“I don’t mistrust reality, of which I know next to nothing. I mistrust the picture of reality conveyed to us by our senses, which is imperfect and circumscribed.” -Gerhard Richter

Episode 24: The Reflecting Window’s Multiplication of Worlds 🧵 #yaliçapkini
📎 Episode 23 abstract:
📎 Scene 1: (through the window) the fight continues
They’re fights have matured such grandly over the past three months. The love and preciousness for each other is highly visible at this point+
Unlike past times, he asks her for an answer calmly. Points out how brutally she’d hurt him just now. She accepts she was overwhelmed. They at least confront the problem +
Calmly but still restlessly, he asks her to make the decision. “Break my heart, so it’s not troubled anymore, break it so I can at least be sure I was right about love” +
Both’s eyes troubled with fear, one’s constantly tear, while the other’s drown in confusion that she can’t bear. Both can’t look into eachother’s eyes while thinking of losing the other +
“You’re afraid of life” “you come off your past on me” “baba scared you so much, that it made you afraid of life. People. Yourself.” “the problem is not with me” +
His eyes shining as if they were reflecting on something. Looking into a mirror as if. He’s not talking solely about Seyran but actually to his other self too. This is exactly what he’s done to himself, felt all these years+
But saying this to S isn’t ironic to him; he actually has been trying to look ahead. the only person that’s made him believe in looking at the future,now rejects one with him. Being healed enough to being able to forget about the past, he wants her to do the same too+
📎 ‘’im not silent, I think”
His eyes reflect again. Both their troubled minds portrayed again. “It never stops speaking, the mind. Never quites down. Keeps making noise. Doesn’t let the heart call out to the loved. Makes me suffer alone” #SeyFer
📎 “I’ll love you enough to let you go”     

“I’ll be unhappy, I’ll be miserable, don’t let me get married Anne” “why should your wants and desires matter more than mine?”
These are words of the same Ferit that sheds his heart on the thought of letting go of his wife today+
The same that’d rather be miserable in himself than to let her be.     

Little does he know they’ll both burn the same if parted. Little does she know. Little does he+
📎 Ferit’s burdens:
He’s seen suffering tragically this episode. Where he would’ve given up confronting the problem usually, he’s seen continuously trying to face it this time, without letting Seyran get hurt in the process+
F has two things that make him passive to Zerrin’s threats; Halis’ fear and that of breaking Seyran’s (already weak) trust again/ loosing her.   
Even though she’s hurt him, he holds on+
Eyes troubled, hands anxious, rubbing together. He watches Halis knock his fingers on the table. Indefidently covering up the situation he manages to get out without letting on, however with pressure adding on, person by person, his other self starts putting on+
The empty corridors, emphasizing his mind again. He walks through them, scared. The child is in the dark again. He can’t see. Nobody’s there this time+
Seyran’s words whispering in his head. He’s unable to quite down the voice. “You’re right” she whispers. He looks behind him in fear. As if there’s someone with him+
Playing the words of the women he loves , but who rejects a future with him, in his head. He falls into a panic attack+
The mirror, a portal into himself, his past. He’s afraid of it. It’s not the pressure that’s scaring him, but himself. He’s scared of his reflection. It reminds him he’s unlovable.
Patting his chest,counting his breaths, he tries to bring himself back.
📎 Seyran’s aversion:   
While F struggles with pressure, Seyran struggles with aversion and anxiety. They both push themselves for the other under pressure +
There are many reasons why someone might struggle with sexual anxiety, and it could be something that the person struggling with it doesn't yet understand about themselves.   
sometimes, anxiety-related nausea can make you totally sick to your stomach+
Your stomach churns so much that you have to make a dash for the bathroom. Feeling itchy, hot, suffocated. You may even reach the point of dry heaving or vomiting (what happens to Seyran)  +
Concerning Seyran’s abuse and trauma/disorders, I would find it normal for her to fall into vertigo over anything physical let alone sexual. Though we’ve also seen her being open to it two episodes ago+
Why did she not fear being touched, even though she has severe trauma and If didn’t;   
Why then is she nauseous over the thought of it now ?
As for fear: Ferit made her forget it. Her consummation of Ferit’s desire that night, strengthens my belief in their love, and the power it holds. Out of the common comes a love, that can make you forget about your gaps and less-ness, while filling it in too+
The way Ferit had treated her that time, the way he had carried her through it, had made her forget her fears. Fear of being touched, as whenever she had, it’d never been out of love+
for the nervousness now: It’s because she’s thinking about it beforehand. Overthinking or fogged conscience can highly stress a person even if they want the other
Forcing oneself to interact physically, with the one they love as a product of compromise, just proves you’re doing this as a gesture and not mutual desire+
Even though she keeps telling Suna she wants it, Seyran being the woman she is, would never have prepared for it as a way to reconcile, after a fight. Or just because she wants to let Ferit know she wants him too. The union would have to be out of love and in the moment.
📎 Zerrin Yilmaz (a pawn in the game):     
The Yilmaz family themselves are uptowners. Being a Korhan’s friend, let alone girlfriend speaks for P’s place in society, Zerrin’s not in it for just the Korhan name;
Ferit and Pelin both have hinted at her family being strict several times till now. But we’re also aware of Ferit’s manipulative confinement skills through his past.      
It was only through his guarantee that P was allowed to live alone while her family was back in London+
This was to serve his own luxury of access (to P) but he would also do this for anyone that’s close to him (he convinced Kazim to let the girls go out)+
Now a friend lying to cover for a friend is one thing, but these are society running families + Ferit Korhan himself, we’re talking about+
Zerrin Yilmaz could not have been easy to convince, of her daughter having a relationship and living alone. Even though Ferit was from an influential family himself, Zerrin had to have needed some kind of assurance/insurance. Cut to – Ferit’s marriage promises+
Pelin fears her family as Ferit does his. she can’t face them for the codependent life/relationship she’s driving, hence she wanted to stay in Istanbul+
Being assured by Ferit, Zerrin had left Pelin to live alone. Satisfied with her future being secured by a suitor with potential as that of the Korhans. She’d put up with everything as long as Pelin’s future was secure+
Even though Burak had informed her about Pelin having broken up with Ferit. Zerrin seemed fine with P moving on with Serter (another influential suitor). Everything was hidden, like she’d wanted until Gulgun called Zerrin in condolence and Zerrin realized what had been happening+
It wasn’t until she’d arrived to take Pelin with her, that she was then convinced (manipulated) of the unfairness of the matter+
Pelin using her props to full, decorated her new apartment in such manner as if Ferit’s been living with her (the box with his things that she kept separate) this whole time (despite his marriage) +
This gave Zerrin the impression that she’d been promised marriage while living as the other woman.     
after hearing P’s twisted POV on the forced marriage + that his wife had taken possession of him (Seyran throwing out Pelin), Zerrin took stand.
Though of course, she still is (Pelin’s) mother.  Will hurt anything and everything in order to fulfill her will+
Zerrin pulls the Korhan’s strings one by one to serve her ulterior motive. Having her delusion of Pelin becoming a Korhan threatened, she runs mad all over instanbul, playing all the right cards+
Halis, Ferit and then Gulgun. Halis and Gulgun being the two people that care the most about Ferit; she hits them where it burns the best. Halis with the memory of his abandoned daughter and grandchildren in London, and Gulgun with the threat to tell Halis everything +
She knows Ferit can be manipulated easily, it’s what her daughter’s been doing to keep him close all these years. Hence she uses it to make him bow+
Opens with his fear of his dede. “I’ve talked to him directly” as soon as sees him nervous, she smirks successfully. Using all the words he’d said in the past, to lure him into guilt, she threatens him with a surprising claim.
📎 Newton’s cradle:   
I would have named this chapter after this scene right here, but since this device too signifies a portal, we’ll go accordingly+
Erhan Uzun in a peice on Newton’s laws shadowing basic psychology:   
“For example, when I look at these spheres, I see a chain of movement and change. Just as we notice when we look around us. We see that things are constantly changing. These changes do not happen automatically+
In order for this ball to change its position, another ball must first change its position. As I said, this is a chain of movement and change” +
Objects want to stay as they are. Even the smallest object in this universe does not move stagnantly. It maintains the state of inactivity (Ferit stands unable to remove Pelin from his life)+
Until an external force acts on it (discovery/realization of truth and belief) As soon as you apply this external force, it takes action and this time it tries to maintain its mobility. In theory, it would continue this motion indefinitely (authenticity and loyalty) +
Inaction (in Ferit’s case, Guilt/Sympathy) is part of life. Taking the first step is always difficult. But once you take that step, things get easier. You gain momentum. You start to maintain this momentum. Tick tock, tick tock. You're almost in sync with time. With love+
Don't always wait for such an outside force to take action (As Ferit does Seyran) This force that you need is always "potentially" within you (own up to the reality of Pelin being in the way of trust in your relationship with Seyran) You decide this+
After all, you have to lift that first ball into the air to turn the potential inside you into kinetic/impactful energy.
📎 F-01 :   
Again, with continuous manifestations on her revelation. Pelin parks beside the F-01 lot.   
The number 1, being another portal into beginnings, newness, and change. Then of course Ferit’s initial before it
Ferit takes initiative in the confidence Seyran has given him. Now knowing it was all a two way clap and not just his fault, he accounts Pelin for the same.   
Pelin, as usual victimizes herself above all, then leaves stern, stating her mother as the her last tactic on board.
📎 Handan: 
The book had been emphasized on once before, while she was waiting for Ferit as it is now+
Now again she waits beside it.  
Assessment of Halide Edip’s work as a novelist rarely goes beyond the celebration of an exceptional Turkish woman who struggles with society and manners, simultaneously as they struggle with their own psyche and consciousness+
Revolving around a woman who tries to fight for her love, despite knowing a mistress, but going array trying, Handan manifests her destiny to Seyran. Can love lead to happiness? Is love necessary for a good marriage? What does love involve—having mutual goals and ideals?+
Is love possible without companionship and empathy? What happens to a marriage when it lacks love and companionship? These are questions Handan rises+
As I said before, I am sure that awareness of distrusting/missogynystic cycled repeating themselves all over time will bring her to stand up for herself and her marriage. Pointer to the next episode again+
On a mid script note; Suna and Seyran, fooling around with butterflies, researching about “how to have first halvet for beginners” 💀, suggesting Seyran to not wear anything since it’s gonna come off anyways and teasing her; might just be the fluff boost we crave amidst drama+
📎 ‘Engin yalnızlık’ Vast Loneliness:   
I’ve talked about how close this melody by @guldiyart1 is to me and how it connects not only Seyran and Ferit but us to them
But it playing to this scene, helped me understand in depth, why Ferit questions and why Seyran can’t answer+
The melody being F’s, he questions her for what he asked in the morning. Tries to look for an answer in her, as to why he can ‘never’ be worthy of her trust. As to why she has to make him suffer. In vast loneliness+
The harmony being S’, she tells him she doesn’t wanna fight anymore.  A deep breath to build enough strength to say it, and the cello falls in tune. Tries to tell him she wants to accept her love, wants to fall into it openly+
Though fails to give an answer again. Her nervousness doesn’t let her. She stays still. In vast loneliness.
📎 Stairway to Heaven:   
Seyran fears the stairs as Suna did in the pilot. Everything pararallizes with the time when Suna was in her place. Though what matters for me is the fact that Seyran has walked ahead both times+
The day the Korhan’s came for Suna’s hand; Seyran took the stairs ahead of Suna, as she does today. Thus it was her who was destined to walk to Ferit from the start+
The staircase also presents itself as a “relationship escalator’’ for Seyran and Ferit.   
The escalator is a default set of ‘societal’ customs for the proper conduct of intimate relationships+
Progressive steps with clearly ‘visible’ markers and a ‘presumed’ structural goal of permanently monogamous sexually/ romantically exclusive cohabitating marriage. starts at contact, initiation, claiming/defining, establishment, commitment, merging, conclusion and ‘’legacy’’+
“The reason it’s called the relationship escalator as opposed to the relationship ladder or the relationship stairs is because the escalator is automatic, it’s unconscious, and it’s unquestioned,” +
Though here, the line is pulled for SeyFer. As I mentioned before; sexual acceptance between them will not form as a gesture or compromise or an ‘automatic’ custom fulfillment, but only true desire and love+
This is why we’re shown multiple portals for innicaition of change through the episode – because while all of these steps matter for their progress, they’ll have to climb the ‘stairs’ themselves, and not an automatic journey as if an escalator+
Seyran’s change of mind later, about the color of the night gown further validates my take on this as well. Her putting back the black and choosing to wear the blue already manifests the expected to not happen in current circumstances+
Black, that represents power and belief in love/desire, no matter outer impacts, was put back. and instead blue, that is connected to belief in true love but in a more gesturial and compromising way, was decided on.
Sacrifice and compromise in a crucial step in relationships, but a love that strives atop does not depend on sexual compromises to live off of.
📎 sustum:
Both not letting the other hear them, both suffering in silence, both confronting themselves but never each other. Not long until they stare into not a mirror but each other+
Love is not words, not action. But love is both.  
Seyran is compromising for love, without direct communication. It is the same that upsets Ferit. However it is not Seyran who initiated this lack of communication, but he himself+
I described a double edged sword in 23rd and this aspect of their relationship is for the same.   
Seyran was the one who wanted direct communication above everything else before, though then, Ferit ran away from confrontation+
Now that Ferit has learnt to face himself and their gaps, Seyran has adapted to normalization and running away.   
Until proper account for what they’ve made eachother go through is established, this paradox will continue.
📎 If my hands weren't cold,
there would be no reason for you to hold them #absun
Representing, holding back, fear of giving into desire, memory of trauma, there are multiple reasons as to why cold hands symbolize in Suna’s character. But Abidin holding her cold hands, with his warm ones, is another beautifully soothing detail.
📎 Answer to the question all along: 

As I said before, Ferit feels like he too is experiencing physical touch for the first time, when it comes to Seyran. Ironic to his womanizer character, he doesn’t crave her, but desires. The difference is pretty obvious+
Wanting to feel everything for the first time, since fallen in love.   
Even though he picks up exactly what Seyran is trying to do, insists on her saying it directly/not only in code. This is the Ferit who’d reject communication, tho now knows it for being the most imp thing+
He asks persuasion, as he was mad at her, didn’t give in immediately. Though when realizes she may have gotten offended, he decides to call. Nervous like a boy calling his crush+
That little smirk on his face, while he asks her what shes upto.  
She breathes anxiously, not being able to tell him. Asks him if they could text instead. Though here is where Ferit is now establishing communication as crucial to their understaning+
Hearts can be read in love, not minds. We have to say whats on our mind, without expecting the other to understand ny themselves evrytime. Ferit having confessed already, now he wants her to be clear with her intentions as well. Seyran having nowhere to run to, tells him shyly+
As if his sunlight in the dark. After a day of anxiousness and pressure, still goes home happy as ever. All he needed was her presence/love in this time, when he felt the most alone. And Seyran had opened her arms. She misses him, next to her, he runs home as soon as he could.
📎 Sakladığın hep bir şeyler var , ama artık değil 

@mabelmatiz serenades us with “Aşk Yok Olmaktır” while Seyran and Ferit hop around in excitement

The contrast of this song to “Sakladığın Bir Şeyler Var” by @Dedublumanoffic is to be looked upon as development between the two
O kadar kolay değil bu
Sakladığın hep bir şeyler var,  
that was played in one of the first episodes  
Saklar mı yüreğin? Yüreğimi içinin her yerinde?  
Duvar çekiyorsam yanıyorum için için, bitti işim,  
that plays now.
📎 Don’t climb the stairs just yet: 

The same stairs that Seyran had climbed to establish a new journey in their relationship. Ferit climbs too. Though is stopped by Pelin’s presence again+
A pointer to why Pelin, even though he doesn’t deal with her physically anymore, will always stand in the way of their love, until shes not driven away.“as long as your in our lives, I wont be able to trust him” “as long as this girl is in our lives, happiness will not be”+
The red light (that symbolizes unison for them) already lit in the background
Stroking her face/neck again and again (indicator to feeling stressed, insecure, threatened, fearful, uncomfortable, or anxious.)she stresses, waiting for him
The’re engagement pictures sitting on the table behind him, as he reminds Gulgun what she’d promised him from the start. Gulgun had been playing majorly, a role in making Ferit the way he is. When Halis called her ignorant and selfish, he meant exactly this+
Giving her child wrong motivations, just so everything stays in place for the time being. Not thinking about how it may affect their personality in the future.
📎 Hearing the wrong words, at the wrong time.

Episode 24 ends identically parallel to 23:
Hearing Ferit having rejected a future in the past now, Seyran feels ecatly what Fereti had felt. Having tried and pushed herself to such extents, she sees no impact and breaks her heart herself+
Ferit is saying nothing wrong here, hes stating what Gulgun had told him to persuade him sadece. Promises he made to Pelin were only until he had not yet met Seyran. Since he brought her home, not once had he mentinoned divorce to Pelin+
Divorce from the very beginning was something he had to do for opposing his dede and the pressure he had put on him for a frocefull marriage. Though when met Seyran and slowly atarted falling for her, he accepted her as his wife and stopped cheating for good+
Firtinadiyim had played to this scene in the previous episode,at the end of which the flashback takes us right back to the beggininng, their engagement. The night it began, the storm+
➡️ Pictures from the same night, sitting on the table behind Ferit when he talks to Gulgun 

➡️ “Antepli” playing in the background, The same soundtrack playing as to when they were tied for the first time (the engagement)
➡️ Like they both had looked down on the rings, then. He watches her take it off today.  

➡️ Like Ferit had brought divorce in between, as a reaction to his hope been let down, Seyran does the same.
➡️Giving up on eachother, when have no hope left for their love. 
➡️Like she had stood paralyzed, shocked, scared of his words then.
He stands now, fear in his eyes, knowing what shes about to do, he pulls back his arm already+
As they go back to the beginning then, the go back now.  

We saw it all ending from Seyran’s pov before, now we see Ferit’s.  

It all goes back to the beginning, again.  
Thus the next episode they start anew.
📎 Continuing with the title:
After movements like expressionism, futurism, cubism, and De Stijl developed. Gerhard Richter introduced the concept of reflective mirrors, this symbolism gave the artist’s impression precedence over attempts at accuracy+
the will of the artist and the expression of his or her intentions and emotions mattered more than the naturalistic realization of an image+
Within the modernist ideology, the surface of the canvas became more of a mirror than a window, reflecting the viewer back to herself, rather than opening a window into another reality created by the artist+
The works draw the viewer in, like a window, or reflect outward, like a mirror. He is searching for something more, if you believe something more can exist. If you don’t, Richter created the possibility of belief+
Moving with this knowledge, the whole episode has been linked to portals into the plot+
Remember again, these windows and figures speak for “nothing is as it seems”
It’s for the viewer to understand in themselves first before looking on the other side, that the world they’re looking into stands dual (on both sides) and is therefore not accurately what it seems+
These emphases flow through the whole episode if you look closely:

📎Seyran and ferit- through a window
📎Blurry window and a classical figure – Gulgun and Ifakat – ifakats woe of infertility+
📎Classical figure again – Ifakat dreams of authority. Everything is temporary. Everyone will know their places       

📎Family dinner through a window

📎Pelin in a reflective window     

📎Kazim – looking at his father – through a frame – reflective+
📎Classicall figure – gulgun calming asuman + hiding Zerrin’s identity from seyran
📎 Reflective window – gulgun and Zerrin talk
📎Classical figure again when she threatens Gulgun   
📎 Distorted classical figure – when talks about Pelin suffering+
Thus again;
“I don’t mistrust reality, of which I know next to nothing. I mistrust the picture of reality conveyed to us by our senses, which is imperfect and circumscribed.”
-Gerhard Richter #yaliçapkını

#currentlystarring on #YaliCapkini ep 24

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Mar 15
“Bazen bir kalbi onarmanin, bir kalbi kirmaktan daha zor oldugunu ögrenir insan”
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“Başka bir kalbi kıran bir kalbi onarmak bazen bir o kadar zordur”

Episode 23 : A DOUBLE EDGED SWORD 🧵 #SeyFer #yaliçapkini Image
The first blow:
Having become her theme song at this point, Takinti (obsession) plays. While Pelin’s planted seed continues to poison Seyran’s heart. She associates that doubt to every time Ferit has proven it to be true+ Image
The red light (the unison of fire and ice) dissipates as she pushes him away. The same that appeared the moment Ferit unlaced her+
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Mar 15
I need your reading capacity stats for you to read what’s coming bro #yaliçapkını
no episode. I repeat. NONE OTHER. has made me feel like this one has. @mertramazandem @afrasaracogIu you are two for an era. aferim 👏🏽 #AfRam #yaliçapkini Image
I’m resting my fingers. kendini hazırla #YaliÇapkini
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