Taxi driver from Dubai #AmritpalSingh, imported as new brand for Khalistan, is on a run. The global pro-Khalistani nexus is out in his support.
Biggest surprise?
This time the role of ‘West’ is obvious with key players from Canada, UK & US pushing anti-India propaganda.
Upon checking the tweets on Amritpal Singh and Khalistan, we found that the pro-Khalistani agenda is being espoused mainly from west i.e., Canada, USA, UK, and Australia- All safe havens for the ISI-backed Khalistani elements.
Support for the Khalistani fugitive came heavily from Canadian politicians, who stoked pro-Khalistani sentiments in the name of human rights, saving democracy in India
It's eye-openein for Sikhs how these politicians encourage bloodshed in Punjab for their petty politics
The so-called concerned Canadian MPs & accounts is visible in the copy-paste campaign, which again exposes itself as an effort of the toolkit. Various accounts @jasrajshallan
The global pro-Khalistani nexus used many hashtags in support of fugitive #AmritpalSingh including #WeStandWithAmritpalSingh. Expectedly, most of the tweets on this hashtag are also from Canada and US.
These players have also started fake accounts and trolls, found pushing #WeStandWithAmritPalSingh. Some of the accounts were used during the farmers’ protests (2020), while many accounts are created yesterday and today.
The accounts that tweeted on #WeStandWithAmritPalSingh, 1739 accounts were created between March 15-19. And the highest, 820 accounts were created on March 17 itself! This also indicates that these ‘players’ had information about the govt planning.
However, there is virtually no organic support. The network graph shows the entire Khalistani network, inter-connected and were found to be sharing each other tweets and contest to amplify the hashtag in favour of the firangi fugitive Amritpal Singh.
The Larger Picture
On the face of it, everything seems independent to each other.But it has actually been part of a larger objective of the toolkit. Key players involved in this agenda were also previously engaged in pro-Khalistan calls & denting India’s image in the past
Remember Mo Toolkit Dhaliwal?
Canada-based pro-Khalistani separatist & founder of Poetic Justice Foundation. He was behind the Greta #Toolkit that aimed to disrupt “yoga & chai” image of India during the Farmers’ protest in 2020-21.
Greta #toolkit was also promoted by (Jo Kaur) @SikhFeminist
, who is ‘concerned’ for Amritpal!
CIA in the game?!
Another die-hard Khalistani supporter @Shawn_Singh1974
claims to be working for CIA! He even has tagged CIA in his twitter bio! 😂
Not only CIA, apparently the Khalistan Intelligence and Secret Service (the dreaded KISS) has also jumped along with Canadian politicians to protect Amritpal and promote Khalistan.
Not to be left behind, new gen-disinfo warrior - Pakistan Strategic Forum (PSF) did push a propaganda. Expect more trolls to start pretending to be Sikh handles, once the Punjab internet is resumed. For now they aiding else will get exposed.
While some of the news/ analysis linking the Khalistani protests to Pakistan/ISI, one must ask how is a country itself grappling with Imran Khan type of problem can pull of this big stunt? And why would UK/Canada based players be playing ISI game?
It was also seen in case of Sikh for Justice, who not only could freely conduct an anti-India secessionist referendum in UK and Canada, but also managed to physically damage Indian Missions and targeted Indians.
While these Western govts hide behind the charade of rule of law and freedom of expression, when their own interests get in question, all these principles go for toss?!
The Canada govt had draconian measures against its own farmers last year.
Likewise, when China arrested two Canadian citizens, they meekly returned Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou in 2021, while before that they kept saying rule of law and bla bla..
PS - Amritpal was earlier projected as BJP tool or AAP tool by various Khalistanis. But when both centre & state agencies took on him, then he suddenly became Khalistan’s darling. Same tool for Deep Siddhu.
The idea is to keep Punjab troubled.
Info-war on Khalistan has just started. Expect Paki players to enter the game in the garb of Sikh handles. Expect the domestic colluders to spin the agenda in one for and other.
Respond carefully, and don’t get fooled. It’s a great opportunity to identify the network.
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Beyond the Bias- With this new series we are going to expose global media's propaganda against India.
Starting with the BBC.
BBC is one usual offender with a long history of peddling biased narratives when it comes to reporting on India—from CAA, Article 370 & Kashmir etc.
BBC’s reports frequently paint Indian riots & protests in communal colors. BBC remains a brazen propaganda portal which focuses on narratives that divide and polarize.
And not once, but ad nauseam times, the portal has been caught peddling fake news & propaganda.
BBC's reporting on India often reeks of a colonial hangover—selective negativity, political bias, & cultural insensitivity. From their choice of language, headlines, & editorial tone in their reporting to extend its modern imperialistic influence.
"Independent investigative" journalist Saurav Das recently dropped a hit piece against the former honorable CJI DY Chandrachud via Caravan. Funny how he never mentions his "independent" journalism is bankrolled by known propagandists like Dinesh Thakur.
Let's dive in!🧵
Meet the new bloke in town– Saurav Das
Off late he has become a darling of propaganda portals, this self-proclaimed "independent investigative" (read 𝘥𝘪𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘪) journalist uses the independence tag as window dressing for his CV
But actions speak louder than Twitter bios
Despite the "independent" badge he wears proudly Das' career is built on questionable & paid propaganda pieces
Case in point: his work for The Thakur Family Foundation(TFF), a grant-making front of Dinesh Thakur, known for targeting Indian pharma industry with deep pockets
Farce factory @USCIRF has come up with another dog & pony show- country update report on India
While it is laced with usual anti-India tropes #CAA & #Islamophobia, important to note is person drafting it
Meet Sema G Hasan & USCIRF’s Pakistani pool of “experts” on India
The report is curated by Sema Gabriela Hasan, a Pakistani-American appointed as South Asia Policy Analyst first in 2023, then promoted to senior analyst in 2024. Before this, she served as an intern at South and Central Asia Bureau, Office of Pakistan Affairs, US State Dpt
She has been closely linked to the US State Department, having previously served as a Congressional Staffer at the Joint Economic Committee as a Democratic Representative in 2019.
@AITCofficial MP @sagarikaghose referencing an anti-India #Propaganda front in the Parliament which fabricates ‘minority atrocity, has clear Paki footprints, is blocked in India, and keeps changing the front name when exposed – not once, twice, but thrice.
Small thread:
If she is ignorant about the front (despite being a journalist) then she is unfit to be an MP, and if she knows what she is doing then she is practically colluding with enemies against Indian interests.
This so-called ‘India Hate Lab’ (IHL) was earlier called the Hindutva Watch. Its website and backend tech support were being run from Pakistan. When exposed, it changed its brand to IHL.
There are some in India, still confused about the former US President #DonaldTrump’s conviction – whether it is politically motivated or the rule of law, is taking its course.
A brief explainer on the case and why it matters to us in India.
A Thread:
The case:
It’s a bit complicated. It has been made complicated deliberately. Many (including journalists) cannot explain what the allegations are. Most think it’s the ‘hush money’ Trump paid to former porn star #StormyDaniel
It’s not.
The charges leveled are ‘falsifying business records’
Trump paid his lawyer, Michael Cohen, to pay Stormy to STFU. The payment to Cohen was given as ‘salary’ on which Cohen even paid taxes.
This is the ‘mislabeling’ of expenses for which Trump has been convicted. Really?
There are some in India still confused if Donald Trump’s conviction is political vendetta or rule of law. We do a brief explainer on the present case and other cases brought against #Trump and why it matters to us, in India.
A Thread:
Few Facts:
It is FIRST time in US history that a ‘Federal Election Law’ has been used as a direct state crime.
The definition of crime was CHANGED for the case
It is FIRST time in New York that some is changed for ‘falsifying business ‘record’ as felony (serious crime)
More facts
Earlier a NEW LAW was introduced to extend time on case against Trump by #Stormy
Prosecutor is #Soros baby & a political (#Democrat)
Even before joining office he declared to prosecute Trump!
He reduced crimes to minor offences(like our #Pune judge) in 60% cases