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Mar 25, 2023 331 tweets >60 min read Read on X
⚠️ dead dove, stalking, obsession
#중혁독자 #眾獨 #joongdok

3 years ago, kim dokja broke up with the love of his life... or more on escaped him.

yoo joonghyuk was the love of his life and he hated to admit it, the guy still held that position in his heart.
the two of them met back on their last year in elementary and had been together until university.

to dokja, they started dating on their first year in university but apparently to yoo joonghyuk they had been dating since middle school which explained his grumpiness, to put —
— it mildly, whenever dokja seemed to get a little too 'chummy' with someone else.

there wasn't any drastic change when they started dating apart from the fact that joonghyuk refused to back down or tone down with the public display of affection that one look anyone —
— will know that dokja was dating him. he wasn't shy with how he held dokja by his waist or how he pulled him close.

dokja, at first, was surprised with how joonghyuk had no reservation when it comes to holding but he didn't mind. if he thought about it, joonghyuk had always —
— been a clingy bastard.

the jealousy and possessiveness grew through time and dokja wondered if it was his fault for not putting a stop to it before it came to that point.

when dokja was offered to be an exchange student for a year, he was beyond excited.
he worked so hard to qualify for the program and when he did, the first person he ran and tell about his achievement was none other than his boyfriend—joonghyuk.

however, instead of being happy joonghyuk somehow got mad. dokja could no longer remember what exactly happened.
all he knew was him and joonghyuk ended up screaming at each other. dokja was ready to leave but instead joonghyuk dragged him to his room and locked him there.

he loved joonghyuk more than he loved anything in this world however dokja had to be dumb not to hear the —
— blaring sirens in his head.

in the morning, joonghyuk made him breakfast, kissed him sweet. without saying anything, dokja got the message.

he was saying sorry and well even though dokja wasn't dumb, he did ignored a lot of things for joonghyuk so he forgave him.
it just got worse through time to the point thay joonghyuk secretly applied to cancel dokja's program.

dokja tried so hard to reach a compromise but it was like joonghyuk couldn't see any other solution but to a simple problem.

"it's not like i am staying there forever!"
dokja remembered losing his patience. his eyes met joonghyuk who glared back with the same amount of stubbornness. "one year," dokja breathed deeply. "it's just one year, you crazy asshole."

"one year is a long time," joonghyuk replied. voice low, rumbling.

"it's not!"
dokja raked his hair, "i'll be back in no time. you can even visit me during semester break."

"why do you even have to go?"

"cause i want to!" dokja thought how he shouldn't be explaining this but here he was. "i worked so hard for this. i want this, joonghyuk."
"more than me?"

dokja ran his palm over his face, "you act like i am breaking up with you. jesus, will you calm down? i am not breaking up with you i just want to accept the program cause it's a good experience. i need that experience."

"a lot can happen in a year."
joonghyuk crossed the distance between them, he held dokja's hands in his. he laid a gentle kiss on the crown of his boyfriend's head. "that's one year, idiot. what if in that one year..." joonghyuk paused as dokja tilted his head to look at him.
there was this unreadable emotions that glossed over joonghyuk's eyes but before dokja could even read them joonghyuk began to kiss his temple, the corner of his eyes, down to his cheek, then his jawline and he spoke in a quiet voice, "what if in that one year you realized —
— you are so much better without me?"

"you know that's stupid right?" dokja immediately responded feeling joonghyuk's arm snaking around his waist. he then felt joonghyuk's huge hand under his shirt.

"what if you realized you are happier without me?" joonghyuk continued.
"yoo joonghyuk," dokja sighed. joonghyuk effortlessly lifted him up while dokja held to him. joonghyuk placed him down his huge bed, climbing on top of him. he began to unbutton dokja's shirt, his lips trailing kisses on his lover's pale skin.
"what if you decided..." dokja could feel joonghyuk's hot breath fanning against his skin. joonghyuk playfully bit his shoulder. "... you wanted a life without me?"

dokja cupped his face, making him look at him. "you are a fucking moron."

joonghyuk only kissed his palm.
their eyes met. joonghyuk had always been... intense. dokja was always scared to admit how his boyfriend was a wild fire burning and eating everything on his wake.

joonghyuk began to lick his fingers. "dokja, you don't have any idea how you drive me fucking insane."
"don't make me an excuse for your craziness. you are already insane before we even met," dokja joked, pulling joonghyuk close. their lips pressed against each other. opening his mouth, he allowed joonghyuk to kiss him deep and the way he wanted.

"yeah, i am fucking insane."
dokja was swept again into another intense kiss. joonghyuk kissed him like he was dying. like he had always been starved.

"and when it comes to you, i am twice insane," joonghyuk whispered as their lips parted.

he let out a snort at that, dokja shook his head.
thing was he wished he listened to what joonghyuk told him instead of letting his boyfriend had his way with him but whenever joonghyuk kissed him like that his brain has a tendency to shut down.

after that joonghyuk literally locked him at his place and it took him over —
— two weeks before he got out with the help from han sooyoung, another student whom he got to know because the two of them were the only ones accepted in the program.

dokja couldn't even remember how they did it all he could remember was the feeling running through the airport.
he got in the plane with only his papers and essentials. he wasn't able to bring his own clothes.

his heart was hammering against his chest while it was also breaking into pieces.

dokja wanted to leave after giving joonghyuk a long hug and kissing him.
he wanted to tell joonghyuk that he'll be back that he should always chat him that they can video call everyday.

dokja didn't have any of those. instead he got in a plane after he escaped from being illegally detained by his own damn boyfriend, well, ex-boyfriend.
he didn't cry, he doesn't have the time nor the energy to cry.

it took him one more week before he finally cried in sooyoung's arms while repeatedly saying how stupid yoo joonghyuk was and how he was an even bigger idiot for still missing him and loving him so much.
it had been 3 years since then.

he ended up not coming back to korea for several reasons and it wasn't even because he was afraid of joonghyuk because dokja knew he could land a good punch on his ex's face if he really wanted to.

"are you sure, you'll be okay?" sooyoung asked
they were walking at the incheon airport, dragging their luggage.

"why wouldn't i?" dokja raised an eyebrow.

"well," han sooyoung gently bumped his shoulder, her head gestured at the huge screen at the airport showing the latest news.

dokja turned to the screen.
various footages of yoo joonghyuk filled the screen. he stopped on his track as he saw a footage of joonghyuk and seolhwa together.

dokja read the text on the screen.

[ yoo joonghyuk and lee seolhwa are to tie the knot at the end of the month ]

"people are calling it —
— the wedding of the century," han sooyoung snorted. "well it's not just a wedding. it's literally a union between two empires."

dokja didn't say anything and continued to walk while sooyoung followed. "to think you dated a corporate mogul. i should learn from you."
he couldn't really say anything back to sooyoung, dokja was surprised when he first learned that yoo joonghyuk was apparently a third generation chaebol.

he had been to joonghyuk's house and thought he was just rich but not cheabol level.
dokja only learned of joonghyuk's real status when he was about to return to korea two years ago when he saw the news of his engagement with lee seolhwa.

he doesn't even wanna remember how much he drank that night that sooyoung almost had to rush him to the hospital.
cause he nearly gave himself alcohol poisoning.

"does people even know how much of a psycho he is?" sooyoung grumbled. he turned to dokja, "why don't you call some paparazzi and tell them what he did 3 years ago, i'm sure you'll get some good money. don't forget to share okay?"
dokja ignored her as they called for a cab which dropped them to their new place.

the two of them decided to rent a huge place near to the company that hired them both.

the company was called oldest dream which was a new game company that were set to grow bigger.
he never really plan to go back to korea but somehow when oldest dream contacted him and told them about the game they were developing, kim dokja couldn't get the game out of his head.

they gave him a generous offer and wanted him to lead the whole project.
and though the offer was generous, it's not like dokja wasn't satisfied with what he had back in europe.

the only thing that made him agree was because he was genuinely interested with the project and he wanted to help develop the game.

when he told his decision to sooyoung —
— the lady opened up about also being offered to be the head game designer for the project.

they both agreed to accept the company's offer and in a month, they packed their things and began processing their move.

just like that, dokja was back in korea.
when they got to their place which was already fully furnished. sooyoung slumped on the sofa and turned the television on where she was welcomed by another news about joonghyuk and seolhwa.

he glanced at dokja who only raise an eyebrow back at her.

"what?" he asked.
sooyoung shrugged and didn't change the channel, "you need to get used to it."

"i don't care about it."


"you are the one who acts like you dated joonghyuk."

"yeah right, i know your heart aches."

"han. sooyoung."

sooyoung only playfully stuck her tongue at him.
he hated to admit it, sooyoung was right. he has to get used to it. he can't always run from it.

the only consolation he had was the fact that it wasn't him who ruined them but it was joonghyuk's craziness.

dokja would like to think that maybe him and joonghyuk were still —
— together if things happened differently but knowing joonghyuk's status, dokja knew it was impossible.

when they first dated dokja had this thought at the back of his mind that him and joonghyuk were worlds apart and now they really were.

dokja went to his room and slept.
it had been a week since he started to work as the game director for oldest dream and dokja had to admit how much he was inspired and happy with his decision to accept the offer.

the team was all creative and enthusiastic about the game and they all have one goal in mind.
"dokja," dokja turned to han sooyoung who gestured for them to go out. and he already knew where she wanted them to go.

"i don't smoke, sooyoung," dokja sighed.

"do i look like a give a fuck," the lady walked to the door hands inside the pocket of his oversized jacket.
dokja pushed himself up from his seat and followed his friend.

"what is it?" he asked as he sat down on one of the metal bench while sooyoung struggled to light her cigarette.

with a sigh, dokja pulled a lighter out of his pocket, tossing it to sooyoung.
"and you don't smoke?" sooyoung smirked.

"i don't."

dokja built a habit of having extra lighter because sooyoung was a heavy smoker and was always turning their place upside down looking for a lighter that works.

sooyoung took a long drag from her cigarette.
"i'm being assigned to a new game," sooyoung turned to dokja.

dokja's brows furrowed.

"and in an overseas branch."

he stood from his seat, "what?"

"i want to accept it," sooyoung followed up. by her tone, dokja knew that she already decided. "it's in new zealand."
dokja could feel a lump in his throat formed. sooyoung and him had been together for three years and before that the lady helped him escaped. she picked him up when he could not function from his heartbreak.

through those years, sooyoung had been his pillar.
"they gave me a really good offer, a chance to start my own team and my own project and you know how i have all these crazy projects that i had been wanting to do."

dokja wanted to say how those projects were supposed to be done by the two of them.

"really?" he asked.
sooyoung nodded, "you're not mad, right?"

dokja snorted, "sooyoung, i am not a kid."

"you can come with me if you want, maybe we can ask them to transfer you?" he could now hear the hesitation on sooyoung's voice.

dokja walked to her and draped his arm on her shoulder.
sooyoung leaned her head on dokja's shoulder.

"you sounded like we won't see each other again," dokja smiles sadly. "go and accept it, you will be the biggest idiot if you don't. i can't leave right now. it's a critical time. i am about to meet our biggest investor next week."
"right," sooyoung replied, closing her eyes. her cigarette dangled between her fingers forgotten. "will you be alright?" she finally asked after long seconds of silence.

"why wouldn't i?" dokja smirked.

"i am fucking serious, kim dokja," sooyoung pulled away, looking at him.
"sooyoung, i am fine," dokja grinned. "you are worried about something that happened years ago."

"i am worried for a good reason," sooyoung pointed out.

"fine," dokja doesn't have the energy to even argue or defend himself.

"just... just don't cross paths with him again."
that made dokja laugh, "how am i gonna cross paths with him?"

sooyoung looked unimpressed.

"seriously? that guy lives in a whole different world. i'm pretty sure he regards me as his puppy love or a fling," dokja nonchalantly said.

"no one locks their fling up."
dokja rolled his eyes, "i'm sure even him was regretting acting that childish."

"i am just saying," sooyoung sighed and snubbed her cigarette at the nearest thrash bin. "if you cross paths again and he hasn't change, it won't be easy anymore."

"what do even you mean?"
sooyoung turned to him with a serious look on her face. "you wouldn't be able to escape him again."

dokja blinked at her statement before letting a soft laugh. "joonghyuk is getting married, you sound as if he's still in love with me." dokja smiled sadly. "i am not even sure —
— if he really loved me."

sooyoung didn't say anything just looked at him but dokja could feel that she was holding back. that she wanted to say something but decided to just keep her mouth shut.

dokja just pulled her in a tight a hug, "enough joonghyuk."
there was a pause as dokja felt sooyoung relaxed in his arms. "congratulations, han sooyoung."

sooyoung wrapped her arms around him, "thank you, kim dokja." her expression morphed into sadness as she was comforted by the fact that kim dokja could not see her.
everything happened fast. just like that sooyoung was out of the house on the weekends and dokja was thrown into a predicament of suddenly having to adjust in a huge place that suddenly felt empty.

"maybe i should find a much smaller place," he sighed before leaving to work.
when he got to the company, everyone was seemed to be in a state of panic.

"what's going on?" dokja asked han donghoon , one of their designer and animator.

"ah, the investor are coming at 11 am," donghoon stuttered.

"what?!" dokja nearly exclaimed. "and no one told me?"
checking his watch, dokja noticed how he only has an hour to prepare as he quickly rushed to his table and asked his assistant what was needed and why the investor was coming.

"ah, don't worry too much, mr kim," she told him. "the investor just wants to check the progress."
of course the investor wanted to see the progress and that's exactly what dokja was worried. he had to make sure to give them a show and to let them know how much progress the entire team has made.

"can you just get me the files of the investors?" he replied.
dokja had been thrown in various works that he never really had the time to check who were the investors of the game was.

he reprimanded himself inwardly knowing that he should have made sure to study all investors.

"right away, mr. kim!" his secretary replied.
too busy to compile a progress report and reviewing them, dokja forgot about what he asked to his assistant and was only reminded when she called for her attention. "mr. kim, the investor is here." dokja stood up from his seat, fix himself. "he wants to talk to you."
grabbing his work laptop and ipad, dokja made his way to the 5th floor were they usually receive guests.

when he got into the fifth floor, he went straight to the vip lounge. tailing behind him were his assistant and the key member of the project.
he found himself standing in front of the door of the vip lounge, he couldn't hear anything from inside and he wasn't sure if it was because the room was sound proof or that it was just really silent.

taking a deep breath, dokja entered the room, his team followed.
"good morning, i hope you didn't wait for too lo—"

all the words he was meant to say died at the sight of yoo joonghyuk sitting by one of the expensive couch, legs crossed, cheek resting on his knuckle with his elbow propped on the arm rest.

dark grey eyes staring at him.
the oldest dreams executives were sitting silently, seemingly choking from the tensed atmosphere.

joonghyuk smirked, "three years." his voice was like a tongue tracing dokja's spine. he straightened on his seat. "i have been waiting for three years, kim dokja."
dokja forcefully swallowed the lump that formed in his throat as he decided to ignore joonghyuk's words and those intent gaze that was seemingly undressing him really slowly.

he put on his customer service smile, "thank you so much for waiting, i'm kim dokja the director of —
— ongoing orv project." he crossed the distance between them to offer his hand to joonghyuk as if they were stranger.

as if there wasn't a time in his life where he thought they would be together for the rest of their lives.

joonghyuk let out an unamused chuckle.
joonghyuk pushed himself to stand up as he towered over dokja who found himself cursing inwardly. there was a time were dokja enjoyed their size difference but today was not that day.

without his eyes leaving dokja, joonghyuk spoke in a cold tone, "all of you out."
"i want to speak privately with director kim dokja," he added as dokja clenched his fists tightly.

everyone excused themselves even the higher ups of oldest dream. they all left the room without a single protest because yoo joonghyuk was that intimidating.
aside from the fact that yoo joonghyuk was powerful as his family represents more than 20 percent of the country's gdp.

no one in their right mind will deny yoo joonghyuk whatever he wanted or said.

dokja flinched hearing the door closed, leaving him and joonghyuk alone.
and dokja may have not paid attention to the list of the investors of orv but he was hell sure if he saw yoo joonghyuk's name he would have turned down the offer no matter how interested he was in the game.

"it's been a while," joonghyuk moved closer as dokja stepped backward.
losing his footing as his knees were also left weak by how he suddenly have to face joonghyuk just right after sooyoung left, dokja almost fell but joonghyuk kept him in place, arm wrapped around his waist.

dokja was quick to put distance between them, offering a practiced smile
"it has been a while," dokja refused to lose composure right now. no, he's not going to act dumb in front of an ex, especially in front of an ex. "i saw you are getting married by the end of the month, congratulations, joonghyuk."

joonhyuk's expression turned grim.
dokja walked to the table, placing down his things as he faced joonghyuk. "she's very beautiful by the way." he kept his smile on. "you two look good together." and that wasn't even a lie. he wasn't even bitter. for kim dokja, he was just stating a fact. the truth.
joonghyuk didn't respond but dokja could feel how he was slowly losing his patience. joonghyuk never really had much patience to begin with.

"what?" dokja grinned. "don't tell me you expect me to cry and tell you not to get married? you know me better than that, joonhyuk-ah."
joonghyuk crossed the distance between them as dokja found himself trapped between joonghyuk and the wooden table.

"glad to know that you haven't change," joonghyuk was dangerously close. "you still talk too much, dokja." dokja felt joonghyuk's hand behind his head.
"good thing i still know the best way to shut you up," before dokja could react, he felt joonghyuk's lips against his own. joonghyuk gripped on his hair, pulling him closer, kissing him so roughly.

and dokja... dokja let him. he allowed joonghyuk to kiss him. he responded to it.
dokja desperately clung unto his ex-boyfriend, tugging him close.

"open your mouth," joonghyuk nearly growled and dokja just followed. joonghyuk pulled him more as his tongue dominated dokja's mouth.

the kiss was making dokja's head foggy. joonghyuk was kissing him so needly.
yoo joonghyuk was hungry. he had been starving for kim dokja for years.

pushing dokja against the table, he kissed him deeper. it was something they should only share in the privacy of their room but there they were almost breathing each other in on a company's lounge.
"joonghyuk," dokja breathed, pushing him a bit away.

joonghyuk only shook his designer coat off, raking his hair. "don't go stopping me now," he yanked dokja's shirt off and buttons flew everywhere as he pushed the coat off dokja's body.

diving, he sucked on dokja's skin.
his hand expertly fumbled on dokja's pants pulling his hard cock off, stroking it that made dokja let out a moan that echoed in the room.

"fuck," joonghyuk licked dokja's neck. "i missed hearing you moan like that for me, baby."

dokja cursed himself inwardly over and over.
he knew they need to stop. they have to stop. he needed to push joonghyuk away but every kiss, every touch, it was as if all his reasoning were out of the window and all he knew was how much he needed whatever joonghyuk was giving him.

"joong...hyuk," dokja gasped.
"i'm here, baby," joonghyuk kissed him. "i'm here." he pressed their throbbing cock against each other, jacking the both of them with his huge hand.

dokja could hear sooyoung calling him idiot.

"joonghyuk," he whimpered.

"i got you," even joonghyuk was breathless.
both of them con only focus on each other and that insanely addicting feeling of their bodies against each other as they chased their climax.

"f-fuck," dokja breathed before joonghyuk took his lips for another bruising kiss. shutting his eyes close, he felt stars exploded in —
— his brain as he reached orgasm and joonghyuk followed seconds later.

dokja was panting against the table, his reasoning crawling back to his mushy brain. opening his eyes, he stared at joonghyuk looking down on him.

joonghyuk's hand was on his stomach, smearing their spend.
"still so fucking pretty," joonghyuk kissed his temple as dokja pushed himself to sit down.

he wanted to fucking bang his head against the wall.

dokja let out a sigh before glaring at joonghyuk. he felt so fucking stupid. how can he do this with someone engaged?
standing up, he fixed himself and pushed past joonghyuk. dokja quickly reached for the box of tissue and cleaned himself.

he cursed seeing the missing buttons of his shirt and threw the nastiest glare he could muster to joonghyuk who only looked back at him like he didn't —
— just cheat om his fiance.

yoo joonghyuk definitely has some loose screws in his head.

dokja tossed the tissue box at him which joonghyuk caught perfectly.

"you do know you're engaged, right?"

joonghyuk only hummed in response as dokja felt a vein popped in his forehead.
"if you want to cheat on her, don't drag me into it." dokja bitterly said.

"it's an arranged marriage," joonghyuk tentatively responded cleaning himself.

"i don't care if it's an arranged marriage or not," dokja retaliated. "you and i are long over, yoo joonghyuk."
joonghyuk met his eyes, "we never broke up, dokja."

"because you are a fucking psycho!" dokja wasn't able to hold himself back. he wasn't really that good in holding back himself anyway. "whatever, we're long over." he waved his hand. "and we're not getting back together."
dokja watched as joonghyuk fix himself before he moved closer to him. he was suddenly on full alert. he was aware of joonghyuk's libido and the many times he had to tap out because of it.

but the thing was, joonghyuk was stubborn, so was he so dokja stood his ground.
he refused to let his ex-boyfriend push him around no matter how much he affects him or no matter how intimidating the asshole was. he can't keep letting joonghyuk push him.

joonghyuk placed a hand on his waist and dokja quickly pushed it away but joonghyuk won't budge.
his other hand cupped dokja's cheek, his thumb pressing against his bottom lip.

"you really think that after what happened i am letting you out of my sight?" joonghyuk leaned down, his nose an inch away from dokja's. "i am not that stupid, kim dokja."
dokja let out a mocking snort, "you talk as if you're obsessed with me." joonghyuk kept his eyes on him. it was uncomfortable but dokja managed to act like it was nothing. "i know that i am amazing but come on, you can definitely do so much better than me."
joonghyuk eyes never left him. dokja kept his act, "like lee seolhwa."

joonghyuk placed dokja's chin between his finger, tilting his head. "i am," he whispered his lips moving closer to dokja's kissed swollen one. "you don't have any idea how fucking crazy i am over you."
dokja pushed his hand away. the last thing he needed was to get swept away by joonghyuk again after all he was still standing with his shirt open after losing almost all of its buttons.

"so don't get jealous," joonghyuk smiled, clearly amused as dokja rolled his eyes.
joonghyuk began undressing, removing his expensive shirt as dokja ignored him. to not give any room for awkwardness, dokja began talking about the game and joonghyuk doesn't even reply to whatever he was saying.

moving closer, joonghyuk wordlessly removed dokja's shirt.
he then placed his shirt on him and began buttoning it up, dokja ignored him and continued to talk about the game. trying his very best to pretend that nothing happened. the shirt was clearly too big for dokja.

"you can do whatever you want," joonghyuk finally responded.
joonghyuk straightened the collar, lifting his head, he met dokja's eyes. "just tell me what you need and i'll get it for you."

"great, i need $5 million us dollars," dokja sarcastically replied with a smile.

"do you need it in cash?" dokja felt a vein pop on his forehead.
pissed, dokja replied, "yes, i need it today."

"alright," joonghyuk's reply made him more annoyed. he watched as the guy pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "i need $5 million us dollars in ca—" dokja snatched his phone and ended the call.
"i need you to stop," dokja let out a sigh.

"do you need more?" joonghyuk asked, tilting his head a bit.

"joonghyuk," dokja pushed the phone back to his chest roughly. he glared at the guy. "i'm serious. i need you to stop. i don't want anything to do with you."
he followed with, "other than be the investor of orv. let's keep our relationship that way. whatever happened before let's forget all about it. we had our time together, let's leave it at that." grabbing his laptop and iPad, dokja quickly exited the room forgetting his coat.
"mr. kim!" his assistant greeted him the moment he was down at their floor but dokja ignored her as he quickly entered his office closing the door.

he slumped on his seat, closing his eye. he found himself contemplating if he should resign and leave.

run away.
but if he does that then he feels like he would be running forever from yoo joonghyuk and dokja refused to live that kind of life.

"this is a mistake," he muttered to himself. Mistakes only happen once and he'll make sure this will never happen again.
now his guilt was eating him.

why did he ever let them reach that point? dokja let out a frustrated growl. he refused to admit that it was because he missed joonghyuk. dokja doesn't even want to think how he felt about joonghyuk because he knew more than anyone else.
taking a deep breath, dokja decided that he needed to go home and clear his head. in time like this, he wished sooyoung was still with him.

after making a phone call to his superior, he called for his assistant to leave some reminders before finally leaving.
when he got home, he dragged himself to his room, crashed to the bed and just slept. he slept because if he didn't he would end up thinking about what happened, about yoo joonghyuk and about what he felt for him and dokja doesn't want that.

when he woke up its almost 9 pm.
having no energy to prepare something for himself and not really wanting to stay in his empty house that reminded him how much he needed sooyoung now, dokja decided to get out and eat somewhere else.

as he was strolling, he noticed a bar.

"dokkaebi bag," he read the signage.
what a weird name for a bag but not only that it also sounded too familiar.

dokja remembered hearing about the bar from old classmates and some of the employee from oldest dream.

before he knew it, he was walking inside the place and he was stunned by the gorgeous interior.
dokkaebi bar was a popular gay bar that gained great reputation not only for its beauty, delicious drink and food but for providing a safe space.

the bar was teeming with people and for a moment dokja regretted getting inside.

dokja made his way to one of the available stools.
settling down, the bartender gave him a friendly smile. "you're new here!" he then began making a drink which he placed down in front of dokja who stared at the colorful glass of liquid. "that's one on the house! a welcome drink," the guy added with a wink.
dokja pulled his practiced smile, "thank you."

the moment he grabbed the glass, he could almost hear han sooyoung's voice.

han sooyoung never held back with her opinion that dokja should forget joonghyuk. she was all for dokja doing everything except for dating someone.
for someone like her, dokja expected her to suggest for him to go out, explore and date because han sooyoung gave off that kind of vibe but ironically, she was so against it.

"don't date and fuck just to forget someone, you are not an idiot, kim dokja," sooyoung would often say.
and though sooyoung enjoys her alcohol, she was also against going to bars and club which was another ironic thing because sooyoung felt like someone who will definitely fit in bars and club.

"hi," dokja's train of thoughts were cut off at the sight of a man sitting next to him
"it's my first time seeing you here," the guy added, leaning closer.

dokja offered a friendly smile, "i was intrigued by the name." he took small sips on the /welcome drink./ dokja let out a satisfied hum.

"it is an intriguing name," the guy nodded. he turned to the —
— bartender, ordering two drinks. the bartender was more than happy to whip the drinks. the guy turned back to dokja. "i'm song minwoo." he introduced himself with a confident smirk.

the bartender placed down the two drinks and minwoo pushed the drink towards dokja.
dokja glanced at it as he finished the welcome drink.

there had been moments were he thought of doing this exact thing. going to bar, meeting someone new, and just spending the night.

he wasn't looking for a relationship, he just wanted someone to hold him even for a night.
if sooyoung's there, she would have gone ballistic and she would have pulled him by the ear while nagging.

but then, sooyoung's no longer there.

accepting the glass, dokja smiled, "kim dokja."

tonight, he will forget everything. he will spend the night with someone else.
"what an interesting name," song minwoo chuckled. "don't tell me you're an only child." ah, he heard that joke so many times before.

"yes, i am," dokja entertained the guy. "it's a little lonely, to be honest."

minwoo moved closer, "we have to do something about that then."
dokja take sips from the drink minwoo brought, "i believe that's what you're here for."

"damn right," the guy placed a hand on his thigh and dokja thought how he moved fast but didn't moved away. he already did a crazy thing of sleeping with yoo joonghyuk, doing another crazy —
— thing was nothing.

dokja finished the drink as minwoo ordered another one but before the bartender could finish what he was ordering, dokja's phone rang.

he glanced at it, planning to ignore it only he saw a name he didn't expect.

[han sooyoung calling...]
"excuse me, i have to take this," he stood up.

"as long as you'll be back in my arms," minwoo smirked and dokja nearly snorted. what a goddamn flirt.

"let's see," dokja responded as he walked outside the bar and answered the call.

"yah, kim dokja, are you still alive?"
"no, i am dying," dokja replied with a chuckle.

"you are not doing anything stupid right?" it was weird how timely sooyoung's call and what she was saying.

"to live a fulfilling life," dokja leaned against the wall. "you need to do something stupid once in a while."
dokja could almost see sooyoung rolling her eyes.

"try not to be stupid," sooyoung sighed. "you know that right?"

"what are you, my mom?" dokja chuckled.

"someone has to have the brains here," sooyoung clicked her tongue. they began talking about something else.
after what seemed to be five minutes sooyoung told him that she has to go.

"don't be stupid, dokja," sooyoung reminded him again before the call cut off.

mentally dokja apologized to her before pocketing his phone as he went back inside the bar.
"just give me this one, han sooyoung," dokja thought. he darted back to his seat but to his surprise minwoo was no longer where he left him. not only that it seemed like the number of people in the bar was reduced.

shrugging, dokja settled back to his seat.
maybe minwoo lost interest after waiting for a while. whatever it was dokja doesn't really care. he just drank the drink that minwoo got him, mentally thanking him.

as he was drinking, someone took the seat next to him.

"two drinks," a familiar voice said.
dokja could hear his heart hammering against his chest. he badly wanted to be wrong but there was just no way he won't recognize joonghyuk's voice.

refusing to checking if he was right, dokja finished his drink and focused on the bartender mixing the drinks.
"i didn't know you are a fan of these kind of places," dokja still refused to look at the man seated next to him.

the bartender placed down both of their drinks.

"what about you, aren't you worried about rumors circulating for being in this kind of place?"
joonghyuk picked up his drink, snorting. he didn't bother answering but dokja got the full message. nothing will reach the media unless joonghyuk wanted it to reach the media.

dokja picked the drink up, downing it in one go.

there goes his plan. why was this asshole here?
"go home to your fiancee, will you?" dokja chuckled, unamused. he doesn't mean to sound bitter but that's what came out of his lips.

"i guess there's no other way," joonghyuk placed down the empty glass. "i can't keep on making you feel like this."

dokja glared at joonghyuk.
"what the hell are you on?"

joonghyuk moved closer to him, "me and seolhwa were never in that kind of relationship."

"do i look like i care?" dokja was starting to get pissed.

"you obviously care."

dokja sighed, standing up, "thanks for the drink and fuck off."
it was clear that joonghyuk won't leave him alone unless dokja proved to him that they were truly over.

he was also aware that joonghyuk's confidence might have been from the fact that dokja allowed him to sweep him away earlier.

pissed dokja walked to the nearby table.
just as what he said to sooyoung, to live a fulfilling life he got to do something stupid once in a while.

without thinking, he grabbed the first person he saw and pulled the guy into a kiss.

the guy was quick enough to get on tje program, kissing dokja back.
pulling away, dokja gave the man a smile.

dokja hoped that what he did got joonghyuk off his back. he thought what he did was full proof only he didn't knew how much the drinks he had affected his brain.

if anything, he should have known that it will have the opposite effect.
"wow," the guy muttered. "that was fucking hot, i do hope that's not all the you got for me tonight."

"nope," dokja replied. "we can go to my place, it's near he—"

joonghyuk managed to drag dokja out of the bar in less than a minute. dokja struggled but he couldn't get —
— away from joonghyuk's grip.

he found himself being shoved inside the car as joonghyuk got inside.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" dokja yelled but joonghyuk didn't reply. he just sat there all quiet, fists on tight clench.

he was seething.

dokja swallowed hard.
"joonghyuk..." dokja almost stuttered.

joonghyuk ignored him and just ordered the driver to drive. in ten minutes, joonghyuk was dragging dokja back to his apartment.

"joonghyuk!" dokja pulled his arm off joonghyuk's hold but the guy refused to let him go.
how in the world did this bastard even know where he fucking live.

"go home," dokja stood his ground, braving the raging yoo joonghyuk in front of him. "whatever i do has nothing to do with you anymore. i am getting tired saying this over and over."

joonghyuk ignored him.
instead he turned to the apartment's door, keying the passcode as the door open. he then pushed dokja inside.

"how did you know my passcode, you bastard!" dokja was now angry and he doesn't care if joonghyuk was angry. he had no right to get mad unlike dokja.
joonghyuk just cupped his face pulling him on a kiss. dokja tried to push him away but joonghyuk held him tighter, pulling him closer until dokja gave in.

his body never listened to him it was as if it belonged to joonghyuk instead of him.

joonghyuk pushed him against the wall
"joonghyuk!" dokja breathed, pulling away as joonghyuk lifted him up and dokja wrapped his arm around him before they started kissing again. this time deeper.

joonghyuk carried him to his room, walking in his house as if he knew every corner of it. like he lived there.
dokja felt his body bounced against his bed as joonghyuk began stripling his own clothes off him.

trying to not be awestruck by joonghyuk's sinful body, dokja looked away.

joonghyuk cupped his chin, forcing him to look at him. "i know everything about you."
he pushed dokja on the bed, stripping him off his clothes. "i know where to touch you, i know what you like and what you hate. i know what you ate for breakfast yesterday and i know what's your favorite cafe back in england."

dokja looked at him, eyes wide in disbelief.
"i know how hard you cried when i got engaged and i know you missed me and how much you still loved me," dokja felt all the air in his lungs left.

"i know you like an old prayer that i had memorized since i was a goddamn kid," joonghyuk's voice was filled with rage.
"i know every little thing about you, kim dokja," his fingers slipped on the band of his pants as joonghyuk effortlessly pulled them off him. "just like i know that you would be back in my goddamn arms because this is where you fucking belong."

just like that he's completely —
— bare under joonghyuk.

"i let you play, let you do what you fucking want," dipping joonghyuk trailed wet kisses on dokja's skin, his hand mapped his body. "but the thing about freedom, humans tend to abuse it. they always think they can do anything after a quick taste."
dokja pushed him away as he retreated. "you stalked me."

joonghyuk just kept his eyes on him, not replying.

"you're actually insane."

"i thought you already know that, sweetheart," joonghyuk moved closer to him. he kissed dokja gently, coaxing him to respond.
⚠️ dubcon, nsfw

dokja tried to push him away but joonghyuk had always been /convincing/. he just always knew what to do to get dokja fall apart in his arms.

"you really thought, i'll leave you on your own?" joonghyuk whispered as their lips parted.
there was just something so oddly attractive about the whole situation even when dokja was aware how fucked up the whole thing was.

joonghyuk touching him while telling him that he knew every little thing he did for the last three years made his stomach churn.
joonghyuk spread his legs apart, then his cheeks, gazing at his hole with hunger.

dokja had to get away. he needed to leave.

"joonghyuk, stop," dokja mustered the only words he can.

"do you really want me to stop?" joonghyuk trailed kisses on his jaw as he pushed a finger in.
a gasp left dokja's lips. he quickly bit his lower lip.

"dokja," he eased his finger inside and started to loosen him. joonghyuk added another. "your body is burning with need. you don't want me to stop, you want me to touch you more."

it had been years, dokja was so sensitive
"you bastard," dokja gritted. joonghyuk let out a fucking attractive chuckle thay rumbled in dokja's ear as he added another digit.

"baby, you are so fucking tight."

"st—" all air left dokja's lungs as joonghyuk hit the right spot. embarrassingly, dokja came hard.
joonghyuk pulled his fingers out as he grabbed dokja's thighs lifting his ass in the air.

dokja's body was trembling from the pleasure. he comforted himself by saying it was the alcohol. the alcohol was making his body weird.

"so, so, so, fucking pretty," joonghyuk bit his —
— inner thigh and dokja couldn't help but flinch. "and to think that you are mine."

"get fucking lost, you fucking psycho," dokja grumbled but joonghyuk was too busy sucking his skin, marking him, licking him until dokja could feel his tongue on his hole.

"yoo joonghyuk!"
"i'm right here, dokja," joonghyuk began eating him as dokja threw his head back, gripping tightly at anything he could reach. his body was trembling from all the pleasure that joonghyuk was giving him leaving him panting and wanting for more. "and i am not going anywhere."
"s-stop," dokja gritted, feeling that he's close.

"dokja, it's fine," joonghyuk pulled away, pushing a finger in, knuckle deep and that was enough to bring him on the edge as he spilled on his stomach for the second time. "god, i just love making you come, dokja."
before dokja could even speak, joonghyuk took his mouth for another kiss distracting him from the fact that his throbbing dick was against dokja's hole.

"breath, baby," joonghyuk smirked as he pulled away and slam balls deep inside dokja, knocking all air in dokja's lungs.
dokja felt his eyes rolled at the back of his skull, he gripped on the sheets like his life depended on it.

"y-you asshole..." he gasped.

joonghyuk slowly ease himself inside. "dokja," he pushed his own hair with his fingers. "i'm home." he began moving making dokja writhe.
joonghyuk kissed him as he began increasing the pace of his thrust.

"joonghyuk," dokja breathed pulling away from their kiss. joonghyuk trailed kisses on his neck down to his shoulder, chanting his name over and over.

"aren't you welcoming me home, sweetheart?" joonghyuk —
— bit down on dokja's shoulder making him let out a loud cry.

"it's been three years," joonghyuk licked the bite. "do you have any idea how fucking tight you are. you still feel so good wrapped around me like this, dokja."

"s-shut up!" dokja cried.
there was no stopping joonghyuk now and if dokja was being honest, he doesn't want joonghyuk to stop. he missed this just as much as joonghyuk claimed he missed it.

joonghyuk grabbed his arms putting it around him. "if you don't know where to put your hands, hold me, dokja."
"shut up," dokja held him close as joonghyuk continued to fuck him like how he used to. dokja couldn't help but spill with moans and pant. "why are you... talking too much when you can just fuck me to oblivion, bastard."

joonghyuk chuckled, he kissed dokja and did what he asked
kim dokja doesn't want to think. he doesn't want to think about what yoo joonghyuk had been doing these past years all he wanted right now was to fall apart in his arms.

he wanted joonghyuk to fuck until he could no longer think.

"fuck," joonghyuk held him closer, fucked —
— him deeper. "i missed you," he breathed against dokja's skin. "i missed you so much i felt like i was dying, dokja."

"shut up, joonghyuk," dokja held him closer. "j-just make me come..."

joonghyuk smirked against his skin. "so needy..."

"like you aren't, bastard."
just like what dokja wanted, joonghyuk fucked him hard until his brain melted. until all he could do was call his name, pleading.

he doesn't know how many times they went at it. at one point, dokja knew he passed out and woke up with joonghyuk still fucking him like an —
— animal in heat. he was serious about filling dokja full when just being inside dokja, dokja already felt like he was so fucking full.

dokja woke up cursing joonghyuk, his huge fucking dick, and his goddamn libido.

flipping, he stared at the ceiling and began cursing himself
pushing himself up, one thing was for sure, he was not that young anymore as his body was aching all over.

dokja left his bed and was welcomed by his reflection on his full body mirror. at least joonghyuk had the decency to clean him and put him in a pajama.
dokja tried his best to ignore the rage he felt inside for himself for letting joonghyuk get away again.

a tiny part of him was willing to admit that he fucking need that. he fucking need joonghyuk to hold him like that.

but that tiny part was nothing compared to the —
— frustration, anger, and guilt that he felt.

his eye twitched at the sight of full breakfast prepared on the table. he saw a small note on the table.

[ eat your breakfast. i'll see you soon
—yjh ]

dokja crumpled the note, tossing it on the bin as he went to get a —
— a bowl of cereal as he slumped on the sofa. he turned the television on. he still has some time to kill before he has to go to work.

he was welcomed by the last face he wanted to see which was joonghyuk's.

"yoo joonghyuk called his wedding off a week away from it."
dokja nearly drop the bowl he was holding as his mouth hanged open.

the news anchor went on saying how the heir of the yoo group decided to call the wedding off and how everyone were looking forward to the wedding but now it was cancelled.

"yoo joonghyuk!!"
turning off the television, dokja tossed the remote away in anger. he knew that joonghyuk cancelled the whole thing because dokja was holding it against him.

now that he cancelled the wedding, dokja doesn't have anything against him.

"that fucking bastard," he grumbled.
the anger made him remember how joonghyuk admitted to stalking him, dokja quickly left the sofa placed the half eaten bowl of cereal on the counter to get his laptop.

their place has cctv installed on certain area, mainly on the entrance and on the halls.
it was sooyoung who wanted it. dokja doesn't really care about it but right now, he should probably thank sooyoung.

it took him a while to pull the footages but he finally managed. he got the footage on the first night when they moved in that place.
he scanned through the footage. 30 minutes past midnight, he saw the main door open but he knew him and sooyoung were already asleep during this time.

dokja felt his hands clenched tight as he saw joonghyuk enter the apartment like he own the place.
joonghyuk turned to the cctv camera. he let out a smirk and mouthed something.

"dokja, i'm home."

dokja felt his ear burned as he also remembered how joonghyuk told him the exact same thing the moment he pushed himself inside him.

he slammed his laptop close.
all these time, dokja thought he lived his life without joonghyuk after he managed to /escape/ him three years ago.

dokja felt like a fucking joke.

all these time the reason why he was able to do all of those was because joonghyuk let him.

joonghyuk allowed it.
if yoo joonghyuk knew everything from the start does that mean even his escape... he allowed it?

was the reason why dokja was able to escape with sooyoung was because joonghyuk let them.

that if joonghyuk didn't want to, dokja wouldn't be able to escape at all.
he tried so hard to recall how him and sooyoung escape.

wait, how did sooyoung knew where he was in the first place?

did he contacted her?

how did him and sooyoung met?

she knew she was in some of his class back in uni. they got accepted into the same exchange program.
dokja could recall moments of them talking to each other but in his memory the time that they truly bonded was when him and sooyoung were running in the airport trying to catch their plan after they escape from joonghyuk's place.

shaking, he rushed to his room to grab his phone
he hurriedly dialled for sooyoung's number and waited with bated breath as the phone rang.

"don't tell me you did something stupid?" sooyoung said as soon as the line connected.

dokja opened his mouth to say something but no words came out. his heart pounded like crazy.
"oi, dokja," sooyoung said after not getting any response.

dokja still couldn't muster anything to say cause he doesn't like the fact that he was suddenly suspecting sooyoung of working with joonghyuk not after the lady picked him up and pushed him to move on with his life.
"yah, kim dokja!" sooyoung called again. "did something happen?" he can now hear panic in sooyoung's voice.

then it dawned him. he quickly began knocking things over as loudly as possible making sure that sooyoung hears them before ending the call.

"please," dokja breathed.
let me be wrong, he repeated in his head over and over.

he doesn't know what he'll do if he found out that all this time sooyoung had been working with or for yoo joonghyuk.

dokja weakly sat on the edge of his bed, his room was a mess, he only have an hour before his shift.
dokja flinched hearing the main door open. his clenched his hands tightly. he heard multiple footsteps outside his room.

"check everything!" someone said.

he began to hear footsteps getting closer to his room. the door was then pushed open and at least 3 people enter his room.
dokja turned to look at them. someone stepped forward. moved in a safe distance as he eyed dokja from head to toe.

he then pressed something on his ear. "tell the boss he's alright." he glanced at the room. "he just threw a tantrum."

dokja snorted out of disbelief.
standing up, he dialed for sooyoung's number again. one ring and the call connected.

before sooyoung can even speak, dokja asked in a cold tone, "since when?"

he was answered by silence.

"han sooyoung, i am asking you a fucking question!" dokja couldn't control his emotions.
dokja felt chill ran down his spine when sooyoung finally answered, "from the very beginning."

dokja chuckled emptily, "all of it was a lie."


"are you even in new zealand? are you my friend? is your name really han sooyoung?!" his voice boomed all over the place.
"dokja, calm down," sooyoung replied.

"who the fuck are you!? who the fuck is the person i have been for 3 damn years?!"

it hurts. dokja didn't expect it to hurt this much. he felt like his heart was being torn off his chest.

he felt betrayed. it was like he was stabbed.
now it suddenly made sense why even though sooyoung's personality seemed to be built crazy, she somehow stop dokja from doing irrational things.

this explain why she doesn't allow him to go to bars or go on a night out or how she would immediately be against him dating.
"my name is han sooyoung and yes, i am working for yoo joonghyuk but i am also your friend, dokja," dokja could hear the pain in sooyoung's voice.

dokja let out a laugh, tears rolling down his cheeks. "you are not my friend, sooyoung. i am not your friend."

he felt so fucking stupid. it hurts. it hurts so much.

roughly wiping his tears away, "oldest dream... is oldest dream..." he couldn't even finish his question.

"yes, he owns it. he built it for you..."

dokja choked at what he heard. everything... every single thing in his —
— was because of yoo joonghyuk. everything that he thought he had was because joonghyuk made it happen.

he controlled his life and made it the way he wanted it to be.

/i know every little thing about you, kim dokja/

/just like i know that you would be back in my goddamn arms/
"dokja, listen to me," there was a tremble in her voice. "not everything is a lie! what we sh—" dokja threw his phone, it hit the wall and cracked. it slid on the floor with the screen blinking before it finally died.

he then walked passed the strangers in suit.
when he was about to leave the apartment he was stopped by the guy that inspected him awhile ago.

"you can't leave, sir. the boss will be here in ten minu—" not letting him finish, dokja threw a strong punch in his face. as the man staggered backward, a fight broke.
maybe it was the adrenaline rush or maybe it was the pent up anger. dokja was never really in an all out fight before but right now it felt like he had been fighting all his life.

or it also could be that they were scared of what joonghyuk will do if they hurt him.
dokja doesn't care. all he care was to knock them out and vent all his anger. as soon as he manage to knock the last guard out, he opened the door to his place and he ran. he ran and ran and ran.

until his lungs gave out. until his knees weakened. until he was tired.
exhausted, dokja lied down on the ground. he doesn't care if he was in the middle of the sidewalk. he doesn't care if people were looking at him.

he doesn't care anymore. all he wanted was to look at the sky while thinking how far can he ran away from yoo joonghyuk.
will he be able to run away from the bastard? even the goddamn government was scared of him and what his family was capable of.

dokja wondered how long will yoo joonghyuk chase him. how far will yoo joonghyuk go for him?

yoo joonghyuk will chase him to the ends of the world.
if he had to, yoo joonghyuk will chase him forever.

dokja let out a laugh. "ah, this is driving me crazy. fucking bastard."

dokja will never get to live in peace unless he allowed yoo joonghyuk to do whatever the hell he wanted to do.

"are you done throwing a tantrum?"
dokja refused to move from where he was. he kept his gaze to the clear morning sky.

"yah, yoo joonghyuk," he called as he lifted both arms in the air. "pick me up, you crazy asshole."

joonghyuk didn't say anything and just bent to pick dokja in his arms.
he wrapped his arms around the chaebol who looked at him before kissing his forehead.

"why the fuck are you like this?" dokja asked, leaning against him. "you make me want to run away from you forever."

"i am not stopping you from running," joonghyuk began walking.
he barely cared that people were gossiping and some were even taking photos. dokja wanted to fucking scream but he was too tired.

"is this some goddamn foreplay to you," dokja bitterly asked.

joonghyuk snorted, "i am only entertaining your idea of fun, baby."
"tone down the craziness, will you?" dokja closed his eyes.

"i am not doing anything crazy," joonghyuk said. "you are the one who kept running away from me, what the hell am i supposed to do, huh, kim dokja?"

"it's because you act like this!" dokja felt his head throb.
joonghyuk didn't reply. to him, he wasn't doing anything wrong. he was just making sure that kim dokja will be with him. he was his after all.

silence enveloped them and joonghyuk even thought that perhaps dokja fell asleep.

when they entered the apartment building, dokja —
— spoke in a sad tone, "joonghyuk..." joonghyuk stopped on his track for a moment before he continued to walk to dokja's apartment. "please stop." there was sincere pleading in his words. "i don't want this... and i don't want to start hating you."

joonghyuk didn't reply.
they reached the apartment which was cleaned and was left by his men in pristine condition.

"then don't hate me," joonghyuk said as he placed dokja down on the sofa. crouching down in front of him, joonghyuk met dokja's tired eyes. "all you need to do is love and never leave me"
"dokja," he held his hand, placing it on his cheek before finally kissing his palm. "am i asking for too much? is it too much?"

"yoo joonghyuk, do you have any idea what you did?" dokja sounded so tired. so dejected. "you controlled my life. do you know how much that hurts?"
"i thought i was doing great, that everything i have was because i worked hard for them. i nearly didn't make it. i almost fell apart because i was so broken hearted from what happened between us... and then i'll find out that everything... all of it..." he doesn't want to cry.
the back of his throat burned, he tried so hard not to cry only to fail. the last person he wanted to cry in front of was yoo joonghyuk.

"i..." dokja hiccupped. "i want nothing to do with you, joonghyuk." those words hurt as he spoke them. dokja could feel how his heart —
— was so tired that it finally let go of the person he loved more than anything.

"i want to be on my own," dokja wetly said. "i want to live a life without you." he broke into sobs.

joonghyuk gently wiped his tears away, "dokja, how can you be so fucking cruel?"
"how can you say those words so easily?" it took dokja's everything to let those words out but he didn't say anything to joonghyuk.

"all i ever did was love you," joonghyuk added.

"it's too much," dokja swallowed. "i can't bear the responsibility of your love. it's too much."
"your love is going to fucking me eat me whole, joonghyuk." dokja continued.

"was that so wrong? was it so wrong that i love you that much? that i can and will do anything for you," joonghyuk moved closer, he kept wiping dokja's tears away. "dokja, my love is not wrong."
"you only say that because all other love you heard and felt fell short to what i have for you," joonghyuk began to shower him with butterfly kisses. "this is what love is. it's intense. it's insane. it's scary. this is what love is supposed to be."

"you're only scared because no one had the courage to love you like this. unconditional. unrestrained. and i am here offering all of it to you..." joonghyuk gave him quick shallow kisses on his lips, pushing him against the sofa. "dokja, can't you fucking see?"
there was so much going on.

dokja was overwhelmed.

"i should be the one scared here," joonghyuk whispered. "i should be the one running away because fuck, i am here just waiting for anything you'll give. if you decided to fucking ruin me, i wouldn't be able to do anything."
yoo joonghyuk gently pushed him down until dokja was lying on the sofa, all his guard down. his heart and mind tired.

"but i don't care. i don't care what you'll do to me... break me, ruin me, i am all fucking yours, dokja." joonghyuk kissed him stupid.
joonghyuk guided his arms to wrap around his neck. "do you understand, dokja? you don't have to be scared alone. i am fucking scared too."

this was the first time he heard joonghyuk bear his heart. told him what he really felt and dokja was enamored. he was moved.
as joonghyuk intoxicated him with deep kisses. dokja began to question what was he so scared about? maybe if he continued to talk to joonghyuk, maybe they'll be able to fix this.

maybe his possessiveness will tone down.

maybe it will work out.
"dokja," joonghyuk called his name reverently. dokja was drunk from his words, touches, and kisses. his eyes blissed out. joonghyuk watched dokja's face with grim satisfaction.

he was his. he was all his. just with words, dokja was dancing at the palm of his hands.
joonghyuk watched with satisfaction as dokja's walls came down. crashing into nothing, letting joonghyuk in.

"joonghyuk," dokja nearly moaned as joonghyuk peeled his clothes off, his hands mapped the marks he left last night on dokja's skin.

"i'm here, baby."
for the next couple of days, dokja was unable to function. he had no energy nor will to do anything.

he spent the days in his place either lying on his bed or on the sofa and staring blankly in the air.

even when he doesn't move, joonghyuk would send his people to —
— prepare food for him. and in the evening, joonghyuk would be coming home to his place.

and dokja would let him do whatever he wanted. joonghyuk would usually spend ample time to just seemingly hold him near before he would carry dokja to the bathroom where they'll shower.
they'll eat dinner after and just be next to each other.

they would sleep on the same bed, joonghyuk would hold him close and in the morning dokja would wake from a sweet kiss from joonghyuk before the guy leave for his work.

dokja would stay in bed and sleep until noon.
there were just so many things going on his mind but it also felt empty at the same time.

he felt hollow.

it took dokja nearly two weeks to finally pull himself together and get back to his old routine. when he decided he wanted to continue working on orv, joonghyuk was happy.
the guy got him a new phone and offered to drop him to work everyday. dokja accepted the phone but refused the latter. surprisingly, joonghyuk didn't force his way and easily let it go.

dokja didn't realize how much he missed on the time he spent trying to sort how he —
— felt and what he should do.

when he finally began checking the news, it was all about yoo joonghyuk and how he manage to acquire nearly 75% of lee seolhwa's family's wealth but that wasn't even what people were focusing on. rather the entire country was talking about dokja.
dokja let out a groan as he read the 7th article that says 'everything you need to know about the man who captured yoo joonghyuk's heart'.

he quickly exited the article and slammed his phone on his bed.

now, everyone knew about him and how he was yoo joonghyuk's lover.
his name were plastered in every site and some of his old pictures were even used in articles.

news outlet were writing about him like they knew him. people kept digging about information about him.

they couldn't shut up about the man that yoo joonghyuk was in love with.
in a span of two weeks dokja became the reason on why the supposedly wedding of the century fell off and the mass had a mix reaction about it.

some condemned him, others voiced their support especially when they found out that he was yoo joonghyuk's /first love/.
pushing all of those aside. dokja stood up and fixed himself. he stared at his reflection in the mirror. this was the first time he'll be back at oldest dream after just dropping off from the face of the planet.

a part of his brain was saying that he should just stay at home, —
— dokja ignored it.

he had locked himself up long enough. it's time to regain back some footing and move with his life.

it was true that he felt lost but dokja was hoping to figure things out little by little.

a frustrated groan escaped his lips.

now, everyone knew him.
the whole damn country and probably the rest of the world was now aware of who he was for yoo joonghyuk.

"crazy bastard," he grumbled fixing his clothes before snatching his phone and leaving his room.

just like that yoo joonghyuk manage to ensure that dokja was not going —
— anywhere. that even if he tried to run away, yoo joonghyuk will find him. that the whole damn world will hand him to yoo joonghyuk in a silver platter.

his phone buzzed. checking on it, he saw a message from the bastard.

[ enjoy your day at work. ]
pissed dokja sent a simple reply.

[ 🖕🏻 ]

he then left for work, satisfied with what he sent to joonghyuk.

well, it's not like joonghyuk isn't trying. he knew he was and dokja wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that maybe the news were out of his control.
but the more he tried to find an excuse for joonghyuk, the more dokja knew that though joonghyuk didn't do it on purpose, he probably didn't do anything to stop it either.

yoo joonghyuk got nothing to lose at the news of dokja being his lover.

dokja felt bitter.
he had to take two deep breaths before he entered oldest dream. he was scared that he was already fired but he remember how sooyoung admitted that the company existed because of him.

people greeted him happily, welcoming him back. his whole team was so happy, some even cried.
dokja knew they gossip about him and yoo joonghyuk but he was thankful that he couldn't hear any of them.

not really wanting to think of anything, he buried himself in work. checking on progress and picking up on what he left. the executive went to greet and welcome him back.
dokja always thought that he was a great asset to the company due to his skills and hard work that's why he was treated well by the higher ups. now, he just felt bitter finding out the truth but he put on his customer service smile and make sure to get along with everyone.
after his tiring 'catch up' with the higher ups, dokja went back to his office and just breathe.

his eyes landed on the magnetic acrylic frame that sooyoung got him. the frame held a polaroid photo of them back on their trip to greece.

dokja felt the back of his throat burn.
reaching for it, he stared at the frame. letting out a pained sigh, he opened one of his cabinet to toss the frame inside when he let go of it and the whole thing fell on the floor, disassembled.

dokja let out an exasperated sigh, picking up everything when he noticed something
there was a small piece of folded paper that fell off the frame. he picked it up and slid it inside his coat's pocket before he grabbed the other pieces and chuck it inside the cabinet.

he then left his office and said he needed to buy a cup of coffee. his assistant offered —
— to do it but dokja just replied with how he always wanted some fresh air.

he left the building and walked towards the nearest coffee shop. he ordered his usual cup and while waiting, he pulled the paper and read the content.

dokja immediately recognized the handwriting.
it was sooyoung's.

there was no message rather it was just a phone number and based on the area code, the number is registered in china.

the moment they called for his name, dokja manage to memorize the number. he thanked the staff got his coffee and threw the receipt —
— together with the note.

when he got back from his quick coffee run he passed by the design team who were busy gossiping.

"did you see the news?"

"which one?"

"the car accident one, that was wild. they could barely recover anything."

"i heard to people died."
"yeah, i think one of them is named song minwoo?"

dokja froze on his track.

"yeah, i remembered that. i forgot the name of the other one."

he hurried to his office and began searching the news on his laptop. his heart dropped to his stomach as soon as he saw the photos —
— on the article. it was a photo of song minwoo next to him was the photo of the guy he just mindlessly pulled into a kiss.

dokja quickly exited the article, staring blankly in the air. he felt numb. nothing goes into his mind. the coffee he bought was left untouched.
when he managed to process everything, dokja found himself in the toilet throwing up.

once he emptied himself, he weakly went back to his office and spent the rest of the day on a blur.

dokja badly wanted to go home however the team wanted to throw a welcome back dinner.
not really having the heart to say no, dokja found himself in a barbecue place, eating and drinking. everything that he consumed sat in his stomach like lead but he kept drinking.

he wanted to stop thinking. he wanted to not know anything.

ignorance was truly a bliss.
the dinner ended ten minutes before midnight. when they got out of the restaurant, yoo joonghyuk was leaning by his luxury car. he was on his casual clothes and he looked like a goddamn model. his leather jacket looked so good against his broad shoulders.
he was busy on his phone but lifted his gaze as soon as he heard people coming out.

joonghyuk quickly walked towards dokja, his hand cupped dokja's red face, thumb brushing on the skin below his eye. "you're so red."

"it's cold," dokja slurred.

"let's go home."

dokja turned to his team and waved his farewell, everyone though drunk were too stun to see yoo joonghyuk pick up their director.

they all awkwardly bid dokja farewell as joonghyuk ushered dokja to the car. he settled dokja in the passenger seat, putting his seatbelt for him.
once everything was good, joonghyuk began to drive.

"yoo joonghyuk," dokja called. he could barely enunciate joonghyuk's name.


"you're a crazy psycho," dokja said.

"i guess i am," joonghyuk replied.

dokja then giggled, "one day, i'll be able to leave you."
he continued, still giggling, "and you won't be able to do anything."

joonghyuk parked the car to the side of the road, "i wonder about that, kim dokja."

"i am serious, you fucking bastard," he slurred. "i will leave you even though i like you... even though..."
dokja finally fell asleep as joonghyuk just adjusted his seat for him. he continued to drive.

after parking on the basement, he removed his seatbelt and did the same for dokja who stirred from his sleep.

"yoo joonghyuk," dokja quietly called.

"what is it?"
"why can't you just like me like everyone else?" his speech was still slurring.

"let's just say i like you a little too much," joonghyuk kissed his forehead.

"i also like you alot," dokja said.

"i know."

"but i am not fucking crazy."

"i know," joonghyuk, pulled him to —
— his seat, on his lap.

dokja stared at his face, brows furrowing deep, "it's quite unfair that you are this handsome when you are rotten to the core."

joonghyuk snorted as he began kissing dokja's neck, gently unbuttoning his shirt. "you are so fucking cute, kim dokja."
closing his eyes, dokja held unto joonghyuk as the guy managed to open his shirt, trailing kisses on his skin and leaving marks.

he then kissed dokja on the lips, shutting him up from whatever nonsense he was spewing out.

dokja could barely think straight from the alcohol.
but the moment joonghyuk somehow managed to slip his fucking dick inside him while they're still in the car instantly sobered him up.

dokja was whimpering at joonghyuk's every move. he desperately clung onto him. nearly screaming as joonghyuk bite hard on his shoulder.
"i fucking wish you can get pregnant," joonghyuk whispered against his ear. "i would have fucked a baby in you long time ago."


"i want our kid to look just as pretty as you."

"shut... up," dokja could feel joonghyuk deeper. "ah... there..."
joonghyuk fucked him the way he demanded too. dokja let go of everything else, completely giving in to the pleasure.

maybe joonghyuk wasn't the only one going insane, dokja thought as he fell against joonghyuk's body. breathing heavily, drench in his own sweat.
joonghyuk kissed the top of his head and let dokja rest before he moved the two of them to dokja's place.

after taking a quick shower they cuddled in bed.

"i'll have to go on a business trip to china this weekend," joonghyuk said, eyes closed. "do you wanna go with me?"
dokja would have said no automatically if it was any other country but as he remembered the number that sooyoung left him.

"yeah," dokja replied. "i think i need a little vacation."

joonghyuk kissed him, "okay, we'll be leaving on friday night."

dokja only hummed.
friday night, dokja found himself in shanghai after flying for two hours in a private plane.

he hated to admit that he found joonghyuk's lifestyle appealing. it was convenient. the plane was gorgeous and the food was fantastic. it doesn't even feel like he was flying.
shaking all those thoughts away, dokja followed yoo joonghyuk as his secretary hover over the guy while informing him of his schedule which dokja was surprised by how packed it was.

his eyes landed on joonghyuk's hand holding his while they walk their way to the car.
"i didn't expect you are this busy, how do you even manage to still pester me?" dokja asked as they climbed inside the car.

"i make time for it," joonghyuk replied nonchalantly. he turned to dokja, lifting his hand and kissing the back of it. "i always have time for you."
dokja rolled his eyes, ignoring the butterflies that filled his stomach.

they were dropped in a five star hotel where they had their dinner. dokja thought that was also where they would be staying but it turned out yoo joonghyuk owned a house in shanghai.

he should have known
the next day, joonghyuk was busy and dokja was left to his own devices. joonghyuk told him that he could explore the city which dokja immediately took advantage of, only he didn't account that he'd have to be followed around by bodyguards.

again, he should have known better.
dokja was walking around when someone who was running bumped into him. the collision was strong that dokja fell to the ground. the bodyguards were quickly on their feet, checking dokja who was quick to tell them he was okay.

the woman profusely apologized and left.
"i need to go to the restroom," dokja announced as yoo joonghyuk's minions only nodded.

dokja got inside the cubicle and stared at the small phone that was in his hands. it was not a smart phone, it was a small old model one with keypad.

the woman handed it to him.
biting his lips, he dialled the number from sooyoung but dokja chickened out in the last minute and didn't press the call button. he just pocketed the phone and went outside.

"we have to go, mr. kim," one of the guards told him. dokja only nodded, his mind still on the phone.
dokja was surprised by the amount of people in the house and the racks upon racks of clothes that welcomed him.

"what's going on?" he asked joonghyuk who kissed him.

"we'll be attending a charity gala," joonghyuk replied.

dokja quirked an eyebrow, "charity gala?"
joonghyuk nodded as he was being put into a tailored suit.

"like those party where they have some stupid auction going?" dokja was then dragged by someone as he was pushed to sit down on a chair where a makeup artist and hair stylist began working on him.

"yes, that one."
dokja couldn't say anything as people continued to fix his hair and put makeup on him. before he even realized it, his hair was fixed and he was in a white designer suit with gold embellishments and he was also wearing expensive accessories.

he looked like an actor that's —
— about to attend an awards show.

"you look stunning," joonghyuk commented, hand snaking around his waist as he gave him a quick peck on the lips.

dokja would rather really just lie down and not deal with rich people.

"do i have to go?"

"i would love if you go with me."
in joonghyuk's language that's a yes. dokja inwardly sighed as yoo joonghyuk escorted him to the car.

the gala was in some mansion that dokja only saw in movies. the moment they got outside and stood at the red carpet, he nearly got blinded by the flashing lights of the camera.
dokja felt stupid standing there but put on a practiced smile while joonghyuk stood next to him, clearly used to it, his hand on dokja's waist.

"i fucking hate this," dokja grumbled as he put on a fake smile for the cameras.

"it takes time to get used to," joonghyuk replied.
dokja wanted to shake joonghyuk and tell him how he'll never get used to it but before he can even complain, joonghyuk ushered him inside where all eyes darted towards them.

great, dokja thought. just as what he needed. dokja badly wish that he could instantly teleport home.
joonghyuk spent the evening dragging dokja around to speak to people who dokja has no interest getting to know.

he doesn't care if they own shit or if they saved the world in their past life, they're no one significant to dokja.

dokja still put a smile on and greeted them.
he'd entertain small talks with them however if the conversation gets too comfortable joonghyuk would step in and would excuse them as they moved to talk to other people.

in a span of not even an hour, dokja found out joonghyuk can speak at least five languages.
when dokja finally told joonghyuk how he's tired, the guy finally left him to sit down on their table while he does whatever business he has to do.

"i kind of understand," a voice said, coming from behind dokja. dokja didn't turn to look and kept his hand on his glass of —
— champagne.

a man then took the seat opposite dokja.

blond hair, golden eyes, handsome feature with a body to match. this stranger could be the same height of yoo joonghyuk or maybe he was bigger.

"hi," he smiled and dokja knew he made so many girls and guys cry.
dokja put on a smile, "hello." he took a small sip from his champagne.

"i can see why yoo joonghyuk is losing his mind," the guy then reached for the glass of champagne on dokja's hand, he took it, and finished everything. dokja kept his smile, giving the stranger no reactions.
"don't worry, you can relax, he's currently busy," the blond said as he placed the empty glass on the tray held by a passing waiter.

"as you probably," dokja asked for a glass of champagne from a passing waiter. "my hands are already full dealing with one psycho."
the stranger let out a hearty laugh.

"i have been told," the man smiled. if dokja wasn't so stupidly enamored by yoo joonghyuk he would have probably fallen in love with this guy. there was just something so inexplicably charming about him.

but dokja knew people like him —
— nothing but trouble.

"i was also told all the things he did to keep you with him," the guy added. he looked amused and dokja was pissed. he guessed his sufferings were amusing to people like him. leaning forward, the guy rested his chin on his folded hands.
"so i am here to tell you of a way to escape," dokja should probably shut him down but he was intrigued about the bullshit the blond has to say.

"cool, hit me with your unsolicited advice," dokja smirked.

the man chuckled, "she didn't tell me you'd be this fun."
dokja shrugged, drinking his champagne.

"it's simple really..." the man moved back, relaxing against his seat. "you just have to die."

dokja couldn't help how his expression turned grim. his eyes landed on the blond who's playfully smiling.

"you just need to die, kim dokja"
dokja emptily chortled, placing down his glass. "what a brilliant advice," he sarcastically comment.

the blond shrugged. "you know there are million ways to die without really dying." dokja quickly got on the program. this beautiful stranger was telling him to fake his death.
he walked closer to dokja, placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down to whisper, "when you decided to finally die, give me a call, okay?" and before he left he added, "i know you know my number."

he gave dokja a pat before disappearing in the crowd.
dokja almost stood up to chase the man but before he could even move he felt a hand on his shoulder and yoo joonghyuk's lips kissing the crown of his head.

"i hope i didn't leave you for too long," he said as he took the seat next to dokja.

dokja turned to him, pretending —
— thay nothing happened. "i am not a kid, joonghyuk. just go and do you business." in fact, dokja would be more comfortable if yoo joonghyuk leave him all night to go bump shoulders with everyone in that charity gala.

"you know i'd rather be here with you," joonghyuk smoothly —
— responded. dokja had to use every bit of his strength not to sarcastically reply to him as joonghyuk reached for his hand and filled the gaps between his fingers with his own. the psycho who was unfortunately his boyfriend, asked for drinks from the passing waiter.
if they were in highschool or university, joonghyuk would definitely not leave his side and would brood all night while ignoring every interaction attempt thrown at his direction.

dokja couldn't help but think that they were older now. joonghyuk who doesn't give a shit —
— to anyone and their business was now giving courtesy and exchanging pleasantries.

"don't mind me, you can just go and talk to everyone," dokja repeated while his boyfriend hand him a glass of champagne.

"i hope this is just your second glass," joonghyuk smiled.
"oh, you'll be disappointed, honey." dokja accepted the glass and drank from it.

"don't worry, i'll take care of you," joonghyuk enjoyed his own glass. dokja was quite amazed by how well he ignores all the stares and whisperings directed to them.

but then, joonghyuk had a —
— lifetime of practice. growing up, he just effortlessly gets everyone's attention. for sure, he had grown used to it.

or he just doesn't really care.

dokja felt an arm snake around his waist, joonghyuk moved closer to him until he could rest his head on dokja's shoulder.
"let's stay like this forever, kim dokja," dokja felt shivers ran down his spine at joonghyuk's whispered words. somehow hearing the word forever made dokja's heart drop and stomach churn.

but not in a good way.

it was as if he could hear the sounds of chains and shackles.
funny enough, dokja knew that joonghyuk would do just about anything to ensure the forever that he wanted.

"you'll get tired of me," dokja watched the hall, watched the people interacting. watched as the world continuously turn.

"i know you know i won't."

"i wish you would."
his last words were quiet. dokja was not even sure if those words made it out his lips. he was unsure if yoo joonghyuk heard them but as the guy didn't respond, dokja pretended that joonghyuk didn't hear them.

the host climbed the stage and started the program.
everyone settled down on their table and dokja noticed how him and joonghyuk were alone in theirs. they were the only one who doesn't have to share a table and it made them stood out like a sore thumb.

dokja hated it.

the host began greeting everyone, thanking sponsors.
he then began mentioning names, gesturing to certain tables. dokja can recognize some names but mostly he's clueless of who is who.

people would clap their hands at every mention while the mentioned guests would either smile, nod, and occasionally wave their hands.
"of course, give it up to our top donator of the year, mr. yoo joonghyuk!" the host gestured towards their table and dokja forced as smile as the spotlight hit their table.

their faces were shown in the screen. joonghyuk showed a polite smile, still leaning against dokja.
"it's also nice to finally meet the person that captured his heart," the host raved. "and he's as beautiful as the articles said." dokja felt heat climbed on his cheeks.

he wanted people to stop calling him beautiful.

"mr. yoo joonghyuk helped various charities this year —
— however his greatest accomplishment of the year was the rebuilding of the foundation, /will to live/, which help a lot of abused and orphaned children all over the world." the host continued.

the rest fell deaf on dokja's ears as he heard 'will to live'.

joonghyuk held his —
— hands tight. he brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of dokja's hand, silently comforting him.

will to live was the foundation that helped dokja when he lost his parents when his mother had enough of his abusive father.

he was the last child they help before —
— the foundation got dissolved. dokja doesn't really know what really happened but if it weren't for /will to live/, dokja wouldn't know where he would be.

he was sure that he wouldn't even meet yoo joonghyuk if it weren't for that foundation.
dokja remembered telling yoo joonghyuk about the foundation in passing back when they had a school trip in middle school.

the conversation didn't even last 20 minutes and to think joonghyuk remembered that.

he even brought it back to life.

dokja turned to joonghyuk.
"t-thank you," he could feel his throat constricting. he fought back the tears that were threatening to fall. he swallowed hard to keep his composure.

joonghyuk just pulled him closer to kiss the corner of his eye. "i know it's important for you."

and it was. it really was.
"you're welcome," joonghyuk smiled gently and dokja couldn't help but return a genuine smile.

somehow everything else was forgotten and all dokja could think was how he wanted to get involved in will to live and he knew joonghyuk will let him.

his attention went to the host —
— as soon as he announced this year's charity gala head organizer. apparently, rich people fight over hosting or organizing the whole charity gala as it turned into one of those competition where people talk who can throw the best charity gala.

dokja will never understand them.
this year's charity gala organizer climbed the stage to give a speech and dokja choked on his saliva as he saw the blond man who just, minutes ago, suggested for him to fake his death.

"a round of applause for this year's charity gala head organizer, mr. sun wukong."
the guy gave a charming smile as he took the mic and spoke with elegance. his speech was well made and it sounded natural. it wasn't also boring and he was charming enough to get everyone's attention.

"a gala won't be a gala without a little dance!" the host excitedly said.
he then began saying as a tradition the head organizer shall open the dance and every soul in the venue waited in bated breath to see who sun wukong will choose as his dance partner.

dokja barely cared. if it was up to him, he would have gone home because he's already exhausted.
as he finished his champagne. he froze seeing sun wukong before him with.

"can i have this dance, kim dokja?" the guy smiled as dokja blinked in disbelief while yoo joonghyuk leaked of pure killing intent.

dokja cleared his throat, feeling the weight of everyone's stares.
putting on his fake friendly smile, dokja placed his hand on top of wukong's waiting hand.

"if i step on your foot, i hope you don't get mad after all you asked someone who can't dance to save his life," dokja said as wukong bent kissing his knuckle, his golden eyes not —
— not leaving dokja's.

"don't worry too much, i just want you to enjoy," wukong pulled him up. tugging dokja he fell forward and landed against the guy's chest with an small oomph.

"sorry," dokja immediately pulled away.

"you're good." wukong smiled as he turned to joonghyuk
"don't worry, i'll treasure him," he declared as he pulled dokja to the dancefloor.

it was such a weird thing to say to joonghyuk knowing full well that dokja was dating him.

wukong could have said that he's just borrowing dokja but he said something that sounded more like —
— he's taking him away and he'll never return him to joonghyuk.

dokja's trailed of thoughts were thrown out the window as soon as wukong guided him to dancing position. "i'd really appreciate it if you can focus on me, kim dokja."

they were so close, their bodies were pressing
dokja could feel the glares yoo joonghyuk was throwing at them. he could feel his killing intent flooding the hall.

"this could be my last dance if your batshit crazy boyfriend decided to stab me in the skull," wukong chuckled.

"if you know why did you asked me to dance?"
"why do you think?"

the music began as they started to move or it was more of kim dokja letting wukong pull and swish him around while he struggle to keep up with him.

"i am not scared of him," he was certainly confident and dokja doesn't know how to feel about it.
"you should be," dokja said. it's not that he was bragging or anything. dokja was merely stating a fact. everyone knew that yoo joonghyuk has some loose screws in his head but they were not really aware of the extent of his craziness even dokja was not fully aware how crazy he is
wukong just spun him, pull him closer, his hand resting at dokja's lower back before he took him for a dip.

dokja stopped breathing as he felt how wukong's lips was nearly touching his neck.

"to die while holding you in my arms would be a dream," wukong whispered.
"i could die tonight, kim dokja and i wouldn't have a single regret," he landed a quick kiss on his neck before pulling them up.

as soon as dokja was on his feet again, he saw joonghyuk's hand on wukong's shoulder.

"that's enough," his words were deadly cold.
suddenly that huge ass venue was filled with heavy and tensed atmosphere.

wukong smiled as he pulled away, raising both hands as if he was a criminal caught in act by the police.

"yoo joonghyuk, calm down," he looked like he was enjoying what's happening.
joonghyuk kept his glare at wukong.

"i am... simply appreciating the beauty of your lover," the more wukong spoke, the deeper he's digging his grave.

joonghyuk kept his serious expression, "do you think you can live without your arms?"

wukong lowered his arms.
"i'm not sure about what you mean, yoo joonghyuk."

dokja knew it was bullshit. it was obvious how joonghyuk was implying of cutting both his arms off. its either wukong was slow or dokja was just fluent in yoo joonghyuk language.

"get your shit together, sun wukong."
joonghyuk grabbed dokja's wrist and pull him away. dokja glanced back at wukong who just gestured and mouthed, "call me." the guy even had the nerve to wink at him. dokja quickly ignored him as he let joonghyuk pull him out of the venue and to who knows where.

i didn't plan for this to be this long. i just want to thank everyone who left comments and who liked and retweeted this.

i am starting to doubt what i am writing but i decided to just enjoy it.

see you on the next update.


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Jun 5, 2023
cw: omegaverse

everyone knew yoo joonghyuk not only because he was third degree hot but also because he was a popular game streamer who seemed to be good at any game.

one reason why he was also popular was due to the lack ot information about him online.
one look and you know he's not just an alpha but he was a prime alpha but no one knew his birthday or how old was he. no one knew anything about him.

he has nearly 3 million followers on his every social media platform yet no one even knew his height.

what yoo joonghyuk give —
— was what you get.

he doesn't do conventions, never did any collaborations, he doesn't pose anything on his social media other than announcing if he has a stream coming.

and he had been streaming for nearly a year yet no one knew a single thing about him except that he's —
Read 13 tweets
Jun 5, 2023
cw: stalker, dead dove, obsession

dokja dragged himself to the kitchen. it's another exhausting day at the office. yanking his tie off, he went straight to the fridge for a bottle of cold water.

his eyes darted on the sticky note on the fridge.
[ you look so tired today, i wish i could take care of you. ]

dokja would have smiled if the message was from a roommate or a boyfriend but the thing was dokja was single and he lives alone for 3 years now.

and it also started to bother how desensitized he had been to the notes
admittedly when he first saw the notes 5 months ago, he nearly had a heart attack. dokja tried to stay calmed and messaged his friends to stop pulling his leg.

all of them just voiced their concerns and sooyoung even visited the next day to nag at the admin to change his locks.
Read 50 tweets
May 19, 2023
⚠️ omegaverse; nsfw; mafia; upsetting themes; dead dove

as dokja watched alpha yoo joonghyuk reject another confession, he thought he should get rejected too.

dokja often thought how he doesn't fit in the school he was attending as a senior in high school.
their school mostly known for the codw given to it #.bi-7626 was one of the only 3 coed school in the country.

in order to prevent crimes, bullying, and more, the government had schools for alpha, omega, and beta separated however as much as a lot of people supported this —
— ordinance, a lot also protested.

people cry that it was a bad idea to separate the three dynamics as it will only create a divide and build walls. it was also pointed out that it will be hard for student to transition to college.

the government gave in from the protests —
Read 138 tweets
May 16, 2023
#joongdok with famous pro gamer joonghyuk and his famous "baby" who has his own fandom Image
01// live laugh love yoo joonghyuk 💖 Image
02// joonghyuk and the people on the internet thirsting for his boyfriend ImageImage
Read 24 tweets
May 16, 2023
📌a compilation of my shenanigans Image
⚠️ obsession, dead dove do not eat, stalking
💬 on-going

⚠️ nsfw
💬 drabble, completed

Read 17 tweets
May 12, 2023
⚠️ nsfw, cliche office romance

dokja's life started to unravel when he turned 29, when he got home from a tiring work day, he was served a divorce paper by her wife.

she went on about how their interests no longer align and that things change.

dokja listened —
— though he knew the truth. he had known for over half a year now that she was cheating on him. and she was seeing one of dokja's officemate.

dokja found it on accident when he saw the two of them dining somewhere when his wife told him that she will meet her sisters.
for couple of times, dokja tried his best to confront her about it but he couldn't seem to bring it up and dokja doesn't even know why.

maybe because he doesn't care that much?

now that he thought about it maybe his wife was right, things have changed, their feelings changed.
Read 75 tweets

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