The nine facts about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 that everyone needs to know are as follows:
1) SARS-CoV-2 is related to bat SARS-like coronaviruses from southern China and northern Laos.
2) SARS-CoV-2 entered humans in or near Wuhan in August-November 2019.
3) SARS-CoV-2 entered humans either through a natural accident (just as in the first entry of the original SARS coronavirus into humans, which occurred through natural spillover in rural Guangdong province in 2002)....
...or through a research accident (just as in the second third, fourth, and fifth entries of the original SARS coronavirus into humans, which occurred through a lab accident in Singapore in 2003, a lab accident in Taipei in 2003, and two separate lab accidents in Beijing in 2004)
4) Wuhan is located 1,000 km from the nearest wild bats with SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses.
5) Wuhan has labs that, at the start of the pandemic, conducted the world's largest research program on bat SARS-like coronaviruses, possessed the world's largest collection of bat SARS-like coronaviruses, and possessed the world's only sample of a SARS-CoV-2-like coronavirus.
6) In 2016-2018, the Wuhan Institute of Virology constructed a series of novel chimeric SARS-like coronaviruses that combined the spike gene of one bat SARS-like coronavirus with the rest of the genetic information of another bat SARS-like coronavirus....
...and identified viruses that were able to infect and replicate efficiently in human airway cells and that had 10,000x enhanced viral growth and 4x enhanced lethality in mice engineered to display human receptors on cells....
...In other words, in the years before the start of the pandemic, the Wuhan Institute of Virology had taken most of the steps needed to convert a natural bat SARS-like coronavirus to a novel human pandemic pathogen having the properties of SARS-CoV-2.
7) In 2018, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its collaborators proposed to construct an expanded series of novel chimeric SARS-like coronaviruses, this time using newly identified spike genes having affinities for human receptors that ranged from very low to very high; and....
...proposed to insert furin cleavage sites--a feature that is present in SARS-CoV-2 but not in any of the hundreds of other known SARS-like coronaviruses and that is crucial for the high transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2--into SARS-like coronaviruses....
...In other words, just a year before the start of the pandemic, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its collaborators proposed to take the remaining steps needed to convert a natural bat SARS-like coronavirus to a novel human pandemic pathogen having the properties of SARS-CoV-2
8) In 2016-2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology constructed and characterized SARS-like coronaviruses at biosafety level 2, a level inadequate for work with enhanced potential pandemic pathogens and inadequate to contain a virus having the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2.
9) From the start of the pandemic, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its collaborators have withheld information, misrepresented facts, and obstructed investigation...even though, if not connected to origin, they most easily could have cleared their names though cooperation.
10) A preponderance of evidence, including both the scientific evidence (facts 1-3) and the documentary evidence (facts 4-9), indicates that SARS-CoV-2 likely entered humans through a laboratory accident.
All statements in all posts are demonstrable facts.
US Court of Appeals, plaintiff's opening brief, 03/11/2025:
"EcoHealth’s direct involvement in unauthorized Gain-of-Function (GOF) virus manipulation and research at its subcontractor laboratory in Wuhan, China...caused Appellant’s injuries"
"EcoHealth is strictly liable for Heath's injuries
under New York’s strict liability and negligence laws, given its unauthorized GOF virus manipulation and vaccine research—both ultra-hazardous activities—
conducted at its subcontractor laboratory in Wuhan, China"
"[T]he district court erred in dismissing Heath’s
claims and denying her amendment and caption change, despite New York’s relation-back doctrine, CPLR § 205(a), which permits substitution of a duly appointed estate representative in a wrongful death action"
"The main reason there are dangerous pathogens…unsecured at labs [overseas]…is…US agencies…have spent billions…to construct unneeded and unsafe labs overseas…and to fund unneeded and reckless research…discovering…new dangerous pathogens…overseas"
"Ebright said he found it 'ironic' that the opening first line in the Times’ article mentioned 'dangerous pathogens left unsecured at labs across Africa.'"
He said "The main reason there are dangerous pathogens left unsecured at labs across Africa, and in Asia and Latin America, is that US agencies— particularly USAID, DTRA BTRP, NIH Fogarty Center, and NIH NIAID—have spent billions of dollars over the last two decades to construct unneeded and unsafe labs overseas, and to fund unneeded and reckless research on discovering and enhancing new dangerous pathogens in labs overseas."
"According to Ebright, USAID gave $60 million to the 'now-debarred criminal NGO EcoHealth Alliance' to discover new dangerous pathogens...EcoHealth used those funds 'to conduct the wantonly reckless research in Wuhan on SARS coronaviruses that caused COVID-19'"
"In my initial assessment of the origin of the virus, I didn't know anything about it. In 2021, with the help of the American FOIA, it was published that American scientists had already applied for research funding in 2018 for work that, in my opinion, is by no means harmless."
"They wanted to bring SARS viruses from bats into the laboratory and isolate them. In case they were unable to get these viruses to multiply in cell cultures, they wanted to artificially insert a furin cleavage site into them. From this perspective, that is certainly worrying."
Fauci violated federal policies on gain-of-function and enhanced potential pandemic pathogen research, committed conspiracy to defraud and perjury, used federal funds to commit crimes, and caused a pandemic that killed $20 million and cost $25 trillion.
Nevertheless, the pardon ends Fifth-Amendment protections for Fauci, exposing Fauci to contempt charges or perjury charges when the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee issues subpoenas compelling him to testify under oath about his crimes.
And the fact that the pardon did not include Fauci's criminal co-conspirators--not even Collins--sets the stage for prosecution of Fauci's criminal co-conspirators and for exposure of Fauci's crimes through prosecution and conviction of his criminal co-conspirators.
"DEFUSE [i]s the Rosetta Stone for understanding the origin of SARS-CoV-2…[T]he entire genome of SARS-CoV-2 aligns with…DEFUSE. Almost every feature…, from the spike protein to the FCS and the…restriction sites, matches…what was outlined in…DEFUSE."
"Imagine a plane crash with…20 million…on board. After...years of searching for the black box..., you find out that someone has it but refuses to share it. Even worse, they insist...the cause is already settled...That’s...what we’re dealing with of Covid"
"When it comes to accountability, WIV clearly ignored biosafety protocols and put global security at risk. Meanwhile, EcoHealth Alliance violated the terms of their National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant, and US authorities failed to oversee the risky research they funded."
"Dismissal of…lab leak…was always a curious stance…There were more than 300 known laboratory-acquired infections…this century. The same year...Covid erupted in Wuhan, 10,000…fell ill following leakage from a…research centre in another Chinese city."
"Wuhan was home to one of China’s two maximum bio-security labs — and hundreds of miles from the nearest colonies of wild bats with most similar coronaviruses."
"Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) contained the world’s biggest repository of bat coronaviruses, had known safety concerns and conducted high-risk 'gain of function' research to boost the infectivity of mutant bat viruses."