Mary Talley Bowden MD Profile picture
Mar 20, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read Read on X
Note the 4 pages of drug interactions listed on the @US_FDA ‘s website for #Paxlovid … plus the warnings about liver and kidney toxicity.…

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Mar 28
The 10 points of the Nuremberg code:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion, and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.
Nuremberg code, continued...
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
Nuremberg code, continued....
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.
Read 10 tweets
Mar 13
Heartfelt statement sent to reporters from Dr Dave Weldon following withdrawal of his nomination for CDC (1/4): Image
Dr Weldon was involved in getting thimerosal removed from vaccines (2/4). Image
Dr Weldon worked with Dr Andrew Wakefield looking at MMR vaccine side effects (3/4). Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 10, 2024
🚨Ken Paxton sues radical gender activist Dr Brett Cooper for prescribing hormones to 15 minors. Cooper is Asst Prof at @UTSWMedCenter and has “led the charge” for TMA’s gender activism efforts. 🧵
@KenPaxtonTX Image
Cooper testified “Just because the legislature decided that they know how to practice medicine better than we do doesn’t mean we should remove our support of the ability to provide ALL evidence-based care.” Image
Cooper is one of many radical gender activists heavily involved in the country’s largest medical association, TMA. TMA strongly opposed SB14 and joined forces with Lambda Legal, writing an amicus brief on behalf of the plaintiffs in Doe V Abbott, writing “TMA supports physician efforts to provide medically appropriate therapies relating to gender identity and opposes efforts to criminalize evidence based, gender-affirming care for transgender youth.”…
Read 6 tweets
May 26, 2024
Why was @MethodistHosp the first hospital in the country to mandate the shots, preceding Biden by 5 months? How much were they paid? I bet their lawyer Mark Easterly knows.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26, 2024
April 26, 2024
🚨We now have 186 elected officials, 103 candidates, 1 Surgeon General, 1 State Political Party, 1 State Congressional District, 17 County Political Committees and 7 physician organizations publicly stating the COV!D shots must be pulled off the market and pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma.
Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them.
Newest adds:
Sen Frank Carroll @SenFrankCarroll AZ LD28
Barry Baker @barrybbaker Exec Com SC York County
Leo Zacky @LeoSZacky candidate CA Governor
Michael Nixon @MikeTheNix candidate US House GA-2

Sign the pledge here:

#txlege @chiproytx @LoisKolkhorst @NancyMace @WarrenDavidson @tedcruz @TulsiGabbard @KariLake @brianeharrison @mayes_middleton @KatrinaPiersonamericansforhealthfreedom.orgImage
In Office (2/6):
Alaska (1)
Rep David Eastman AK HD27
Arizona (8)
Sen Janae Shamp @AZSenatorShamp AZ LD29
Sen Justine Wadsack @Wadsack4Arizona AZ LD17
Sen Wendy Rogers @WendyRogersAZ AZ LD7
Libby Settle Fountain Hills AZ Unified School District Board Member
Anna Van Hoek Highley Unified School Board AZ
Rachel Walden @waldenpatriot Mesa School Board AZ (candidate AZ Corporation Commission)
Shelli Boggs @ShelliBoggs Evit Governing Board Member AZ (candidate Maricopa County Superindendepnt of Schools)
Sandra Christensen @Sandra4PVUSD Paradise Valley AZ School Board
Arkansas (1)
Vance Williamson @VanceJohnvancew City Council El Dorado, AR
California (2)
Sue Frost @SueFrost15 Sacramento County Supervisor CA D4
Colton Weeks @CMWeeks San Francisco Republican County Central Committee D17
Florida (3)
Dr. Joe Ladapo @FLSurgeonGen Surgeon General
Brian Grainger City Commissioner Panama City FL
Victor Rohe Board of Sarasota Memorial Health System
Georgia (1)
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene @RepMTG US House GA
Idaho (7)
Sen Tammy Nichols @nichols_senator ID SD10
Sen Glenneda Zuiderveld @Zglennevere ID SD24
Rep Joe Alfieri @JoeForIdaho ID HD4
Rep Karey Hanks @kareyforidaho ID HD55
Rep Jacyn Gallagher @jacynforidaho ID HD9
Rep Heather Scott @HeatherScottID ID HD2A
Richard Kirschner Bonner County ID Precinct Committeeman 7B
Illinois (1)
Kelly Liebmann Greenwood Township Trustee IL
Indiana (1)
John Aukerman IN Prct Committeeman, Anderson Township Advisory Board
Iowa (4)
Sen Kevin Alons @kdalons IA SD7
Sen Sandy Salmon IA SD29
Rep Jeff Shipley @JeffShipley77 IA HD 87
Quincy Droigk Tama County IA Republican Co-Chair
Kansas (2)
Rep Mike Murphy @Murphy4KS KS HD114
Sen Mark Steffen @SteffenSenate KS SD34
Kentucky (11)
Rep Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie US House KY4
Rep Steve Rawlings KY HD66
Rep Adrienne Southworth @Senate7Ky KY SD7
Rep Steve Doan @SteveDoanLaw KY HD69
Rep Savannah Maddox @SavannahLMaddox KY HD61
Rep Marianne Proctor @MarianneProc60 KY HD60
Rep Candy Massaroni @CandyMassaroni KY HD50
Rep Felicia Rabourn @felicia_rabourn KY HD47
Rep Emily Callaway @Miz_EmC KY HD37
Rep Josh Calloway @callowayforKY KY HD10
Rep Lindsey Trichenor @tichenor4ky KY HD6
Maine (1)
Rep Heidi Sampson ME HD136
Michigan (5)
Rep James DeSana @jim_desanaMI HD29
Rep Angela Rigas @RepRigas MI HD79
Rep Brad Paquette @BradPaquetteMI MI HD37
Rep Matthew Maddock @matthewmaddock MI HD51
Rep Jaime Greene @jaimegreene65 MI HD65
Minnesota (3)
Sen Glenn Gruenhagen @GlennGruenhagen MN SD18b
Rep Tom Murphy @TomMurphyMN MN HD9B
Rep Shane Mekeland @ShaneMekeland MN HD27A
Missouri (8)
Sen Mike Moon @realmikemoon MO SD29
Sen Jill Carter MO SD32
Sen Bill Eigel @BillEigel MO (candidate for Governor)
Rep Bill Hardwick MO HD121
Rep Justin Sparks @JustinMSparks MO HD110
Rep Holly Jones MO HD88
Rep Adam Schnelting MO HD69
Rep Doug Richey @DougRicheyMO MO HD39
Natalie Scholl @Natscholl76 MO Clay County Precinct
Gladys Brown MO Republican Committeewoman 38-3

Tag your representatives and ask them to sign the pledge:
In Office, continued (3/6):
New Hampshire (25)
Rep Jeff Tenczar @TCBElvis77 NH Pelham 1
Rep Kristin Noble @KristinNobleNH NH Bedford
Rep Mike Belcher @MikeBelcher14 NH Carroll 4
Rep Tom Mannion @mannion4nh NH Pelham 1
Rep JR Hoell @JRHoell NH Merrimack 27
Rep Kelley Potenza @KelleyPotenza NH Stratford 19
Rep Nikki McCarter @NikkiforNH NH Belknap 8
Rep Paul Terry NH Belknap 7
Rep Matt Coulon @NHRepForFreedom NH Grafton 5
Rep Leah Cushman @LeahCushmanNH NH Hillsborough 28
Rep Sandra Panek @TouchOfKi1 NH Hillsborough 1
Rep Stephen Kennedy NH Hillsborough 13
Rep Diane Kelley NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Shane Sirois @repshanesirois NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Alicia Lekas @lishlekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Tony Lekas @tony_lekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Emily Phillips @NHRepPhillips NH Rockingham 7
Rep Mike Drago NH Rockingham 4
Rep Arlene Quaratiello @ArleneQforNHRep NH Rockingham 18
Rep Jason Gerhard @JasonGerhardNH NH Merrimack25
Rep Barbara Comtois NH Belknap 7
Rep Aidan Ankarberg NH Strafford 7
Rep Yury Polozov @polozov NH Merrimack 10
Rep Claudine Burnham @cburn156 NH Strafford 2
Dan Woods, Bath, NH School Board
New Jersey (2)
Yehuda Miller @yehuda_miller NJ Rep Cty Committee
Sen Edward Durr @EdTheTruckerNJ NJ LD3
North Carolina (1)
Gary Zulaf Vice Chair Brunswick Forest Precinct Brunswick County, NC
Ohio (1)
Rep Jennifer Gross @jenniferforrep OH HD45
Oklahoma (2)
Rep Kevin McDugle @kmcdugle OK HD12
Mic Rosado @MicMeowed Precinct Chair OK- 550385
Oregon (1)
Sen Dennis Linthicum OR SD28
Pennsylvania (1)
Sen Doug Mastriano @dougmastriano PA SD33
South Carolina (21)
Rep Jay Kilmartin @JayforHouse85 SC HD85
Rep David O'Neal SC HD66
Rep Josiah Magnuson @JosiahMagnuson SC HD38
Rep Robert Harris @HarrisForSC SC HD36
Rep Stewart Jones @jones4liberty SC HD14 (candidate for US House SC-3)
Rep Thomas Beach @thomasbeach SC HD10
Rep April Cromer @AprilCromerSC SC HD6
Joseph Jernigan @jjernigantweets Charleston County Committeeman
Paula Daly Executive Committeman York County SC
Kelly McCarty Precinct Chair York County SC
Andy Krouse Vice Chairman York County SC GOP
Louis Roman Exec Committeeman York County SC
Chad Augustine Exec Committeeman York County SC
Scott Anderson Exec Committeeman York County SC
Rebecca Lugthart Exec Committeeman York County SC
Reggie Bursey Exec Committeeman York County SC
Rosalyn Federline Exec Committeeman York County SC
Ame Fuss Exec Committeeman York County SC
Kathleen Synder Exec Committeeman York County SC
Nancy Pardo York Executive Chairman Rose Hill Precinct Beaufort SC
Preston Baines @prestonbaines Lexington County SC GOP Rules Resolutions Committee
South Dakota (5)
Sen Julie Frye-Mueller SD SD30
Rep Aaron Aylward @Aylwardap SD HD6
Rep Tina Mulally @tinamulally SD HD35
Rep Tony Randolph @TonyRandolph8 SD HD35
Rep Karla Lems @karlalems16 SD HD16
Washington (2)
Jeryl Reinbolt Precinct Committee Officer Spokane WA 6038
Laura Pierce @LauraPi25492855 District Leader 6A Spokane County Republican Central Committee WA
West Virginia (4)
Sen Patricia Rucker @ruckerforWV WV D16
Delegate Margitta Mazzocchi WV D31
Delegate William Ridenour WV D100
Delegate Evan Worrell @EvanWorrell4WV WV D23
Wisconsin (1)
Sen Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson US Senate WI
Wyoming (1)
Joshua Shimkus Vice Chair Constitution Party of WY, Laramie County; State Platform Committeeman

Kelly Adair Republican Central Committee Representative 39-4

Arizona (5)
Alan White @Nomoretweedles US Senate AZ-24
Katrin Ivanoff @MrsFixitNevada NV LD42
Nick Kupper @kupper4arizona AZ LD25
Josh Barnett @BarnettforAZ AZ LD2
Danielle Hagen, AZ LD2
California (1)
Denise Aguilar @InformedMama209 CA Assembly D13
Colorado (3)
Trent Leisy @realTrentLeisy CO HD4
Christina Mascarenas @Christina_HD46 CO HD46
Jo Codori CCSD Board Overland CO
Connecticut (1)
John Flynn @Flynn2022 US Senate CT

Tag your representatives and ask them to sign the pledge:
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18, 2024
April 18, 2024
🚨We now have 183 elected officials, 101 candidates, 1 Surgeon General, 1 State Political Party, 1 State Congressional District, 17 County Political Committees and 7 physician organizations publicly stating the COV!D shots must be pulled off the market and pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma.
Over 17,000 physicians stand behind them.

Newest adds:
Andy Krouse Vice Chairman York County SC GOP
Louis Roman Exec Committeeman York County SC
Chad Augustine Exec Committeeman York County SC
Scott Anderson Exec Committeeman York County SC
Rebecca Lugthart Exec Committeeman York County SC
Reggie Bursey Exec Committeeman York County SC
Rosalyn Federline Exec Committeeman York County SC
Ame Fuss Exec Committeeman York County SC
Kathleen Synder Exec Committeeman York County SC
Dj Whitsell candidate Exec Committeeman York County SC
Dr. Fred Simon @DrFredSimonMD candidate NV CD-2
North Carolina Congressional District 13

Tag your representatives and ask them to sign the pledge:

@COVIDSelect @GOPDoctors #txlegeamericansforhealthfreedom.orgImage
In Office (2/6):
Alaska (1)
Rep David Eastman AK HD27
Arizona (8)
Sen Janae Shamp @AZSenatorShamp AZ LD29
Sen Justine Wadsack @Wadsack4Arizona AZ LD17
Sen Wendy Rogers @WendyRogersAZ AZ LD7
Libby Settle Fountain Hills AZ Unified School District Board Member
Anna Van Hoek Highley Unified School Board AZ
Rachel Walden @waldenpatriot Mesa School Board AZ (candidate AZ Corporation Commission)
Shelli Boggs @ShelliBoggs Evit Governing Board Member AZ (candidate Maricopa County Superindendepnt of Schools)
Sandra Christensen @Sandra4PVUSD Paradise Valley AZ School Board
Arkansas (1)
Vance Williamson @VanceJohnvancew City Council El Dorado, AR
California (2)
Sue Frost @SueFrost15 Sacramento County Supervisor CA D4
Colton Weeks @CMWeeks San Francisco Republican County Central Committee D17
Florida (3)
Dr. Joe Ladapo @FLSurgeonGen Surgeon General
Brian Grainger City Commissioner Panama City FL
Victor Rohe Board of Sarasota Memorial Health System
Georgia (1)
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene @RepMTG US House GA
Idaho (7)
Sen Tammy Nichols @nichols_senator ID SD10
Sen Glenneda Zuiderveld @Zglennevere ID SD24
Rep Joe Alfieri @JoeForIdaho ID HD4
Rep Karey Hanks @kareyforidaho ID HD55
Rep Jacyn Gallagher @jacynforidaho ID HD9
Rep Heather Scott @HeatherScottID ID HD2A
Richard Kirschner Bonner County ID Precinct Committeeman 7B
Illinois (1)
Kelly Liebmann Greenwood Township Trustee IL
Indiana (1)
John Aukerman IN Prct Committeeman, Anderson Township Advisory Board
Iowa (4)
Sen Kevin Alons @kdalons IA SD7
Sen Sandy Salmon IA SD29
Rep Jeff Shipley @JeffShipley77 IA HD 87
Quincy Droigk Tama County IA Republican Co-Chair
Kansas (2)
Rep Mike Murphy @Murphy4KS KS HD114
Sen Mark Steffen @SteffenSenate KS SD34
Kentucky (11)
Rep Thomas Massie @RepThomasMassie US House KY4
Rep Steve Rawlings KY HD66
Rep Adrienne Southworth @Senate7Ky KY SD7
Rep Steve Doan @SteveDoanLaw KY HD69
Rep Savannah Maddox @SavannahLMaddox KY HD61
Rep Marianne Proctor @MarianneProc60 KY HD60
Rep Candy Massaroni @CandyMassaroni KY HD50
Rep Felicia Rabourn @felicia_rabourn KY HD47
Rep Emily Callaway @Miz_EmC KY HD37
Rep Josh Calloway @callowayforKY KY HD10
Rep Lindsey Trichenor @tichenor4ky KY HD6
Maine (1)
Rep Heidi Sampson ME HD136
Michigan (5)
Rep James DeSana @jim_desanaMI HD29
Rep Angela Rigas @RepRigas MI HD79
Rep Brad Paquette @BradPaquetteMI MI HD37
Rep Matthew Maddock @matthewmaddock MI HD51
Rep Jaime Greene @jaimegreene65 MI HD65
Minnesota (3)
Sen Glenn Gruenhagen @GlennGruenhagen MN SD18b
Rep Tom Murphy @TomMurphyMN MN HD9B
Rep Shane Mekeland @ShaneMekeland MN HD27A
Missouri (8)
Sen Mike Moon @realmikemoon MO SD29
Sen Jill Carter MO SD32
Sen Bill Eigel @BillEigel MO (candidate for Governor)
Rep Bill Hardwick MO HD121
Rep Justin Sparks @JustinMSparks MO HD110
Rep Holly Jones MO HD88
Rep Adam Schnelting MO HD69
Rep Doug Richey @DougRicheyMO MO HD39
Natalie Scholl @Natscholl76 MO Clay County Precinct
Gladys Brown MO Republican Committeewoman 38-3

Tag your representatives and ask them to sign the pledge:
In Office, continued (3/6):
New Hampshire (25)
Rep Jeff Tenczar @TCBElvis77 NH Pelham 1
Rep Kristin Noble @KristinNobleNH NH Bedford
Rep Mike Belcher @MikeBelcher14 NH Carroll 4
Rep Tom Mannion @mannion4nh NH Pelham 1
Rep JR Hoell @JRHoell NH Merrimack 27
Rep Kelley Potenza @KelleyPotenza NH Stratford 19
Rep Nikki McCarter @NikkiforNH NH Belknap 8
Rep Paul Terry NH Belknap 7
Rep Matt Coulon @NHRepForFreedom NH Grafton 5
Rep Leah Cushman @LeahCushmanNH NH Hillsborough 28
Rep Sandra Panek @TouchOfKi1 NH Hillsborough 1
Rep Stephen Kennedy NH Hillsborough 13
Rep Diane Kelley NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Shane Sirois @repshanesirois NH Hillsborough 32
Rep Alicia Lekas @lishlekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Tony Lekas @tony_lekas NH Hillsborough 38
Rep Emily Phillips @NHRepPhillips NH Rockingham 7
Rep Mike Drago NH Rockingham 4
Rep Arlene Quaratiello @ArleneQforNHRep NH Rockingham 18
Rep Jason Gerhard @JasonGerhardNH NH Merrimack25
Rep Barbara Comtois NH Belknap 7
Rep Aidan Ankarberg NH Strafford 7
Rep Yury Polozov @polozov NH Merrimack 10
Rep Claudine Burnham @cburn156 NH Strafford 2
Dan Woods, Bath, NH School Board
New Jersey (2)
Yehuda Miller @yehuda_miller NJ Rep Cty Committee
Sen Edward Durr @EdTheTruckerNJ NJ LD3
North Carolina (1)
Gary Zulaf Vice Chair Brunswick Forest Precinct Brunswick County, NC
Ohio (1)
Rep Jennifer Gross @jenniferforrep OH HD45
Oklahoma (2)
Rep Kevin McDugle @kmcdugle OK HD12
Mic Rosado @MicMeowed Precinct Chair OK- 550385
Oregon (1)
Sen Dennis Linthicum OR SD28
Pennsylvania (1)
Sen Doug Mastriano @dougmastriano PA SD33
South Carolina (12)
Rep Jay Kilmartin @JayforHouse85 SC HD85
Rep David O'Neal SC HD66
Rep Josiah Magnuson @JosiahMagnuson SC HD38
Rep Robert Harris @HarrisForSC SC HD36
Rep Stewart Jones @jones4liberty SC HD14 (candidate for US House SC-3)
Rep Thomas Beach @thomasbeach SC HD10
Rep April Cromer @AprilCromerSC SC HD6
Joseph Jernigan @jjernigantweets Charleston County Committeeman
Paula Daly Executive Committeman York County SC
Kelly McCarty Precinct Chair York County SC
Nancy Pardo York Executive Chairman Rose Hill Precinct Beaufort SC
Preston Baines @prestonbaines Lexington County SC GOP Rules Resolutions Committee
South Dakota (5)
Sen Julie Frye-Mueller SD SD30
Rep Aaron Aylward @Aylwardap SD HD6
Rep Tina Mulally @tinamulally SD HD35
Rep Tony Randolph @TonyRandolph8 SD HD35
Rep Karla Lems @karlalems16 SD HD16
Washington (2)
Jeryl Reinbolt Precinct Committee Officer Spokane WA 6038
Laura Pierce @LauraPi25492855 District Leader 6A Spokane County Republican Central Committee WA
West Virginia (4)
Sen Patricia Rucker @ruckerforWV WV D16
Delegate Margitta Mazzocchi WV D31
Delegate William Ridenour WV D100
Delegate Evan Worrell @EvanWorrell4WV WV D23
Wisconsin (1)
Sen Ron Johnson @SenRonJohnson US Senate WI
Wyoming (1)
Joshua Shimkus Vice Chair Constitution Party of WY, Laramie County; State Platform Committeeman

Kelly Adair Republican Central Committee Representative 39-4

Arizona (5)
Alan White @Nomoretweedles US Senate AZ-24
Katrin Ivanoff @MrsFixitNevada NV LD42
Nick Kupper @kupper4arizona AZ LD25
Josh Barnett @BarnettforAZ AZ LD2
Danielle Hagen, AZ LD2
California (1)
Denise Aguilar @InformedMama209 CA Assembly D13
Colorado (3)
Trent Leisy @realTrentLeisy CO HD4
Christina Mascarenas @Christina_HD46 CO HD46
Jo Codori CCSD Board Overland CO
Connecticut (1)
John Flynn @Flynn2022 US Senate CT

Tag your representatives and ask them to sign the pledge:
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