Muni is one who can agitate his mind in various ways for mental speculation without coming to a factual description.
And from where does this mental speculation come from?Answer is Introspection(अन्तर्दर्शन).
Maunam acarati iti muni (मौनं आचरति इति मुनिः) - One who maintains
the vow of silence to prevent distraction during his penance (Tapas).
𝟐. 𝐑𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢 (ऋषि)- In Vedas,the word denotes an inspired poet of Vedic hymns, who alone or with others invokes the Deities with poetry.Rishi is a title which is given to the one who knows
⤵️ #BharataKiBaat
everything about Shaastras and the science (विज्ञान) behind it.
This is the reason why आर्ष वाक्य (sentences spoken by Rishis) are considered to be the utmost truth. One can call Rishis as ancient scientists who developed Shaastras like Yoga and others.
रुद्राक्ष यानि रुद्र+अक्ष,रुद्र अर्थात भगवान शंकर व अक्ष अर्थात आंसू।भगवान शिव के नेत्रों से जल की कुछ बूंदें भूमि पर गिरने से महान रुद्राक्ष अवतरित हुआ।भगवान शिव की आज्ञा पाकर वृक्षों पर रुद्राक्ष फलों के रूप में प्रकट हो गए। मान्यता है रुद्राक्ष अड़तीस प्रकार के हैं जिनमें
कत्थई वाले बारह प्रकार के रुद्राक्षों की उत्पत्ति सूर्य के नेत्रों से, श्वेतवर्ण के सोलह प्रकार के रुद्राक्षों की उत्पत्ति चन्द्रमा के नेत्रों से तथा कृष्ण वर्ण वाले दस प्रकार के रुद्राक्षों की उत्पत्ति अग्नि के नेत्रों से होती है। आइए जानें रुद्राक्षों के दिव्य तेज से आप
कैसे दुखों से मुक्ति पा कर सुखमय जीवन जीते हुए शिव कृपा पा सकते हैं।
यथा च दृश्यते लोके रुद्राक्ष: फलद: शुभ:।
न तथा दृश्यते अन्या च मालिका परमेश्वरि:।।
अर्थात संसार में रुद्राक्ष की माला की तरह अन्य कोई दूसरी माला फलदायक और शुभ नहीं है।
It is said that everything in this world is material. Besides, the outer space too is material as it consists of the fundamental units of matter like the atoms and molecules. In fact,as per the psychologists, even our abstract
mental process like thoughts,feelings and emotions are composed of basic structural & functional units.
Scientific Knowledge Vs Traditional Wisdom
Thus,materiality pervades anything and everything. Accordingly,the mainstream and conventional scientific wisdom holds that there
is nothing beyond matter, energy, space and time. Everything falls in one of these four categories or are at the most derived from one of them or from their combination. It is here that the most glaring ideological fault-line comes into existence.Many traditions,
⤵️ #BharatKiBaat
Bhāskarāchārya (1114 -1185 CE),has been called the greatest mathematician of medieval India.
He's considered the progenitor of Differential Calculus-500 years before Newton and Leibniz
Bhāskarāchārya wrote at least four mathematical #BharatKiBaat
treatises in Sanskrit.
One of them,titled Leelavati,contains many algebra-related teasers,which have become the subject of significant research by scholars.
These teasers are in the form of shlokas which pose the problems.
The shlokas need to be interpreted
The US based investment bank SVB financial group, which gave a sell report on SBI last month has defaulted and filed for bankruptcy.
Just 4 months back JP Morgan gave it 'Overweight' rating.Says a lot about the hollowness of these so called Rating and Credit agencies and
Financial Institutions.
What a joke. Best bank 3 days back. Now struggling to repay bond payments. What a gem by Forbes. SVB shares down 65% in a day.
Credit Suisse is down 65% n now trades at 2.52 CHF Barclays market cap is hardly $30 billion now.
Hindenburg missed or was not allowed to report
And the western media n brokerages are worried about strength of Indian banks n systemic risks.
Is this collapse going to affect India ? Well in this age of globalization, failure of any such institution will definitely affect
दिन और रात्रि के, रात्रि और दिन के तथा पूर्वान्ह और अपरान्ह के संधिकाल में एकाग्रचित्त होकर जो उपासना की जाती है, उसे संध्या कहते हैं।यह समय मौन रहने का भी है। इस समय के दर्शन मात्र से ही शरीर और मन के संताप मिट जाते हैं। उक्त काल में भोजन, नींद, यात्रा,
वार्तालाप और संभोग आदि का त्याग कर दिया जाता है।संध्या वंदन में 'पवित्रता' का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है।संध्या की उपासना के प्रकरण में इसके आठ अंग महत्वपूर्ण बतलाए गए हैं। उनके नाम तथा क्रम इस प्रकार हैं - प्राणायाम,मंत्र आचमन, मार्जन, अघमर्षण, सूर्यार्घ, सूर्योपस्थान, गायत्रीजप
और विसर्जन।
(१) प्राणायाम एक प्रकार का श्वास का व्यायाम है। इसके तीन अंग बतलाए हैं - पूरक, कुंभक और रेचक। पूरक करते समय दाहिने हाथ की दो अँगुलियों से नाक के बाँए छिद्र का बंद करके दाहिने छिद्र से धीरे-धीरे श्वास खींचना चाहिए।
(२) गायत्री मंत्र का जप करते रहना चाहिए। साथ ही
What do you see in this picture?
A pipeline? Looks to be a part of plumbing system? What if I say, this pipe dates back to ancient India of 2500 BC? Would you believe me?
You may not believe me.But this is what professional experts of Indus Valley
Civilization and BMAC say.
This pipe belongs to an outpost of Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) settlement in the BMAC complex. This was an outpost of traders from Lothal (in Today's Gujarat).The Indus valley civilization (2500 BC) had a complex drainage system connecting every
private house of the city.
So did the BMAC complex in the third millennium BC (Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex or the Greater Bactria region in the Northwest of ancient Indian subcontinent known in Sanskrit literature as Bāhlika.