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Mar 21, 2023 148 tweets 25 min read Read on X
Nsfw #joongdokhwa threadfic
Yjh and Lsw have been broken up for over a year now and stayed good friends. But what happens when he opens a text she didn't mean to send only to see a video where she's pegging another man?
-NSFW, curate your timeline
‐No cheating
-Mostly yjh perspective
-Expect typos atp, im doing my best lol (rough draft)
-Light BDSM, not accurate representation of BDSM
-Heterosexual + Homosexual behavior lol
-other surprise kinks
Recently, yjhs cousin, ysa, has been behaving quite strangely. Suddenly calling him up and asking if he was really, truly, 100% for sure over his ex. She kept changing the subject whenever he decided to inquire further about her intentions.
"Sang-ah, for the last time. The break up was mutual. I am fine, she is fine. We are just. Close. Friends."

"Listen, I just wanted to make sure because I thought that maybe there was something still happening between you two."
Sangah tried her best to read Joonghyuk but he certainly didn't make it easy for her. So when she called this day and continued pestering him for a clear answer that consisted of more than just nonsensical grunts, she accidently set off his bad temper.
"What will it take for you to stop asking me?" Yjh pinched his nose bridge and he was sure she could hear him seething through the phone.

"I just need to know, do you still love Lee Seolhwa."

Joonghyuk let out a long sigh before answering.
"Ugh, we both agreed to the breakup. We were just too busy and it didn't work out. There isn't anything between us."

"You keep bringing up how it was mutual but you aren't answering my question." Frustration barely evident in her voice.
"I don't love her anymore. She's just. A. Friend." Joonghyuk tried to hold back from raising his voice in public, "I'm hanging up."

The sound of the call ending could be heard before ysa could even reply.
Yjh looked down at his phone with his earbuds in, mindlessly scrolling while he waited for the train to arrive. He was preoccupied thinking about what to make for dinner when he recieved a SMS notification from Seolhwa.
Since they talk quite often, yjh didn't think much of the message. Closing out of whatever app he was on and navigated to his text messages. She had sent him a video so he readjusted his earbuds and tapped on the thumbnail to play the video just as the train arrived.
His eyes widened as he quickly paused the video and held the phonescreen to his chest before finding a spot away from everyone else. Making sure there was a wall behind him before pressing play again.

Yjh was hoping his mind was playing tricks on him.
But he didn't see wrong. As he stood there, frozen like a statue the video played in front of his eyes. Showing a very naked Seolhwa wearing a strap-on, using it to fuck a man whose face could not be seen.
His ears were filled with the sound of Seolhwa's sweet praises and this man's restrained moans. As he stared at his phone in disbelief lsw finally realized her mistake.

She had originally meant to send the video to the man in the video but realized far too late.
She immediately sent a multitude of texts, all frantic and out of sorts, apologizing profusely. The crippling embarassment of accidently sending your ex the wrong message was heavy enough on its own. But when the wrong message contained a sex tape with a brand new man?
Yjh had never seen the composed Lsw like this before. He didn't know how to respond after her barrage of texts roused him from his stupor. Yjh stared at the moving bubble before finally collecting his thoughts.

Yjh: I had figured it wasn't meant for me. Do not worry about it.
She continued to apologize, hoping she hadn't made him uncomfortable or hurt him in any way. And yjh continued to reassure her that everything was fine, that he knew she would never pull a stunt like this to upset him, and that he was happy she had found someone.
He locked his phone after everything was settled and got off at his stop as planned. Going about his life as usual. Although, despite his words, things were in fact, not fine.
Yjh managed to get home, unlock the door, and cook dinner for himself. While he looked calm and grumpy as usual, he was at war with himself.

He thanked whatever stars aligned to allow this to happen on the day his little sister would be staying the weekend with her friends.
Yjh tried everything to get his mind off the video from that afternoon but he couldn't. So he relinquished himself to trying to sleep early, willing himself to fall asleep at 8:30 pm so he could forget about everything. But alas, his body and his mind refused to listen.
He turned over to lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. As yjh brought his hands up to his face, getting lost in his thoughts.

No matter how hard he tried, his mind would inevitably wander back towards the video. Yjh was disgusted.
He didn't want to admit it but the video had turned him on. Seeing the beautiful curvatures of her body, the low croons she spoke in, and her half-lidded lustful eyes. All features with which he was once intimately aquainted. Of course he'd be aroused.
Lee Seolhwa is a gorgeous woman who he had once called the love of his life. That wasn't the issue. The issue was with everything that was unfamiliar to him.
He was blind-sided. They'd never tried anything kinky together so it was certainly a shock to see.
However, this wasn't his biggest concern. Yjh leaned over and reached for his phone on his night stand. Click. Yjh decided to turn on the lamp in the process before beginning to google something on his phone.
Yjh was alarmed, knowing he was aroused at the sight of Seolhwa...pegging this guy. At least that's what the internet said she was doing. The sight of her roughly handling this faceless man, the way he strained against the red rope restraining him, the way he moaned her name.
The effect this stranger's hushed moans had on yjh's manhood was especially concerning. Then, yjh had a horrifying and sobering thought.

"Fuck. Am I into cuckholdery?" This was the only explanation yjh could think of and boy, was he terrified of being right.
All the time yjh spent mulling over his newfound kinks did not help him in the slightest. Somewhere along the line his pyjama pants had gotten much tighter. He quickly got up from his bed to take a cold shower but in a moment of weakness he instead locked the door to his bedroom.
Unnecesary but he needed some security in the bad decisions he was about to make. Yjh sighed as he made his way back over to his bed. Slipping his hand into the waistband on his pants. Palming himself over the fabric of his underwear.
He was going to make a moderately severe and continuous lapse in judgement.

Yjh searched for his phone in the covers with his left hand. Once he found it, he took a moment to apologize in his head for the major breach of trust following.
He typed out his password. More clumsy than usual, his left hand less adapted to the actions his right hand was usually in charge of. Navigating through the pages to the SMS app icon. Yjh paused only for a second before sighing and tapping on it and selecting Lsws name.
It took him only a few seconds to scroll past their previous conversation and find what he was looking for. That damned five minute video that has been plaguing his mind for the past few hours. Not enough to understand the context but just enough to help him settle his desires.
Do i go into detail about whats about to happen or keep it short to get to the really good stuff later.
Ok im impatient so im calling it. I do want to give yjh a solo moment so thatll be saved for ao3.
Yjh eyed the stranger's lithe waist and the way his former lover firmly held it in her hands as she rolled her hips, fucking him. He had never payed this much attention to another man before, yjh was discovering that he wasn't disgusted by this novel experience.
In fact, yjh was quickly realizing that he quite enjoyed the sound of this man begging for release coupled with lsw's out-of-breath teasings.

Yjh closed eyes and tilted his head back, finishing in his hand with a grunt. Cursing under his breath he cleaned up, saving the video.
He attributed his impulsiveness on not having been laid recently. In the back of his mind he knew that wasn't the truth but yjh was going through a lot a the moment. Baby steps.

The troubles he had falling asleep earlier has swiftly left him, taken over by the exhaustion-
from his in-bed exercise session. Promptly falling unconcious.

Yjh was woken up by the sunlight filtering through his blinds. He stretched his limbs and cracked his knuckled before picking up his phone. It was 9 am, later than he usually woke up but considering the
activies he was up to late last night, 9 am was pretty good.

As he went about his morning routine trying to forget about what he did last night. Now that it's out of his system he would be fine
He was just going to forget about it and go about his daily life.
Completely disregarding his choice to download the video in question, post masturbation.

Which was exactly why it didn't leave his system. The following week his mind would occasionally drift and he would need to ubruptly change his train of thought.
Although as hard as he may have tried, there were a few times he was unsuccessful.
It was just a momentary issue that will resolve itself in due time, he thinks.

And resolve itself it did, after the first week he wasn't paying the video much mind. Yjh was able to navigate his life as normal and face lsw as if nothing had ever happened.
Two weeks after the incident yjh was in the middle of training at home when his phone began ringing. Checking the caller id, he realized it was lsws mom calling.

Luckily he was between matches so he could step away from my computer. Yjh pressed the green accept call button,
leaning back into his chair as he brought the phone to his ear.

"Hello, Aunty."

"Hi, dear. Uncle and I are visiting the city for a little bit and we wanted to drop off some food for you and Seolhwa. She said she was busy but that you should be at home right now."
"Ah, yes I am. When will you be here?"

"Oh we won't be there for another 30 minutes. You still live at the old address right, dear?"

"That is correct, Aunty. I will see you soon then."

They shared a short goodbye before Joonghyuk hung up. 'I suppose to should clean up then.'
He closed out the gaming window he was training and temporarily put his pc to sleep. It didn't take him long to tidy up his home before he recieved a call again. It was Seolhwa's parents telling him to come down and meet them at their car.
He'd expected bring them in for tea and catch up but they seemed to be in a hurry so they just dropped off massive containers of kimchi and marinated dishes after pinching his cheeks. He stood in front of his complex waving goodbye as they drove off.
Once Yjh got back inside he set everything on his kitchen counter, pulling out his phone to send a quick message.

[Your parents just dropped off food. When can I bring you your portion?]

Sliding the device back into his pocket, yjh went about storing everything in his fridge.
It was a tight fit but he managed to tetris everything into place. And with much room to spare as well. Hopefully Seolhwa would get back to him soon. Yjh walked back to his office to resume his training and hours would go by before Seolhwa responded.
[Thank you for holding it for me, Joonghyuk. I should be available tomorrow! I'll just be getting home a little late, feel free to let yourself in.] Yjh read the texted back a confirmation. However, both of them neglected to specify an appropriate time slot
A most unfortunate oversight. The day of, he recalls that her shift ends early but based of Seolhwa's phrasing of "a little late", yjh just assumed she would be getting dinner with a friend or something. He may have come a little early but he could just wait around for a bit.
It wasn't like they weren't close. Yjh couldn't count the times lsw had shown up to his apartment unannounced, alone or with ysa, to spend time with him and his sister.

Yjh shifted the bags he was carrying into his left hand, using the other to operate the elevator
and navigate his way through lsw's building to her front door. Taking out his keys and quickly finding the spare she had given him, yjh unlocked the door and walked through the threshold. He toed off his shoes and nudged them neatly off to the side before heading to the kitchen.
Completely missing the other pair of men's loafers in the darkness.

Yjh opened her fridge, quickly scanning its contents to see how to best fit everything. The task didn't take him long, he shifted some bowls and ingredients aside, slotting the big tubs in the space left over.
Once he had completed the puzzle he closed the door and pulled out his phone. As he checked the time he finally noticed the faint sounds coming from her bedroom.

'She shouldn't be home yet.' He thought. Upon closer inspection, her apartment was slightly out of sorts.
It wasn't messy but it was definitely out of character for someone as meticulous as Seolhwa. Almost as if someone had just been rooting around earlier.

Yjh looked around for a weapon, settling on taking a knife from the knifeblock. They were cheap and all rather blunt.
Yjh made a mental note to get her a nicer knife set because these were 'fucking atrocious'.

He crept closer to the door trying to listen in and gauge the situation. All he could hear was maybe a muffled voice and fabric moving. The walls were too thick for yjh to hear clearly.
Deciding to just bite the bullet, he quickly opens the door, turning the light on in the process. Readying himself for any possible outcome.

However, of his list of outcomes yjh failed to include lsw in just her panties, sitting on her bed with a naked, blindfolded man. Ass up.
The man jumps at the sound of the door swinging open, whipping his head in the direction of the sound. A useless endeavor as his sight was currently blocked by a ribbon.

Yjh and lsw freeze in their place. Rock solid with matching looks of horror, their eyes met in a deadlock.
They both open their mouths, trying to formulate apologies, statesments of shock, anything. Each attempt dying on their tongues as they try to let the other speak.

Yjh carefully places the knife he was holding on the small bookshelf beside him with a slight thunk.
Yjh buries his face in has hands, coming to realize that this was the stranger from the videos. The same man the same pale skin, the same lithe waist, and the same little mole resting in the divet of his beautifully curved spine.
"Ah, Joonghyuk-ssi...", Lsw manages to break the silence but she's been shocked into polite speech. Something she hasn't used with yjh in years.

Lsw begins trying to explain the uh...predicament. Soon realizing that she was attempting to de-escalate a situation that was never
going to escalate. Noticing that Yjh was struggling to pay attention to her words, his eyes frequently drifting from contact to roam the form next to her before shooting back to her as if he'd just been reprimanded for being a peeping tom.
Testing her observations, lsw cocked her head to the side as she took her hands and caressed the curves of the ass next to her, groping and pulling apart the cheeks before tracing her way up the man's spine.
Carefully watching the way yjh's gaze followed her hands in a trance-like state.

" going on? Seolhwa-ssi?"

Lsw leaned over, planting a kiss between his shoulder blades and resting her weight on the man beneath her as she turned her head to catch yjhs stare.
"Mm...Dokja-ssi, do you trust me?" The little smile and all-knowing look she was shooting yjh made him uncomfortable but he didn't dare to look away as she began groping at the planes of the stranger's chest.

"Um...yes...?" He was lost but surely lsw wouldn't plan to hurt him...

With that confirmation she swiftly moves from her sitting position, finding herself beside yjh. Grabbing his arm and pulling him from the doorway, closing it, before pushing yjh towards the bed with little resistance.
"You've been cordially invited! Aren't you glad that you are such a lucky man, Joonghyuk-ssi?" Lsw grins as she hurriedly helps him out of his clothes.

All dokja is sense is the way the bed sinks behind him as he hears lsw hums, rummaging around for another condom.
From what he heard of the...sudden guest's um and ah filled attempts at forming a coherent sentence he could tell that man had a sexy voice. Deep and smooth. It made him self conscious and he was starting to rethink trusting Seolhwa.
Meanwhile, yjh is sat there, dumbfounded and wondering to himself if it was truly okay for him to barge into their love making. He is drawn from his thinking by a tap on his shoulder. It was seolhwa, handing him a condom.

He cautiously takes it.
Sitting up on his knees, to thumb the hem of his underwear where his hardening length had been tenting the fabric.

"Seolhwa, are you sure about this? Are you sure he is fine with this?" Yjh eyed her carefully.

In response she knelt down on the floor, in front of Dokja's face.
She kissed kdjs temple and tilted her head to the side and resting her cheek on the bed, inches from his own.

"Dokja-ssi, what do you think? We can stop here if you would like." Lsw spoke tenderly as she caressed his head.
Dokja thought about it for a moment. Lsw was giving him an out but the idea of what could happen next enticed him. The unfamiliarity of the faceless man made him nervous but the luscious baritone of his voice excited him.
Tempted by tender caresses and the promises of pleasure, like an insect lured by the sweet odor of a carnivorous plant kdj softly agreed.

"It's fine, really. We can continue."

Lsw lifts her head to look at yjh and gives a small, reassuring smile.
She moves to sit beside kdj, facing yjh.

"Joonghyuk, if you no longer feel comfortable you don't have to participate," she brought her hands up to cup kdj's ass before spreading his cheeks for yjh to see, "but he's all prepped and we'd hate to see you leave." Lsw said, pouting.
Yjh squints back at her, this was the look she always used when she wanted something. While mostly immune to it, her expression still managed to tug at his heart strings.

Shaking his head in disbelief at this development, yjh pulled down his underwear, letting loose
his now achingly hard member and giving it a few good pumps before ripping open the wrapper and rolling on the condom he was given. Spotting the long since abandoned bottle of lube, yjh picked it up and squirted an extra amount onto his hand before slathering it on his manhood.
'Better to have too much than too little', yjh thinks. He repositions himself behind kdj, admiring how he arches his back in response. As he brings his hands to grasp kdjs hips yjh glances towards lsw to steady his beating heart.
Unfortunately for yjh, she is rather distracted. Searching around the bed for something for a few moments before her eyes light up. Lsw reaches over to grab it, one of those pink egg vibrators with the remote attached.
Yjh almost asks her what she was doing but he decides not to as lsw catches his gaze. She chooses to make a show of it, sitting on the bed and spreading her legs open. Letting out a small laugh as she takes the egg and teases herself with it, watching yjh watch her intensely.
Rubbing it against her folds before inserting the egg, turning on the remote with a content sigh and tucking the remote into the band of her panties.
"Dokja-ssi, please lift your head for me." As he did as she asked, lsw slid her thighs underneath to serve as a pillow. "You may want to hold onto me."

Again, he listened to her words, wrapping his arms around her hips and nuzzling against her thighs.
Dokja found it strange he could slightly hear the low humming of the vibrator but quickly shifted focus as he felt the large hands gripping his hips move along the edges of his body. The anticipation of knowing what would happen next killed him as he felt a length rest on and
slide up his perineum.

Kdj turned his head back to try and face yjh, he opened his mouth to give the ok but was cut off by lsw.

"Joonghyuk, you should start off slow and gentle." Kdj would've likely only told him to 'just go' but judging by the look in yjhs eyes, lsw
figured that that would end poorly.

And as lsw instructed, yjh did. His first experience with a man started gently, he carefully pressed inside kdjs heat, past that tight ring of muscle as it slowly sucked him in.

Yjh closed his eyes, tilted his head back and grit his teeth.
He let out a long "fuck" before coming back to his senses. He spotted the little grin lsw held but decided to ignore it.

Instead, taking care to observe kdj's reactions and make sure he wasn't hurting the other man. Yjh was unsure quite frankly.
Kdj's body had drawn up within itself and trembled slightly. He gasped yjhs surprising girth stretched him much farther than any of the dildos lsw and him had used before. His hold on lsws hips threatened to leave bruises on her porcelain skin as his knuckles turned white.
Yjh cautiously pushed deeper inside kdj, copying lsw's actions and letting his hands roam the pale body in hopes of distracting from the pain. At least, yjh assumed he'd be in pain, yjh wasn't very sure. If he were to frank, yjh felt like he was upstream without a paddle.
"Ha...ah! Ngh..." Kdj squirmed under their touch, arching against yjh as he adjusts to the intrusion.

Lsw lets out a giggle at the scene. She could tell that despite the concern written on face, each sound that slipped from kdjs mouth was driving yjh closer to snapping.
There was a hunger in his eyes that was starting to bubble up.

"You're adapting to this all very quickly Joonghyuk...why is that?" She inquired, lsw had begun piecing together the answer but wanted confirmation. As she asked, yjh's groping stopped immediately.
He didn't answer her. At least verbally that is. Lsw noticed the way yjhs ears lit up bright red and crept towards his cheeks.

"Ah...I see." She sent him a bright smile, softly carding her fingers through kdjs hair and gently running her nails across his back,
"We always did have similar tastes."

Helping kdj onto all fours she lifts his face to look at her while cooing at him.

"Dokja-ssi you're doing so well, you're being so good" peppering him with kisses and wrapping her arms around his neck, "should joonghyuk move now?"
Before kdj could answer her question, she pulled him into a deep kiss. As lsw muffled his moans with her mouth she helped him into a kneeling position, reaching between them to tease his painfully weeping cock.

He rested his head on lsw's shoulder, wrapping his arms around her.
Embarassed and flushed red all the way down to his shoulders dokja rolled his hips against yjh. Trying to indicate that he was ready to go by pulling away and slowly fucking himself on yjhs member. Too bad, yjh was busy spreading kdjs ass, watching the greedy hole devour him.
Kdj didn't trust his voice to not let out a horribly embarassing noise, but frustrated that someone wasn't getting the hint, he let out a frustrated whine. That got yjh's attention.

"I'll start now." As he said, yjh began slowly reeling back before snapping his hips forward.
Yjh started of fairly gentle, but soon began frowning. He wanted to hear kdj moan and curse with that erotic voice of his but he kept holding back his voice.

Lsw interrupts kdj as his hands groped at the curves of her figure.

"Dokja-ssi, won't you let us hear your voice?-
we love the sounds you make. Pretty please?" She lightly stroked his arousal and thumbed at the slit in emphasis.

And like the slight trickle of a stream turned into a flood, kdj moans grew in frequency and volume. His tears stained the black ribbon covering his eyes
as lsw and yjh began ravishing his body. His breath hitched as he felt yjh bite his shoulder and lapped at the marks left behind.

Not wanting to leave lsw out, kdjs hands trailed down her back and found their way between her thighs.
He rubbed at her slick pussy before delving inside, blindly dragging his fingers against her sensitive walls while yjhs death grip holds his trembling hips in place.

The room was quickly filled with all three of their moans and yjh thanked the gods above for the thick walls
he previously cursed for their sound muffling abilities.

Catching her breath through pants, lsw pulled back to make a request.

"Can we...haa...pause for a moment? I change...positions." Yjh and kdj stop to catch their breaths, pulling away from eachother.
Kdj frowned at his new found emptiness but didn't complain as lsw and yjh seemed to have the same though process, she layed him down on his back and he let yjh spread his legs to settle in between.

"By the way..." lsw untied the piece of fabric plaguing kdjs vision,
"Dokja-ssi please meet Joonghyuk." She said with a wicked smile before turning to yjh and reiterating the introduction.

Kdj blinked and rubbed at his eyes, adjusting to the light just as yjh thrusted back inside him, finding that prostate he'd become aquainted with earlier.
Earning him a broken curse as their eyes met and they both froze.

Kdjs eyes widened, wondering why there was a fucking model, one of the handsomest men he'd ever seen before him, spreading him open like a buffet. Kdj frowned back at yjh.
He didn't like the glare he was recieving, deep furrowed brows and a frown to match. Kdj didn't think he looked happy to be here despite how his moans seemed to hint that yjh was enjoying his ass earlier. Yjhs glowering was pissing kdj off. What? Kdj was a man with pride too.
Meanwhile, when lsw removed the blindfold and revealed the most breath taking eyes he'd ever seen, yjh could only stare in shock. He was awestruck as eyes that glittered like the cosmos hidden behind a lusty haze peered through long wet lashes, right back at him.
Lsw read the scene before her, correctly guessing that dokja's competitive edge was rearing its ugly head as she finished taking kdjs wrists and tying them together using the same cloth she removed from his face only moments ago. Letting out a small laugh at kdjs growing frown.
"Ah, Dokja-ssi this is my ex-boyfriend. He's good isn't he?" She leaned over kdjs head and spoke innocently. 'This will be fun' she thinks to herself.

He only grumbled in response, pretending to be far more interested in the bow lsw had tied.
With that response, she took kdjs arms and let them rest on his stomach before straddling his head and lowering herself onto kdjs outstretched tongue. Using this as his cue to move again, yjh ran his hands down the inside of kdjs thighs before finding purchase at his hips.
He began pistoning at a steady pace, angling his hips and searching for that little spot that makes kdj tense his thighs and curl his toes with each thrust.

At the same time seolhwa began riding kdjs face letting out the breathy moans and gasps that had a tremor running down
spine and making his arousal twitch.

Unbeknownst to yjh, he was in a one-sided competition with kdj. Not that yjh wouldn't get a kick out of competing with the newly aquainted man, but unfortunately it was mostly in kdjs head. Not sure what the conditions were though.
Perhaps to see who could make someone, the other one perhaps, cum first. Unfortunately for Dokja, yjh was winning as when seolhwa reached behind her to grasp his cock her hand was swatted away by yjh. Who instead grasped kdjs aching erection in his own hand and began pumping it
to the rhythm of his thrusts.

Lsw gripped kdjs hair as she let him eat her out, she watched his eyes fight the urge to roll back as he moaned wantonly against her. All the secrets kdj could tell slipped from his lips as his eyes fluttered closed.
Lsw could tell he was close to cumming as his licking became disorganized, sloppy and infrequent as more and more moans settled in the space between her legs.

Yjh teased kdjs slit and massaged the frenulem as he tighted his grip on his member.
Unable to clearly hear kdj or see his expression he drank in the way his abdomen flexed with each thrust, each pump of his penis. Soon yjh felt the warmth of kdjs wasted seed spill over his hands as he continued to stroking the length and thrusting into kdjs slick little hole.
Lsw got off kdj just in time to hear his broken cries and watched as his trembling form was wracked with ecstasy. He threw his head back and arched off the mattress, screwing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth.

"Fu-ah...hah-ah!" Kdj screamed through his climax.
Yjh hissed as kdjs walls tightented around him but he found an almost sick enjoyment feeling the way kdjs arousal twitched as it spurted out white strings of cum.

"That" Lsw stated, surprised at as he would normally last much longer than this.
She watched as kdj came down from his high and a shiver ran down his body. Once he was back on earth with lsw and yjh again he wiggled his arms, signaling to lsw to get off of him. She moved over and sat beside him as a look of shame filled his features which he brought up
his hands to cover. Now, it was his unexpected speed causing this shame, he was just dreading what followed his climax.

"Now, Dokja-ssi..." he tried to look away from lsw, as if he could somehow escape, "what do you say?"

Yjh sat there and watched the scene, giving kdj
a moment of rest. Very confused about what the other two were discussing.

"Aw...Dokja-ssi you know the rules. I'll give you a second chance, you know what you're supposed to say." The ominous lilt of her voice made him freeze but he didn't make any movement to respond to her.
"Aw, it almost seems like you want to be punished." Lsw pouted as she reached over the side of the bed, and pulled out a long black stick with a handle.

"Seolhwa is that--"

"--A riding crop? Yes it is." Yjh wasn't sure what to make of this scene but he chose to carefully watch.
He gazed on the scene, taking in the way lsw trailed the end of the crop across kdjs skin.

"I'm so sad to see you being so disobedient today. You were so so good earlier," With that statement she flicked her wrist and left a red mark on kdjs chest.
"I'll stop when you remember the rules." She said with a a cute little grin. Flicking her wrist, continuing to whip him into submission. He winced and cried out at each point of contact trying to bear the pain for much longer than necessary.

"Ah! Fine!" Luckily kdj didn't
last long this time either.

She sat on her calves and pulled kdjs head to rest on her thighs. Holding the other end of the crop in her hand, listening patiently.

Yjh was confused but watched on anyways. His eye roamed dokjas body, admiring the red marks peppering his torso.
Kdj cleared his throat, bringing yjhs eyes to his and hiding partially behind one of his hands.

Despite kdj trying to block yjhs view of him, he was still a sight to behold. Flushed red cheeks, wet lashes adorning the same sparkling eyes as before, now with more clarity.
Tear stained cheeks and shiny plump lips that had drool and other juices dribbling down his chin and throat.


"...?" Yjh raised an eyebrow, awaiting what kdj was supposed to be saying.

Kdj spoke is such a low voice yjh couldn't actually hear from behind his hand.
"What?" He leaned closer trying to understand his words which earned only him grumbles.

Frustrated with the proximity he pushed yjh away and covered his own eyes as he turned his head away.

"...Thank you for making me cum, Joonghyuk-ssi." Kdj could feel his face heat up.
Refusing to look back at the man between his legs he just huffed. Embarassed that him and lsw even made this a rule to begin with.

"Good job, Dokja-ssi." Lsw leaned down and planted a kiss over one of the angry red marks staining his pale skin before looking towards yjh.
"Don't you just feel so appreciated, Joonghyuk?" Lsw tilted her head to the side. Knowing full well that this would have a big effect on the man.

As expected he didn't respond with a verbal acknowledgement. Instead he grabbed the back of kdjs thighs and folded them against
his chest. Bending him in half before immediately setting a brutal pace that had the bed knocking against the wall.

Kdj cried out, pleading yjh to wait just a moment longer but it was too late. Kdj had managed to push yjh past the point of no return, liken to a crazed animal
even surprising lsw. She held kdjs hand as she witnessed yjh ruthlessly fucking into him. Spreading him wide and taking all the could be given as kdjs toes curled and legs shook violently. Lsw enjoyed every moment of it.
Lsh layed down next to dokja and kissed the tears as they trickled down his cheeks. She cupped his face with her hand and nibbled on his ear amidst the chaos, she murmured in sweet nothings in his ears. Not noticing how yjh had let go of one of kdjs thighs,
snaking a hand up her legs before its fingers found their way inside the her wet cunt. She gasped at the touch and looked towards the intruder. The look yjh sent made her shudder. He looked like a starved lion seeing fresh meat for the first time in a while.
Lsw let out an excited sound as she turned towards kdj. Using her hand to hold down the leg yjh had abandoned and spoke into his ear.

"Dokja-ssi, is it good?" She moaned as yjh played with her, having forgotten how well they knew eachother's bodies.

"Mnhm" he whimpered.
"You know how I love to hear your voice, right?"

"Ngh...yes-ah!" Kdjs mind was a mess and his inhibitions a wreck.

"Tell me, what does Joonghyuk feel like? How do you like the way he fucks you?"

The directness of lsw's question brought yjh back to his senses.
He didn't expect kdj to answer such question but his pleasure overloaded brain managed to surprise yjh.

"Ah! I love the way he splits me open and-ngh-he's so deep-ah!" Kdj continued messily elaborating in great detail. Singing praises about how perfect yjhs cock was
from the curvature to its girth, begging for more.

"Its so good itssogooditsgo-ngh! Mn...please cum in-ha! Fuckyoufuckyoufuckyou" Lsw is surprised to see kdj melt into mush before her very eyes and the words that he utters stop making sense.
Yjh struggled to hold on for much longer and at kdjs desperate pleads for yjh to come inside he finally reaches his climax. He slipped his fingers out of lsw and gripped her thigh tight. Enough to leave finger shaped bruises for days.
Lsw loved watching people cum. So she gleefully soaked in the sight of yjh, the way his limbs tightened, the sound of his last grunts while he squeezed out the last bits of pleasure, body shaking like an earthquake.
Although the wonderful, the treat of seeing the others climax made her pout. Their timing was off and she was left as the odd one out, that was until yjh grabbed, and made her stand over kdjs body.

Yjh messily ate her out as she grasped onto his hair for dear life.
He fingered her, exploring the corners of the body he'd once mapped out. Soft but deep just the way she'd liked it. Yjh tongue swirled around her clit as lsw raised onto her toes, legs shaking, unable to support her weight for very long.
She spilled herself on yjh, dribbling down his chin as kdj, close to his second orgasm, continued fucking himself on yjhs softening erection below her. It didn't take long before lsw also reached the height of ecstacy, orgasm crashing down on her like she fell from grace.
"Ah...ha-ngh...Fuck!" She cried as kdj looked up at the amazing view. Quickly cumming and harmonizing with her voice.

As her quivering legs buckled and gave out, yjh caught her body, bringing her close and letting her cling to his body.
Exhausted, yjh layed her down at his side before pulling kdjs limp body towards himself. Letting kdj rest on top of him and wrapping an arm around lsws shoulders. The three of them rest together, in a jumbled pile of limbs, pulling up a blanket to cover their cooling bodies.
Apart from their panting, the room was silent as they basked in the afterglow. Lsw snuggled closer go yjhs side, tighteninng her arms around kdj and entwining her fingers with his.

"So...did you have fun?" Lsw was the first to break the silence.
Kdj, having fallen fast asleep didn't answer. He continued slumbering as they held him tight.

"Hm...yes I did." Yjh made a move to kiss the top of lsw and kdjs heads as he stroked the other man's head, running his fingers through the soft hair lsw seemed to enjoy playing with.
Shocked at the gentle affection, she laughed softly in response. Lsw readjusted her head as it rested on yjhs shoulder before comtinuing the conversation.

"He's cute isn't he?"

Yjh snorted at her question. He chose not to respond, it wasn't like she didn't already know
his answer.

The two of them continued talking while kdj napped. Joking around and enjoying eachother's company until he woke up, their signal to clean up and wash themselves off. Lsw watching on as the two men finally give proper introductions.
The three of them would uncomfortably cram themselves into lsw's bathtub. Yjh making comments about the tight fit as him and seolhwa doted on kdj.
Welp i think thats where i'll end things here. Hehe how was it? Feel free to scream about it to me lol

As always this will be edited and up on ao3 soon. Itll take longer than usual bc i want to add yjhs masturbation scene. Also-
I got too excited and didn't check my outline enough and totally forgot kdj was supposed go be bratty. So that will also be fixed before i repost it over there lol.

• • •

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Jun 13, 2023
#joongdok crack au where kdj gets roped into helping her with her university club activities (read tricked and blackmailed). A petting zoo for stressed students during finals week!
"Sooyoung this isn't what you told me!" Kdj tried to plead with her but she was too busy setting up the petting zoo booth to bother listening to him. Maybe he could just make a break for it. Easy enough, there wasnt a way to stop him.

As soon as he took a step towards the door
"Grab him"
And like that kdj was apprehended, knw hooked his arms under kdjs armpits and pulled him back towards hsy kicking and cursing while ysa rushed to his side. He thought his childhood friend would save him only for betrayal.

"Please, dokja! We really need the help!"
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May 27, 2023
This thread is where im putting the request im real put of practice so im slow and ugly
Yma asleep on yjhs chest 🥺 Image
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May 24, 2023
Suggestive? #sangsoo au with soodok as a driver where hsy just doesnt want to take off her immaturity hat and tries to make ysa jealous. Kdj is an unwilling/begrudging victim.

Thigh highs are involved!

Minor joongdok
Pls read following disclaimer tweet
I srsly dont know how to tag the couples. Sangsoo is endgame but soodok banter/friendship takes up the large majority of the thread. And then a tiny bit of joongdok at the end.

Once again ramblings of a madwoman yadda yadda pls excuse the typos i type fast
"Why not!"

"Because I dont want to! And why do you need me!?" At his wits end, kdj tries to close his bedroom door in his roommate's face but she manages to block it with all of her weight.

"Ill give you early access to my manuscripts!" This stops kdj in his tracks.
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May 23, 2023
Nsfw #sangsoo short thread where secretary Han helps her director follow doctor's orders to rebuild strength in her fingers

Now with office sex ;)
-ramblings of a madwoman
-if ur uncomfy w the boss and secretary/employee dynamics then this isnt the thread for u
A knock was heard, alerting the Director to the presence of her secretary.

"Director Yoo, I hope you have a moment." Hsy abruptly walked through the doors to sangah's office, not even waiting for an answer.

Ysa looked up from her monitor amused by hsys attitude.
Read 33 tweets
May 10, 2023
Nsfw #joongdok au where yjh is a war hero with a newly awarded title and kdj is a fair "maiden" being used in political bargaining

Now with sex somnia!
Short little au (hopefully)
Somno where both parties are asleep
Ramblings of a mad woman i hope this makes sense. Im just gonna treat this thread like ive cornered you, the reader, in a closet and am forcing u to indulge in my fantasies. Enjoy!
Yjh comes back from war, having been one of the most important players in winning said battles the king decides to award yjh with some land and a noble title. He doesnt really care either way, he's just glad hes got money to his name.
Read 56 tweets
Mar 23, 2023
#sangsoo brainrot based off real events

Hsy started wearing crop tops with no bra around her home. Whose gonna stop her? GOD? No. Ysa is visiting and theyre talking like normal. Bickering mostly, as if they want nothing to do with the other but like theyre alone in hsy apartment
Mid conversation hsy feels that her top is wet, not sure if its just water or some other liquid that needs to be washed out she lifts the edge of her shirt to inspect it. She sniffs it and it smells like nothing, it was just water. She looks back at ysa to continue their convo
Ysa eyes widen for just a moment, she doesn't say anything but she's blushing. Hsy forgot she wasnt wearing anything underneath her crop top and fully flashed ysa. Ysa tries to act like she didnt just see the yiddies and hsy quickly apologizes, flustered obviously
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