(1) Definition to start with, (text not available as it was being worked on just before the meeting) #edc0322 (2) Use schedule as "accessory uses" (3) how this applies to the set back table.
While not in the discussion, the building code will help address the issues with 2&3 family units for feasibility, as currently worded it does help with bringing attics online as use (with access covered) #edc0322
For new construction of an ADU looking for a restriction of "no more than" some # of feet, to ensure the ADU is closer to the primary residence rather than closer to the abutter #edc03222
Per Bryan, Subsection 6 covers the requirement so the added wording (as mentioned) isn't required #edc0322 if a unit is already nonconforming, as long as the setbacks aren't increased, then it should still be permitted, ZBA does this process already
Beth motions to move the proposals to the town Council second, discussion, resident speaks to a small requirement from his view of these, it could be a niche problem, not a great volume issue #edc0322 intent is to make it clear not necessarily a hindrance
As long as the swelling owner is an occupier, anyone can live in it. #edc0322 started with downtown, how did we end up with this all over town? It is the fad of now.
Trying to be fair and bring this holistically to all, if a restriction was applied, then it counts as an affordable unit but without a restriction not counted as affordable #edc0322
Special permit is the Town control point, yet it is also the process that created this situation. Cobi suggests an amendment; discussion around the intent vs what is already available, nonconforming and preexisting nonconforming #edc0322
Jamie refers to the proposed amendment as the "wild west" and potentially undoing so of what is in the bylaw. Could go back to the drawing board and craft it more specifically or use the draft as the best effort as is and see how it goes #edc0322
Cobi clarifies as this is meant to be for dimensional, he is claiming 2 answers to his question and therefore we need this amendment as clarification #edc0322 Bryan claims if the 3rd proposal is accepted it answers Cobi's issue
C Prince addresses his family situation
Vote on amendment, 3-3 hence no pass of amendment (Sheridan, Frongillo, Hamblen yes);
Motion to change BA to Y, second, same 3-3 vote, same people voted same way; now vote on the original motion for the 3 proposals, #edc0322 votes via roll call Bruce, no, all others yes 5-1 pass
Motion to adjourn, second, via roll call 6-0
That's all for tonight, catch you next time #edc0322
FHS sports started on Monday, many winter sports teams went to playoffs, congrats to cheerleaders as New England champs #schcom0322 Lord of the Flies performances were successful, All night part planning underway
Supt Giguere's report, legislative breakfast recently, redistricting forums held, survey info gathered, subcommittee now working on a recommendation to bring forward to the School Committee #schcom0321 (yes, today is the 21st just caught myself on that!)
Meeting opens with a review of the agenda outline, #snsc0320 survey closed 3/17 at noon, over 110 responses, distribution good among schools; 50% chose option 1, 12% chose #2, 38% chose 3rd option
Timing of the facilities plan is the big unknown from the survey feedback, concern over multiple moves, reducing disruption main reason for option 1; #snsc0320 perception of an unused space at Sullivan doesn't seem to have happened to alleviate Keller needs currently
Chair Mercer opens the meeting, a large crowd in the Chambers for the 4 police swearing ceremonies tonight #tc0315
Note to add the live streaming option is also through to Franklin TV's YouTube
Citizen comment - Amber speaking for the flying of the Pride flag at the Municipal Bldg during the period before or the full month #tc0315
Participate in the virtual Redistricting Analysis Forum - March 13 at 6 PM; or at least provide input to the survey buff.ly/425fjeV
Over 50 participating tonight (excluding the "presentation group") #rdac0313
The Story Map outlines the case for redistricting and the three options: buff.ly/3l2fRlm
Getting ready to live report on the Joint Budget Subcommittee meeting about to begin at 7 PM tonight #jbsc0308 agenda doc with budget narrative franklinma.gov/sites/g/files/…
One missing from the full joint subcommittee tonight, 4 Councilors, 4 from FinCom and 3 from SchCmte #jbsc0308
Point of the joint subcommittee is to collaborate on the budget and the aspects/nuances within the entirety of the town and schools budget #jbsc0308
The first Redistricting Analysis Advisory Committee forum to update the community on the options under review is happening now. Being video and audio recorded by Franklin TV, as well as wfpr.fm#rdac0307
Additional slides/photos captured (will be put into one album) #rdac0307 Al Charles (Sch Cmte) provides input