A few yards and 50 years apart. Two approaches to designing a high street in Leicester right next to each other.
The collapse in civic pride, ambition & delivery is profound and goes far beyond changing technology or economic pressures.
Leicester city centre seems to specialise in dramatic changes in facade quality from the polite to the delinquent. The city is doing great things on movement & active travel but most buildings from last 50 years are woeful. #BeautyAndTheBeast
One dreads to imagine what frightful cliches were coughed up to defend the “honesty” of this Ill-mannered attack upon the red bricks, gable ends and mullioned windows behind. A sad undermining of the wider excellent improvements to the city’s streets.
… in better news the city has oodles of lavishly Venetian Victorian jewels like this …
…. and even more early C20th neo-Georgian. More austere, constrained, withdrawn but quietly speaking of mercantile success and pride …
Sadly they are proposing to knock this fine early C20th building down as part of a reorganisation of the station which is well-intentioned but also risks creating big white spaces inside
… within the city centre there’s a real need to focus on ground floor shop front design which lets down the buildings above ..
… beyond the city core even more old buildings need love and investment - something which low values clearly make hard…
…the old dance hall is in a shocking state …
… suspect this hides an interesting history and could clearly be restored to glory …
… and lots of lumpen relics from the age of driving architecture as cities were being replanned for fast cars at their core and with the human life extracted …
…but on a more positive note, here’s a very respectable (residential?) addition to and conversion of an historic mill building (complete with ground floor parking!)….
… and while lots of streets still need love …
…the real story of the last decade is massive improvements to many others … (photo by @djjmilner )
…which are adding to the historic qualities of the city …
… and helping encourage walking & cycling…
… you can see here how network of “pedestrian priority” streets & ways has grown from 2011 (left) to today (right). Critically, making it easier to get to city centre as well as get about it.
… this has involved big interventions taking out flyovers …
And very palpably enhanced livability and walkability of the city centre.
The consequence? More people ARE living in the city centre. These circles show residential planning applications then and now. Good for vitality, prosperity & efficient provision of new homes.
Here are some by the riverside
So lots for Leicester to shout about. The next job is to find mechanisms to fund love into more of her historic buildings and stop erecting such utter monsters besides them which only undermine the good work and the city’s attractions as a place to live, work and play.
To return to the beginning, buildings matter as well as streets and it does undermine place quality (as well as value) if you think that faceless facades and sheer brick walls are an appropriate way to enclose what should be beloved city centre streets.
If you are curious, you can read more about how elements of place correlate with value, well-being and popularity in some of our research. For example: issuu.com/cadoganlondon/…
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“No place, person, or institution echoes through British history as joyfully as the pub. From Chaucer’s pilgrims departing The Tabard, to The Queen Vic in Eastenders, local boozers have always taken centre stage in British life." says @boys_nicholas talking about our new report with @beerandpub ...
“If our streets were a home, then our local pub would be its hearth, the place where we warm ourselves and where we meet and talk, relax and revive. But our pubs are troubled. Over a quarter have closed. This matters. If we desire neighbourhoods where we can come together, then we should cherish our existing pubs, manage our streets and squares so that pubs can thrive, and create new places which weave us together and don’t spin us apart."
“The good news is that we know how. The evidence on where people like to be and why is ever clearer. Let’s lift the bar and create places in which pubs can thrive and people can prosper. This report shows how.”
Once upon a time, Leeds had trams, lots of them. They helped people get to work, come to the centre to shops and to meet each other for work and play. But then, catastrophically, for the city's long term future and prosperity in 1959....
... this extensive system was dismantled and ripped out of the ground, the trams scrapped or left to rust. So great was planners', architects' and the city council's confidence that the city of the future would be, as Le Corbusier had taught, a...
.... city of fast cars and towers would be the city of the future. Of course, ...
Why are so many of our streets spoilt by ugly & unnecessary phone boxes. Our latest report #BoxBlight tells the story of why, explains how we can stop it & caused a stir. Why?
The full report is here👇but first here's the story of why we have the phone boxes we have & the key takeaways from dozens of conversations with lawyers, planners & councillors. A 🧵.... (1/?)
..First up, we no longer need many phone boxes. Calls from phone boxes have declined 99.5% from 800 million minutes in 2002 to only 4 million in 2021-22 due to these things...
... however, phone boxes have not reduced as quickly as phone calls. From a late 1990s peak of 140,000 phone boxes, there are still around 15,800 across the UK, an 89 per cent decrease....
#StreetScar We’ve all seen this: the freshly laid paving, newly laid granite setts or Yorkstones lovingly laid on a slow street or in front of a freshly repaired parade of shops. Within months, weeks or, sometimes days, a slice or a square of them are pulled up thoughtlessly...
..cracked, smashed or, worse, thrown needlessly away and replaced by a scar of tarmac , a scar which lingers for months or years or forever and which seems to laugh at any local or neighbourhood desire to live in a place with self-worth...
📸@WorcesterCivic & Timothy Evans
@WorcesterCivic ‘I am authority,’ it seems to say. ‘I am from nowhere. I serve the needs of a nameless, placeless corporation. I don’t care about you, your neighbourhood or your friends. You don’t matter. Your local aspirations are pointless & petty. Get lost. I don’t care.’
At present most British people assume that new development will make old places worse? Only 2% trust developers. One aim for the newly proposed #CambrigeQuarter, alongside creating new homes and supporting UK productivity must be to change that for the next 100 years. But how?
.. well @michaelgove invited us to "imagine a major new quarter for the city, built in a way that is in-keeping with the beauty of the historic centre" So we have...
..."shaped by the principles of high-quality design, urban beauty & human-scale streetscapes – emulating the scale & quality of neighbourhoods such as Clifton in Bristol or Marylebone in London, & with a high % of affordable homes & other properties set aside for key workers &… https://t.co/Wl49FgtjwCtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…