD/SCA
⚡️If and how we can prevent SCD/SCA
How do you feel about the following statement:
I feel comfortable with my knowledge of sudden cardiac death in athletes and the role prevention plays