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Mar 21, 2023 86 tweets 80 min read Read on X
100 Worst of the Talmud

1) Who is greater than God? Answer ~ The righteous man, Tzadik. God issues a decree but the Tzadik can nullify it. Rabbi Cherki expects Christians to worship jews in place of Jesus sefaria.org/Moed_Katan.16b…

20) Trial and execution of Jesus the Nazarene

Jewish Encyclopedia explains secret identies of his disciples. Yes Christians in the Talmud https://t.co/Usxu0NfjFi https://t.co/aB26jT26gysefaria.org/Sanhedrin.43a.…

21) The jewish messianic era can be hastened, sped up and messiah will arrive. All the jews simply be good...or evil.

Redemption through sin in the Babylon Talmud https://t.co/yc7deX1jT0sefaria.org/Sanhedrin.98a.…

God approves of evil? Answer yes sometimes due to magic dots.

22) God approved of Lot's incest with daughters. Horayot Nazir https://t.co/P3iXzYaOD1 Dots called puncta extraordinaria, 15 places in their Bible with magic dots https://t.co/wFmznjW4gK https://t.co/bfY20nbdWZsefaria.org/Horayot.10b.16…

23) "Messiah — without metaphor, the Jewish people" ~ Babylon Talmud But that is a footnote? "All the censored passages reappear in the Text or in the Notes" https://t.co/JkaQh6fgqC Rashi suffering servant of Isaiah the righteous https://t.co/xqpcJsrWZv https://t.co/8IJeiuFheDhalakhah.com/kethuboth/keth…

24) The jewish messiah is named the "bar nifli"

The Fallen Son

Rabbi Hillel says there is no messiah coming. https://t.co/h5VeqX3YgY I included the definitions for an even more disturbing context. https://t.co/ElRo0jFF5Zsefaria.org/Sanhedrin.97a.…

25) Each jew to receive 2,800 slaves from all over the world ~ Talmud

Nonjews don't have souls and will be enslaved ~ Haaretz https://t.co/aL5uQxV88k Video admitting it at 17 min https://t.co/ONVo1GbsHO https://t.co/Nsv7JJQmmkhalakhah.com/shabbath/shabb…

Worst of the Talmud

26) The world will be made "evedim" slave / servants. Great edit by @DerorCurrency

Daughters of kings will be turned into naked prostitutes in the jewish messianic age https://t.co/tITaDXUVdy https://t.co/dN6aHXf1M2sefaria.org/Eruvin.43b.6?l…

@DerorCurrency 27) Curse of Ham, used to justify enslavement of Africans. Ham skin turned black turned charcoal color ~ Jerusalem Talmud https://t.co/LOeGlHYj17 jews dominating slave trade ~ Jewish Encyclopedia https://t.co/mRWuWOGYtD #TheNoticing https://t.co/tnVIrYkq1usefaria.org/Sanhedrin.108b…

@DerorCurrency 28) A Kushi disqualified from being a priest due to their black skin The Kushi took 9/10ths of drunkenness given to mankind by God https://t.co/vJIWbNdbmt https://t.co/XJ9TrQFYO7sefaria.org/Bekhorot.45b.5…

29) Don't have to feed your slaves they can be starved Slaves have the status as an ANIMAL in the Talmud https://t.co/K5TQMVX91B Rabbi Kashtiel boasting of plans to enslave gentiles https://t.co/L9xeWeoESj https://t.co/cvxQ7AQE1Esefaria.org/Ketubot.43a.10…

30) All the kindness and charity by gentiles counts as a sin against them ~ Babylon Talmud

Rabbi Mizrachi saying 6 billion don't deserve to live https://t.co/2igHWbjIoY #TheNoticing https://t.co/bNlDuyVC7Asefaria.org/Bava_Batra.10b…

Worst of the Talmud

31) Gentile children like donkeys and horses

They are a nation/people like a donkey https://t.co/P2IESNxCUR

Nonjews have barbaric sperm https://t.co/mTiMePk2rA https://t.co/WiKBVmDCuxsefaria.org/Yevamot.98a.3?…

32) "For you, and not for gentiles; for you, and not for dogs." ~ Talmud https://t.co/XLmbpvc0l0sefaria.org/Megillah.7b.14…
Worst of the Talmud

33) Courtyard of a gentile like a "behema" animal.

Though primary definition of "behema" dumb cattle. Article https://t.co/flFNy7Fxzh https://t.co/9SZ4gEVO3fsefaria.org/Eruvin.62b?lan…

34) Nonjews are not called man, human. ~ Babylon Talmud
Article https://t.co/hCHAZXuNtV https://t.co/xGWfBoWanmsefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.11…

35) God hates gentiles.

As proof they point to similarity of Mount Sinai and word Hate "sanee" שָׂנֵא
"Fate of the Talmud has been the fate of the jews" Rodkinson 1901 translation. https://t.co/rNydZMA6qrsefaria.org/Shabbat.89a.7?…

36) Daily you are to thank God for not making you a goyim.

And not making you a woman. Called the "shelo asani" prayer. Article https://t.co/fX9V4diDxa https://t.co/7JLQ3PhHA8sefaria.org/Menachot.43b.1…

37) A woman is essentially a flask full of feces ~ Talmud https://t.co/YSyg3jumdvsefaria.org/Shabbat.152a.1…

38) A woman is meat for the man to have anyway he wants ~ Talmud https://t.co/q1GlKAMgeOsefaria.org/Nedarim.20b.4?…

39) Women cursed to have long hair like the Lilith demon, to sit to pee like an ANIMAL and to be used as their husband's pillow ~ Talmud https://t.co/QRo09VvvGJsefaria.org/Eruvin.100b.26…

40) Hair and voice of a woman is lewd, perverse. They are to be quiet and cover up

Called "kol b'isha erva" orthodox women often shave their heads and men blur out old pictures, wiki "modesty" subsection https://t.co/rhWA6hin3I https://t.co/7Xjk4qSwdqsefaria.org/Berakhot.24a.1…

41) The mother of Jesus of Nazareth described as being promiscuous so much so paternity in doubt.

Rabbi Farber at 39 minutes sounds like Jesus mother https://t.co/hXHX0m66rF https://t.co/vxe1qKmTV1sefaria.org/Shabbat.104b.5…

Worst of the Talmud
42) The infamous pretty woman law, permitted to "take" her. Rape even if she is married

Yefas To'ar "for example, a soldier may rape only a single woman a single time, and only at the time of her capture" Aish https://t.co/u0Rpo2k4xL https://t.co/EdJC4LLPfOsefaria.org/Kiddushin.21b.…

43) "Girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal is betrothed with intercourse, as the legal status of intercourse with her of full-fledged intercourse" Talmud Gentile girls age 3 fit for intercourse https://t.co/yitHmrisR9 https://t.co/tuw8lWq6PIsefaria.org/Sanhedrin.55b.…

44) Sex with boys ~ Talmud. Sanhedrin + Dilling
""Oddly, to say the least, Jewish Law does not explicitly ban sex with boys under the age of nine" ~ Haaretz https://t.co/yDJ4y20DBY
Chief Rabbi Lao says exactly that https://t.co/phTqOL6qUl https://t.co/QdFTewjVYIcome-and-hear.com/dilling/54.html

45) Do not report a jewish criminal to gentile authorities
Rambam says to execute snitches https://t.co/D2XuP5oWMR
Moser & Mesirah wiki https://t.co/6s0Tgu9yrI
Article rabbi says not to report sexual abuse https://t.co/rA3WBMOWTy https://t.co/bvpL3ho7DWsefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.83…

Worst of the Talmud

46) Bathsheba gave birth at six years old.

Rashi says Rebecca was 3 when she married 40 year old Isaac. https://t.co/jgL3CziaAR
Pritzker Zohar V. 2 p. 264 repeats https://t.co/PKPWeXFz2zhalakhah.com/sanhedrin/sanh…

47) These horrible young ages for intercourse come from Moses claim the sages.

Rabbi Meir wants age lowered to 2 for a girl to be "betrothed by intercourse" ~ Babylon Talmud https://t.co/DshSglp5um https://t.co/eDJC2Il8l3sefaria.org/Niddah.32a.15?…

48) Shmuel has a secret sex technique to use on these little girls so they stay virgins

Jewish women don't have pubic hair https://t.co/LvFEFFZg1s https://t.co/VqDmqyXhTbsefaria.org/Chagigah.15a.1…
Worst of the Talmud

49) A condemned man's wife is not protected from rapists. https://t.co/NLldM9Ug48sefaria.org/Ketubot.27a.6?…
50) If tempted to do evil, go someplace you are not known dress in black...

and do EVIL. You will still receive honorable funeral. ~ Babylon Talmud https://t.co/WnLslRDV8ksefaria.org/Moed_Katan.17a…

51) Children can use birth control "contraceptive resorbent, a soft fabric placed at the entrance to their wombs to prevent conception."

Children so young that otherwise "she become pregnant and perhaps die." Babylon Talmud https://t.co/Ey6ATYn3iVsefaria.org/Yevamot.12b.3?…

52) Rabbi has sex with every prostitute on Earth and still gets into Heaven. https://t.co/G2ernss9Mvsefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.1…

53) Rabbis taunt a Roman noblewoman telling her how big their penises are.

They then measure dicks. Talmud https://t.co/LNfFGOAbsBsefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.84…

54) All the money of the gentiles now belongs to the jews. Bava Kamma 38A
Repeat in Jerusalem Talmud https://t.co/EwCXcrHXLo https://t.co/sxSOcXaDDDsefaria.org/Bava_Kamma.38a…

55) Property of a gentile like desert land.

Most jews are thieves ~ Talmud & Prime minister Ben Gurion https://t.co/qBQOFvBjYj https://t.co/7fRRp9Os1Ghalakhah.com/bababathra/bab…

56) Rabbi argues that murder and theft are permitted if done to gentiles. The reverse punished, naturally

Double standards are at the ❤ of judaism. This is what they taught the world ~ Chabad (now deleted paragraph) https://t.co/9KNilxQqK1 https://t.co/eM8BujZQRMsefaria.org/Sanhedrin.57a.…

Worst of the Talmud

57) In contrast, a gentile is executed for stealing the smallest possible amount.

Word here "peruta" like a penny https://t.co/NDkOIl4Thksefaria.org/Yevamot.47b.6?…

58) Rabbi argues that robbery of a gentile is permitted

It is not the mouse that steals, but the hole https://t.co/6ycT7CXexx https://t.co/k8ucs9XTIKsefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.87…

59) Sage argues robbing and oppressing gentiles permitted

Rabbi says found items you can keep https://t.co/COuZO4BIjp

A stolen sukkah (hut, dwelling) permitted https://t.co/ruC1D2ZAw4 https://t.co/xVZX8toID2sefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.11…

Worst of the Talmud

60) A rabbi finds a dragon ring which he wants, slaps a man until he revokes it's idolatrous status In JT version rabbi roars spit on it, pee on it! https://t.co/Rp1eUX3Nrpsefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.4…

61) No occupation lower than working the land, farming.

Selling merchandise better due to higher profits. Babylon Talmud https://t.co/RKgTAixhuHsefaria.org/Yevamot.63a.8?…

62) The greatest pursuit, field to specialize in according to the Talmud...monetary law

Odd, you would think they would say priest or study Torah. Nope, pursuit of money greater.

What is monetary law, hmm? Lending money https://t.co/Qd7AKzAMMy https://t.co/OcvibLySd2sefaria.org/Bava_Batra.175…

63) Best example for supporting lying from the Talmud is Yevamot 65B. "God commands one to lie in order to preserve peace."

What about Libbre David? Answer it is a fake book, doesn't exist. Anyone citing it is a dumbass or subversive. https://t.co/m1YgPcTJv3sefaria.org/Yevamot.65b.7?…
64) Rabbi Akiva lies, takes a false oath.

Is it permitted for the righteous to act deceitfully? Jacob answered yes https://t.co/X4P07O4Ga9

Told to keep secrets https://t.co/ziKSSVr1sY https://t.co/5PBoz4R5zRsefaria.org/Tractate_Kalla…

Worst of the Talmud

65) Allowed to cancel all FUTURE vows with the Kol Nidre prayer

Considered so controversial was originally rejected by many jewish communities though widely accepted now. Their holiest prayer ~ Chabad https://t.co/ykCb1F6TG8 https://t.co/XBUgR6SPOBsefaria.org/Nedarim.23b.1?…

66) Permitted to lie, going so far as saying you are a worshipper of fire to avoid paying taxes ~ Babylon Talmud #TheNoticing https://t.co/93r945xdD3sefaria.org/Nedarim.62b.3?…

67) The jews are a people like fire ~ Talmud
All wisdom from angering God https://t.co/kAlWjrbMAy
Provoke God to gain perfection ~ Rashi https://t.co/nSHUJqU6hg
President Truman a critic https://t.co/340O3o2jdI https://t.co/yqMLiUfjK3sefaria.org/Beitzah.25b.7?…

68) How to legally do a Moloch sacrifice ~ Babylon Talmud, Soncino with Dilling's notes

Coal of idolatry forbidden but the flame is permitted https://t.co/Qt3EERPyL5 https://t.co/IjAwc26tIkcome-and-hear.com/dilling/66.html

Worst of the Talmud

69) To be on the Sanhedrin, highest court, you had to be a master of sorcery.

Rashi commentary shocking, become a master sorcery to deal with Jesus the Christian.
ישו הנוצרי https://t.co/Kqd7Q1tipysefaria.org/Sanhedrin.17a.…

70) Permitted to summon demons ~ Babylon Talmud

Yosef the demon teaches Torah violates the Sabbath https://t.co/GICEZANzAi

Demon house servant https://t.co/oTljRMZtMf https://t.co/0XfNweLJNssefaria.org/Sanhedrin.101a…

Worst of the Talmud

71) Detailed instructions on how to summon & see demons, need after birth of a black cat.

If you started reading the Talmud from very beginning, you would hit this section in about 66 minutes, Berakhot (Blessings) 6.6 https://t.co/8AEy8xhCt5sefaria.org/Berakhot.6a.6?…

72) Shimon Yohai makes a deal with a devil. Yohai honored yearly with holiday of Lag B'Omer

This story nearly identical to a miracle by St. Bartholomew. Demon named Ben Temalion
בֶּן תְּמַלְיוֹן
A cypher for the Christian saint
בַּר תְּלַמְיוֹן https://t.co/cQzeBtBqhksefaria.org/Meilah.17b.5?l…

73) Story of a death curse, a pulsa dinura. A shofar of DOOM!

Told to curse the graves of gentiles, the cemetery curse https://t.co/qqBba0hNjQ
Laying on a grave? Disrespecting the dead https://t.co/ZvFgHj6UWO https://t.co/B8w83cmvYWsefaria.org/Moed_Katan.17b…

Worst of the Talmud

74) Some rabbis claim an exemption for necrophilia

King Herod accused of preserving a dead body in honey to have sex with https://t.co/SfAzZ7kuF6 https://t.co/xkGXVKJSCisefaria.org/Sanhedrin.78a.…

75) Permitted to learn magic

Sorcery with seven types of semen in the eye, word associated with necromancy & pederasty from Rabbi Jastrow's Talmud Dictionary.
Rabbi creates a golem. https://t.co/HywMIbs069 https://t.co/4zX7ATYpuLsefaria.org/Shabbat.75a.3?…

76) Satan has power 364 days a year, based on gematria ~ Babylon Talmud
Satan kisses the feet of a rabbi. https://t.co/zDA7QGYrCs

Sacrifices go to Satan. Pritzker Zohar V. 1 P. 73 https://t.co/sxzAUqHncD https://t.co/7VUoAhbvJxsefaria.org/Nedarim.32b.1?…

77) "Sharp knife" method move words to reinterpret a Bible verse
Move around letters to reinterpret Bible passages. "Homiletically" https://t.co/DzuLwkBbSf
Repeat https://t.co/mwpBoTq81e
Disregard the divine voice, the voice of God https://t.co/ZX3Nr2tyra https://t.co/rJ7dOlxFbusefaria.org/Arakhin.26a.5?…

Worst of the Talmud

78) Dream of sex with your mother? The sages says that is a good thing.
Rabbi for context https://t.co/SDI4huRNyl #TheNoticing https://t.co/QJkLi9PouHsefaria.org/Berakhot.57a.4…

79) Prophet Isaiah executed for insulting the jewish people, tried using magic to escape into a cedar tree
Moses time travels, a dunce forced to sit in back of Akiva's class https://t.co/V8QlULDZEw
Abraham gave gifts of witchcraft https://t.co/mHX8agRcaP https://t.co/g9eu2p9ZdJsefaria.org/Yevamot.49b.8?…

80) Adam had sex with every animal in the Garden of Eden.
This passage part of famous trial the Disputation of Paris, some history books lie claiming it doesn't exist! https://t.co/JCFbX7RrhA This & previous notice how they tear down Biblical figures https://t.co/eknF3uOPsCsefaria.org/Yevamot.63a.5?…

81) Adam created male and female, androgynous ~ Babylon Talmud Repeated in Zohar https://t.co/IcLJKohBXg Adam created in image of God meaning the creator also androgynous in this belief system https://t.co/qnzZwor3dCsefaria.org/Berakhot.61a.5…

82) Trans categories like androgynous and Tumtum. Sometimes excluded Sometimes included "his female organ" "hermaphrodite proper male" https://t.co/B3B5f2M3y4 Miracle a man grows breasts like a woman ~ Babylon Talmud https://t.co/uNruQBCPfs
Rabbis agree https://t.co/pxqkx65kbGsefaria.org/Chagigah.2a.1?…

83) Treat a lung infection with feces from a white dog ~ Babylon Talmud

Treat scurvy with baby feces ~ Jerusalem Talmud https://t.co/QyjmKiF5uCsefaria.org/Jerusalem_Talm…

Worst of the Talmud

84) Gentile females are in a state of menstruation from the cradle

One of the most censored lines, here changed to "heathen" and "niddah" which is the Hebrew word for menstruation https://t.co/N1G3xYipPV https://t.co/Gw3XmwdTmEsefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.3…

Worse of the Talmud

85) Do not nurse gentile babies or help deliver them. They might live to be idol worshippers. Let them die.

The reverse is of course allowed.

Gentiles considered nothing https://t.co/qprk4DrpwF https://t.co/4oKew4Ah8csefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.2…

86) Converts are like a leprous sore
Converts are like prostitutes https://t.co/RS2WUGmjNH
Gentiles always have the status of a zav, someone with a contagious sexually transmitted disease https://t.co/pH9xQ82mqN https://t.co/DjOBRekmi2sefaria.org/Yevamot.109b.3…

87) Sage examines 60 menstrual blood stains.

Sniffing menstrual blood stains, "blood of desire!" ~ Babylon Talmud https://t.co/qtWjnbrYYv

"I Had To Take My Dirty Panties To A Rabbi" https://t.co/EhV4jAB16k https://t.co/lH7aUn0gOxsefaria.org/Bava_Metzia.84…

Worst of the Talmud

88) Sages place warm bread in a man's ass till he emits semen. https://t.co/Pafck3RTKasefaria.org/Yevamot.76a.3?…

89) Oral circumcision "Metzitzah b'peh" rabbis are told to suck on the wounded baby penis.

Later same section how many dead sons before the procedure cancelled discussed. So great is circumcision called a "great mitzvah" equal to all 613. https://t.co/AUL4KqyAYxsefaria.org/Shabbat.133a.1…

90) Gentiles suspected of bestiality, of having sex with animals. Babylon Talmud

Repeat Jerusalem Talmud https://t.co/gbj1stmBt8 https://t.co/pUotYhtpr4sefaria.org/Avodah_Zarah.2…

Worst of the Talmud

91) A jewish woman who had sex with a dog permitted to marry even a priest

One version not a dog but a gorilla https://t.co/XPtAYK9EsQ appear to have changed wild dog "kufri"
To monkey/ gorilla "kuf" https://t.co/5JFbzaiP2qsefaria.org/Yevamot.59b.7?…

92) Two jewish men having sex with a dog. Then, two men having sex on school roof ~ Talmud
Repeat a sin allowed? https://t.co/AOjke0S0fX
Curse on dog owners https://t.co/MeDH6KAAz4 https://t.co/jjEPr7QhQesefaria.org/Jerusalem_Talm…

Worst of the Talmud

93) A creep watches a man poop and wipe, he explains "this is Torah and I must learn."

A pervert watches a couple have sex, when discovered says " this is Torah and I must learn." #TheNoticing https://t.co/17wQkZCXaKsefaria.org/Berakhot.62a.1…

Worst of the Talmud

94) Christians explicit on a real #DafYomi page
Avoid fasting on Sundays due to Christians https://t.co/Z2pAbnPErA

Do not do business with Christians. https://t.co/g9evxxEdwt https://t.co/wuyDXbQWA0dafyomi.org/index.php?mase…

95) Words of Jesus Christ quoted in the Talmud. "I have not come to destroy the law but fulfil it" Matthew 5:17. Confirmed Haaretz

Soncino footnotes https://t.co/TDYl3UQHUJ
Steinsaltz says "Christians" and Evangelion https://t.co/xfKtpakXno https://t.co/UhBWbUq409archive.is/hZZG5

Worst of the Talmud

96) Who does not avenge "nakam" himself like a snake when insulted, cannot call himself a Torah scholar. Honor demands it!

Gentiles are doomed! They took their sentence, total destruction. https://t.co/SKvherMcP4 https://t.co/i7Xvxpalm5sefaria.org/Yoma.23a.1?lan…

Worst of the Talmud

97) Nail of a crucified for healing infections.

Wonder how they get these nails?

Sacrifice an Edom (Christian) for an Adam (jewish man). Pritzker Zohar V 9 P 345 https://t.co/6HKrNEhDHhsefaria.org/Shabbat.67a.12…

98) A choking child saved by miraculous healing power of Jesus ~ Talmud

In another version, rabbi says to let child die https://t.co/RxvmotpoWD

Rabbi Aviner of Jerusalem publicly states Christians are the jews number 1 enemy. https://t.co/WMOMvbmoqDsefaria.org/Jerusalem_Talm…

Worst of the Talmud

99) Bowls made from feces are pure ~ Babylon Talmud

Yes, bowls used for water made from poo. https://t.co/4Rr6Wf0ocj https://t.co/xP4PV6y5Ocsefaria.org/Gittin.62a.9?l…

100) Torah scrolls are made from dog excrement and tefilin.

Dog Shit. https://t.co/TkHEkFgWlasefaria.org/Tractate_Kalla…
"Legal system based on Talmud," Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu.

"The Talmud whose importance to Jewish culture surpasses that of the Bible." Best selling author, professor and advisor to the World Economic Forum ~ Yuval Noah Harari

The talmud "for the majority of jews it is still the supreme authority in religion" ~ Jewish Encyclopedia https://t.co/DBj4VPSmhRjewishencyclopedia.com/articles/14213…
The talmud "still dominates the minds of a whole people, who venerate its contents as


Rodkinson 1901 first English translation of the book https://t.co/Z96THp2Nxparchive.md/LWLQD
"Phrase 'people of the book' was, in fact, the Talmud.

understanding the Talmud is the way to understanding the Jewish soul"

Rabbi Wein in Jerusalem Post

#TheNoticing https://t.co/n2voK4eq3Xarchive.md/GIBdD

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Aug 14, 2024
Candace Owen's latest video getting mass reported for the claims in it. Will address a couple.

She has 5 million followers on Facebook & Twitter/X also 2 million on YouTube.
Candace Owens makes several claims. First that kabbalist jews are using the demonic. Main text of kabbalah is the Zohar which says

"Israel is deprived of direct divine sustenance and is nourished only by the demonic realm"
Pritzker Zohar V 2 P 106
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The Jewish Designers of North Korea's Hydrogen Bomb ~ Jewish Daily Forward Image
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to join us in the ovens" latimes.com/archives/la-xp…
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Jul 8, 2024
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Reminder Bro Nat holds him up as an exemplar for the rest of us to follow. No
Since cowardly Adam's audience is here some more dirt. Reminder he blocks people who catch him lying
Adam Green...more like Adam Yellow. A Chicken.

Only someone who hasn't done the research or was trying to mislead their audience would lie that the Bible is worse than the talmud.

Yet to post talmud line by Shimon Yohai "k___ the best of gentiles." x.com/search?q=From%…

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Jun 16, 2024
Next read will be Sefer HaChinukh (“Book of Education”) covers the 613 commandments. sefaria.org/Sefer_HaChinuk…
Intro "What is it with you, jew-man"

The angels and spheres are intellects.
Intro - the true explanation of the torah and the 613 commandments is found in the Babylon talmud and the Jerusalem talmud.
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May 12, 2024
Yes 7,792 pages. I will give a brief look for critics of all 12 volumes of the Pritzker Zohar.
Vol 1
XXXII Zohar sacred, divinely inspired
XLIV Sexual and demonic elements made it more attractive
LV Author's widow said Zohar a forgery for "pecuniary" reasons, money
LIX Zohar filled with disdain and hatred for gentile world
LXXVII Zohar is holy, canon
P1 Rose among the thorns, Song of Songs discussed
P7 Angel asks Rabbi Shimon to explain for help
P13 Adam first man androgynous (repeat p94)
P53 She is called God
P72-73 Sacrices to Satan (repeat p373 p380)
P92 Edom is Christianity
P143 Cherubs in sexual embrace Image
Read 49 tweets
Apr 27, 2024
Here is a version focused on Jesus. Right away I notice the main passage people discuss Sanhedrin 43A of the talmud is missing #BadList Image
1) Jesus was a bastard fathered by an evil spirit. Kallah 1B, 18B

Fake. There are two minor tractates of the talmud named Kallah (bride) & Kallah Rabbati (big bride) passage isn't there. Very first passage is a malicious fake to discredit critics. Neither have a chapter 18 Image
1) cont, a couple places in both where menstruation discussed. Closest is Rabbi Akiva calling a child a bastard and mother was "niddah." Neither Mary or Jesus mentioned here.

Problem he lived after time of Jesus Christ, Akiva died 135 AD (age 85 years) sefaria.org/Tractate_Kalla…
Read 13 tweets

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