🔞 V Y N - (Fan acct) 🧷 Profile picture
Mar 26, 2023 979 tweets >60 min read Read on X
A #TaeJoonAU Where NJ is used to being sought after by Omegas for being a 'big strong Alpha'. They want to feel safe, which he totally gets!

But TH throws him for a loop. TH doesn't just like it, he craves it. Begs NJ to crowd him against every surface, make him feel small. ImageImage
Based on the prompt generated from Alpha KNJ Fest:

🦝 A/N: The moodboard and title are ready!

Please enjoy while I type up at least one update while I have time this morning.

Also, for the results of the polls when I stopped counting so I could start can be found here. TY for participating!

NJ, a 6’1” Alpha in a town where even Alphas didn’t get that tall, stood out. He had rich, sun-kissed skin and dimples so deep, the speed of light didn’t stand a chance in a one on one. So, he was used to Omegas swooning over his build.
What he was NOT used to, however, was other Alphas doing so. Alphas tended to take offence at it, in fact. He was tall, he was buff, he was criminally kind going so far as to not eat seafood because he loved the sea creatures too much.
He’d never met anyone that liked his physique as much as the man he was about to meet. The Alpha next door.
The day NJ was called to say his new apartment was ready, he could NOT have been more excited. He’d been living out of a suitcase for at least two and a half weeks, hand-washing the same two outfits interchangeably just so he didn’t have to unpack any.
His excitement could not be contained as he left a message for his manager, letting him know he wouldn’t be in the next day as he had to bike his belongings over to his new apartment.
As he crawled onto his little air mattress in the middle of the empty room, suitcase packed and boxes lined up by the door for fast access, he had a smile on his face. A smile that lasted right up until about 4 am, when the first crack of thunder woke him from his slumber.
He jerked up, bolting to the window with a groan.

“Shit” He exhales, breaking out his phone to see if it’s a passing squall or a lasting storm.

The ribbons of rain extend on the radar, some wider than others, all of them having little lightning bolts interspersed.

So that’s how he finds himself 2 hours later, having trudged his way in between the bands of rain right up until the sun rose, managing to skirt the edges of the rain most of the way. Just his luck, this last one took longer, but he couldn’t just stop.
He had to get everything into the new place as soon as possible.
So, throwing one of the heavier boxes onto the rack of his bike and strapping it down, he heaves himself forward on his bike, thighs tensing in ripples as he pedals up and over hills, body swinging side to side to push his weight down.
By the time he reaches the new place again, he remembers why this box is heavy. It has books in it. He’s terribly concerned about their safety as he eyes the soggy box, unstrapping it & yanking it off the bike as quick as possible, spinning to enter the building w/out looking.
The elevator dings just as he realizes his grip is slipping on the cardboard as it disintegrates in his hands. He clutches it hard, squeezing it to his chest until his biceps bulge, darting towards the elevator immediately.
Just before the doors close, he collides with a hard body that grunts as it bounces away from him. The pressure of the stranger against his box crumples the bottom, books dropping in a heap with dull thuds.
There’s a gasp, surprisingly deep for his own voice. Then, he realizes it wasn’t him. It was the stranger. Judging by the thick spiced chocolate scent, he’s an Alpha.

“Shit, sorry I-I didn’t look. Sorry.” NJ grumbles out, squatting to at least stack his books in a few piles for easier carrying. He tosses the poor excuse of a box to the corner and stands up again to meet the gaze stuck on him.
The Alpha hasn’t moved, boxy lips parted, eyes wide as he stares right into NJ’s eyes. As NJ stands to full height again, the Alpha visibly swallows, eyes darting down to his body and back again.
“Are you… okay?” NJ queries gently.


“Big? Big… what?”

“You… big”

NJ laughs awkwardly, hand on the nape of his neck. “Ah, yeah. Sorry ‘bout that. Kinda hard to see-”
The Alpha steps forward, over his book piles, to stand right up in front of him, nose tipped up. His eyes wander over NJ’s shoulders, up to his bicep as it bulges with the motion on his neck, then to the top of NJ’s head.
His breath ghosts across NJ’s face, rich spiced chocolate wafting to his nose, as he exhales a soft, awed, “/Biiiig/”
The elevator dings on NJ’s floor, and the Alpha bolts out first, the sound of keys dropping followed by a door slamming echoing down the hall in his wake. NJ kicks a foot to hold the door open, then carefully lays a large book by the sensor.

“Weird…” He whispers, brow furrowed.
By the time NJ is out of the building, returning with the last of his boxes, he’s figured out which apartment the Alpha lives in. There are vacant ones down the hall, marked with little signs on the knobs.
He supposes it must be a newly renovated building, eager to pick up new residents. So, down the hall saw the Alpha turn down, there were only two apartments without signs.

His own, and one almost directly across the hall.
His new apartment looked out over the back of the building, into the beautiful little garden patio they had set up. It was a roof-top area, two stories up, on the roof of the main office.
So, he assumed, they could keep an ear out for unruly parties that would impinge on the other residents. More’s the benefit to him, because he loves the view.
Even when he looks out at the end of that night and sees a little crowd of 4 or 5 people, he smiles and flings open his window, letting in the sounds of laughter and crickets and a grill.
He hasn’t seen the Alpha come out of his apartment since their elevator interaction. He feels terrible that he hasn’t even slept one night in his apartment, and he’s already spooked his ONLY neighbor.
Air mattress inflated, he taps out a few reminders on his phone.

Introduce yourself to the neighbor, bring food

Wear something soft, show less skin

Ride around the area to find the shops nearby
Clicking his phone off, he slides the phone charger into it and flips it face-down. The cool breeze wafts into his room, carrying with it the scent of warm chocolate candies and BBQ.
Around noon the next day, he wakes up and realizes his thighs are on fire. He winces, hobbling to the kitchen to make food, downing a couple aspirin with some tap water.
Leaning back, he lets himself look around the room and smile. His own little piece of heaven, hopefully.
He rummages through his boxes until he finds the ones with clothing, tugging out various pieces randomly. He finds a soft turtle-neck shirt that has long sleeves but isn’t too thick and shoves it on.
It’s mid-season weather, with cool mornings and breezy afternoons, so the long sleeve shirt should be fine. He frowns as he looks at himself, tugging the hem down.
“Bit tight… Have I gained weight??” He flexes a little, then smiles. “Ah, right, the gym.”

Grabbing the matching slacks, he hesitates. Too formal? He’s gonna be on a bike, after all. But shorts wouldn’t match.

“Hmmm… Ah!”
Lunging on his knees to reach over the boxes, he grabs a pair of black jeans and a belt, tugging them on and smiling. Sure, it fit to his form a little but… Maybe that would be better? Less bulky clothing means he looks smaller, right?
Less threatening. That’s what he was going for.

He tips his head back as his feet hit the pavement, bicycle in hand, letting the sun greet his face front-on. It brings a dimpled grin to his cheeks as he blinks back down to reality.
Swinging a leg over the seat of the bike, he *ting tings* the bell before pushing off, coasting down a hill. His thighs burn and scream while they warm up, protesting the previous days’ activity.

But it feels good. An accomplished kind of burn.
After riding for a couple of hours, the sun already lower in the sky, he turns back and starts walking his bike up the hills instead, hand on the neck. He bows politely at all the Aunties and Uncles he sees.
They wave politely, beckoning him over, be he simply smiles charmingly and keeps walking.
By the time he makes it back to the house, he’s stopped at a few shops that looked intriguing and picked up some things he hopes the neighbor Alpha will like.
He’s in the elevator, doors opening to his floor, backing his bike out of it, when he feels a thump against his back. He turns, eyes widened slightly.
“O-oh! You! Ah, I’m glad I could run into you again! Or, you ran into me this time.” He chuckles in a way he hopes is gentle, letting his dimples crease in a friendly smile.
“I, ah, got you these. Wanted to apologize, and introduce myself, if that’s okay?”

Chocolate-Alpha stands there, mouth parted again with the same glassy-eyed stare. NJ swallows, eyes darting around briefly.
“Ah, so, I’m um… Kim NJ? I live right there, across from you I think.” He gestures, the Alpha’s eyes following his hand but not to his door. They stop at his fingertips, his own hand rising up slightly.
He glances, dazedly, at his hand and then NJ’s, then to NJ’s face. NJ softly grasps his hand and shakes it, smiling again.

“Nice to meet you…?”

“Is that… your name? Or… are you talking about me again? I-I tried to wear less baggy clothin-”

“Push me”

NJ jerks his gaze up, startled. “What?”
The Alpha stands right up into NJ’s bubble, nose tipped up just like before, voice low and crackled as he whispers reverently, “Push. Me.”
“Look, I-I don’t know what you might think, based on my size, but I’m… I’m not looking to fight you man okay? I’m just… I’m just a new tenant here, trying to be a good neighbor.”
The Alpha frowns, pushing his chest to NJ’s with surprising force. “Push me. Against the wall, here like this.”
He grabs NJ and tugs, NJ going without resistance, until he braces a hand out to catch himself on the wall. The Alpha has pushed his own back to the wall and tugged NJ to crowd him against it.

“Push. Push, here, fuck” He twists NJ’s hands around one of his own wrists, then drags it to the wall behind him. When NJ lets his hand fall away, he frowns again.

“W-why? Why won’t you?”

“Why won’t I? Why do you WANT me to??”

“I told you” the Alpha whispers “Big”
“I’m big, so, what, you want me to push you around? Rough you up? Why the hell would I do that?”

“Please?” The Alpha twists his head this way, then that, gaze wide and endearing as his mouth tilts up slightly. Lips pursed in a little square heart.
“No. I’m not that kind of guy, okay, I don’t… I’m not pushing you. I have no reason to fight you, or anyone for that matter. I’m not like those meat-head Alphas that… that fight for dominance of a space.”
He looks back at the Alpha, who still gazes soft and blank at him. “That’s what you want, right? You can have it, if it is. Whatever claim you’ve got here, it’s yours. I just wanna live peacefully.”


“My name. Now, can you please at least, like, just… THIS” He huffs in exasperation, tugging NJ towards him again, sharply. NJ once more has to brace against the wall, this time with both hands.
They land on either side of the Alpha’s head with a dull thud. If this were a K-Drama, NJ thinks he’d be the lead male at this point.
That’s when it clicks. Rather, as this motion and train of thought collide like his hands on the plaster, it clicks. He sees the same moment in the Alpha’s eyes, as the Omegas he’s been with.
His pupils dilate, eyes glassy, mouth popping open to let small little puffs of warm air to escape. His heart is rattling his chest, fluttering the little gold chain on his neck.

The Alpha LIKED this. Liked feeling small? Like… Like the Omegas do?
He straightens his spine a little, letting himself stand taller. TH’s eyes flutter, lashes bouncing, as his breath hitches, coming in shorter gasps.

NJ tilts himself, bending his elbows.

“Like this?”
TH barely blinks as he nods his head rapidly, curls bounding against his temples. “Nhnn”

Just as NJ laughs softly, he goes to pull away and feels little hands on his sides. Long, beautiful fingers pinch at the cloth of his shirt, clinging to him like a lifeline.
“P-please… More?”
“Maybe… Maybe some other time? Ah, I… Here, I got you these chocolate candies. Th-thought of you when I saw them. Your scent, that is. Is that weird? Feeding you what you smell like? Anyway…”
He rambles, body turned towards his dropped bicycle, before pressing the candy to TH’s chest and striding quickly to his apartment door.
He casts one last fleeting look at the Alpha in the hall before bolting into his apartment, leaning against the door to catch his breath. As he does, he realizes a few things all at once.
His neighbor was an Alpha… That liked the same thing about NJ, AN ALPHA, that Omegas do.

His neighbor wasn’t exactly shy about demanding it, which was mildly terrifying knowledge considering they have only met, like, twice now.
And he… Liked how it felt to press the other Alpha against the wall.

He glances down at the tent in his jeans and groans. What the fuck is happening?
TH stood, dazed, in the hallway for another endless stretch of seconds. Maybe minutes? His whole body felt like it was vibrating, chocolate scent spicy in the air around him. With a hard swallow, he bolted into the elevator and made his way down to the garden floor.
As expected, his fellow tenants and friends were already preparing for a BBQ for the evening.

“TH-ahh! How’d you know we would be here, huh?” HS, a charming Beta croons from where he’s laying the meat out for his mate as he mans the grill.
HS’s elegant hands effortlessly season both sides, slapping the meat on the board for good measure.

His Alpha mate, YG, *clack clack clacks* with the tongs like a crab as he waits for each piece.

“Yahhhh” his rich voice belts “C’mere and grab a drink, yeah?”
TH smiles, grateful for the reprieve from his cascading thoughts, and sits down at a table. He scoots it around so he can watch the grill master work.
Before long, the garden is full of laughter, food and comradery. But TH is still lost in his thoughts, especially when he watches how HS crowds up behind YG. His taller frame swallows him from behind and YG leans into him with a comfortable smile.
It’s an innocent enough moment between two mates who are clearly in love. But it sends a heat racing through TH’s body that he can’t help but shiver around. Unbidden, his mind supplies the image of him at the grill and his new neighbor crowding up behind him.
The two mates look up with amused grins as his scent hits them. YG cocks a brow, allowing himself to shrink further into HS’s hold, who hunches over and presses silly kisses to his neck in return.
As they pull away, giggling, TH can’t help but flush and look away, longingly, at the light that flicks off in the newly-filled apartment.

He pouts, briefly, as his own thoughts sabotage him.

'Alphas don't want Alphas' he reminds himself 'You're just broken'
TH finds himself still out in the garden long past when the others have shuffled home with full bellies and hearts. His head tips back in the seat, legs pulled up so his feet rest against his butt, eyes closed. He lets the moonlight rest on his face, mind drifting.
“Fancy seeing you here, neighbor”

He jerks up, head swimming as the sweet cinnamon clouds his nose.

“O-oh, uh, hey. Sorry, I can leave if you…” He moves to put his feet down, to sit up and slide his shoes back on.
NJ steps forward quickly, sitting in the chair opposite. “No, no, please. I… I wanted to apologize if I have ah… well…” He rubs his neck with a hand, TH noting it seems to be a nervous habit for the Alpha.
“I don’t want to offend you. I’m new here, after all and you… You’re my closest neighbor so…”
“Offend ME? I… I’m the one that’s been shameless, not you…” Even as he tries to glance away, TH finds his eyes once more drawn to the broad framed Alpha in front of him. He bites his lip, forcing his gaze off.
NJ smiles nervously. He wonders if it’s just attraction, or if TH craves something specifically. With a grunt, he flings himself up out of the chair and steps towards the other Alpha.
He lets his hands come to rest on the arms of TH’s chair, cocking his head at the shocked expression on his face.

“Maybe I like it when you’re shameless? And…” He leans forward, chair creaking under their joint weight. “Maybe /you/ like it when I’m /big/?”
TH gasps, head tipping back at the hulking figure looming over him, moonlight blocked entirely. It’s a total eclipse and he’s afraid his heart is going to stop alongside it. He gasps for air when NJ leans forward more, his hands coming out quickly to grip the wrists on his chair.
“I-I do” He whimpers “I like big”

NJ chuckles, head dropping on his shoulders with the motion. When he looks up, there’s hesitance written all over his face.

“I’ve never… I’ve never been with another Alpha…” He whispers.
TH shivers, swallowing before he responds. “Me neither… Not… Not for lack of trying, of course. Just… Alphas.”

NJ exhales a short laugh, soft, and nods in agreement. “Alphas…” He looks down at TH a moment before whispering even softer, “So… You do want…?”
Chewing on his lip, TH squeezes his wrists and nods quickly. In a beat, NJ is swooping in, crowding his body, pressing thick warm lips against his own. TH gasps, legs falling off the chair completely, nails digging into NJ’s skin.
As he grunts in frustration, NJ removes his hands only to slide them down, under TH’s thighs, to hoist him out of the offending chair. TH squeals and wraps his legs around his waist quickly, arms flinging up to his neck.

“Shh, you’ll wake the neighbors” NJ chastises him.

“Fuck” He whispers against NJ’s chest, letting his head fall to rest on it.

“I mean, I can, but I think we should go inside if we’re gonna do that…”
TH leans back and slaps his chest playfully, letting his hands slide up to play with the short hair on his head. “Scoundrel.”

“/Big/ scoundrel”

“Mm… Very big” TH whispers, pressing their lips together once more “Lips are big too”
“Mhm. All of me is… big… Just so you know”

TH gasps, lips faltering, cock jerking further to life in his pants. NJ must feel it, as he chuckles and grips him tighter, turning to carry him into the building.


“Just, can you… One thing?” TH asks, legs dropping slowly. NJ releases him and waits, brow furrowed.
He lets TH tug him along by the hand, towards the grill. His confusion only amplifies when TH positions him at the grill, pushes him a step back, then slides in front of him, pressing his back to NJ’s front.

“Shh please just… just…”

“Just what? I… Im new to all of this, I need you to… guide me…”
TH grabs his hands, placing them at the grill in front of them, effectively tugging the bigger Alpha against his own body, pushing him forward. He feels the space around him evaporate, body temperature rising.
He’s surrounded on all sides. Strong arms locking him in place, broad body pushing him against the hard metal of the grill. His head falls back against NJ as he feels the Alpha push against him tentatively.
When he moans softly, NJ drops one hand to his waist and squeezes it. He presses his body even harder into the grill, rocking like he’s fucking him already. TH gasps when his own bulge brushes against the hard metal.
NJ growls, low, against his ear, rutting particularly hard against him and holding him to the grill firmly.

“Fuck… yes” TH whispers breathlessly.
He hears a low chuckle before the weight pulls away. NJ tugs on his hand, dragging him quickly back into the building and into the awaiting elevator. They’re only a couple of floors away, and NJ still finds himself watching TH intently.
TH wants NJ to press him to the rail, badly, but chews his lip and refrains. When the doors ding open, NJ tugs him out and freezes between their doors.

“Ah, shit. Didn’t… think this through. Y-yours place, or mine?”
TH hesitated, licking his lips as his eyes darted between the doors. Biting into his bottom one, he fluttered his lashes and blinked up at NJ. “You tell me… Alpha”
“Fuck” NJ cursed, yanking TH close to kiss him again, hard. While one hand grabbed him by the hip, the other fished out his key and fumbled it into the lock with brute force. He pushed his body into TH’s, into the door, to open it, kicking it loudly shut with a foot.
Without taking his lips off the other Alpha, he tosses his keys vaguely towards the counter and keeps pushing. Pushing, pushing, to the air mattress on the barren living room floor.
As soon as he sees it in his peripheral, he hoists TH up and kneels down to gently place him in the center, mesmerized as his hair fans out around him.

It hits NJ in a split second, as he stares. TH, despite being an Alpha, looks /so/ small on his king size bed.
It swallows him up. NJ wonders then, if TH feels this too, if he likes feeling small in this way. He leans down, pressing the breadth of his palm to TH’s sharply angled face.

“You’re so…”

TH looks up with wide eyes, chest still rising and falling rapidly. “So?”
🦝 A/N: This boutta be 🌶️

Warning: Slightly degrading language used, briefly; thoughts of choking
NJ laughs, huskily, before he slowly spreads TH’s legs with his other hand and lowers himself between them, coming to rest on an elbow. He shifts his body, getting comfortable, letting it sag against the other Alpha more than he would normally.
He feels as TH’s air wheezes momentarily, coming in shorter gasps. Feels as his hands clutch at his shirt in desperation. Feels when the Alpha’s hard cock jerks against his belly between them, his own oozing pre-cum in response.
But best of all, he sees the tint on his cheeks in the moonlight. Sees his eyes flutter shut.

Slowly, he grinds his hips down, curling his abs tightly to lengthen the stroke.
TH’s head falls back, throat exposed, and he fights an overwhelming impulse to squeeze that beautiful, bare skin with his free hand. Instead, he leans down and pecks it with his lips. Again, and again, until his tongue flicks out to taste.
TH’s hands come up to tangle in his hair as he starts to meet his hips, each thrust getting more and more truncated as the heat rises between them. NJ does let his hand wander, then, squeezing and grasping every inch of meat he can find.
It’s different, holding an Alpha like this. There’s no soft, fatty curves to hang on to. In their place is muscle, some lean some bulky, but it’s overwhelmingly /firm/. Plenty to squeeze, but it’s resilient under his broad hands.
He indulges himself and squeezes harder, pinches longer, even lets his nails come to play.
And around him, beneath him, TH is no different. There’s no hesitance in his own touches, he is grasping just as hard at NJ, teasing his pulse points and grasping at the biggest, meatiest parts of him like they’re buoys keeping him afloat.
TH lets his eyes open again, to take in the Alpha that has him pressed into the floor, he can’t help the gasp and moan that fall from his lips. The room, so empty and unbroken by silly things like belongings, stretch out beyond them. He feels incredibly small on this massive bed.
“Big… big bed” he gasps, throat nipped raw by the Alpha between his legs.

NJ chuckles, pulling back to look at him again, eyes dark and narrow with desire. “I’m a big man”
TH nods immediately, hair rustling on the sheets. “/Biiiig/” he moans. NJ takes his distraction and runs with it, sharply thrusting his hips down one more time before he leans fully back and grasps his shirt with both hands.
Yanking it over his head, he throws it to the side, slowly unbuttoning his pants and letting them fall open.
TH is enthralled as the sheer weight of his cock pushes on the zipper, easing it open until the flaps fall to the side, cock still snug in its final restraint but clearly eager to come out.
“So… so big” He whispers, barely audible.

NJ chuckles again, reaching down to lay his broad hands on TH’s chest. He circles his nipples with his thumbs, pinching slightly.

“Y’fond of this shirt baby?”
TH looks down, gasps at the visual of the large hands swallowing his chest, then shakes his head no. He’s barely registered what the shirt is, if he’s honest, but fuck… he doesn’t care. It’s a shirt.
NJ grunts, slides his hands up to his neck, then curls his fingers into the shirt and rips it wide open, flinging the sides away and immediately diving down to latch his mouth onto the exposed skin.
“Nnng fuck” TH whines, writhing beneath him. The slight wiggle room has him pouting, whining louder. “Pleeeease”
When NJ laughs, nipple between his teeth, tugging hard, TH gasps in shock. It turns quickly to pleasure as the big Alpha grabs both of his arms and pins them above his head… with one hand.
“Wanna fuck you so bad” NJ whispers against his neck, sucking a vivid purple bruise to mark his claim on the Alpha. He ruts his hips forward to emphasize his point, jerking TH against the mattress hard.
“Y-yeah… yes… please yes…”

NJ shakes his head, grunting negative. “Not tonight. Need to… need to prepare.”

TH scoffs, wilting only slightly when NJ glares at him in return. He peppers his jaw with wet kisses as he speaks.
“Trust me, baby. I’ve only fucked Omegas and even they need… supplies”


“Nhnn. Water. Aspirin. /Lube/. So much lube, baby, and they even have slick”

TH’s legs squeeze around him, cock dangerously close to shooting a load untouched. “Fuck”
NJ reaches between them, sliding his hand down TH’s pants to firmly squeeze his cock. “God… you’re not small yourself, baby, fuck.”

“Mmm… M’an Alpha”

“Yeah” NJ nods in immediate agreement “You sure are. Can ya knot my hand? Hmm? Show me how good this little cock is?”
“…oh” TH’s mouth pops open in shock at the degrading comment. Just as NJ looks like he wants to apologize, TH tips his hips up, sliding his cock through NJ’s fingers again and whispers a soft, “again”
“Hah” NJ sighs in relief, squeezing his hand again before sliding it up and down. He pulls back, releasing TH’s hands despite the man’s pout, only to yank his pants down and free his cock.
He then tucks his underwear beneath his own cock and lines them up beside each other. “Cute cock, baby”

NJ’s member is girthy, heavily engorged, tip shining where it peeks out of his foreskin. It presents a stark image next to TH’s cock, where his head is fully exposed.
It makes NJ’s look like they’re so much more, yet to come. TH’s twitches, tiny pearl of pre-cum oozing out and slipping down the frenulum.

He can only watch, awed, as NJ doesn’t hesitate to swipe at it with a finger, popping it into his mouth and moaning.
Eyes locked together, NJ then takes his other hand and firmly grasps their two cocks together, squeezing tight as he fucks his hips forward. He’s immobile as he watches the moonlight kiss the skin above him.
It dips, ripples, dances with the shadows as NJ continues to suck two fingers and fuck his hips in short thrusts, sliding their cocks together. TH barely blinks, soaking the image in.
The big, empty room. The big bed. The big man and his big fucking muscles. They all tower over him, crowd against him, smother him.

His lips part with a soft pop, tongue growing cold as he pants. His lashes flutter as he grunts softly. “Ah… ah… p-plee…”
NJ pops his fingers out of his mouth, a strand of spittle trailing behind like silken webbing. He slides his two fingers against the heads of their cocks then lets himself fall forward, pressing them together, front to front.
The added moisture aids their cocks’ glides against each other as he rapidly fucks his hips into TH. As their breath climbs, orgasms mounting, NJ locks his fingers around the top of TH’s head, forearms crowding by his ears, elbows pushing his shoulders.
He curls his body in on itself, hunching over TH, ignoring how his pants slide down further. His balls manage to lightly slap against the other Alpha’s perineum with every thrust. He shoves, and fucks, panting hot air between them until he feels TH release first.
His mouth is wide open, a silent moan until a hoarse croak escapes, body hard and then liquid beneath him. He cums to the image of the Alpha’s head tipped back, mouth wide, eyes fluttering half-dazed at him, throat exposed.
He lowers one hand to softly grip that throat, thumb on the pulse point, swiping back and forth, as his own orgasm washes over him.
He grunts, repeatedly, with every clench of his abdomen as wetness seeps from between them. As soon as their vision clears, he leans down and locks his mouth against TH’s, pushing his tongue inside possessively.
TH is immediately receptive, hands resuming their glide up and down his body, through his hair, over his arms.

When he rolls to the side, ignoring TH’s soft whining, he grimaces at the mess. “Big mess too, apparently”
TH giggles, as beautiful a sound as it is deep, before they both break into a fit of laughter. TH is giddy, feels like he’s floating now that the weight is off his body, and he says as much.
“Mm.. Sorry, if I hurt you…”

“No, god no” TH laughs, leaning up to peck his cheek quickly “That was fucking /perfect/”

“I think… I get it.”
“Oh?” TH quirks a brow at him curiously, idly toying with the mess on his belly with long fingers.

NJ tries to swallow, cock twitching at the shameless enjoyment of their filth. “Y-yeah. When I laid you down…?”

“You looked so small… so beautiful. So…”

TH licks his lips “Not like an Alpha?”

NJ flushes and nods. “Yeah, but, like, you /are/. You are, you… fuck… I don’t have to be careful. The harder I squeezed, the more you liked it… I can’t… I can’t do that, you know?”
“Mm. S’nice with other Alphas. You kind of know the limit already, there’s no guessing”

“Yeah, like that”

“Can I be honest? So you know for next time?” TH leans up on his elbows, chest broader and more toned than NJ remembered a few moments ago. He blinks up at the other Alpha.

“That last bit? Definitely do that again. And uh… the words…?”

“Liked that, did you?”

TH nods, and NJ lets out a nervous laugh. “Good, hah. I uh… You didn’t react right away, so I… I was scared I ruined it.”

“Please, it’ll take more than that to scare me big guy.”
NJ’s eyes darken slightly, tongue flicking out to lick his lips. TH laughs and rolls away, grabbing for his clothes. “Uh uh, no sir, I’m leaving and I’m taking a shower. You should do the same.”
As TH uses his torn shirt to wipe himself off, pants slung low on his waist, he turns for a moment and tongues his cheek. NJ quirks a brow in question.

“You also might wanna get a new bed…. Oops?”
NJ frowns and looks down. “Shit”

TH’s laugh echoes in the hall as NJ hears his front door shut, and then TH’s in tandem. He fists the wrinkled sheets and sighs, falling back with a thud. His air mattress has popped.
Ride to the top! (You're welcome to bookmark this one, this one will be staying!)

EH EH EH EHHHHH Excellent.

Thank you to those that voted, I can't WAIT to write this update!! 😈 ImageImage
NJ is up bright and early with the morning songbirds the next day, after a terrible night of sleeping on the floor. His morning further darkened when he realized he was out of coffee; And again when he stubbed his toe trying to hold open the elevator door for someone.
But that wouldn’t deter him.

He’d slept on it, rather had /not/ slept on it, and decided that just because he was ‘involved’ with an Alpha now, it shouldn’t mean he could forget his manners. He was gonna woo TH. Date him properly.
If, you know, he wanted to date. Maybe it was just sex?

As he walked down the dawn-lit street, birds singing and whistling in his ears, he couldn’t help the broad grin on his face.
He turned into the little coffee shop where he used to work, eyes lighting up as he saw his old co-workers.


“Hyung! Oh my god you didn’t tell me you’d be here!?” JK exclaimed as he threw a towel down on the counter and jogged over to hug NJ tightly.
“Ah, it was spur of the moment Koo. But how are you? What’s new?”

“Not much really” JK replied sheepishly, dipping his head down and twisting his fingers together. “Been trying a ton of new hobbies. Like painting! I still… I still do that, thanks to you.”
“Aww, I’m glad to hear that JK-ah. You still studying?”

JK chews on his lip, averting his gaze. “Y-yes”

NJ lifts a brow and contests his answer, to which JK crosses his arms and stamps his foot. “I am! Just, you know, not… Not /well/”


“It’s true!”
“Sure!” NJ holds up two hands in surrender before yanking the man closer, wrapping his arms around him. “Either way, I’m proud of you, Koo. I hope you know that.”
JK flushes beet red at the affection but hugs him back, smoothing his hands over the Alpha’s broad back gently before pulling back and trying to wrangle him into a headlock.
NJ laughs heartily, doubled over to let the slightly smaller man get him in a choke hold, yelling at NJ to “Tap out! Tap out admit it I’m stronger, Alpha!”
The bell on the door jingles, announcing a visitor, causing JK to let him go immediately and bow 90 degrees, chiming out a breathy, “Hello! Welcome, I’ll take your order when you’re ready!”
NJ looks up, smile still on his face, dimples creasing and feels his heart skip a beat. Standing in the door with an unreadable expression is TH.

“T-TH! How did- Do you come here often?”

TH pinches his lips together before responding. “Seems YOU do."
Nodding, NJ walks over to him, reaching to gently touch the back of TH, maneuvering him so he can see the menu board. “I uh, used to work here actually. Trained JK myself.”

“Trained him?” TH whips his head around at light-speed “I thought you hadn’t been with an Alpha before?!”
NJ jerks his head back, choking on air and JK peeks around the corner with bright, concerned eyes. “Hyung! Are you okay?? Lemme get some water!"
“Fine! M’Fine!” NJ manages to rasp out, but JK is long gone. He turns to TH and swallows the lump of spit more successfully this time. “Trained… Here. To work here.”

Cheeks flushing pink, TH crosses his arms and turns away, pretending to look at the menu options. “Mm.”
“Besides” NJ whispers “Kookie is an Omega, not an Alpha. Um, I…” JK shows up, bottle of water in hand with a concerned smile hesitantly on his face. TH tries not to scowl at the puppy-like way the ‘Omega’ is looking at NJ.
‘Awfully buff to be an Omega’ TH thinks to himself, glaring. NJ nudges him to ask what he’d like, that he would like to buy it for him. Mumbles that he was actually here to buy coffee for the two of them anyway.
TH doesn’t look at him as he answers a quick “Just get whatever” and goes to sit in a seat by the door, far away from the Omega with the big, wide eyes and hearty biceps on full display. With tattoos, the AUDACITY.
NJ frowns, a little confused by TH’s colder attitude, but walks up and leans on the counter to grab the cups he knows are stocked beneath.

“Grabbing two mediums, JK-ah. Can you pass me the milk?”
JK chirps, immediately spinning around to froth some sweet almond milk, before passing it over to NJ. He watches with awe as NJ leans fully onto the counter, hunched over the cups, drawing latte art. He pops the wooden stick in his mouth when done, and shakes his hands.
“Ta daaaa! How’s it look?” he leans in, whispering conspiratorially.

JK leans down too, frowning in feigned focus before tipping his head up and winking at the Alpha. “I think lover boy is gonna love it, Hyung”

NJ straightens, stiff as a board then relaxes. “That obvious?”
The Omega only nods, nose scrunching cutely, before he grabs the milk pitcher and wipes down the counter. He watches NJ walk away, dimples-first, towards the other man and smiles.
Then, spins to leave the counter and the couple alone for a bit, pretending to wipe down machines in the back room.
NJ carefully sets down the latte, twisting the cup so it shows the way it should. TH looks at it, heart skipping two beats, before he feels the bitter jealousy rising up. Before he can stop it, he blurts a line he didn’t mean to think.
“Your boyfriend make that?”

NJ freezes, inches from sitting down fully. Easing himself into the chair, he laces his fingers around his own cup. “Ah, no. JK didn’t make it, I did. For you.”
TH glances up, pouting in a way that rips NJ’s heart right out of his chest. He just wants to lean forward and kiss the other Alpha until he never pouts again.
Taking a steadying breath, he sighs, shoulders slumping a little and locks his gaze on his coffee. This is safer to look at while he talks.
“We never dated, either. We were… involved, once. /Just/ once. Puppy love and a gay awakening all rolled into one.” He pauses, not sure how to translate the silence, before continuing “But we never dated.”
After a few moments, latte still untouched, TH whispers. “Did you want to? He seems… right up your alley. Buff, Omega, looks at you with sweet doe-eyes like you hung the fucking moon…”

“No, that’s not-”
“Why would you need an Alpha when you could have an Omega like him? Why bother with the hassle? The backlash?”

“TH, please, I don’t-”
TH stands, still quietly ranting, shaking the table as he pushes away. The image gets muddied as the coffee sloshes gently. He can feel the tears burning, threatening to fall, so he turns away.
“Just… tell me now if that’s what you’re after, before I… Get attached. If you just want novelty sex with an Alpha, I can do that, but… Tell me now.”
NJ stands, too, then and reaches for him. He flinches but doesn’t step away, arms wrapping around himself protectively. It’s then NJ realizes that for all his bravado at home, this Alpha is really… Tender-hearted. Hurt. Unsure of himself.
He steadies his own breath and closes the gap, leaving his coffee on the table too. His arms slowly fold TH into his chest, nose buried between his pecs. And then he rocks him. He hums, and he rocks the Alpha back and forth, cheek to temple.
“We hooked up once. No, don’t leave, just listen.” He squeezes TH tighter as he tries to wiggle loose, biceps crushing his shoulders. “It was once, he had this mentor-mentee puppy-like adoration for me. Confessed to me while we were drunk one night.”
“I… I said I’d never been touched by a dude before. He asked if I wanted to try, I said sure, it was… Sloppy.”

“Yeah it was!”

“JK-ah HUSH.” NJ chides the eavesdropping Omega, squeezing the squirmy Alpha in his arms again. “Ignore him.”
TH snorts, then mumbles something about “First-times seem to be your line”

“Anyway, it was sloppy, he admitted he didn’t feel anything for me other than attraction to parts of me-”

“Your thighs! It’s your god-forsaken devil-sent thunder thighs!!”
TH wiggles, fighting a snicker at that comment from JK.

“You do have big thighs” he mumbles.


“See! Tolllld you!” JK hollers once more, before they hear a machine whirring.
“Fuck, where was I?”

“Thunder thighs.” TH replies, pulling back to look up at him with a soft smirk.
“Tch. Anyway, so, yeah, he liked that one part of me but neither of us… Neither of us felt much of anything. He’s like a kid-brother to me, more than anything, so it was… weird to do anything.”
“Kid brother who you happened to sit between your thunder thighs? Damn, where can I sign up for your family”
NJ shakes his head, rolling his eyes, and pushes TH away. “C’mon I’m trying to be apologetic here and you’re both just laughing at me. He glares at the boba-ball of hair peeking around the corner, pretending to stare in earnest at the cup he’s stirring.
JK sips it and shrugs innocently before grinning a wide, bunny smile.

“No, but, I promise I’m not interested in Joon-Hyung. I, ah, well. I realized my preference lies… elsewhere.”
TH watches as he gets a dreamy look on his face, presumably about someone else’s thighs, and looks sheepishly back at NJ.

“I’m… sorry. For… being jealous…”

One side of NJ’s face quirks up shyly, hands reaching out to touch him again. “So, you admit it? You were jealous?”
“I don’t… Have a good history okay… Alphas don’t… well, you know.”

“They don’t, what?” NJ frowns, looking to JK for guidance as TH looks on the verge of tears again already.
“May I?” JK gestures at TH and NJ nods immediately. The Omega comes up and hugs TH gently, holding him tight for a moment then releasing. “Alphas don’t like Alphas, am I right?”
Nodding sadly, TH looks up at him with fake suspicion. “How would YOU know that, if you’re an Omega hmm?”

JK blushes, glancing between them. “Well, I… Let’s just say my preference is kind of like yours, just… the other way.”
“Oh” TH’s mouth pops open the second he realizes. “Omegas?”

JK nods, hair bouncing around his face. “One Omega, in particular, that is. Unfortunately for me he’s out of my league."

“JK-ah, I’m sorry you never mentioned-”
“Nahh it’s fine. I just support him from a distance while I work on myself! I gotta be happy alone first, right?” He smiles brightly at them before leaning over and grabbing a napkin. He scribbles his number on it and passes it to TH.
“If you ever wanna talk, I’m free. We can talk boys, or stupid Alphas”

“Yah! I’m right here?!” NJ shouts, indignantly. The other two giggle at him, TH pocketing the number with a nod.

“Thanks. S-sorry, again.”
“Don’t sweat it! He /is/ a hunk, even if he’s not the kind of hunk I want between my legs.”

“Your loss, my gain” TH responds cheekily.
“I regret this morning so much already what the actual fuck.” NJ stands, defeated, watching the other two get along like two peas in a pod.
TH finally smiles the big, boxy grin that NJ is already falling for, and sits back at the table. He pouts as he sees the swirled coffee. “I ruined it…” he says with a somber expression.
NJ whispers, face flushed, “It was just a silly bear”

“But… But it was /my/ bear.” he pouts again. This time, NJ reaches over and pushes against his lip with a thumb.

“If you agree to go on a date with me, I’ll make you all the bears you want, baby”
TH gasps, lips parting in shock. “D-date?”

“Mm. I wasn’t sure you were interested, but, well… If you weren’t, I figure you wouldn’t get jealous of me talking to cute boys, right?”

Frowning instantly, TH retorts “I thought you weren’t interested in him”
“What, he can call me a hunk but I can’t say he’s cute? Objectively, he’s cute look at him! That hair, those eyes, it’s like seeing a cute boba drink walking around in an apron”

“Fine, one date, but you better not call another boy cute again….. And I want two bears.”
NJ chuckles, deep in his chest, smiling so wide he thinks his cheeks will fall off. “Deal. Two bears and a date.”

TH sulkily sips at his coffee, humming when the sweetness hits his tongue, then cringing at the bitter aftertaste.

“And maybe tea instead of coffee?” NJ whispers.
JK stealthily grabs a picture of the two of them, NJ’s fingers softly grazing TH’s from across the table with a soft expression all over his face. The sunrise has left tendrils of light around them like a halo as it reflects over the buildings, filling the windows with the glare.
“Cute” He whispers, locking his phone again and walking to the back room.
TH is giddy as he gets ready for the first official date with the Alpha next door. They agreed NJ could decide the details to surprise him with, but lamented in giving a dress code.
He had argued well, after all, that he wouldn’t want to be dressed inappropriately for whatever place it was. So, here he was, looking through his wardrobe for “casual and comfy”. But still date-appropriate, of course.
He settles on an oversized dress shirt and white pants, with a loose tie that he could tighten up if it’s a nicer place than he expects. Not that he expects a bad place, just, NJ /did/ say casual. Image
The rap on his door startles him, heartbeat flooding into his throat.

He brushes his fingers through his hair with a little mouse, fluffing the ends, then throws in an earring for good measure. Then he bolts for the door, swinging it open with flushed cheeks.
“H-hi! Um, I just, one moment! W-would you like to come in?” He stutters out, flustered as ever as soon as he sees NJ.

NJ is wearing a graphic oversized shirt too, which calms his anxieties about his own clothes, but as TH’s eyes trail down he sees skin. NJ’s wearing shorts. Image
Nice shorts, to be sure, they’re high quality denim but… fuck, those /legs/ could probably pick him up-
NJ clears his throat, flushing pink, eyes darting away as he chews on his lip. TH blushes beet red, apologizing quickly and bending over to the side to slip his shoes on. NJ tries, and fails, to ogle his ass as it’s put on display.
Now TH freezes, realizing that NJ’s scent has turned aroused. His belly tugs with the second realization that NJ had probably smelt his own. He stands, grabs a jacket, and smiles sheepishly.
“At the rate we’re going, I certainly hope we don’t have a ‘no fucking on the first date’ rule hm?”

They laugh nervously, the nervous energy parting to make room for excitement.
In lieu of forcing his date onto the back of his bicycle, NJ opts for taking a cab to their destination instead. The driver mentions, off-hand, that ‘It’s nice to see young Alphas staying friends’
NJ wants to tell him this isn’t his friend, it’s his date, but the man has gone on a tangent about “Alpha aggression” and “Stupid posturing” and “They could learn a few things from you kids”
So, he ducks his head in agreement, riding out the rest of the trip in relative silence, aching to hold TH’s hand. As he turns to look at his date, he sees him staring out the window, hand on his chin, fidgeting with the zipper of his coat.
Feeling like he’s already fucking this up, he leans forward and pays the man early, asking to let them out here.

“I didn’t realize there’s a cafe here, think we’ll stop here first. Thanks so much, Sir! Have a good day!”
Then he’s grabbing TH by the hand and tugging him out of the car. TH sheepishly pulls on it, side-eyeing the taxi as it drives away.
“Oh… Um, sorry. Do you- Would you prefer we stay low-key? I… I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” NJ chews on his lip, letting the Alpha’s hand drop and pulling his own to twist together.
He clears his throat and jerks his head. “Let’s, ah, get some tea yeah?”

TH stands awkwardly to his side, waiting while he lets NJ situate their order. As the line moves sluggishly, TH tugs on the other Alpha’s sleeve and points to a table in the corner.
“Gonna go save a table for us, okay?”

NJ nods, plastering on as confident a smile as he can. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous, it’s just a date, he’s had dozens. But he desperately feels like THIS date needs to go well.
So, blushing cheeks and shy smiles are just part of the territory when he softly requests the barista make one of the teas with a little bear shape, if it’s not too much trouble.
The barista, a Beta girl by the scent of her, winks at him and motions him to move to the side to wait. As soon as she returns, he’s given two matching matcha teas, complete with bears. And one has dimples.
It touches his heart, and he’s determined that /that/ one is TH’s. Feels like it’s symbolic, in a way, like he’s giving himself to the other Alpha.

Which, if this date can turn around, he hopes is the truth.
“Here you go ba-Uh, Tae.” NJ watches as TH stiffens in his seat, eyes darting around the cafe, and tries not to let his own scent sour too much.

Even if he feels like a wilting flower whose window just got closed.
“Sorry if I um… I’ve been too forward so far. I’ve never done this any differently… I didn’t think you’d- Ah, nevermind. Is this better than coffee?” He winces at how desperate the hope is in his voice.
TH looks up, fidgeting with his jacket, before cautiously taking a sip. He can’t help the smile just before he slurps the little foam bear into his mouth, before huddling closer to the mug.

“Mhm… Thank you.”
“‘Course” NJ replies, beaming as his chest puffs a little. He made him smile! Or, maybe the bear did, and he didn’t make this bear, but he bought it! He gave it to him! He picked it out of the two! That counts.

“I’m sorr-”

They both blush, NJ gesturing for TH to go ahead. He’s talked the whole time anyway, he should probably stop.

“You go, s’okay.”
🦝 A/N: WARNING! The following tweets contain elements that some readers might find disturbing. Skip scenes with ⚠️if any of the following tags make you uncomfortable.

Explicit anti-queer language
Mild violence

TH hums, fingers tapping on his mug softly. While he sorts his words, they pick up on the conversation a couple tables down. NJ’s head snaps up, dragon eyes fully engaged.

“Tch. Bet that skinny one isn’t even an Alpha. Probably playing pretend with some scent spray.”

“Probably just an Omega that kept getting rejected.”

“Even if he is an Alpha, I bet he stuffs his ass ahead of time so it slicks-”

NJ is /seething/ and on his feet before they can finish, scruffing the one actively speaking.

“What the fuck is your problem dude?”

“MY problem? What is /your/ fucking problem huh?” NJ spits back, shaking him by the collar of his shirt. His teeth ache, nostrils flaring, eager to pin this guy down and show him who’s Alpha.

He doesn’t realize until the man wheezes that he’s lifted him clear off the ground, his friends trying to pull NJ off him. Thrusting him forward, letting him fall back into his chair, he glowers at them.

“Keep your fuckin’ mouths shut. Who the fuck are you to judge others, huh?”

“No need to get huffy big guy, we didn’t realize YOU were the one getting your dick wet with that fairy.”

“What’s it matter to you what I do with my dick? What’s it matter what anyone does? Is yours just that dry?”

The other Alpha shoves NJ, who doesn’t budge. His head dips dangerously low, teeth glinting as he snarls back.

“Don’t fucking touch me.”

“Why not? You like that shit, don’t you? Just a fairy-fucker aren’t you? Bet you couldn’t even GET an Omega so you just found some Alpha willing to play pretend, uh? Uh? Fuckin’ loser.”

“Yeah! I do like Alphas. Doesn’t mean I’d pick your rotten ass out of the bottom of the barrel if I had a gun to my head! Stop projecting your own insecurities you piece of shit, or it’ll come back around to you!”

“Is that a threat?” The second Alpha stands up, raising his hands like he wants to fight. NJ just scoffs and turns back to TH. He swallows, averting his gaze. He’s ruined this date, and probably the odds of another.

His shoulder slump as he reaches down to grab his own untouched tea, just as the three Alphas launch at him from behind. His tea spills all over the table and he whirls around just as one of them lands a punch his way.

Within seconds, the chaos turns eerily still as NJ elbows one to the ground with a broken nose, shoves another back until he lands on the ground, slamming his head and the third makes a run for it.
He apologizes, to TH or the staff he isn’t even sure, and tries to scoop the tea off the table with his bare hands. TH quietly lays down napkins, before the manager ushers them out.
“Sorry, again, I- Sorry.” NJ bows, apologizing emphatically.

The manager just smiles wryly and replies, “Just, give it a few weeks before coming again, okay? Thanks.”
TH is still clutching his own tea between his hands as NJ looks absolutely defeated.

“Sorry, Joon. This is my fault, I… I should have been more careful.”
“What? How-This is /my/ fault! I… I didn’t think and I put you in danger, twice! I should have… I should have asked if you were comfortable with PDA first, that’s… that’s on me. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for fighting them…”
He mumbles, lastly, “And, sorry for ruining the date. Sorry.”

He’s surprised, jerking stiff, when he feels TH wrap an arm around his middle and rest his head against his thundering heart. His breath hitches, eyes darting around.
“T-Tae we’re still-”

“Shh, s’fine.”

“But you-They-I thought-”

TH pulls back, a boxy smile on display, looking up at NJ like he hung the moon just for him.
“I didn’t want to bring you into… all of that. I’m used to it, really, I mean.” he shrugs nonchalantly, glancing to the side. NJ gulps as one of his sleeves is weighed down by his jacket, exposing tan skin over his clavicle.
When he looks back up, briefly, to meet NJ’s questioning gaze, he shrugs again. “Alphas. Honestly, I haven’t… really been on a date that didn’t end something like that. Usually though, it’s my date causing the trouble though, not breaking it up”
NJ is immensely bothered by how casually TH is insinuating his own dates have talked shit about him. Feels like he could smash a whole city block, he’s so mad about it. How could they? Look at him!
“So… you uh… You’re okay with PDA?”

“I mean, yeah, of course. Doesn’t everyone want to hold the people they care for? Even in public?”

NJ is frozen, brain gears click-click-click-ing away.
TH takes pity on him and grabs his hand with the one not holding his tea, sipping softly and looking around. He tugs on their joint fingers to pull the stunned Alpha down the sidewalk.

“Take me to our date big guy, huh?”
Stumbling over his feet, NJ blinks and staggers up beside TH, eyes stuck on their twined fingers as a smile spreads on his face. TH hides his matching grin behind his tea, realizing too late that it’s not in a to-go cup.
Their destination is only about two blocks away but they’re both internally glad they chose to wear sneakers. The building itself is unassuming, but as soon as they step inside, TH’s grin is wide.
“An arcade? Really?”

NJ blushes unbeknownst to him, rubbing his neck nervously again.

“Yeah, I… Wanted something casual. You know. No pressure.”

“I’m sorry, again. I tried to keep you from the hate but I… Well, I didn’t ask you what you wanted.”
NJ nods, leaning over to peck a quick kiss to TH’s cheek. “I appreciate that you were concerned for me… but as we’ve established, I’m a big boy… kay?”
TH dips his head and giggles softly, before turning to the desk. “I’ll get our tickets, you hide this.” And then he pushes the accidentally-stolen mug into his hands and takes off.
“Ah- Welp.” NJ laughs to himself, tucking the mug quite obviously into the pocket of his sweater before tying it around his waist. As soon as TH returns, he sidles up beside him, arm hovering.

“Can I… um… Have we firmly established PDA rules?”
TH chuckles before stepping up chest-to-chest with him and tipping his head back. “I dunno, Alpha, have we?”
The rumble in his chest is entirely out of his hands, as he feels the urge to kiss TH possessively rising. The opportunity bounces away with the other Alpha as he takes off into the dark room, hunting for a game.
He contents himself, truly, just to watch as TH bounces between this game or that. He intermittently feeds him fries and sips of soda as he plays, tongue out in concentration.

“You look beautiful, by the way… wanted you to know”
TH freezes, lowering the little gun as the Duck-Hunt dog laughs at him on the screen. Tilting his head to glance behind him, he sees NJ hunched over a little to whisper the compliment.
“Thanks” He replies, softly. He can feel the heat now, as NJ crowds him slightly. It curls around his back like an almost-hug. Licking his lips, he glances to their sides to look for prying eyes.
Seeing none, he leans his weight further back against the Alpha, exhaling comfortably at the pressure. NJ chuckles low in his throat before stepping closer, one hand on TH’s hip.

“Want me closer, baby? All you gotta do is ask.”
“Closer… please.” TH whispers.

He is immediately nudged forward, NJ’s broad hand holding his body flush by his hip, until he’s right up next to the machine.

“Go on then, baby, play your game”

TH shivers at the double entendre. “Which one”
“Whichever one you want” NJ whispers against his temple, resting his hands on the arcade machine to lean his weight forward. TH has to brace himself as well with one hand as the other holds the controller.

“God… you’re so big”

“Hmm… The better to squeeze you with, no?”
TH sinks himself down, dropping his hip on one side and bending his knee to shorten his height even more. Like this, NJ’s head comes to rest on top of his own. He drops the controller and spins around quickly.
Placing his hands on NJ’s chest, he blinks up at him and nuzzles against the underside of his chin with his nose. NJ wraps one arm all the way around his slender waist, bending his spine to hold him close.
Another couple meanders down their lane, giggling between themselves. They’re a young looking Alpha/Omega couple and the Omega gives a thumbs up to TH as they happen to make eye contact.
He blushes, burying his head into NJ’s chest, hands covering the sides of his face.

“Aww” NJ giggles, tugging him away from the machine just to pin him against a claw machine on the opposite side “Cute baby Alpha”
TH whines, bottom lip jutting into a pout. Against the machine, he can see their reflection in the mirrored back panel and he gasps. His whole face is pink, pressed to the machine but all he sees of NJ is his chest and arms.
NJ tugs their bodies close, ducking his head down to meet his gaze in the reflection before kissing his temple slowly.

“Like what you see?”


“We’re pretty cute together… aren’t we?”


“You’re the cutest though. So small between my hands…”
“Ahh… Am I?” TH flutters his lashes with a perfect little pout on his lips.

NJ dives down to spread his mouth wide, gently biting the other Alpha’s scent gland. He takes the whole thing in his mouth, though, dwarfing the sensitive spot with his tongue.
“F-fuck” TH nearly collapses as his knees give out, hands squeaking up to catch on the glass. Around his waist, he feels NJ clench immediately, holding him tight. Keeping him safe.
He positively melts into the Alpha’s embrace, whining needily. NJ’s gravel-heavy laugh precedes the big man dropping his head in defeat to his shoulder.

“Fucking hell… You win this round. Let’s get out of here.”
As soon as NJ pulls away, TH whirls around and grabs him by the shirt, yanking him back. NJ yelps softly at his surprising strength, eyes and brows raised high.

“Mmph-what the-”
“Alpha, remember?” TH smirks, locking his hands around his neck. “I don’t wanna leave yet.”

“But- But I…” NJ blushes, shifting and looking around “I don’t think it’s /decent/ for me to stay here baby…”
TH cocks his head, glancing down to follow NJ’s gaze. He sees the Alpha covering his lap with his sweatshirt, hanging low as it is with the mug inside.

“Ahhh. Is that my mug, Alpha, or are you happy to see me?”
“Tae… please that’s so mean.”

TH giggles, kissing him square on the lips. The couple that took over their game machine quietly whoops for them, causing them to laugh into the kiss.
“Ahhh sorry about that… first date” TH grins broadly at them as they give him the thumbs up and reply.

“Us too! Good luck!” the Alpha replies, leaning close to the Omega. The latter of which blushes, folding themselves against the Alpha’s larger body.
TH winks and tugs NJ down the path, pausing at Skee Ball, racking up tickets thanks to NJ’s long limbs, before riding the bumper cars and pausing to play some more machines. Just as they go to turn it all in, they’re stopped.
“Hey” The Omega from the earlier couple is approaching, phone in hand. “I’m really sorry to bother you, but um… Could you take our picture for us? We um… Decided on another date, and uh… w-we want…”
TH smiles, taking the phone with a broad grin stretched on his cheeks. “Memento for posterity?” He asks. They nod, dashing over to slot themselves in the Alpha’s arms.
He clicks a few cute snapshots as they make some faces, then passes the phone back with a bow. “You two make a beautiful couple, you know. Good luck!”
“Thank you! So do you guys! Um, would you like one too? I can take one for you, if you like…”

TH blinks, a little surprised at how overly accepting the couple seems to be, then glances up at NJ to gauge his response. He’s chewing his bottom lip, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes.
But he does twitch his hand by the pocket that holds his phone. So TH smiles, reaching his fingers in to grab it, and offers it to the Omega.
“We’d love that, thank you!” He tugs on NJ to take a few photos. Some silly, some cute, smiling down at the phone before handing it back to him.
“Make sure you send those to me, yeah? I’m in your phone… Hope you can find which one I am.” He whispers to NJ, elbowing his side playfully. Image
A shorter, quieter taxi ride later and they’re back in their apartment hall. TH has a giant bear in his arms, while NJ has a pillow with a Koala on it. When he’d asked why a Koala, TH had simply said:
“Because I want to climb you like a tree, duh.”

They stand, awkwardly, between their doors clutching their fuzzy prizes, before NJ decides to make the first move. He awkwardly darts forward, pressing a soft kiss to the side of TH’s head.
“Oh… you missed” TH pouted.

NJ just shook his head. “Nuh uh. No sex on the first date. But… Uh, maybe the next one? If… You’d like that?”

“Asking me for another already? What, are you obsessed with me?”

“A little, actually, yeah.”
NJ’s confession hangs between them for a soft moment, before TH blushes and clears his throat.

“Well. It’s mutual. I’ll… see you later? Oh! Some neighbor friends and I are doing a garden BBQ again this coming weekend. Would you like to come?”
“Isn’t it meant to rain?”

“Ah, a small chance I think. We’re gonna risk it though.”

NJ laughs, nodding. “Then I’d love to risk it with you. Should I, I dunno, bring anything? Like meat? It’s a BBQ meat’s good right?”
TH shamelessly eye-fucks him before nodding. “Yeah… meat is /always/ good to bring…”

“To the BBQ, TH” NJ flicks his forehead fondly, to which TH shoves him with his shoulder.
“Okay okay, yes, any kind of meat. Could bring your Omega friend too… Maybe his Omega?”

“Oh? JK-ie? Oh he’ll love that, he eats the /fuck/ out of BBQ. I’ll have to bring a lot extra if he’s coming” NJ laughs again, dimples creasing hard.
TH swoons, belly swooping as he leans up to kiss NJ on those exact dimples. “Kay, well, m’gonna go… clean up… or something. See you?”

“Yeah… see you for sure.”
TH turns to say something else, but feels his mouth go dry as NJ’s gaze is glued to his ass. He bites his lip quietly and drops his keys ‘accidentally’ just to have an excuse to bend down and get them.
He doesn’t need to look back to see the reaction, glee flooding his chest as he hears a low groan followed by a thudding against the wood of NJ’s door.
As he closes his own, he giggles softly. NJ is banging his head against his door, one hand on his pillow and the other on his door handle.

“Down boy” He hears him mumble to himself “Fucking /down/ boy”
🦝 A/N: Who's ready for update? Y'all chose well, I think.

Second poll won't come into play just yet, keep an eye out! Also, this update is spicy 🌶️🌶️🌶️ Image
NJ groans inside his apartment, hunching himself over his kitchen counter. His throat feels dry after the whole night, unused to so much activity in such a short time. His lot for being a shut in, he supposes.
Turning to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, a knock on his door interrupts him before he can take a sip. He sighs.

“Coming!” Swallowing against the rasp, he twists the bottle open just as he opens the door.
TH is standing there, white pants replaced with the long, tan skin of his legs, oversized shirt falling off one shoulder. His face is pink, fingers twisting together.
“Look, I-I know you said no sex on the first date but… But now it’s /after/ the date technically so if you think about it, it’s… it’s…”
When TH finally looks up at NJ, NJ’s face is frozen on his legs, bottle of water long-since fallen to the floor, flooding the entry way. There’s a rumble emanating from his chest that has TH’s thighs squeezing together.
“Fuck” TH whispers, moments before NJ grabs him by the wrist and pulls him into the apartment. Their feet *plap plap* in the water as NJ shuts the door and presses TH against it.
“Why the fuck do you want me dead, TH?” He whispers against TH’s neck, nipping a small mark into it roughly. He laves over it, letting his tongue sweep broadly across his scent gland, causing the smaller Alpha to moan loudly.
All NJ can taste is chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. He groans, hands growing wild as they slide up and down TH’s body, squeezing and grasping anywhere he can. With a frustrated groan, he leans down and picks TH up before carting him to his bedroom.
“Ohh, Alpha got himself a big boy bed huh?” TH teases, fingers threading through NJ’s hair.
NJ grunts, dropping him to the bed fairly unceremoniously, before dropping his own weight down to the edge. TH leans on his elbows, watching with rapt attention as the big man spreads his legs and groans softly.
“Fuck” NJ whispers, eyes squeezing shut and searing the image in his mind of TH wearing no /fucking/ underwear. “What if someone saw you uh?”

TH giggles. “Woulda said I was waiting for m-my Alpha, silly”
With a possessive grumble, NJ yanks him by the thighs to bring him closer, mouth open and waiting to taste every inch of him that he can. It’s a feast, laid out in front of him, and he doesn’t know where to start.
He settles for the plush thighs on either side of his face, kissing and biting them each in turn, hands still holding them close. As he works his way inwards, he uses his nose to nudge the hem of the shirt up, giving room for his mouth to explore.
He tongues the taut expanse of TH’s balls, savouring the musky undertone even through the delicate strawberry soap the Alpha cleaned himself with. Taking them slowly in his mouth, he ripples his tongue, massaging each side carefully.
Shifting on the bed, he licks at the Alpha’s puffy knot, kisses it, tips his head to swipe it back and forth across his mouth as he moves up the shaft. When he strains to reach the tip of TH’s cock, he drops away, licking back down.
“Ahh please, Alpha, don’t tease” TH whines, thwarted in the relief a mouth swallowing him would give.
NJ only laughs, dipping his head out of sight to lick at his asshole. TH gasps and jerks on instinct, legs squeezing, but the Alpha between his legs only growls and holds them apart, yanking him closer than ever.
His face is pressed between his thighs, nose nestled right against his perineum as he flicks his tongue back and forth, tickling the firm entrance. Slowly, he allows the tip to slide inside then back out. He flattens his tongue, then curls it to enter again.
His saliva wets his face and TH’s thighs entirely as he thrusts his tongue inside, hands bruising his outer thighs as he grips him for dear life. TH is writhing above him, hair mussed already.
Desperate to see, to watch his Alpha, TH leans up on his elbows again and yanks his shirt up to his navel.

“Alpha” He breathes out, cock twitching.
NJ is wrecked, pupils fully dilated, eyes half-lidded, face slick all over. He looks like a ravenous dragon and it sends a sweet heat curling inside him.

“Alpha, please… Please m’not gonna last”
NJ grunts, contentedly continuing his endeavor, carefully sliding one hand down to work a finger in with his tongue. He pops it in his mouth first, coating it in thick saliva with direct eye contact, before sliding it in.
As he pants, he coats a second finger and allows it to join the first before he thrusts softly, fingers curling rhythmically. TH’s head falls back, hips thrusting down to meet the gentle motions.
TH begs for him, urges him to fuck him already, promises he’s ready for him. NJ only grunts negating it and continues, slipping a third spit-slick finger into his tight, hot little hole.
So he switches tactics, begging for him to touch his cock, to let him cum. Lets his long fingers trail over his puffy knot, aching to feel it swell. He’s thoroughly ignored, hole squelching amidst the wetness of NJ’s mouth as he sucks on it.
NJ’s hips are still, cock hanging heavy between them, bumping against the bed every so often as he moves. All he can think about is how badly he wants to feel this Alpha around it. Wants to fill him up so he knows who he belongs to.
TH’s fingers catch his eye, then, as they trail across his own cock. He growls possessively and swats it away with a soft *smack*

“Pleeeease Alpha please” TH whines, trying to pout cutely.
🦝 A/N: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ warning for the latter half of this update:

Slight degradation/humiliation/belittling
Under negotiated (But very wanted) kinks
Choking (Consensual, I assure you)

If I have missed something, pls lmk so I can add it to ao3 tag list!
NJ pulls his mouth off then, picking TH up by the thighs and waist, pushing him up the bed until they’re both nestled on the plush center. Balancing his weight over TH, he leans over to his nightstand and thrusts his hand in.
When it comes back out, there’s several XL condoms and strawberry flavoured lube. TH reaches over, swatting the condoms off the bed before smirking coyly at NJ.

A simple request, but NJ’s brain almost short circuits. When it fizzles back to earth, he blinks down at the siren boy beneath him. Okay, he’s /really/ out for death by heart attack. Two can play that game.

“Oh, baby wants it raw, uh? My baby’s a slut, is he?”
TH gasps, eyes wide, but NJ doesn’t stop even as he leans down to kiss and worship his sweaty body with his mouth and hands.

“Eager for my cock, hm? This little one you’ve got just isn’t good enough for you?” NJ smacks at TH’s cock as he says it.
“A-ahh!” TH writhes, hands clutching desperately at the pillow by his head in shock. His belly is coiling /tight/ at the degradation.

“Need a real Alpha cock in you, don’t you?” NJ grasps his own cock, knot already trying to swell despite the neglect, and smacks TH’s with it.
Running on an incredible high and instinct, he tips his head and spits on TH’s cock before smearing it with his own and tapping it again. Each tap is wet and loud.
“Look at that, getting wet for me now? Desperate to please your Alpha aren’t you?”

TH whimpers, nodding frantically. “Y-yes please, please Alpha”

“Please? Would a slut beg?”
When NJ moves away slightly, TH panics, ice filling his limbs. He struggles up, trying to roll over to present for him, like an Omega would. NJ catches him partway, crowding his body with his own and stroking his hair to calm him down.
“Shhh, be a good boy now, let Alpha take care of you.”

“B-but… sluts… sluts present…Right?” TH’s voice quivers, brain addled by the pain/pleasure/humiliation flooding through him.
NJ grunts, rocking his hips into him, letting him feel his hot arousal flush against him. “Sluts take what they’re given.” he whispers, pushing TH back down, face up.
“Sluts do as they’re told” NJ ruts their cocks together, groaning and squeezing his knot to keep the pressure down. He’s been /achingly/ hard for most of the day, he’s sure he won’t last much longer.
“Ready, little Alpha? Ready for a real Alpha cock to fill you up? Breed you until your belly is nice and round hmm?”
TH cries out, cumming hard, head thrown back. His hands grasp desperately forward, locking around NJ’s arms until his knuckles are white. His hips quiver beneath NJ, chest heaving as he catches his breath.
They both stare at each other in wonder, awed by the sudden untouched orgasm, before TH grabs NJ by the neck and yanks him down to a kiss. He spreads his legs on either side of him, locking his ankles to cling like a Koala.
NJ chuckles softly, kissing him breathless all over again.

“My good boy” he murmurs praise, kissing the Alpha’s body again, licking at his nipples and tasting the cum that reached them.
“Please” TH pleads, voice raspy and deep. “Please, please I need to feel you, Alpha… Please, waited so long”
NJ nods, grabbing the lube and pressing their bodies together at the same time. TH ‘oomphs’ from the weight, then moans for the same as NJ gently lubes his cock and presses the blunt head at his tight entrance.
Already, TH is breathing to regulate his body tension. “Biiiig”

“Told you, baby. Tell me… tell me if it hurts, yeah? Tell me if-”

“Please, more… it’s okay, I’m okay just… A little more pleas”
NJ nods quietly, pushing in until the whole head of his cock is nestled inside. TH’s walls are tight around him, lube squeezing down his skin at the pressure. He carefully pulls back a half inch, maybe, easing forward another inch.
Slowly, he rocks himself into TH. His arms shake from the effort of not utterly crushing the Alpha beneath himself, and TH strokes them gently.

“Let go, Alpha, it’s… ahhh… It’s okay, I got you”
NJ whines in protest, sweat trailing down his chest.

TH only shakes his head and tugs him down to a kiss, pushing on his arms. “Let go, let Alpha catch you”
With a grunt, NJ falls into his embrace, melting over top of and around him like butter. It’s a reassuring kind of weight, like the world’s best weighted blanket, but it comes with a thick cock stuffed inside him.
Dropping his feet to the bed, TH presses them down and fucks himself up onto NJ’s cock. Cradling his head, stroking his back, whispering praises for the big, strong Alpha he takes over their movements from below.
He moans each time NJ’s cock presses firmly against his prostate, gasping beside NJ’s ear. “So big, fuck”

NJ mumbles against his chest, pulling away to repeat it. “M’close… wan’fuck you”
TH giggles and releases his arms, letting them fall away to the bed. “Fuck me then, Alpha… m’waiting”

NJ’s dragon eyes are back in a heartbeat, salacious grin spreading on his face right between two cute dimples. “Careful what you ask for, /Alpha/, or I’ll give it to you.
When his eyes drop to his neck, TH tilts it upwards and nods. “Give it to me then”

In a flash, NJ has a hand on his throat, squeezing roughly from either side, and is pulling his cock out much farther just to punch it in.
The thrusts steal his air, while the hand on his throat rhythmically keeps it away, until TH’s eyes flutter shut and blackness creeps in on the edges. When NJ pulls his hand away to let him breath, the darkness speeds away.
It’s replaced by a soft buzzing right beneath his skin and clouds in his head. He feels adrift, dopey grin plastered on his face even as NJ roughly fucks him, skin slapping. NJ is panting heavily, sweat gliding down between their bodies, racing other drops.
His hand clamps around TH’s throat again, giving a tight squeeze, bruising most likely, as he throws his head back and groans. His orgasm is so close, now, knot swelling.
TH tries to speak, vibrations ringing against his hand. He pulls away, hips grinding in little circles to pause and hear.

“Pl-hease Alpha… Knot?”

“Fuck… You sure? It’s… It’s big, baby, I don’t…”
TH grasps his hands, eyes wide and wild. “Pl-eeeeease”

“Shit… fucking…. okay” NJ swallows hard, kissing him to match, before laying his weight down again and moaning. “My good boy… gonna take Alpha’s knot mm?”
TH nods against his lips, sucking one into his mouth and tugging. NJ moans louder, kicking his hips in small but hard slaps, rabbiting himself inside until he feels his knot swelling nearly to full.

“G-gonna… Last… last chance”
“Knot me, Alpha, knot me please fill me up, gimme your pups Alpha pleeeease” TH babbles, clutching roughly at NJ’s hair, pulling and kneading as he peppers his face with kisses that are way too wet.
But they don’t care. It’s messy as fuck, and they /like/ it. It doesn’t make sense, Alpha’s can’t get pregnant but it /feels right/.
So NJ fucks his almost-swollen knot into his battered rim, grinding it in circles inside to let it fully swell. Being an Alpha, TH wouldn’t be able to take the full knot through his asshole, so he has to be careful.
His knot swells, and swells, cock twitching as he nears his orgasm. TH’s close to a second just from pressure on his prostate and grinds his hips in return, chasing that white-hot burn.
It hits him and this time he’s ready for it, clutching at NJ to keep him close. NJ’s hands grab his waist, then slide beneath him to hold him from all sides, keeping him still as he floods his walls with wet heat in response.
They both moan, long and loud, chests heaving as they gasp for air. TH shivers as it subsides, NJ turning them so he can lay beside TH’s poor, abused body.

“Biggg” TH coos, pecking his lips softly.
NJ barely has the energy to chuckle softly, cracking one eye open at him. “Told you”

“Mm. Lube was a good call” TH laughs, causing NJ to wince at the pressure on his knot. “Ah, sorry, sorry. Don’t wanna hurt my very good Alpha”
NJ smiles tiredly at him. “Sleep, baby. Gonna be a while.”

TH hums, nudging at his neck with his nose. “Can I? First?”

“Mm.” NJ tilts his head back, letting TH scent him, cautiously.
Even though they get along well, they can never be too sure, scenting technically unknown Alphas. But NJ only purrs in response, hands gripping at him tighter. TH smiles softly, humming against his neck and letting sleep overtake him.
Despite the soft snores from NJ and the burning ache of his backside, it doesn’t take him very long at all. He even hikes a leg up in half-Koala position, slotting his knee over NJ’s thick thigh.
The last thing he thinks, is that he’ll also bring some pork to the BBQ. He has to /especially/ thank JK for awakening NJ’s interest in men, even if he’s an Omega.
Neither Alpha can believe how fast the week goes by, as they step into their shared hall with bashful grins. They’ve texted all week, even shared saucy pictures of half-puffed knots and yet-
And yet, as they bump shoulders playfully in the elevator, they act like teens standing next to their first crush. The doors open one floor below them, YG and HS slipping in together with broad grins.
“Oh! Well look who we have here! Is this him? Is this your little Alpha TH-ieee?” HS teases, pinching at TH and batting lashes at NJ. YG just smirks from behind him, endeared by his mate’s antics.
“Yahhh YG-hyung aren’t you going to get your mate in check? He’s SHAMELESS”

YG shrugs, gummy smile threatening to break free.

“I like ‘im that way. My spicy little pup.”
HS gasps in mock outrage, turning to hold a finger up to his mate and argue. YG just snaps at his finger, teeth clacking shut with a soft growl. The flush on HS’s face doesn’t get missed by NJ, who’s watching his neighbors with rapt attention.
These are more than just his neighbors, after all, they’re also TH’s friends. As he watches the two mates, the elevator dings and the doors squeak open on their desired floor. NJ steps forward, reaching around TH to hold the doors open for everyone.
As he crowds into TH’s space unexpectedly, from behind, HS and YG get full view of his shocked face as it’s frozen in place. His cheeks are dusted pink as the heat from NJ’s body emanates around him.
“After you” NJ says with a wide, friendly smile.

HS coos, slapping YG’s chest playfully. “Ooooh /dimples/ babe oh my god”
“Yahh, get your cute ass out that door so we can get the meat cooking. We have /guests/ coming, don’t forget.” YG reminds him, swinging a bag of supplies at his legs.
HS winks at TH and shimmies out, skipping all the way to the doors that lead to the garden patio, while YG shakes his head and follows him. He stops at the doors, turning to face the other two alphas and leaning down to take their bags of food.
“I’ll get these started… Should be done in, say, half an hour? Give or take, of course”

He smiles a half-smirk before pushing open the patio doors and calling something out to chastise his mate who’s doing who-knows-what.
TH spins, grasping onto NJ with both arms in a hug around his middle, burrowing his nose into the Alpha’s chest.

“Before we go out there… Can you… Can you do the thing?”

“What’s with you and this elevator, hmm?”

“Please?” TH bats his eyelashes, pouting his lips.
“We should go out and meet your friends, TH.” NJ nods his chin towards the doors, hand still firmly holding the elevator open.

“But… But YG-Hyung said-”
“Oh, YG-Hyung said, uh? Are you his mate now? Should I call you HS?” NJ steps closer, body nudging TH closer to the open doors.

“N-no, but he… He knows. He knows, and he said we had time”
“Knows? What does YG-Hyung /know/?” NJ takes another step forward, before removing his hand from the elevator door. As it dings shut, he leans down to press the ‘STOP’ button. With a soft growl he pushes TH against the now-closed doors and snaps at his neck.
TH is barely breathing, hands clammy as his Alpha claws in confusion.
He feels small, yes, but now… Now he also feels like NJ is challenging him. Does his Alpha like that? Or not? His throat tightens and loosens, back and forth, trying to put words through. All that comes out is a soft clicking, barely audible.
NJ shoves his face against TH’s neck, bringing a hand up to thread fingers through his hair and tug gently. As he does, he cradles TH’s head in his big palm, his other hand resting against the wall to keep them steady.
The tension in TH is palpable and NJ waits. He waits for the green light before moving again.
He doesn’t have to wait long. TH sags, suddenly, as his body fully relaxes. His Alpha gives in, trusting NJ completely to take the lead. His hand comes from the wall in a snap, wrapping securely around TH’s waist, pulling their bodies flush.
His hips rock forward to press TH against the doors, a thigh slipping between his legs to steady him.

“Hey there, baby, you good? Look at Alpha, tell me yes or no okay?”
TH mewls; A sound NJ has never heard an Alpha make before. It sends a thrill of adrenaline through his body, icy hot all at once. He tentatively licks at TH’s scent gland, rumbling in return, grinning when TH’s body arches like a pretty bow for him.
“So good for your Alpha, aren’t you baby?”

“Nnng” TH whines.

“Need you to come back to me though, TH-ah. We have friends to entertain.”

“Please… please, Alpha”

“What, don’t you feel small enough? Hmm? Need me to put you on your knees so you feel smaller?”
TH nods frantically, trying to drop his weight to the ground immediately. NJ’s knee holds him up, and he pouts viciously.

“Hyung, please, please let me… Let me please you, Alpha? Lemme taste…”
“Nuh uh, not right now. If you’re good, I’ll play with you after the BBQ, how’s that sound?”

NJ soothes the wild look in his eyes with a thumb to his temple, pressing a kiss to the other one.
“Come on, be good for me, yeah? Be good for me, and I’ll be good for you, yeah?”

“F-for me?”

“Mhm. Let you do anything you want when we get back upstairs. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds dangerous” TH smirks at him before dropping his head back to bang on the doors. “Fuck, I don’t even wanna do this BBQ anymore. Just want you.”
NJ chuckles, releasing TH to stand on his own and pressing ‘START’ on the elevator. It immediately shakes and descends to the first floor, startling the two of them. When the doors open, they’re greeted with two faces.
One they know, and the other… They don’t.
“Hyungs!” JK shouts, launching himself into their arms. “Ahh I didn’t expect a personal greeting! Lemme introduce you to my- JM. Park JM, he’s a dancer!”

“A dancer, eh?” TH smirks at JK, eyeing the new Omega. “Nice to meet you, JM-ah, I’m TH and this is NJ.”
JM’s eyes are wide in surprise as TH moves to wrap his arms around NJ’s mid-section. Wider still when NJ returns the hold, kissing the beautiful Alpha’s hair.

“T-two Alphas?”
“Mhm!” TH beams at him, grabbing his hands to pull him into the elevator just as the doors shut. JM looks up hesitantly, before smiling at the grip on his wrists.

“I see. And that’s… okay? Even though you two are the same sub-gender?”
“Does it bother you?” NJ asks, voice gruff with wariness. He doesn’t want to ruin anything, since he can tell this is the dancer Omega JK has a crush on. He’s worried about his friend falling for someone with… preconceptions.
“N-no! No not at all! I just… It’s not… common. Don’t see it much is all.”

As NJ watches the new Omega, he hums. JM’s cheeks are aflame and his eyes keep darting towards JK.

Well that’s a good sign.
He pulls TH to stand in front of him, back to front, and nuzzles his nose into his hair. It soothes his Alpha and by the time they’ve gone the short distance to the patio floor, he’s rumbling contentedly in his chest; A matching little purr coming from TH.
JK and JM share shy smiles, the overwhelming scent of Alpha flooding the small space. As they bolt out to the patio, TH has to tug on NJ to remind him of where they are.

“Come on, big guy, I wanna get some meat in you.”

“How ‘bout mine in you mm?”
TH gasps, blood flooding southward, before tugging NJ out of the elevator with a huff.
“Nuh uh, you cock-blocked me for this BBQ, you don’t get to reverse it now. What was it you said? You’d ‘be a good boy’ for me too, right? Well, let’s go /Alpha/. Come show me what that means.
TH dances out of his grasp with a sly smirk before taking off down the patio, sprinting with his hair flying behind him. NJ growls before launching after him, the two chasing each other around chairs and plants and tables.
HS nonchalantly seasons meat for YG, who doesn’t even look up from the grill at the two Omegas who sit at a table nearby. They’re laughing alongside the Alphas, glancing at each other shyly every few seconds.

“Oh come on, just kiss already!”
JK turns with a smile, thinking HS is talking to the two Alphas as they start panting from exertion. His face gets hot when he realizes HS is talking to him and JM.
“Uh, we, I’m just his friend. But uh, thanks I guess… For thinking… We’re that close…” JK twists his fingers together, turning to laugh awkwardly towards JM, hoping the other isn’t offended.
What he sees instead, is a crooked little tooth pinching a plush lip and a gaze that darts down to his own lips.

“I’m… just your friend… right JM-ssi?”

“If that’s what you want… Is that all you want from me?”

“What… what? What-wha-I, uh, what??”
JM blushes, scooting his chair closer and leaning dangerously close to JK.

“Do you… Do you only want me as a friend, Kook-ah? Or… Do you maybe think you could… see yourself… with your own sub-gender someday? Like… Like your Hyungs?”
JK’s lips part in a soft gasp, eyes darting immediately to JM’s lips. He licks his own, imagining what they’d taste like. He inhales to answer JM-
And they’re yanked apart, one Alpha behind each of their chairs, tugging their shoulders to use as shields.

“I claim JM! You wouldn’t DARE throw that at me when this pretty little Omega is here, would you??” TH taunts NJ.
JM looks up and jerks away from the bigger Alpha, realizing he’s holding a rather large looking tomato, ready to throw it.
NJ laughs and retorts “You’re one to talk! You like JK-ie right? Besties forever now? Put down the spray cheese, TH-ah, or I’ll throw this tomato all over your /fancy/ BBQ shorts.”

The Omegas stare at each other, caught as meat-shields in a food war.
JK darts his eyes to the table, where some ingredients are laid out, catching JM’s attention with a head jerk. They both nod before grabbing a condiment each, aiming it out in front of themselves and ducking away from the Alphas.
JK aims ketchup at NJ, while JM aims mustard at TH.

“Hands up, Alphas, we’ve got you cornered! Lower your weapons, or we’ll be forced to shoot!” JK yells out at them. JM and HS laugh at the shock on their faces.
“YG-ah! You’re an Alpha, you’re on our team!!” TH shouts, sidling up to NJ and beckoning the elder Alpha over.

“Nuh uh, I’m Switzerland, gotta man the grill or our food will be burned.”

“That’s no fair, if Hobi goes with the Omegas, we’ll be down a man!”
“That’s a you problem, not a me problem” YG shrugs, laughing quietly.

“Oh, so I’m just defaulted to the Omega side? I don’t get to choose?!”

“Well, do you take a knot or not?” TH asks, hand on his hip.

“For your information I-”
YG clears his throat, eyebrow raised. HS has the good sense to blush and corrects himself.

“If we’re going by that, you’d be on the Omega side anyway TH-ah… WOULDN’T YOU?”

TH gasps, feigning shock. “How /dare/ you I am an upstanding knotting Alpha thank you very much!”
NJ snorts and laughs, pinching his lips together.

“Yah!” TH throws the can of cheese at him in defiance “Can’t you at least stand by me like YG-Hyung? Gimme the benefit of the doubt you brute!”
“You like my brute-knot, little Alpha!” NJ laughs and leaps away as TH grabs a handful of pickles, flinging them at him, soft *plaps* as they smack against his arms.
TH misses as NJ moves around the group, flinging a pickle right onto JM’s face. He stares in shock, hands out to apologize, when JK assaults him with ketchup.

“How dare you! That’s it, I warned you, WAR IS ON! Get behind me, Mimi I’ll get ‘im”
JM laughs as JK starts to chase TH in the circle, NJ still dodging pickles. HS laughs with him, quietly munching on a bag of chips as he watches the antics.
“Hit me with some o’that” HS says, holding out a fresh-off-the-grill hot-dog towards JM. JM laughs and squirts some mustard on it, taking a bite as HS offers it to him. They munch on a few hot dogs, before HS notices the others getting tired.
He starts laying out plates, placing food in little piles on the table, shifting chairs over to it. Reaching into the cooler, he carries several cold beers over and starts setting those out as well, putting an opened one right in his mate’s hand with a kiss.
“Thank you for the food, darling”

YG grins and kisses back, pulling a stool over to sit by the grill as the bulk of the meat finishes.

Just as HS expected, the other three’s enthusiasm winds down rapidly and they practically limp over to the table, flopping down in their seats.
TH throws his legs up onto NJ immediately, groaning. They all smell of vinegar and sugar, and look a lot like they tried to tie-dye their clothes.
JK sits, head thrown over the back of his chair, panting to catch his breath. His eyes fly open when he feels a soft heat against his cheek before it’s replaced with ice cold. JM kissed him, then pressed a beer to his cheek in his place.

“Thanks for saving me, Kook-ah”

“Y-you… you just…”

JM giggles, nodding. “I did. What of it?”

“Does that mean… can I…?”
“Dunno… can you?” JM tilts his head and smirks. He only has a moment’s notice before JK launches himself over the arm of his chair and plants a searing kiss to his lips.
He tries to pull himself closer, closer to the man he’s been pining for, but ends up falling with a shriek to the floor, chair falling right out from under him.
JM giggles and helps him up, standing up and pulling him to sit in his own chair. With a shy smile, JM plops himself down on his lap and wraps an arm around his neck. With the other, he sips his beer like nothing happened.
Everyone else busies themselves with their own respective partners, either feeding them gently or kissing the ketchup off of them. It’s a cute, intimate little affair, full of relationships in all stages.
At least, until a sharp “Yah! Get a room you absolute heathens” is heard from across the patio.
🦝 A/N: You all voted no bitching, so bitching there will not be!

Now, let's see how well you guessed on the interim polls 🤭 ImageImageImage
SJ strides out to the group, carrying a plate of brownies wrapped in plastic.

“What’s a BBQ without something sweet hmm?” He winks at TH and smiles “You don’t count sweetheart”

TH blushes, waving him off. “Yahh stop that”

“Why should I when I know, deep down, you like it hmm?”
TH rolls his eyes, making grabby hands for the plate. “Gimme the goods and no one gets hurt hmm?”

“Gimme a kiss and maybe I will!”
SJ stands there, smug, as he closes his eyes and juts his cheek out. When he doesn’t feel anything, he taps it and hums. “Still waitingggg I deserve a kiss for making allll theeese brownies”
Lips meet his opposite cheek as HS grabs his face and smacks it, wet. “There! Now give us the sweets you menace”

“Aht aht I said TH-ah had to pay this time. Go on, give your Hyung the payment.”
TH glances at NJ before carefully getting up and barely pressing his lips to SJ’s cheek. He rapidly sits back down, twisting his face away to hide his blush.
NJ bites his tongue, realizing he’s still the new guy. Sure JM is too, but he and JK seem to have at least known each other for a while. And he’s talked about JM to the group. Him? He’s just a new tenant.
He wants to grab TH and move him to his lap, show that he’s HIS baby… But really, does he even have a right to be upset? HS just kissed SJ, and he’s more than dating he’s MATED. Maybe SJ is just harmless? Maybe he’s like JK is for him. He shouldn’t make a fuss.
That gets harder as the sun continues to sink below the horizon. No matter how many times he inhales, holds, and exhales to relax himself, he finds he’s gritted his teeth so much that his jaw and head ache from it.
Every single window of opportunity possible SJ has inserted himself and either demanded affection from TH or blatantly flirted with him. There’s no way it’s anything but flirting. He crowds him, leans over to hand him something as if he isn’t an Alpha & couldn’t reach it himself.
Everything TH has ever asked NJ to do SJ /does/ it. To make it worse, he can’t stand to get close enough to figure out what he is. Beta? Alpha? His angles are too sharp to be Omega but if he gets too close his Alpha might go nuts. He already feels like TH is his mate after all.
So, he does the only respectable thing he can do. He imagines how it’ll go. He’ll excuse himself, make up something about an early start, go up to his room and just go to sleep. TH will be free to do what he wants and NJ won’t have to see.
They’re not necessarily as serious as NJ feels they are, after all, right? It’s… been mostly a physical relationship thus far. They’ve barely touched the dating thing. Have they even outright discussed what they are? Shit, maybe he leapt a little too soon.
Maybe TH just wants something kinda casual…
The final straw that does him in, is when TH is beckoning him over to the grill, mouthing something about how YG is ‘closing the kitchen’. He supposes he wants to make sure he’s fed, which is… neighborly of him. Just as he stands up, SJ beats him there.
He looms over TH, NJ watching as the Alpha freezes just as he did for NJ. His chest is heaving, cheeks flushed. Then he shakes his head and bumps SJ’s body, patting his chest with a hand. He can’t hear what’s said, but TH laughs as he says it.
SJ laughs in return, brings a finger up to move TH’s hair from his face. NJ is shaking, he’s so upset. He shouldn’t be, he has no right to be, hell for all he knows it’s not what it looks like.
But he can’t reason with himself right now either and if he has to watch the two of them flirt for a second longer, he thinks he might just up and move apartments entirely. Forget the whole place.

He stands up, calls out a quick “Sorry, early day gotta go.”
That’s not what he wants to say, or what he planned to say. He wanted to say thanks for inviting him, wanted to hug everyone before leaving, hell he wanted to at least say “We should do this again soon”. But no. He chuffs out a harsh one liner and leaves without looking back.
He bolts to his room, yanks his bike into the hall and starts dragging it down the stairs. The *thump thump* of his tires on the steps keeps pace with his aggravated heartbeat, feet *tep tep tep*ing down the steps with it.
By the time he’s down the stairs, he shoulders the door open, barely wincing when he hears it knock against the wall. He throws a leg over his bike and pushes the pedal, brow furrowed and no destination in mind. He just wants to feel the wind and listen to the sounds of the city.
With no one around him that could possibly make him think. Just the rhythmic sound of his bike chain as it rumbles down the gear track and his tires as the rubber squeaks against concrete with every turn.
🦝 A/N: Oooh you guys REALLY left it tied until LITERALLY the final hour... I swear to fuck I was so anxious it would be tied bc I could NOT decide the POV on my own lol. Image
No one is more startled when NJ abruptly leaves, than TH is. His heart falls to his stomach when the Alpha doesn’t even look back at him and leaves his food untouched on the table. He glances to JK with a look that asks, ‘What happened?’
JK bites his lip and looks away guiltily, causing TH to frown further.

“Uh, Gimme just a second, he forgot his food. He wanted to have it for lunch tomorrow” TH grabs his plate and runs after him, tapping his foot impatiently as the elevator finally dings and opens.
He spams the ‘close’ button, wishing it would move faster. He makes it upstairs & down the hall as fast as his feet can carry him, plate balanced in one hand while he knocks quickly on NJ’s apartment door.

“Baby? You… you forgot your food, I just… I can leave it by the door?”
He waits a moment, holding his breath as he listens for any sign of the door being unlocked for him. “Hyung?”

He waits again, heart thundering in his chest. “…Hyung it’s… it’s me, TH-ah…?”
Again, he waits. Heart still thundering, now making its way up to his throat, closing it off when he tries to swallow. “…NJ”
Now, he knows something is wrong. NJ wouldn’t ignore him, right? He’d… He’d say something, surely, right? He twists the handle desperately hoping it’s unlocked already. No such luck. His shoulders fall as he glances down the hallway, thinking maybe he beat NJ here somehow.
Chewing on his lip, he sets the plate down by the door, right in the middle so he could see it when he opens the door. “O-okay NJ-ah um… I hope you’re okay, and… Your TH-ah is next door, okay? And I-the food is here, by the door. Don’t step on it okay?”
His voice lilts upwards, hopefully, and is met with silence. He swallows and turns to his apartment, feeling like his entire social battery was just drained in one fell swoop.
Every 3 or 4 minutes inside his apartment, he gets up and peeks through the hole in his door, checking if the food is gone. It isn’t. After 30 minutes, he starts checking his phone too. After an hour or so, he starts checking the elevator, ensuring it isn’t broken.
He doesn’t knock again, though. He feels like he’s fucked up somehow, knows it in his bones, even if he doesn’t know what exactly he did. He’s usually the problem, after all. He’s the anomaly.
Back down on the patio, there’s silence after TH leaves. JK clings tightly to JM who still perches on his lap, glancing between the others and chewing his lip. He knows NJ the best, he has an idea of why the Alpha left in such a rush.
But how does he bring up the sensitive topic in front of people he barely knows? He’s a guest here, just as NJ was. Besides, is it really his place to speak for the Alpha? Sure, they tried a thing between them, once, but it was hardly enough to speak on his behalf…
He’s saved by Hoseok sighing and packing up the food into the various containers and foil. YG grunts and stands, walking over to the grill to clean it quietly. The mates have an unspoken way of breaking the ice that JK appreciates.
“So…” JM hums, standing and twisting himself to look sheepishly at the others. “Thank you Hyungs for inviting me… I had a really good time, thank you.”
JK stands with him, grasping his hand encouragingly in his and repeats the sentiment. “Yes, as did I! I’m… I would love to hang out with you again sometime, if it’s not too much trouble.”
“No trouble at all, what do you mean?” HS chirps, coming over to hand the two of them wrapped plates of leftovers. “Here, take this so you remember why you have to come back soon, okay?”
As they thank him, SJ joins them and helps cleaning the table, wiping it down with a wet napkin. “I’m sorry for those two, I don’t know what got into TH at least. He’s usually much friendlier, I swear!”
Hobi throws a ball of foil at him, konking him in the head. “'Oh, yes, I’m sure you have NO idea what got into TH you idiot”

SJ holds up a hand to his chest and gasps. “What? What do you mean Hobah? I was a perfect gentleman, as I /always/ am.”
As HS frowns, grumbling to himself about “If I speak I will rage, if I speak I will rage”

JK and JM share a look, quickly bowing to the elder three and making their way out, glancing behind them awkwardly. They do not need to be part of /that/ conversation.
The mated pair finally sit down, patio tidied and table piled with leftovers they’ll shove in their fridge, opening the last of the drinks and splitting it.
“Hyung… you need to sit down for a minute.” HS says, not even looking at him. YG puts a hand on his shoulder, halting his comments and cooling his temper slightly.
“What, what? Why those faces? Why do I feel like I’m in trouble?” SJ laughs, taking the offered drink and smiling as he sits down. “Ahhh perfect mixture as always YG-ah”
YG grunts, holding his but not sipping. He just looks at SJ with a blank stare. When the elder finally turns to him, he sees the moment it clicks.

“I… /did/ fuck something up, didn’t I?”
HS starts to sass, but YG’s hand squeezes his, so he grumbles and busies himself with his drink, sipping loudly.

“Hyung… I think you should leave TH-ah alone from now on.”
“Is that what this is about? Aish, look, I know he likes the attention, he just doesn’t like to admit it out loud, okay? He & I have talked about it before. It’s fine.”

“It’s /not/ fine, Hyung, not when you can’t read the room. He pulled away far more than he usually does, no?”
“Well” SJ hums, thinking “Yes, a bit. But that pretty blush was still there, as usual. He’s just playing hard to get, right?”

YG raises a brow.

“Right? YG-ah, just tell me what you’re dancing around because I’m not-”
“HE’S DATING SOMEONE YOU IDIOT. SOMEONE THAT WAS RIGHT FUCKING HERE WATCHING YOU SWOON OVER HIM.” HS bursts out, nearly yeeting his drink in frustration. His face burns red as a radish between the booze and his temper.
SJ recoils, eyes wide, at the outburst. Then, he laughs. “What? Those two Omegas were clearly together, and that Alpha… That Alpha barely touched him all night. Who is he dating? You two?”
“Hyung. Think a little harder.” YG calmly replies. SJ’s eyes dart as he replays the evening.

“I came out while you guys were having a food fight”

“Right, go on.”

“You all sat down, HS-ah was eating with the pretty blond Omega”

“Mhm, and then?”
“And then, I came up and said hello to everyone?”

“Yes, & demanded affection from TH-ah, no? Specifically him? Where was he sitting?”

“Well, at the table.”

“Yes, and /who/ was he sitting /on/?”

“No one! He was in his own chair, what is thi-oh… He had his feet on the Alpha?”
“Right. Which suggests…?”

“That… they’re friends?”
HS scoffs, flinging his empty cup at SJ’s head and reaching to grab YG’s as the Alpha pulls it up out of his reach. “Give it to me YG I swear to god I’ll grab the bottle itself just-”
YG turns and levels a look at HS that has him sitting back down, arms crossed, heart-lips pouting hard. “Fine but if he says one more stupid thing…”
He sighs and looks back at SJ. “You came in strong, Hyung. You didn’t ask for attention, you black-mailed it from him in order to get food. His /favourite/ dessert, which you /know/. You used that against him.”
“Okay, well, he could have had it anyway… I wouldn’t keep it from him clearly”

“Yeah, but you know he wouldn’t believe that. Because he always gave in to you anyway, didn’t he?”
SJ’s shoulders slump, mind replaying the rest of the night. TH’s eyes always drifting to the Alpha, more than they’d ever drifted to him. TH’s body tensing when he touched him, leaning away when he was close. Always towards the Alpha.
The extra plate of food he made that SJ took advantage of instinctively. His stomach twists as he realizes just how bad he fucked up. How the Alpha never once tried to say hello to him, avoiding TH when he was near him. How TH’s smile was tight from the time he arrived.
How’d he miss that?

“Shit… How did I miss literally all of that?” He leans forward, arms to knees, clutching the cup between his fingers.
YG consoles him softly with, “You didn’t know. Which isn’t an excuse, but it’s true. You were used to a certain relationship with him, but Hyung… You have to realize by now he’s not attracted to you.”
SJ’s mouth pinches sourly. “I know, I know. He likes big, strong, strapping Alphas. I just… I guess I always thought that he’d not care that I’m a Beta if I just… showed him, you know? Showed him I’ve got the same broad shoulders, that I can provide too…”
YG hums, finally sipping from his drink and gazing up at the stars.

“Fuck. I ruined the whole evening by showing up…”
“No. You ruined /their/ evening by staying in your own world, Hyung. I get it, you caught feelings, but… You should open your eyes more.” HS says, scooting his chair closer to hold SJ’s hands in his own.
“You’re not bad, Hyung. Just blind. Blinded by unrequited love, yeah? Look around, maybe you’ll find something better around here, yeah?”

SJ’s bitter laugh is dry.
HS meets YG’s gaze and jerks his head, to which the Alpha nods with a soft smile. So he leans in and presses a kiss to SJ’s temple. “You’re still loved and welcome here, always. Just… look before leaping sometimes.”
As SJ leans into his touch, HS hums & wraps his arms around him. He rocks them side to side a little, rubbing his thumbs on SJ’s back.

YG comes up and drapes an arm around them both, kissing their heads. “Let’s move inside where it’s warm, yeah? More whiskey in there…”
After a few hours, TH ends up kneeling in the hallway, waiting for NJ to take his food. He reasons he’s just making sure his food doesn’t get ruined.
As the minutes tick away, he ends up on the ground facing NJ’s door, curled around the plate like a dragon, one arm protectively looped around the far side.

He falls asleep, nose red and cheeks damp.
A quick permanent ride to the top for any new folks starting this story!
NJ leans back against the bank of the river, cool night air whipping by his face, carried by the waves. The sound as they hit the rocks nearby is calming. Soft *splish* alternating with a deeper *sploosh*.
Distantly, the nightlife of the city kicks up around him; A reminder that he’s not actually alone in the world, no matter how peaceful it seems now.
Sitting up, he plucks a blade of grass and rolls it in his fingers. Forwards, backwards, forwards again until it starts to tear. Then he rips it to pieces himself, letting the green confetti fall between his feet.
“I just wish I knew if I was dumb” he mumbles to himself.

“Did I hope for too much? Was I the only one serious? Am I… Fuck”
He feels tears pricking at the back of his eyes as a new thought occurs. What if he was the /other man/. What if that other guy was the real hero of TH’s story. What if… TH was just biding his time with NJ.
I mean, who could blame him, right? NJ has never been with another Alpha. He doesn’t know what TH wants, he has to ask him to walk him through this relationship like it’s… Like he’s a kid.
SJ didn’t need that. Pretty face and big shoulders, he just knew. He just did everything right, everything TH was begging NJ for. Had to beg him for.

SJ didn’t even make him ask for it. Just offered it up on a pretty silver platter that came with brownies.
His head bows down and he grabs at his legs to pull them closer to his body, barely managing to rest his head on a knee as his arms hug around his own limbs. It’s not the arms he wants around him, but… Maybe those arms aren’t his?
He can’t stop the tears that slowly trail down his cheeks. Doesn’t think he’d want to at this point. It’s a small mercy he’s at least alone for this.
“I’m probably the worst Alpha for this… I’m too soft. I’m big, sure, but… But he wants something I’m not, doesn’t he? That’s why he laughed with SJ? Why he… Why he kissed him right next to m-me”
A soft sob ekes out and he hugs himself tighter, tucking his nose between his knees. He tries to erase the image from his head and focus on the sounds of the riverbank.
He doesn’t even notice as the hours tick away. Not until a kind park security guard comes upon him and gently taps his shoulder.

“Sir, you don’t have to go home but you do have to leave now. It’s coming up on curfew for the park.”
NJ sniffs quickly, putting on a tight smile. “Ah, of course, I’m so sorry to be a nuisance.”

He bows, grabs his bike and starts walking with it. He’s got nowhere to go /but/ home, but he’s surely in no hurry to get there.
To his lonely apartment where he will probably hear everyone else having fun.

Fun they are used to having without him taking up space in the picture.
Finally arriving at his building, his feet are tingling, indicating probable blisters. Such is life, he supposes. He takes the stairs again, heaving his bike tiredly up every step.
Pausing on the patio floor, he strains his ears listening for the group. Surprisingly, he’s met with silence. Not brave enough to look, he just shrugs his bike around the corner and climbs the stairs further.
Turning to his floor, he pauses to listen for the elevator before shuffling his bike quickly down the hall, the *tik tik tik* of his wheels loud as it echoes.
Eyes landing on the form blocking his door, the air heaves out of his body. “…oh”

And then, the tears flow again. “Fuck, baby… You’ll get a cold.” he whispers softly.
Swallowing away the selfish Alpha ego that begs for recompense for how it was slighted, he eases his bike against the hallway wall and quietly drags his keys from his pocket.
With a soft rush of air, he opens his door and toes quietly over TH’s sleeping frame, leaving the door open as he walks in. He pauses at his couch, throw blanket in hand, debating.
“Fuck… Should I just give him a blanket? Or should I… Should I put him to bed? Fuck if I put him in bed, is his apartment even open? Should I just bring him here?”
He looks at TH in the hall, then his couch, then the dark hallway leading to his own bed. He bites a lip before shaking his head.

“I can’t leave him.”
So he throws the blanket back on the couch and crouches down beside TH. He smiles sourly as he sees how protectively TH is wrapped around his plate of food.
He feels like an asshole now, for leaving him at the gathering. He wonders if he chased after him, or if he came here as an afterthought. Hates himself in the next moment as he wonders if it was even TH’s idea to bring the food.
Nudging the plate away, he bends forward and fills his arms with the firm weight of the body he’s been craving to hold. As he straightens, his knees pop loudly and he bites his tongue.
“30 sucks” he whispers, turning to pad softly to his bedroom. He lays TH carefully in the middle, tugging on the thick blankets to cover him entirely, gently tucking them beneath his chin.
Fondly, he smooths the wrinkles and stares at him for a moment.

“You’re so beautiful… I’m sorry if I’m not what you want… I wish I were…”
Before the tears escape for a third time, he turns and bolts from his own bedroom, shutting the door until there’s only a gap. He curls up on his couch, thin throw blanket his only protection from the loneliness the night brings.
And he tries, very hard he really does, to not think about how easily SJ wrapped his arms around TH… Or how easily TH was affected by it… He definitely didn’t think about how TH’s hand looked on SJ’s chest.
🦝 A/N: I guess I took a few of you by surprise at least! hehe 😌 Image
In the end, NJ wasn’t able to sleep more than a couple of hours. He finally gave up, back sore, and decided to take a walk down to the corner market where the farmers would be setting up.
He figured he would get to enjoy the fresh air, rising sunshine and get a few bags of produce while he was at it.

What he was not at all prepared for, was running into someone in the elevator.
The beta’s eyes were wide and sheepish, head ducked down as he bowed his head in greeting. His hair looked mussed and he was in the same clothes he was in last night.

They spoke at the same time.
“You look like you-”

“Look, I’d like to-”

“Sorry” NJ says, gesturing at SJ “You go ahead.”

“Ah, well, okay. I’d like to… apologize. I was made aware that my actions last night were, well… Inappropriate. I am sorry if they caused you stress or… well anything really.”
“Inappropriate? You were just being yourself were you not?”

SJ winces at the clipped, accusatory tone of the Alpha’s voice. “Well, that is, yes… ordinarily. But things are not ordinary as they once were… Are they?”
NJ hears the hope in his voice, jaw clenching. “I wouldn’t know, would I? I’m the new guy, after all. For all I know, I am the one butting in where he isn’t wanted. Maybe I should be the one apologizing to you?”
Looking up at him with a jerk of his head, SJ’s brows furrow. “You? Unwanted? What do you mean?”

He watches as the Alpha’s shoulders slump, face etched in defeat and a worrisome fatigue.
“You were here first. I’m just looking for a peaceful place to live. I told TH-ah when I moved in and he approached me, that I’m not looking to fight. You want this territory or whatever it is? Fine, take it.”
“Territory? What are you talking about?”

“You and TH. If there’s something there, then, I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware, and it wasn’t my intent to… butt in.” NJ finishes with a gesture, the elevator doors opening.
He steps out and zips his light jacket, preparing to continue down the hall to the foyer. An arm gently touching his elbow stops him.
“I’m… Please let me be straight with you, okay? I think we not only got off on the wrong foot, but I… I think there’s been a misunderstanding between us. It’s my fault, I know, so let me correct it?”
NJ ducks his head and gestures to continue, hands in his pockets and eyes averted. His heart is already aching just standing here, he needs fresh air.

SJ isn’t doing much better, standing awkwardly with his hands twisting together. He takes a steadying breath before continuing.
“I’ve had feelings for TH for a while now. Everyone knows, I’ve not exactly been subtle in my pursuit… as you saw.”

NJ grunts.
“Well, I’m a Beta. TH-ie… He likes Alphas. Pretty exclusively. He’s always pushed back against my active pursuit of him, but also gave a little too. He liked the attention, I think.”

NJ hums, eager to get away, glancing obviously towards the door.
“Sorry, I’m- Look, we talked about it once a few months back, and he was honest with me. He said he didn’t think he could be in a relationship with me, but that my… advances… made him feel less lonely.”
“Less, you know, like he’s fucked up or broken somehow. Between the two of us, I don’t know how much you’ve seen or haven’t seen, but… He’s had a rough go of life as a whole.”
“It’s made him feel like being who he is, being true to himself, is something that is disgusting, and makes him unworthy of feeling actual love. At least, by the people he likes.”
“You… You’re what he likes, NJ-ah.”

NJ looks up hesitantly meeting SJ’s gaze as the Beta continues, nodding.

“It’s true, I mean it. You’re perfect for him. Unless you think he’s territory or something…”

“No! No, no I don’t… I just… Can we walk & talk, please? I need air…”
SJ nods, stepping up to walk beside the Alpha as they exit the building and slowly make their way down to the market. Along the way, NJ shares the burdens he’s had on his shoulders about himself.
His fears of being not good enough, of being wrong for TH, of not being enough of an Alpha to meet his needs. How he wonders if maybe someone as confident as SJ might not be better for him.
“NJ-ah, like I explained before, I’ll never be what he wants. And if I’m not what he wants, then I’m not what he deserves, because ultimately that’s what he deserves. Everything he could ever want.”
“And that’s /you/. For all your newness to this, for all your stumbling, for all the mistakes you will probably end up making along the way, that’s what he wants.”
SJ sighs, thumbing a tangerine collection before piling some into a bag as he talks.
“Hobi and Yooni sat me down last night. I really didn’t notice… rather, I noticed but didn’t… /see/ it… how he was gravitating towards you all night. I’ve never seen him so comfortable with someone before.”
“I’m serious, he’s never been so carefree or eager to smile. He’s never made a plate of food just for another Alpha. He’s never, /ever/ brought an Alpha he was interested in, to meet the gang.”
“Yeah but” NJ intercepts “I’m just a neighbor, no? I’d have ended up out there anyway. He could have just wanted to be a good neighbor.”
“Is that what you really think? That he was just being neighborly? Was it neighborly to put his feet on you? To want to feed you by hand? To stare at your stupid handsome face literally all night?”
“Please, that wasn’t neighborly. Besides… earlier, you said he approached you, right?”

NJ grunts in the affirmative, moving them slowly over to a stall that has strawberries and blackberries. He smiles, piling them together in a bag.
“I’ve liked him for probably over a year now. Even after telling me he liked the attention, not once did he ever come to /me/ seeking it out.”
“He preferred going on god-awful dates with meat-head Alphas that either thought he should pretend to be an Omega for them or that thought they could prove something of their manhood by fucking him.”
“He still preferred that treatment, to seeking out me, a friendly Beta next door. If he approached you? He chose you. Specifically.”
NJ snorts, twisting the bag and sliding it into his pocket. “Yeah, he chose my size specifically. You know what he said when we met?”

NJ holds his hands out and gestures as TH had “Big. That’s what he said, with big, wide eyes. ‘Big’. Couldn’t say anything else for several minutes.”

SJ barks out a laugh, hand fondly touching NJ’s as he does. “Oh that’s good, I’m gonna use that later thank you for that.”
“I was terrified! Not five minutes at my new apartment building, hadn’t even really seen the place and this strange Alpha rushed up to me screaming about how /big/ I was.”

“Ahhhahaha and so you thought he was territorial? Oh, bless your heart you sweet man.”
NJ blushes, turning his head away and opening the door for SJ as they get back to the building. “Bah, what do you know”

SJ pauses, laughter dying but a small smiling remaining behind. “I know TH-ie, NJ. He likes you. A lot.”
“What about you, though?”

“Ah, well, more than one thing may have worked itself out last night actually…” It’s SJ’s turn to blush now, hand creeping up to rub his pinkening neck.

“Oh my god you had sex with someone” NJ claps a hand to his mouth in shock.
“Shhh shut up will you? Jesus you’re loud”


SJ rushes to cover his mouth, glancing around anxiously “Please, god, shut up okay just… I’ve known for a while TH was a lost cause… I think hopeless romanticism and habit were keeping me there.”
“But, well, I think… and it’s too soon to tell so please don’t say anything to literally anyone but… I think I might have a chance with… a new situation. And I’d like to explore it a bit more. /Quietly/”
NJ smirks at him, leaning around him to press the elevator button for them. “Okay, okay. I get it. Whatever this ‘situation’ is, I hope it goes well for you. Truly. And… thank you.”

“For letting me dump on you. For being honest with me. For letting us start over on a better foot… you know, for…”

“Being a good neighbor?”

“Hah. Yeah, that.”
SJ hums, nodding as the doors open to NJ’s floor. “This is you… Good luck. And thank you, as well. For the same. Neighbor”
NJ waves as he steps out, hearing the elevator doors close behind him as he quietly unlocks his apartment door. His heart skips when he feels the lock doesn’t shift. It’s unlocked already?
His stomach is full of butterflies as he quickly drops the bags of food on the counter and pads to his bedroom door. It’s wide open, sending worry through him. Did TH leave?

Seeing the neatly made bed, with no Alpha beneath the sheets, he sighs. Maybe SJ was wrong?
As he turns around to head back to the kitchen, he bumps into a hard body.

“Mphh! Oh! TH-ah? H-hi… I… thought you had left.”

TH pulls away, cheeks and nose red, hair damp, standing in one of NJ’s longer shirts clearly fresh from the shower.
“O-oh” He replies in a small voice “Did… did you want me to leave? Sorry, I-I can go” He turns, head bowed as a sniffle escapes.
NJ instinctively reaches out and wraps his arms firmly around him. yanking his body flush with his own. “No. No, god no I do not want you to leave. Unless you want to?”
TH shakes his head immediately, pressing backwards against him. “I never wanna leave you again. I was so worried last night, Hyung, I… You didn’t answer the door. I knocked and I waited but y-you never answered me…”
“I wasn’t here, baby. I went for a bike ride to settle my thoughts.”

“Oh… Did it work?”

“Fuck no. Not last night, anyway.”

“You left again?”
“Mmm. Went to get some food. Ran into SJ-Hyung. We talked.”

“... About me, I presume?”

“Mhm. Does that bother you?”

“Depends on what the verdict is.”

“Mhmm. Did he tell you I play hard to get or something? Because I don’t, I swear! I only pushed his advances away because I don’t really like Betas. Nothing against them, I just want… different.”
NJ chuckles against his hair, scenting him softly. “He told me about his feelings for you, yes. He apologized for how he acted last night. For upsetting me. For not taking your no for an answer, really.”

“I can’t blame him-wait, is that why you were mad?”
“ I wasn’t… mad, really. I just felt like I wasn’t good enough for you. He just /did/ all those things you keep having to ask me for, you know? He was so sure of himself, so sure of /you/.”
I thought… Maybe you would be better off being with him. I thought maybe you two already had a thing going and I was the one butting in, you know? I didn’t want that. You deserve to have what you want.”
“And, before you interrupt me… I just want to be sure. Are we dating? Are we serious? I need to know, so I… So I know if I’m the only one that thought this was something more than it might be… does that make any sense?”
TH twists, reaching up to cup NJ’s cheeks in his hands. “I have never ever ever wanted, or been more serious about something, in my life, as I am with you. With us.”

NJ’s hands find his hips and squeeze. “You’re sure? I’m going to be annoyingly new at this for a while…”
“New? Sure. But you’re also a natural. Besides, for all the love I have for Alphas they have never given it back to me well enough for me to know what I am doing either… I just know what I want.”

“And what is it you want?”

NJ’s exhale is soft, the air puffing against TH’s skin.

“You can’t… you can’t”

“I can’t, what?”

“You can’t just say that, TH-ah.”
“Why not?” TH smirks, stroking NJ’s dimples with his thumbs.

“If you don’t mean that like I mean that…”

“How do you mean it, then?”
NJ’s lip is caught in his teeth as he stares down at TH. He pauses for a breath, then cups TH’s chin between his fingers, tilting it up. He presses their lips softly together, tugging TH closer as the other Alpha hums against him.
“I want you like I want air itself, baby. Like I want to breathe you every day for the rest of my life.”

“R-really?” TH whispers back, eyes shining wet.
“Mhm.” NJ slowly wraps his arms around TH, pressing their lips together again. As TH melts into the kiss, he turns and presses him against the counter before tilting his head to nip at his neck.

NJ chuckles against him. “My sensitive baby, hmm? Makes me happy to hear you affected.”

“So, always?” TH smirks at him, threading fingers through his hair.
Pausing, NJ pulls away, face soured with a thought. TH tilts his face up and cups it between his hands again, frowning. “Alpha?”

“S’stupid… Forget it.” NJ tries to move in to kiss again, but TH blocks him by tilting his head away.
“Nuh uh, we said we’d be honest, remember? What’s wrong?”

NJ hangs his head, bumping it against TH’s chest.

“Can you just… Did you ever think about it? With SJ? Was it… Was it ever a consideration?”

“See? It’s stupid. Just forget I as-”

“Honesty, communication, we’re doing that, yeah?”

NJ waits, glancing up at him, face still twisted in doubt.

TH bites his lip before answering.
“Yes.” He flicks his tongue out, straightening his spine “Yes, I considered it, technically. By that I mean I allowed myself to think if it would be right for me. If I could… let go of something I wanted just to have something nice.”
“I… see… He really had feelings for you, you know?”

TH hums in acknowledgement. “I know. But I didn’t. And even if he’d treat me nice, and perform the role it seems I wanted on the surface, at the end of the day that wouldn’t have been fair to either of us, would it?”
“He’d be settling for a relationship with someone that would see him as less than ideal, no matter how well we got along and I… I’d be settling with someone I didn’t actually want.”

“Right… I guess…”
“With you, that’s not true for either of us, is it?”

NJ can hear the timid question hanging in the air. He quickly pushes forward, grabbing TH’s wrists and moving them to the side, holding them to the counter as he kisses him breathless.
"I want nothing but you, baby. I swear. You’re my air. I don’t know how I ever breathed without you.”

TH giggles softly, wrapping his legs around the Alpha. “And you are the gold at the end of my rainbow. I’ve been chasing you for miles, and now I’ve got you.”
TH giggles as NJ hoists him up, off the counter, turning them towards the hallway and catching his lips with his own again. TH tugs on the shirt he’s wearing to lift it off, breaking apart with a gasp.

They freeze in the hallway, groaning loudly.
There are lively knocks on the door, followed by a sharp, “NJ-ah? It’s HS, I’ve brought your share of leftovers!”

“Just ignore him” TH pleads softly, pecking his lips again.
NJ is inclined to agree, but sighs and carefully removes his hands from TH’s ass. “I am new, I don’t want him to hate me already.”

TH whines, clinging more tightly to his frame, pouting. “No.”
So, NJ walks them to the door, carrying TH like a koala. When he opens the door, air rushes in, lifting the baggy shirt draped over TH’s frame.
“Ahhh my eyes!” HS shields himself dramatically, thrusting the stack of tupperware towards them “Take it, please, save my eyesss”

“Oh, come on Hyung. You’ve seen my ass before.”

HS peeks around his fingers, grinning wildly. “I see you two have made up then?”
“I owe it to SJ-Hyung” NJ replies, smiling broadly.

“Oh?” HS looks completely surprised, brows hitting his hairline.

“Mhm. Had a productive walk… and talk… with him earlier.”

“Ah, did you? You two went to the market together then?”

“How’d you know?”
HS blushes, glancing down and away. “Oh, uh, just a hunch? It’s market day, after all, isn’t it? Or, maybe it’s tomorrow, what do I know” He laughs, clearly nervous.

It takes a second, but NJ’s eyes widen. He turns TH’s head away and mouths at HS.

‘it was you!’
HS’s lips pinch together nervously, fighting the urge to say something.

“Ahem, well, here’s your food. And TH’s, seeing as you both ran out before you could get your share. Enjoy! Ok bye!”
He practically sprints down the hall, jamming the elevator button with his thumb rapidly. NJ can see his red neck from here and chuckles, nudging the door with his foot and setting the food on the counter.
Seeing the fruit he bought earlier, he grabs the strawberries and hides them beneath TH.

“Can’t wait to show you how I feel, baby” he whispers against TH’s lips. TH hums, biting down on his ear and purring against him.
“You know, I can always show /you/”

NJ gasps, nearly dropping the strawberries. “W-what?”

“I’m an Alpha too, baby. Could show you what a knot feels like… It’s got nothing on yours, but that’s okay… right?”
Cock kicking in his pants, NJ nods rapidly. “Y-yes, yeah that’s… fine” he gulps.

TH giggles, nudging their noses together before kissing him softly. “Maybe another time? Wanna feel you right now…”
NJ isn’t sure if he’s disappointed or relieved as he lays TH down, setting the berries next to his face. He grabs one, settling it between his teeth and moves down to slip the pointed end against TH’s lips.

TH coos, “My favourite!”

TH moans as he bites into it, juice slipping down his lip. As he nibbles, NJ grabs another and leans down to trail it across his skin. TH squirms under the sticky juice as it cools in the air. His shirt is lifted, exposing up to his nipples, now-warm berry dripping across them.
When NJ comes up for him to bite again, he does so eagerly, bucking his hips to grind against him.

“Patience, baby. Want my dessert”

“But you’re feeding /me/” TH whines.
NJ chuckles, dropping the stem and replacing with a fresh berry. He winks, lowering himself to TH’s cock. TH gasps, hands flying to the bed as the cold berry tickles the head of his cock. NJ swirls it slowly, drool sliding down to mingle with juice.
He drags it down, then up the side and around the head again. When he finally can’t bear to tease anymore he drops it onto TH’s belly button and lowers his lips to his cock instead.

“A-ahh! Joon, fuck”

“Mmm… juicy”
TH hisses as NJ’s tongue flicks out, groaning when he swallows him whole. A shiver wracks through him, body arching towards NJ’s mouth. The latter slips his hands beneath, tugging TH up to lock his arms under his thighs and hold him in place.
Planting his feet as best he can, TH gently fucks his hips up, rocking with the rhythm NJ’s fingers set against his flesh.

“Nnng… Joon… Joon m’close”

“Mhmm” NJ nods emphatically, encouraging him.
He smiles, bending an arm to grab a fresh strawberry. He bites the green off, then uses his thumb to push it into NJ’s cheek right beside his cock as it slips in and out. The cool pressure and texture of the fruit grazing his sensitive head has him spiraling towards climax.
With his fingers gripping NJ’s face lightly, he groans and holds himself still in the Alpha’s mouth, letting his orgasm wash over him. NJ groans loudly, swallowing the strawberry-tainted cum sloppily.

“Fuck, Joon, c’mere… please c’mere”
NJ licks his lips, cheek bulging slightly with the ruined fruit. TH pulls him down to kiss him roughly, which NJ takes advantage of and pushes the berry into his mouth in return. It tastes of sweet juice and remnants of himself.
“Mmm I taste good, hmm?” he giggles.

NJ grins wide, nodding. “Taste like heaven, baby” he whispers back, kissing TH's skin everywhere he can reach while the Alpha giggles.
HS’s head bangs against the elevator wall as soon as the doors close. When they open, he’s immediately met with SJ’s surprised face.

“Oh! HS-ah”

“Ahhh call me Hobi, I told you last night.” HS steps out, glancing down to SJ’s lips.
The other Beta smiles, licking them. “See something you like?”

“Mm… Maybe, maybe not.”

SJ’s face falls almost comically fast into a pout. HS grins, reaching out with his thumb to pop his lip from between his teeth.
“Ahh, don’t start with that. I heard you talked to NJ this morning…”

“Oh! Ah, he… what did he say?”

HS raises a brow at him. “Why, is there something he should have said?”

“No no not at all…”

“Ahhhh” SJ sighs, slumping slightly “It’s just… I think he knows. He… He was on to me. Knew I had spent the night with someone. I don’t think he knew who, though! I swear!”
HS giggles, an airy sound that makes SJ’s heart flutter. “Aishh this boy. He knows now so don’t worry about it.”

“Oh? Did you… Did you tell him?”
HS shakes his head. “Didn’t have to. Guess we both wore it all over our faces or something. Should go warn Hyung so he doesn’t get caught with his pants down or something.”

“Pfft, like that happens in real life.”
“You’d be awfully surprised at how many times it does” HS laughs, lacing his fingers with SJ’s and strolling down the hallway towards his own apartment.
NJ rolls over, pulling TH on top of him with ease. TH giggles, bracing his hands on the Alpha’s chest. “Oh?”

“Ride me, baby… Wanna watch you work.”

“Is that so?” TH smirks.
NJ’s hands squeeze at his thighs, kneading the ample flesh, sliding up and down. He moves them up, alternating thumb caresses and squeezing until he makes it to his shirt.

“Love you in my shirt so fucking much. Look so beautiful.”

“Thought you might… My Alpha”
NJ flushes at the possessive acknowledgement, groaning. “Yours, hmm? Really yours, yeah?”

“Mhmm” TH croons, rocking his hips on top of NJ.

“Show me. Make me yours. Take me for yourself.”
“Mmm. I will. I’ll take every piece of you, Hyung. Tonight I’ll ride you, maybe tomorrow you’ll ride me hmm?”

“Fuck” NJ curses, head falling back as his eyes close.
TH giggles like the menace he is, leaning back to pull NJ’s cock out with ease. As he lines it up with his hole, NJ grabs his hips to pause.

“Wait, we need-”

“Nuh uh. I’m good, I promise.”


“Joon-ah… Please?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”
TH leans down to kiss him, then whispers in his ear. “I like it when it’s tight. Just… Here…”

He crawls down NJ, slipping his mouth around his cock, breathing heavy already. His moan vibrates around him, causing him to curse repeatedly.
He pulls off, grasping him with a hand to tap it against his wet tongue. After a moment of letting drool collect in his mouth, he lets it fall slowly.

It drips leisurely down NJ’s cock, aided as TH strokes him, spreading the spit.
He drools generously, moaning as he feels how slick it leaves NJ. Before the other Alpha can argue, he climbs back up and carefully presses the head into his aching hole.
“A-ahh” He whines, exhaling slowly to relax himself. As his muscles unclench, NJ’s cock slips slowly deeper inside him. “Fuck”

“Fuck… TH-ah”
“Mmm” TH rocks his hips to slowly ride him deeper, gasping as each inch stretches him deliciously. The burn is minimal under the weight of the pressure against his walls.

“Fucking hell…”
TH squeezes briefly with laughter before whining and pushing further down. By the time he’s fully seated, they’re both panting.

“My Alpha. Mine. Only mine.”
“Shit, TH-ah, yes, yes… M’yours baby. Holy fuck… Take me so good, don’t you? So perfect for me…”

The praise goes straight to TH’s cock, twitching against his belly. It tugs on the shirt, drawing NJ’s eyes right to it.
“Ahh baby… Such a good boy for Alpha, aren’t you?” NJ coos, watching it twitch again. “Go on then, ride me like a good boy would… Show me how you’re /mine/ now.”

“F-forever?” TH stutters, eyes watering as he grinds down.
NJ growls, tensing his legs and hands as the urge to flip then and fuck TH into the bed overwhelms him.

“If you don’t kill me first, you menace.”
TH giggles as he slowly starts to bounce, his own cock jerking against the shirt with every motion. NJ feels the burn on his own cock as TH’s ass swallows him over and over again.
He feels hotter, tighter like this. Feels like TH’s squeezing him with every little bounce, and he is. His thighs squeeze, his hands squeeze, his every muscle clenches around NJ until he feels like he’s being swallowed.
“Fuck, baby. Look… so pretty… All for me, hmm?” NJ whispers, squeezing at TH’s flesh. He grows aggravated at the shirt being in the way now, ripping it wide open and off one shoulder as he leans up and nips at the exposed skin.
“Ahhh Alpha… Gonna mark me already?”

NJ squeezes, harder than he intended, around TH’s neck and hip. Doesn’t even realize he did until TH starts to stroke his hair, grinding on his lap. “Alpha?” he whispers.
“Fuck.” NJ grunts, out of breath. “Thought about… how you’d look…”

“Mm? You like that thought? Show me where you’d do it… kiss me there, Alpha”

“TH…” NJ warns “Don’t tempt me. I’m not… I’m not used to this. I don’t know how long I can… /not/.”
“Fighting instincts for me?”

“You have no idea” NJ mumbles, burying his face against TH’s chest.

TH’s fingers, strong and sure, yank by his hair to tug his face firmly towards his neck. NJ whines against him, hands squeezing even harder. “Go on, Hyung.”
“TH-ah, please, I…”


“I wanna /bite/ you. I wanna flip you over and fuck you. I wanna shred this blasted shirt right off your body. But I’m /trying/ not to be too much of a fucking asshole. You deserve better.”
“I /want/ you to, Hyung. You know as well as I do I can take it. Why do you think I like Alphas so fucking much, hmm? I /want/ you to throw me across the bed. I /want/ you to pin me down so I can’t move. I /want/ you to take my breath away.”
TH arches against him as he speaks, rubbing his neck across the Alpha’s face. “I’m your breath, because you /take/ mine, Alpha. Take it, I give it freely.”
NJ groans, body tensing. A second later he spins them around, pushing TH to the bed with one hand around the front of his throat. With his other hand, he yanks the shirt right off his body, gnashing with his teeth to tear it when it tries to snag.
TH’s eyes are wide, chest heaving as chills coast over his skin. NJ’s own eyes are dark, hungry where they land on him. He whines in pleasure, tipping his head back to expose his throat.
A growl erupts from NJ’s throat, diving mouth-first to TH’s neck, lapping broadly at it. He only moves his fingers long enough to bathe the skin beneath them, then he returns them to their place.
With a glance, TH confirms and nods his head. He wants this. So NJ’s fingers tighten. Just a little. Then a little more. A little more. TH’s mouth pops open, panting for air, eyes glistening wet. He still nods at NJ, squeezing his arm with his long fingers.
NJ grunts, leaning forward to choke off his air, fingers firm around the sides. TH’s face flushes prettily, skin thrumming with excitement. He manages a breathy moan, cock kicking against NJ’s belly where the Alpha has settled against him.
He’s rewarded with loose fingers, briefly, while NJ grinds their bodies together. They tighten again just as NJ fucks his cock back inside harshly, choking the gasp TH tried to make.
NJ continues the cycle, granting air and taking it away, squeezing blood flow until TH’s head is dizzy, all while fucking himself into TH hard. Hard enough to force air from the Alpha beneath him.
As he feels his own orgasm inch closer, he squeezes just a little harder. TH squeaks, but makes no motion to pull him off. Instead, his eyes roll back, body arching. He squeezes at NJ’s arm as his body starts to keen for air, mouthing ‘yes yes’ even so.
It’s the little encouragement NJ needs to take just a little more. He leans down, fucking as hard as he can, wrapping his other arm under and around TH’s shoulder to yank him down and meet his thrusts.
Sweat beads down his body steadily, soaking his skin and moistening the lewd sounds echoing in the room. Thumps become wet slaps as he pounds into the Alpha harder than he’s ever fucked an Omega.
He growls, panting himself, and just as his orgasm rips across his body he releases TH’s throat letting him gasp for air. TH’s own climax hits him, cum shooting between them hot against their sweaty-cold skin, when NJ sinks his teeth into his skin.
Not at his scent gland, but damn close. Close enough that TH’s mind supplies how it would feel, being truly owned by this Alpha. His own Alpha keens in pleasure, which is what set him off.

“My Alpha” TH whispers, body wracked with pleasurable shivers.
His voice is destroyed, soft and crackly. NJ hums, scenting him heavily. He laps at the bite, secretly pleased that it’s bleeding a little.

“I missed” NJ teases, nosing at TH’s exposed throat a little longer.

TH chuckles, sliding his fingers through the Alpha’s sweaty hair.
“Guess you’ll have to try again, until you get it hmm?”

“Mmm… Or maybe you’ll just have to show me, instead.”

TH’s fingers clench in his hair, as he gasps in shock.

“Don’t tease, Alpha…”
NJ ignores his comment, smiling at him broadly. His dimples crease heavily as he whispers back, “What was that you said? Tomorrow night, I’ll be riding your cock? /Alpha/?”
🦝 A/N: Y'all voted more AA view next, and to show the other ships but within this same thread!

O7 I hear you! ImageImage
TH shivers beneath him, wiggling as he settles into the post-orgasm glow. While NJ grabs a warm rag and cleans them up, he lets his fingers leisurely drift up and across the bite mark. It sends shivers each time he touches it.
By the time NJ is done, he has closed his eyes and begun to imagine what it would be like… being mated. It’s something he never really allowed himself to fully explore, especially after he started realizing where he was in the dating scene.
More like /what/ he was. He’d never bear children, and his parents wanted grandchildren. For that, he’d have to marry an Omega, or at least a Beta with the ability to carry. But no, he not only had to be gay he also was only attracted to his own Alpha sub-gender.
After all the harassment, the belittling, the abuse he had had hurled at him since dating other Alphas… He’d really just resigned himself to settling for whatever Alpha would be “good enough” and that would be that. Just ONE Alpha that wouldn’t hurt him. Not physically.
He could handle slurs… Hell, he’d learned to find the degradation a little bit hot, if he was completely honest with no one but himself.
Call it trauma response, but he’d accepted it as just one more thing he got off to in the bedroom. And, really, if he was at peace with it and his partner consented… Whose business was it?
NJ’s weight on the bed has his eyes blinking open to look over at the Alpha. He sees NJ laying on his side, head propped on an arm, staring at his face fondly.

“Hi” TH whispers.

“Hi baby” NJ whispers back.
TH’s lashes flutter alongside the butterflies in his belly. “Chu lookin’ at?”

“The prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” NJ replies without hesitation. TH flushes, turning his head away but NJ is quick to grab it firmly and turn it back. “Don’t you dare. Just lemme look, yeah?”
TH’s lips part in a gasp. NJ is walking whiplash for him. One second he’s soft, gentle, loving. The next he could be rough and domineering as hell. And the one after that? He’s hesitant, unsure, a little bit afraid. The Alpha was an enigma;
One TH was determined to keep close at all costs.

He rolls towards NJ, nuzzling his nose against the Alpha’s neck, humming contentedly. “Would you do it?”

TH grabs one of NJ’s hands without pulling away, sliding it up to press on the bruising bite on his neck. NJ’s chest heaves in a gasp of air. “Oh… Would you want me to?”

“You first. Would /you/ want to do it to /me/?”
NJ strokes the back of his head softly, the silence stretching second after second. Just when TH starts to wriggle, he realizes NJ was holding his breath as it exhales across his skin. Then, the Alpha nods stiffly.

“Yeah. Yeah I would.”
TH pulls back, then, to assess his face. NJ looks back down at him, eyes blown wide and dark again. “Horny bastard.” He smiles, shoving him playfully.

“Heh. You asked, I just… Pictured it.”

“Pictured what?”
“You. Walking outside to that patio, all our friends there… with my mark bright and deep on your neck.” NJ shivers, hands squeezing TH’s hair harshly as he calms himself. He clears his throat, asking, “And you? Would… you?”
“Of course… I love /this/ mark and it’s not even a mating one…”

NJ giggles, squeezing his head to his chest again. “No, baby… Would you… um… you know, wanna…?”

“Wanna?” TH’s ear hears as NJ’s heart races in his chest. Then a rumbled word.

TH freezes. He never thought about that, really. He figured, based on his experience, he’d always be the bottom… the stand-in Omega so to speak. He’d be the one wearing the bite, he’d be the one bearing the bruises. He pulls away again, eyes falling to NJ’s neck.
NJ spots his gaze and tilts his head back instantly. The expanse of open Alpha skin is shadowed in the moonlight, but so… so visible to him. He can see NJ’s rapid pulse beating against his skin, right next to his scent gland.
He smells the chocolate and cinnamon in the air, marking it as /theirs/. Imagines that scent actually mingling…

“Oh…” TH exhales, leaning in to kiss NJ’s neck softly. NJ doesn’t even flinch, simply tips back as far as he can, giving TH more room.
TH climbs up, straddling him as he pushes NJ to the bed as the Alpha looks back up at him. He expects the startled, unsure, scared side of NJ. Instead he’s met with absolute submission. The Alpha trusts him, whatever he wants to do.
He lunges down, trying to startle him, but all he gets is a wet gasp and a head turning to keep his neck open.

He licks at NJ’s scent gland, kissing up to his jaw, then his lips. NJ whines, legs falling apart to nestle TH between them. And… /oh/. He wants this? Now?
“Fuck… Are you sure, Joon?”

NJ’s voice cracks as he tries to say yes, instead settling for a rapid nod and wet, pleading eyes.

“Wait, what… what are we doing? What… How much? How far? Fuck, I’m not-”
NJ quickly brings his hands up to hush him, stroking his cheeks into little bread rolls. “Shhh baby, shh. It’s okay. We can do whatever you want, whatever you’re ready for, okay? As much or as little.”
And that… does make TH feel better. A little. He feels excitement thrumming through his body, cock obviously interested, but he instead rolls them back to their sides and kisses NJ softly.

“Tomorrow. Let’s… Let’s try tomorrow. Make it special, not rushed, yeah?”
NJ hums, pulling him in close and threading their legs together. They gently rut against each other, less for climax and more for the comfort it brings instead.

“Was it rushed, for you?”
TH blinks, freezing momentarily as he recalls his first time with an Alpha. “Mm…”

“I’m sorry, baby.”

Swallowing, TH blinks the tears away that are trying to accumulate. “S’fine.”

“It’s not. You don’t deserve that. No one does.”
“Mm… He kind of set the standard, honestly. I think… I think he shaped a lot of what I am into now.”

NJ snorts “I’m not sure if I should thank him or kick his ass.”

TH sniffles, trying to smile. “It is what it is, no? I’m fine.”


“What? Am I wrong?”

TH huffs and curls his lip over his teeth. “… no.”

“You won’t ever have to deal with Alphas like him again, baby.”

“You promise?”

“I promise.”

“As long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”

“And I, yours… deal?”

“Deal.” NJ says, curling his arms and legs around TH tightly, squeezing him into a bear-hug embrace as they drift to comfortable sleep.
SJ is the first to wake up the morning after the BBQ. Or, so he thinks. Rounding the corner to the kitchen, he’s startled to see YG already standing there in his tank-top. His shoulder and back muscles peeking through, clenching as he maneuvers things on the stove.
“K-Mm-” SJ clears his throat, words stuck “Good morning”

YG turns his head just over his shoulder, eyes still on the stove and tilts a smile at him. “Morning, Hyung. Sleep well?”

“I… slept. At least, I think I did. Should I…?”
“Nah, nearly done. Have a seat, I’ll bring it over in a second.”

“Ah, mmkay. Should I maybe wake HS?”

YG chuckles, gesturing towards the coffee that has just started automatically brewing. “No need. I’ve already cast the magic spell, he’ll come out on his own shortly.”
SJ snorts as he sits at the table, twining his fingers together awkwardly. He’s not sure exactly how hungover he is but he knows he can’t possibly be sober yet. There’s no headache, but his body feels… adrift. In a good way, tho, if that’s possible. Floating instead of drowning.
There is a soft *plap plap* from the hall behind him, followed by HS’s syrupy sweet voice warming up with a loud yawn.

“Morning sweetheart. How’d you sleep?”
“Mmm” HS hums, coming to stand behind YG and rest his head on the Alpha’s shoulder. He grunts again, head barely nodding hard enough to bounce his hair.
“Good, I’m glad. Go have a seat next to Hyung, breakfast is almost done. Yes, I’ll get your coffee too” YG replies as HS starts to protest. He’s met with a soft little hum and feet *plap plap*ing to the table.
HS tugs a chair, loudly squeaking against the floor, to plop beside SJ. SJ stiffens when HS flails his body tiredly on top of him, face dangerously close to the neck he’s still too afraid to look at in a mirror.

“Uh… hi?” SJ whispers.
“Mm…” HS rumbles back, wrapping his arms around SJ’s middle. He nestles there until YG sets two hot mugs of coffee right in front of them, followed by two bowls of what looks like gruel.
“Hangover special. You two need it” YG chuckles, sitting down with his own coffee across from them.
HS whines, reaching blindly for YG, causing the Alpha to laugh and retort, “Nuh uh, you’ve got your Hyung for the morning right there. You can drool on him for once, I’m gonna enjoy my coffee… and watch”
Something in how YG says that has SJ’s legs clenching together, icy butterflies ripping through his body. He gulps the coffee in his mouth hard, the swallow loud in the quiet room.
“I-I’m… Sorry, again. I know I owe it to NJ and TH more, but, I still didn’t make things easy for you two either.”

YG, without skipping a beat, quirks a brow at him and says over his mug, “You certainly made things /hard/ for us last night.”
SJ chokes, spluttering and pounding his chest with a closed fist trying to get air. HS leans away, frowning at the loud sound and rough movement.

“Eat Hobah. Don’t make me feed you.”

“Wouldn’t be the first time.” HS quips.
“Ahh he speaks once more! Good, now eat. Before I put a bib on you and play airplanes.”

HS flushes bright red, pouting before bringing a spoon to his mouth and making a dramatic show of chewing and swallowing. He opens his mouth, tongue out, lisping. “Ahhh ith that good Altha?”
YG hums, nodding. “Good boy. Now another. You too, SJ-Hyung, I’m not opposed to repeating last night’s punishment again this morning.”

SJ flings a hand forward to jerk the bowl close, shoveling two spoons in quick succession, much to YG’s amusement.
After a few lazy bites, HS decides he prefers to feed SJ himself, grabbing his bowl to do just that. SJ blushes scarlet the whole time, glancing nervously towards YG, hoping the Alpha doesn’t get upset.
He’s not at all sure how much of last night he remembers and how much was his imagination. More even than that, last night was… well, incredible, to be sure. But also entirely new ground. He spent the night with a /mated/ couple.
A mated couple that consisted of two of his best friends. He has no idea where he stands, or if he’s fucked even more up. Between this, whatever this is, blowing up in his face probably and whatever happens between him and TH, he figures he’ll have to move.
He can’t afford to move on such short notice, and sure it’ll be farther from work but-
“Stop that Jinnie. I can smell the smoke of your overthinking from here.”


“Your scent, Hyung” HS mumbles, peering up at him a little more cautiously than usual.

SJ blinks and inhales, steeling himself. “I’m sorry…”
“Stop that, too. You’ve nothing to be sorry for. With us, at least. Relax, you’re welcome here.”

“Mmm” HS hums in agreement, bringing a hand to SJ’s knee. “More than welcome. Right Alpha?”

“Behave” YG says, warning belayed by the playful smirk on his lips.
SJ swallows, eyes landing on the hand still on his knee. Carefully, he brings a hand down to meet it. He stares, in awe, as HS slowly threads their fingers together. Looking up, through his lashes, he sees the fond smile on YG’s face.
“This is… okay?”

“Is it okay with you?” is all YG says in reply.

“I… I’m not sure. It shouldn’t, right?”

“Should, should not, what does it matter what others think about it? What do /you/ think? In any relationship, that’s the only thought that matters.”
“I think… I like how it feels?”

YG grunts and nods, returning to his coffee and staring contentedly out the window. HS continues to snuggle closer.

“Then it sounds like it’s okay mm?” YG says to the still air.
A moment later, finger pressed to his lips, HS shushes SJ and jerks his head towards YG. He mimes a series of movements to SJ with barely concealed glee on his heart-shaped lips.
A finger between the two Betas. Fingers miming walking, quietly. A finger pointing at YG. Tiger claws and a big silent chomp. Eager nodding.
SJ can’t help but smile and nod, quietly slipping out of his seat, fingers still firmly laced with HS’s. Together, they drop on either side of the Alpha, draping their limbs all over, anywhere they can reach.
“Achh!” YG shouts, jerking up like he was falling backwards. “Imps, the both of you!”

As HS’s bright laughter fills the room, he climbs over YG’s crossed legs and tugs on SJ until the other Beta also straddles the Alpha’s legs.
He’s blushing, as he faces YG, feeling HS slide up behind him.

“Oh, hello there Hyung” YG smirks up at him, hands gently resting on his hips. They feel broad, warm and firm, on his body.

SJ licks his lips and smiles anxiously. “Hi”
HS presses against him, pushing him down towards YG so he can wrap his arms around them both. With a tug on YG’s nape, SJ’s body jerks forward against the Alpha’s face.

“Pretty” YG whispers, bringing a finger up to trace the bruises along SJ’s collar. “You look good in purple.”
“Ahhh” SJ whines, hiding his face against YG’s neck “You’re both shameless.”

“Have you met yourself, Hyung?” HS giggles from behind, lacing his fingers with his mate’s on SJ’s hip.
There’s silence, as HS rests on SJ and SJ rests on YG. It’s a calm, natural silence. Comfortable. It warms SJ from the inside out as he takes the moment in for what it is.

“Is this… really okay? I just feel so…”

“So?” HS presses gently.
SJ leans back to lean against him, eyes locked with YG’s.

“Sudden…. Scary” He adds as a quiet after-thought.

“Sudden, I can understand. But we’ve known each other for years, Hyung.”
“And for how many of those was I actively chasing another Alpha? Literally last night you two had to… talk… to me about doing just that. Does it not concern you? That I might have lingering feelings still for TH-ie?”
HS shakes his head rapidly against his shoulder. “Not at all. If you don’t want a commitment, then you don’t have to make one, Hyung. YG-Hyung and I are committed to each other, sure, but that doesn’t mean /you/ have to be.”
SJ frowns. Do they just want a fuckbuddy, then? Is this not…

“Stop.” YG’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts yet again.

“You’re good at that.” he mumbles.
YG grins, “No, you’re just obvious. Let’s put it on the table, yeah? Hobah and I have discussed bringing a third into our relationship already.”
“Mhm. We agreed that when we both liked the same person at the same time, we’d know. We’d open discussion again at that point. If, of course, the person was interested…?”

“Wait, so, you wanted me? Or just… anyone?”

“Bit of both” HS replies, after thinking a moment.
“We liked you, but you were chasing TH. So we respected that. We were open to someone else, if the timing were right but… Well, here you are.”
YG hums, as if remembering something, then adds on, “So you’re first choice, but if you aren’t interested, we aren’t going to force you. Your consent is key here.”
“I… what… is /this/ exactly?” he gestures.

“We'd be interested in dating you. Together, separately, however you’re comfortable.”

HS nods against him. “Mhm! But, even if you date us separately, we come as a package. We’re not interested in an open relationship individually.”
“So I can date both of you, together, as a… throuple; Or I can date both of you separately… but I can’t date just one of you… Is that right?”

“Yep!” HS chirps. “Or, if you don’t want to date… that’s also okay. We can stay friends and keep this more… physical… if you want.”
“This is… a lot… I don’t know if I should be making these kinds of decisions not even 24 hours after pursuing someone else /and/ blowing it /and/ getting drunk. And… you know… everything else that has happened…”
YG carefully wraps his cheeks between his broad hands and strokes his skin. “We are not going to pressure you, understand? That’s not what this is. We’re just laying it out for you. Ball is in /your/ court, /you/ choose from here out where we go okay?”
“Yeah” HS adds “We’re, like, telling you the rules of the game. Now you just have to decide if you’re gonna play or not!”

“Right… Right. Okay. Thanks, for that. And for… yeah… Everything you said. I think… I think I needed that.”
YG hums, gently setting his feet down so the others stand up. As he stands to full height, he takes SJ’s hand in his own and smiles, pressing a kiss to it.
“We’re here for you, Hyung. I’ve gotta get some work done, but Hobah has the day off okay? Spend some time together if you want.”
He kisses HS lovingly before moving to SJ and gently pecking his cheek before turning down the hall to the spare bedroom they turned into his work space. As the door clicks shut, HS turns shy again.
“You can say no, we won’t hold it against you, okay Hyung? Things can go right back to how they were… You just tell us. Be honest, good or bad… ok?”

“Mhm” SJ nods in agreement “I think I just need a little air. This hangover needs to fuck off so I can think about it all.”
SJ and HS exchange a sweet hug before the elder leaves the apartment and shuffles to the elevator with a muddled brain. Foggy and full, he is lost in thought until the doors ding loudly to jerk his attention up.
His eyes land on the large new Alpha, heart landing in his throat. Well, this is sooner than he was prepared for but… Now’s as good a time as any to start the line of apologies, right?
YG leans back in his chair for a break, cracking his back and shoulders. He really has to work on his posture when he’s working. Setting the headset down, he rolls his chair back from the desk and smiles when he hears the tell-tale beeps of the front door opening.
He strains his ears, grinning even wider until his gums are showing plainly as he hears giggles. Two distinct voices and more giggling.
He decides he’s had a good stint of work already and grabs his mug to refill his coffee. A break now is fine, yeah? Maybe get a little… snack. As he steps into the kitchen, he sees the two Betas standing there, giggling at something SJ is holding.
“Oh! Alpha, look what Hyung made for us!! Isn’t it so pretty??”

SJ ducks his head and turns, blushing as he shows the Alpha the little fruit sandwiches he made.
They’re cut down the middle, perfectly showing a beautiful tangerine and berry flower bouquet sandwiched between sweet cream and bread.

It’s his and HS’s favourite fruits. A thoughtful, sweet and very personal gift.
As he approaches them, he stops and looks into SJ’s eyes with a soft quirking of his lips. He licks them, then whispers, “Careful, Hyung. Might think this is a courting gift.”

“Mmm… Maybe it is?”
HS squeals, bouncing and wrapping his arms excitedly around SJ. “Oh, do you mean it? Please be serious, is it really?”

SJ’s smile grows as he nods gently. “I… I think it’s time I chase more… attainable dreams.”

JM comes crashing to the ground, thumping loudly over the music. In a split second, he’s up again, twirling through the air with both legs out and feet pointed beautifully, like he was born to fly.
JK stares in awe, holding his breath without even realizing it. He never tires of watching JM dance, least of all when it’s a piece like this, that he’s clearly worked out himself to express something deep inside.
As JM winds down with the other dancers and talks to his coach, JK quietly excuses himself to the lockerroom. His own workout sweat has dried on his skin and he feels gross. He doesn’t want to meet up with JM smelling terrible.
The water runs down his thighs, feeling cold against the skin despite the steam fogging up his shower stall. His body temperature is rising as his pre-heat symptoms have been starting. He groans when he reaches down feeling the water-repellant slick between his legs.
His little cock is soft with lack of stimuli, but the rest of his body apparently misses the memo every single time. It’s not until he hears JM’s voice, sing-songing a beautiful tune as he also steps into the showers, that anything changes.
“Fuck” he curses, leaning one hand against the wall.

“Hello? JK-ah, is that you?”

Shit. “Y-yeah Hyung”

“You okay?”

“I’m” JK groans, feeling a cramp slide through him. Not painful, not yet, just enough to warn him of the impending cycle. “M’good Hyung.”
JM is quiet for a second, then his shower shuts off. Wet *plaps* approach, a shadow sliding onto the curtain. “Kook-ah? Can I come in? Hyung just wants to make sure you’re okay.”
“I-Um… S-sure… yeah, you can” JK lowers a hand to softly grasp himself, using the other to pointlessly cover his exposed chest for good measure.
JM steps in, eyes immediately seeking him out, and gasps as the wet scent of dew-ladden lilies acosts him. There’s a syrupy-sweet undertone, like candied flowers. “...Oh.”

He steps forward, hands on his towel, just shy of the stream of water. “Oh, baby… Your heat is starting?”
JK nods, eyes still averted. It’s embarrassing, forgetting when his own cycle started. He feels the pin-pricking of his eyes as tears start to well. Fucking hormones.

JM hesitates, eyes taking in the man in front of him. “Do you have anything with you?”
JK shakes his head. “F-forgot… I’m a terrible Omega, I f-forgot my own c-cycle”

“Hush, no no. It happens, we all forget sometimes! You’ve been busy, haven’t you? It’s alright.”

Letting the tears wash in the water, JK slumps, hands still covering himself.
He fights the urge to buck against his hand for some stimulation to help with the mild cramping.

“Do you… ah…” JM clears his throat, nervous to hear an answer to his next questions that he might not like. “Do you have… um… anyone to help you? Planned?”
He watches as JK bites his lip and shakes his head.

“Okay, that’s okay. Do you… Do you have someone you want me to call?”

He feels his heart leaping into his throat as JK shakes his head again, wet curls flopping down over his face.
“No one? Then… um… Hyung can help… if you want?”

JK’s eyes snap up to his, pulse racing. “Help?”

JM licks his lips, gasping when JK’s eyes follow the motion hungrily. “Yeah. If you want, that is. You can say n-”


“Please, Hyung” JK whines, dropping his hands down even as his cheeks burn hot, hot, hot.
JM’s eyes droop with interest immediately. He turns, lets his towel slide forward and away then leans out to hang it on the hook beside JK’s. When he turns back around, JK’s eyes fly southward with barely concealed interest.
“Like what you see, don’t you baby?”


“Want Hyung to help you feel better?”


“What do you want?”

JM giggles softly, coming forward and reaching up to lace his fingers around the back of JK’s neck, tugging him down to press their foreheads together. His forehead warms considerably as it touches the other Omega’s.
“Shit, you’re burning up baby”

JK whines, hands twitching at their sides, aching to reach out.

“You can touch me”


“Mhm. Anything you don’t want me to do? Anything off limits?”
JK shakes his head so fast that JM’s fingers detach, slipping down to his shoulders. He grabs JM’s wrist carefully, pulling up to his face and smushing his own cheeks.

“Hyung feels so cool… feels good”
“You’re just burning up”

“Mmm” JK hums in acknowledgment, eyes drifting shut as he relishes in the cooler skin.

It lasts but a moment, his scent spiking as JM steps impossibly close, pressing their bodies together.
JK leans his nose against JM’s neck, letting his arms slip around the smaller Omega. This isn’t how he wanted to start things with JM. He wanted to be a strong presence, someone dependable for him. Better than an Alpha.
His scent sours as his mind starts spiraling, hormones getting the better of him. He’s fading into full heat, and fast.

“Come now, Koo, let’s get you clean, hmm? Clean and then home.”

JK whines, nodding, as JM shifts them both under the water.
“Good boy. Let’s start with our hair. Do you think you can wash mine?” JM prods, hoping to distract him a little and let his mind focus on something. JK immediately leans back far enough to accept a dollop of shampoo, immediately working it slowly into JM’s hair.
“Ahh feels good, JK. Lemme make you feel good too okay?”

JM’s hands are already tracing over JK’s body, fighting the urge to just /look/. He knew the other Omega was beyond fit, but he had no idea just how much so. Right now, though, is not for him.
He’s gonna help JK and get him home safely. Omegas have to stick together. Tipping his head back to keep the soap out of his eyes, JM pulls JK closer and slots one of his thighs between his own. He lets one hand slide down, the other holding him around the waist, nice and stable.
Carefully, he slips his fingers down to slide the knuckles on either side of JK’s little cock.

When JK whines again, his own Omega calls out in response with a soft chirp. His knuckles drag up and down JK’s shaft, the natural pressure of his finger gap stroking him gently.
Just as JK’s hips begin to buck, JM carefully wraps his fingers the other way, stroking him properly.

“Ahh” JK gasps, eyes squinted shut, soapy fingers curled against JM’s scalp as he holds on.

“There you go, sweet bun, just feel it.”
JM twists, corkscrewing his hand so his palm swirls around the head of JK’s cock with each stroke. He’s startled by one of JK’s hands firmly grabbing his wrist, pulling him away from his cock.
Less surprisingly, his hand is pulled further back and down, right to JK’s slick-coated rim.

“P-please Hyung”

“Mmm… Bun needs to feel full, hmm?”

“Nhnn” JK nods, keening in his throat.

“Okay. Hyung’s got you. Spread your legs, mm?”
JK complies immediately, bending down awkwardly to let his legs open as much as possible. JM senses his discomfort and pushes him until his back is against the wall, water stream just barely out of contact.
Taking the hand from his waist, he pulls one of JK’s legs up by the thigh to drape it over his own hip.

He hums in satisfaction when JK lets his weight fall to the wall, head dropping back.
He can’t help but admire how /pretty/ JK looks like this, with wet hair and shining lips and pink cheeks.
Shaking his head softly, he bites his lip and focuses on his lower hand, running the pad of his middle finger in gentle circles around the rim of JK’s hole, collecting the slick that ekes out slowly.
He brings his thumb down to spread it around his finger before tentatively dipping the tip inside.

“Ahnng” JK moans, mouth popping open.

JM swallows the flood of sweet-sweet lilies that accosts him and licks his own lips, refocusing once more.
His own grassy-sweet wildflower is slowly mingling as his own arousal grows.

Gently, he pushes and pulls his finger from the wrist a few more times before adding his ring finger inside. JK shivers around him, hips rocking to meet the shallow thrusting.
JM takes the encouragement and bends, firming his wrist to fuck with his arm. Every back stroke, he clenches his fingers, letting them stroke JK from the inside. JK’s breathing is fast, faster even than JM’s as he feels the burn after several minutes.
Determined, he clutches at JK’s thigh and leans their bodies closer together, shallowing thrusting his own hips in time with his fingers.
JK’s fingers tighten in his hair and on his shoulder, hips rocking desperately now. Glancing down, seeing JK’s leaking cock, JM curses.

“Fuck, you’re just so pretty, Koo… So pretty for Hyung all open like this.”

“H-hyung” JK whispers, breathlessly.


“Please what, bun? Tell Hyung” JM whispers back, hand never faltering.

“Can… Can you… One more?”
JM chuckles, head resting against JK’s shoulder. Carefully, he pulls his wrist back and eases his index finger in with the other two, scrunched tightly together as they slip almost effortlessly back inside JK.
It’s instantaneous, almost, how fast JK melts around him with the extra pressure inside him. JM squeezes his eyes shut for a moment, collecting himself as the sweet sweet lilies get thicker in the air, thick enough to taste. It makes his mouth water, aching to /really/ taste.
For now, he settles for softly licking at JK’s neck, close to his scent gland. It’s not the same, but it’ll do, spurring him on through the aches in his arm and palm. He adjusts and starts fucking more shallowly, pulling out less, but punching inside much harder.
“Ah! Ahh Hyung… shit… shit, yes, Hyung… Hyungggg” JK’s body is arching against the wall of the shower stall, firm thigh squeezing around JM’s waist, yanking them closer together. JM’s cock twitches where it’s pressed between them, almost touching JK’s.
As JK gyrates onto his fingers, their cocks slide together, like puzzle pieces. JM groans, bucking into the sensation eagerly. He should be embarrassed at how desperately he’s humping against JK in his state, but all he can think is how /sexy/ this is. How /pretty/ JK is.
“Koo… Can I… Can Hyung take care of you? For… for your heat?”

“Pleeease Hyung” JK whines, brow furrowed in frustration.

JM giggles, nodding. “Sorry, sorry… here, bun” And he takes his spare hand, wrapping the fingers around JK’s cock as his other hand fucks him mercilessly.
“Ahh!” JK cries out, body bowed away from the wall, neck and head supporting himself. JM eyes the expanse of throat greedily, squeezing his fingers around JK’s cock firmly, intent on matching pace with his hands and hips.
JK’s fingers yank as his climax charges through him, a guttural whine echoing in the stall.

JM slows his strokes, pulling away from the head and letting his fingers circle JK’s rim carefully, letting the Omega come down gently.
“There you go, so good for me Koo” When JK’s muscles unclench, JM removes his hands and maneuvers them both under the spray again. He thoroughly washes them both, inner Omega whining at the lost opportunity to taste the lilies at their source.

Soon, he tells himself. Hopefully.
JK is thankfully lucid enough to dress himself, despite shy glances and flushed cheeks. They make it to JK’s apartment easily enough, but it isn’t long before the first real wave of Heat strikes. JM only prays it doesn’t set his own off.
NJ yawns, muscles tightening as he stretches beneath TH’s tangled limbs. As he watches TH slowly wake, he studies every detail he can see. The fluffed, curly hair creeping down his cheeks makes him look angelic. The pouty lips hidden in sleep lines.
Lost as he is, he still notices the moment TH is with him and fully awake. Or, on the way there at least.

“Good morning beautiful… How was your night?”

“Mmm… was wonderful with you by my side, Alpha”

(The song reference: open.spotify.com/track/0eHT8N5Y…)
NJ grins despite the cheesiness, before pushing TH’s face into the pillow and bolting out of the room. He feels carefree, light on his feet, even as the sound of TH’s Alpha growl and heavy footsteps fall in behind him.
Just before clearing the hallway, he spins and catches TH in his arms. TH’s shriek is loud as NJ pins him to the wall, crowding his body with his own. He lets one hand fall to his hips while the other braces on the wall beside TH’s head.
“Gotcha, little Alpha”

TH squeaks, causing NJ to giggle and break his hard-facade.

“Ackk, you’re too cute for me to bully this morning. Wanna get some coffee with me?”

“Sir, are you asking me out on a date?”
NJ leans in to kiss his neck, swallowing his body between his broad shoulders and long arms. “Mmm. More like a do-over for every other time we’ve tried to get a coffee together thus far?”
TH pushes him back long enough to look at his face. “You’re perfect. Lemme just get dressed, yeah? I don’t… particularly want to show JK-ie my undergarments today.”

“Dressed, hmm? In your apartment?” NJ hums, nibbling at his earlobe, hands roving.
TH giggles, whispering breathily against his temple. “That’s generally where I keep my clothes, yes”

NJ playful swats his ass as they move towards the door, shifting themselves into TH’s apartment easily.
NJ has to gasp as soon as he enters, somehow both surprised and /not/ surprised at the aesthetic.
The walls are a pale mushroom brown, just this side of white, like an old house with years of abuse. The wood floors have vintage-looking rugs as well as modern art-looking rugs and somehow they mesh together well.
The walls are much the same, decorated in an ecclectic mix of vintage finds from well-kept antique stores and modern art that catches your attention and makes you pause to admire it. By the windows, a true vintage record player overlooks it all.
There are a few plants, though not nearly as many as NJ likes to have, and tall armchairs whose backs face the walls to create a more open space than there would be otherwise. But perhaps most enchantingly… are the shelves.
Bookshelves, specifically, line the back section of the living space. Floor to ceiling, made of old looking wood. It’s a bibliophile’s absolute /dream/.
TH catches him looking and smirks, walking over to gently tug on the shelf. NJ gasps in awe, because as TH’s fingers tug… the shelf /moves/. In its place is not one single standing bookshelf but rather two put together.
One is built into the wall, recessed, while the other is apparently on rollers, allowing it to come out and create a small walkway to access the books on the back of that shelf and the front of the recessed one.

“Oh… my god…”
TH chuckles softly. “I thought you’d like that. Wanted to bring you here the first day…”

“Oh? Because of my books?”

TH shakes his head.

“No?” NJ tilts his head, utterly confused.
“Un-uh” TH smiles up at him coquettishly, reaching his hand out and curling a finger at the other Alpha “C’mere, lemme show you"
NJ steps forward, eyes on the shelves, oblivious to the tone in TH’s voice. TH’s face is back to the size-drunk Alpha that first saw NJ’s massive build and bulging arms in the elevator.

“Mmm… Big”
NJ turns to him with a sweet smile, eyes darkening immediately as he takes in the scent rolling off TH in waves.

“Oh…” He whispers, licking his lips and turning to face TH fully. “Whatchu want, baby?”

“Can you… can you please?”
“Here?” NJ gestures to the small gap between shelves, drenched in the shadows as light struggles to peek through the stacks of books.

“Please, Alpha… Crowd me up… Push me-”
“Push you, hmm?” NJ steps forward, tipping his chin down to better ‘chase’ his sweet prey “Push you where?”


“Mmm where is here? Here maybe?” NJ prods his shoulder with a single finger, hard enough to jerk the joint backwards.
“Maybe here, actually” He says, pressing TH a little harder with a palm on his chest.

NJ clicks his tongue, pretending to think. “No?”
“N-no… You know… /you know/” TH whines softly, head bowed as his fingers tangle together anxiously. It amazes NJ how fast… how /well/ TH slips into whatever headspace this is. This space where he feels safe enough to feel /small/.
“Do I? I dunno, I’m just a big… dumb… strong… Alpha” NJ pokes TH backwards with two fingers, emphasizing his words. TH’s vision is narrow, two tall stacks of bookshelves flanking either side, a wall he knows is somewhere behind and a huge Alpha blocking his exit.
He whimpers despite himself, legs clenching together. His heart racing, Alpha as anxious as it is aroused. It’s nature, being caged in by another Alpha will never /not/ be terrifying. But fuck, it’s also so hot. So freeing. No need to posture, when someone else can do it for him.
The blood rushing in his ears finally dims enough that he hears NJ trying to talk. He gasps as a hand shoots out to his throat, slamming him backwards to the wall - The wall that was /much/ closer than he thought - with a loud *thud*.

Tag/Content warning! This took a turn while writing the scene, so an updated tag must be added. If the following upsets you, skip until the ⚠️ is over!

- Omorashi/Watersports/Surprise Piss Kink
- Mild contact (Slap)

Some may consider parts to be mildly dub-con in nature, due to a lack of immediate discussion surrounding what is happening. I assure you as the author, these are simply expansions on things they already discussed (RE: Physical contact/degradation esp.)


He cries out in shock, muscles clenching tight before loosening instinctively, trying to be less threatening. His Alpha whines; A simpering, airy sound; And then there’s a hiss. His pupils shake as adrenaline courses through him.

NJ’s eyes go wide as the hissing continues, darting down before his mouth pops open in shock. He stares, for a moment, eyes locked on TH’s legs, before slowly drifting upwards again. TH’s own eyes are also wide as he realizes with no shortage of shame, what NJ was looking at.

Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, he whimpers again, trying desperately to rein in the stream of piss that has thoroughly wet the seam of his pants. It pains his stomach, but he manages it, face flaming hot as wave after wave of embarrassment washes over him.

“I’m… I… ‘m sorry”

NJ doesn’t speak, eyes rolling down and staying there. His lips are still parted in surprise, hand loose but present on TH’s throat.

“Are…” NJ starts.

TH’s brows furrow, eyes staying firmly closed as he braces for whatever the Alpha is gonna say. When it’s silence, again, he tries to push off the wall to move around NJ.

“Sorry… sorry, I’ll… I’ll just go cha-”

NJ’s hand shoots out and blocks him, resting comfortably across his mid-section. A few inches lower and he’d feel-

“Are you… okay?”

TH turns to him, questioningly. “O…kay?”

“Is this… Are you… Do you feel safe? Are you… okay… with me? Right now?”

“...oh. No, yeah, I’m… I’m fine, just… I didn’t mean to ruin the mood.”

NJ swallows audibly, licking his lips before continuing. He can’t look TH in the eyes yet as he speaks softly. “You’re okay. So, you don’t need to leave? To feel safe? You… trust me?”

“Sorry, Alpha. Just… I’ll go change and we can continue?”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes, of course Alpha” TH reaches out to touch his face, but NJ’s other hand quickly grabs it and uses it to leverage him back to his spot against the wall.

As he is effortlessly thrown to the wall, the rush of air is cold against his wet front. It’s a stark reminder of his shame.

“I’m asking if you’re okay, TH-ah. You /know/, yes? What I’m asking?”

TH frowns, then parts his lips with a gasp. “Y-yes… I think… I get it now…”

“So. Are you /okay/?”

TH realizes in a split second everything NJ is saying. He bites his lip, nodding assent. “Yes, Alpha. I’m okay.”

“Tell me if that changes” NJ growls as he leans in and catches TH’s lips in a bruising kiss. His broad hand reaches down to palm at the wet pants and it’s all he can do to swallow the moan that bubbles up. It’s /embarassing/, it’s filthy it’s absolutely perverted.

But there’s also something else tugging at his gut. More than arousal even, it’s a… primal kind of pleasure. That his piss is all over the Alpha’s hand. That he could mark him with his claim, bite or not.

His cock twitches firmly to life as NJ continues to palm at it, filling his pants. “Finish” NJ grunts.


“You stopped earlier. Finish. Empty your bladder, baby.”

TH is panting, mind racing through a field of thick cotton. There’s no way he’s… “What?”

He’s met with a hard squeeze around his cock-head, over the threshold of pleasurable into pain. It’s not meant to feel good, it’s a warning.

“Don’t make me repeat myself, TH. Do as you’re told. Finish. Now.” NJ emphasizes his command with a sharp bite to TH’s ear, heat immediately rushing to the area.

He nods frantically, trying to be a good boy and do as told. But his bladder refuses to cooperate. He pushes, he grunts, he feels his hole flutter at the pressure, but nothing. His bladder stays locked.

He squints his eyes nearly closed, focusing as hard as he can, but all he manages is a weak little spurt that clams up as fast as it came. Tears sting behind his eyelids in frustration. He’s trying to be /good/ do what Alpha /says/ why isn’t it /working/.

NJ takes pity on his whining and drops a hand, fingers down, palm to his flesh. Then, he leans. He leans his full body weight plus a little strength, right on TH’s bladder.

Body wracked with shivers, the little stream becomes stronger for several seconds as he finally feels his release. The tears flood down his cheeks, hot and then cold in the air; Much like his pants as the hot stream spreads out like feathery branches on a tree.

Even as the dampness races down his pants, the congregation of piss by the source becomes too much. Now, there’s a *drip drip* accompanies the hiss. Before long, it’s all joined by the melodic sound of splashing as a puddle forms beneath the two Alphas.

“Shit” NJ curses, hands squeezing into vice-grips against TH’s flesh. His eyes are dark and hooded, more than TH has ever seen. It sends pure arousal right alongside the shame of pissing himself in his own /home/ and they coil right behind his cock.

“Down.” NJ pushes him by his shoulder until he’s kneeling in his own piss puddle, toes wet & pants sopping wet as his thighs flex. His fingers curl against the fabric, aching to peel them off. Vaguely, he feels a strange disappointment that his pants are still dry in places.

He nods and looks up at NJ. “Y-yes, Alpha. Safe. M’safe.”


“Yours, yes. A thousand times yes.”

“Mine.” NJ nods, affirming. This mono-syllabic NJ is different, leaving TH wondering if this is his ‘big dumb Alpha’ side. “Tiny Alpha”

TH swallows hard, head tipped back. He watches NJ work his pants open and down below his cock, letting it bob over the edge carelessly. He can’t help but lick his lips in anticipation. He had no idea his Alpha would like accidental watersports…

He leans forward to take the tantalizing cock into his mouth and is met with a palm stinging across his face instead.


He shivers hard, eyes glazing over. Fuck. Fuck yes.

There’s no hesitation in this NJ. No lack of confidence, no insecurity. Only pure, thick-smelling arousal and dominance. TH whimpers. If he were an Omega he /knows/ he’d be in a puddle of slick. It hits him, then, why NJ must like this.


He just got wet… for NJ… He wet himself. He /got/ wet… for his Alpha. Oh my god.

“Mine.” NJ growls again, aiming his cock at TH’s chest. He frowns in momentary confusion until it hits him. Literally. A stream of piss that feels like it could burn him, hits his chest and is immediately corrected down, down, until it strikes his cock.

NJ’s free hand grips him by the hair and carefully pulls him backwards, arching his spine to grant better access to where his pants have his cock firmly confined. Wet as he is, wetter now of course, the outline of his throbbing erection is clear.

“Hmmm” NJ hums in approval, chest rumbling.

TH feels thoroughly owned and debauched, and there’s been no sex. This feels so much more instinctual, more primal, more… intimate.

Before he realizes what he’s doing, his hands are trailing through the stream, cupping at it, bringing the hot piss up to his chest. He looks right into NJ’s eyes as he cups his nipples like that, wetting himself even more.

He cups another portion and brings it up, licking his lips again until they shine, smacking his palms against his scent glands.

It happens so fast. One minute, he’s feeling a little bit brave and a whole lot cocky as he realizes the power he has…

And the next he’s being flipped onto his back, NJ’s feet slipping in the puddle as he races to peel TH’s pants off of him. TH whines when his hands are smacked away trying to help.

“Lemme help, Alpha”

NJ just growls at him, even bares his teeth, hands frantic as they rip every bolt of clothing off of them both. He palms at the wetness on TH’s thighs, his cock, his belly, spreading it greedily around his cock.

TH can only watch in awe as NJ’s scent is spicier and thicker around him than he’s ever smelt. He moans wantonly, spreading his legs up to brace on the bookshelves, hands laying up by his hair like a good boy.

The Alpha-rumble coming from NJ echoes softly even as his feet squeak on the wet floor. He grunts, no longer speaking, just wetting his cock with as much spit and piss as he can. TH’s belly is taut in anticipation, eager as he is to experience NJ with less inhibition.

Spicy cinnamon and chocolate floods the small space, overpowering the faint scent of piss as it cools beneath and around them. NJ eases the head of his cock into him, humming in approval as there is little resistance.
“Nng. Alphaa” TH moans. He loves the feeling of being stretched open, hopes NJ will knot him again without asking if he’s okay a thousand times.
As he concentrates on keeping himself relaxed, it escapes him that NJ doesn’t even ask /one/ question this time. He just thrusts into him fully, the burning stretch forcing a sharp cry out of TH. He braces himself against NJ’s forearms as the Alpha fucks into him relentlessly.
There’s no subtle growth to this coupling, no fond smiles and loving reminders of needing to be /careful/. NJ fucks him like he owns him, or like he’s trying to. Like he wants to embed himself in TH’s very core. Which is about how far his cock is reaching.
“Fuckkk” TH moans, head thrown back as his prostate and hips are thoroughly abused. He cums with a choked gasp, wet and needy, and is immediately fucked right through it into oversensitivity. NJ’s eyes are black pools of pure need.
“Shit” TH gasps when NJ leans down to mouth at his neck like he usually does. He’s rough this time. His mouth way more open. Hips punching way harder, even as his knot is starting to swell. TH’s gut clenches in realization.

NJ is in rut.
JM manages fairly easily to maneuver JK into his home, even into his nest. Getting JK to let him leave the room, however, is another story.

“Hyuuung” JK whines, cheeks puffy pink and teary “Stay, pleaseee”
Leaning down to swipe the hair off his sweaty forehead, JM presses a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be back here quick as a flash, Koo. Just need to get us some water so I don’t have to leave for a very long time, okay?”
JK’s pout tugs at his poor heart with his big, round eyes looking up at him through his lashes. “Pwomise?”

“Hyung promises” JM whispers, nosing at JK’s button nose with his own.
JK accepts it, sulking in the middle of his nest as JM backs slowly out of the room. He leaves the door open, just so JK can still hear him moving around. He doesn’t want to stress the poor Omega at his most vulnerable time.
He spends a few minutes gathering supplies, and his own thoughts. He should be fine, his own Heat wasn’t that long ago, so it shouldn’t be triggered again so soon. However…
Eyeing his bag, he bites his lip and hesitates. He does have a suppressant… He hates taking them, since they tend to make him nauseous and irritable… But he also wants to make sure he’s lucid enough to properly take care of JK.
He grabs his bag as he rushes back to the room, water and a few snack bars in hand. JK is perched on his knees, toes tucked beneath himself, squirming in discomfort. His eyes light up the second he sees JM cross the doorway.

“I told you I’d come right back, you could have relaxed.”

JK pouts, lip shiny as it protrudes. In the next moment, JK’s sweet lilies sour briefly in pain, brows furrowing. JM rushes to the edge of his nest and hesitates.

“Can Hyung come in?”

“Ahh…. Please”
JM wants to laugh at how fast JK scrambles backwards to make room for him in the nest. He steps carefully inside, leaving the water and snacks just outside of it but well within arms reach. Then he curls over and looks JK up and down. Grins softly at how fast the boy flushes.
“You’re so pretty, Bun, you know that?”

“/You’re/ pretty” JK whispers back, hiding his face behind his hands.
JM gently pulls them down, pushing him to lay back by the wrists. Wordlessly, he moves to kneel between JK’s legs, kissing his belly softly. JK whines, twisting a little to settle himself.
“Hyung? Are you… gonna take care of me?”

“Do you want me to?”


“Then I will.”
JK hums softly in return, accepting the answer. Over a few seconds, JM feels his body totally relax against his legs and the sweet, sweet sugared lily starts to envelop the space around them. His own peach blossom furls out softly, not nearly as strong.
His fingers twitch, eager to pull the clothes off of the beautiful Omega below him, but instead he leans up and pulls his own shirt over his head. JK will be more comfortable undressing if his Heat partner is naked first.
JK’s round eyes are half-lidded, dark and heavy as they watch JM’s movements. His gaze is leisurely as it rakes across his bare flesh, lingering on his dark nipples that bud in the cool air instantly.
When he whines, high and needy, JM’s Omega echoes out a chirp in response.

“Pleeeease” JK begs.

JM swallows, nodding. “I gotchu Bun, I gotchu.”
He makes quick work of gently tugging JK’s clothes off too, before leaning forward to rest himself on top. Their little cocks, half the size of an Alpha’s, bob and bump against each other with each jerky movement of their hips.
Their lips meet, softly at first, then wetter and hotter as JK’s tongue slips demandingly between them. JM’s hands skim the surface of sweaty skin, down, until his fingers are met with an even stickier cock-head.
“Hnnng…. Hyung please…”

“Hmm? Tell me what you need, Bun”

“F-feels good, but… but”
When JK whines, face scrunched, unable to speak it… JM’s belly clenches. His heart is racing, and he knows immediately that he needs to take the suppressant. His head is already muddling with the scent of /need/, and he can’t afford to lose himself to his own need.
Leaning over, he grabs his bag with shaky hands, adrenaline coursing through him. He rummages a second, pops a single pill out of its blister pack, then swallows it with water. He brings the bottle to JK’s lips, too.
“Drink. While you can.” JM winks to keep the mood light, but JK is already scrambling to comply. JM coos, loving how eager his Omega is to please him.
As JK leans back, expecting JM to follow, JM ducks his arms and instead pushes one of his legs up by the thigh. Fingers kneading the soft flesh, he breathes in the sweet scent. He moans, moving both hands down to softly caress JK’s hole.
He licks his lips when he sees slick seeping out. As he presses a thumb at the puckering hole it flutters, pushing another wave of slick out to coat his finger.

“Fuck, Bun… Can I taste?”

JK whines, but nods, spreading his legs eagerly.
JM surges forward eagerly, dropping down to his belly, feet dangling in the air behind himself. He crawls forward, yanking closer by holding onto JK’s hips to press his nose right to the perineum, nudging his balls aside to make room.
He can’t help himself as he inhales, falling in love with the musky combination this close. It’s heady, as he still smells very Omegan, but there’s something… spicy… about JK’s scent when you’re right against his skin. Smells distinctly masculine, unlike most Omegas JM has met.
Opening his mouth, pressing a soft and wet kiss against JK’s puckered hole, he moans again. His fingers clench around flesh, aching to press his tongue inside. Instead, he softly licks upwards, sucking lightly with every pass.
JK’s hips are rolling, twisting between his hands. JM squeezes harder, pressing forward as he breathes heavily. Sweet syrup floods his tongue, coating every corner of his mouth. It’s like inhaling the nectar from a honeysuckle but on a massive scale.

And he can’t get enough.
His brain goes a little drunk as he licks, sucks, kisses at the sweet honeypot between JK’s plush thighs. He barely registers the fingers tangling in his hair, the soft walls of flesh that inch closer, aiming to trap him where he is. Even as his scalp prickles, he laps hungrily.
He’s sloppy, his face is soaked, there’s no telling what is slick and what is spit. Still, he can’t get enough. His grip is as tight as JK’s, both desperately trying to make JM go /deeper/. Taste /more/. The debaucherous sounds are loud in the small room.

JM hums in response, a nasal sound as his mouth is spread wide, tongue forcing its way into JK’s tight slick-coated hole. It’s hot around him, nerves lit up with the whole experience. He swears he’s never tasted anyone, Omega or otherwise, that tasted this /good/.
JM finally pulls up, whining at the loss. His eyes are barely cracked open, cheeks and nose and chin sopping wet, hair stuck up where JK had squeezed at it. He looks up at JK, mouth open, tongue rolling around to lap at the remaining slick on his lips.
“In, Hyung… please please ple-”

Looking drunk and fucked out already, JM nods, scrunching his knees beneath himself and grabbing JK roughly by the knees to push his legs up to his chest. Leaning his body against one leg, JM stares at JK’s face, taking in his pretty pink cheeks.
“Pretty, Omega”

JK’s cheeks heat up impossibly hotter. He shifts one leg behind JM’s waist & tugs, urging him to continue. He gasps as the blunt head of JM’s cock immediately nudges at his hole. He nods at JM, then bites his lip as the Omega pushes his cock inside in one thrust.
He watches as JM’s eyes flutter shut briefly, before he shifts their bodies, adjusting his grip on the younger. When they open, they’re dark and determined. That’s the only warning he gets before JM’s hips ease out and slam back into him.
“Nng!” JK is panting immediately, the force of JM’s thrusts sliding him upwards in the nest. His cock twitches as JM growls and yanks him back down by his raised thigh.
JM grabs his other leg, pulling both up to rest against his chest, wrapping his arms around them tightly to leverage himself, snapping hard inside JK. His hips never lose rhythm and JK curses (and blesses?) the dancing gods for choosing this man.
The rhythm is hard and fast, but with purpose. There are longer strokes, where JM pulls out a little farther, sprinkled between short but hard rabbit-thrusts. As the cycle goes on, he starts to sway and wiggle his hips side to side too, pressing and rubbing incessantly inside JK.
JK whines and JM drops his legs, letting them fall to either side of his hips. He leans down and catches his lips between his own, licking into his mouth messily. JK tastes himself on JM’s tongue and moans, wrapping his limbs around the man.
JM slows his motions, focusing on the grinding, and slides a hand down to tease JK’s cock. He gasps softly when he realizes JK has already made a mess of himself, tacky cum drying lewdly all over his belly.

JK just squeezes his legs, letting his crossed ankles nudge JM’s hips into motion. When JM obliges, JK throws his head backwards and pants. His cock is still achingly hard, and will be for a while, regardless of orgasm fulfillment.
So JM focuses on bringing pleasure more so than making him cum. He grinds, swirls his hips, licks at JK’s lips and twists a sensitive little nipple nub between his fingers. JK writhes beneath him, sweaty skin against sweaty skin.

“Cum?” JK whispers, voice cracking.
JM shakes his head, bringing his mouth down to suck at JK’s neck. His scent gland is swollen, pulse throbbing throughout, and it’s all JM can do to think of literally anything /but/ how fucking pretty it would look with his teeth in it.

“Please? Wan’ feel it”
JM huffs against his skin, groaning. Fine. He gets it, he supposes. JK’s Omega wants to feel like he’s being bred. And, sure, Omegas /could/ get each other pregnant if a male Omega did the penetrating… It was just rare.
“Kay” JM whispers “I’ll fill you up, sweet Omega Bun”

JK keens, spreading his legs impossibly wide, arching his spine to press his pert nipples as high as he can. It’s an intimate kind of presentation, one usually reserved for mates.
JM’s cock throbs in recognition of it, twitching inside him.

The soft smirk on JK’s face says the little shit knows what he’s doing, which spurs JM on even more. He wraps his hands down, around JK’s hips, to grab his ass and curl himself into JK again.
His thrusts are staccato’d, sharp, determined.

It’s less about how deep he can get, or how much he can rub against JK from the inside… And more about the slick pressure and heat wrapping around his cock like a heavenly blanket.
A soaking wet blanket that smells of sugar and lilies and /JK/.

With a groan, his hips finally falter. His belly clenches, rippling with the waves of pleasure that wash over him. JK gently grips his neck, pulling him up to kiss, rough and messy.
They make out, spit falling down their necks, as they breath into each other’s mouths. Finally, JK hums and pulls away just to pull JM’s exhausted body down to lay beside his own. As they breathe against each other, sticky limbs tangled like a pretzel, JK can’t help but grin.


“Will you be my boyfriend?”

JM leans back, a shocked laugh silent on his face. “I-what?”

JK’s face furrows like he’s eating good food, and he nods once. “Mm. Mine. Boyfriend. You.”
Now, JM does laugh. Softly, though, and as he pulls JK closer to burrow against the Omega’s sweet-smelling neck. “Silly Omega. I’ll be your boyfriend, yes, but you really couldn’t have asked me /before/ your Heat?”

“Scared. Was too scared to ask.”


“‘Cause /why/?? I thought I made it clear at the BBQ that I wanted more than friends…”

“Well, yeah, but… You’re /you/, and, you know… I thought… maybe…”
JM levels a look at him that looks half shocked and half offended. “You thought, what? That I just wanted to fuck you?”

JK blushes and nods.

“Oh, Bun. My silly, silly Bun. No… Not at all.”


“So, you mean it? You’ll… I can take you on a date?”

JM giggles and JK’s heart soars. “Yes, darling boy, you can take me on a date. After your heat is over, NOT before. I don’t want anyone else to smell you like this.”
JK joins his giggling, nuzzling into the elder Omega’s neck and inhaling deeply. “Mmmm… Mine. Mine mine mine.”
He leaves a quick, possessive little bite before burrowing closer to let sleep wash over him. As soon as he’s out, breathing soft and even, JM eases out of his grip and gets up to wet a cloth and wash him down.
He even opens a couple snack bars and leaves them on the edge of the nest, nestled against a bottle of water before he also succumbs to the first nap of what he knows will be many.

I wonder who is going to end up accidentally mated 🤔🤔🤔

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More from @VicariouslyYN

May 9, 2023
'꽃' a #Hanahaki AU where you can choose to lay yourself to rest in a special garden, with the hope of being re-born into a new life filled with love.

If someone visits that loved you, the seed left after your death will start to grow, budding but never blooming.

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Not until the one you loved visits, with love in their own heart.

The tenders of the gardens have seen it all. Assholes that didn't deserve the love the Hanahaki-sufferer bore them. Lovers that thought it was physical only. Others too afraid to face their own feelings.
It's among those that hurt the most to see. Nearly as much as the ones that loved the deceased quietly, who choke on their own petals as they cry for the stubbornly un-bloomed flower.

Re-birth isn't what you might think it is, either. You don't get your body back.
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Apr 25, 2023
A short #YoonKookAU where JK jokingly texts the group chat saying, "Ahhh, I'm so tired, I wish someone could just bathe me so I don't have to."

He clicked his phone off before sinking into the tub with a candle on the vanity glimmering softly. ImageImage
He's laid back, ears below the surface of the water, totally relaxed to the deep hum that resonates through the house. The only sound is the high-pitched *plap* of the faucet dripping residual water into the bath, ripples tickling his skin where it meets the surface.
So it's with utter shock that he gasps and jerks forward, feeling a hand dip into the water with a deep *sploosh-thunk*.

A warm palm covers his eyes before he can see who is here with him, protecting his face as water cascades down the crown of his head.
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Apr 22, 2023
'If I was' a #TaeKookAU where JK idolizes the mentor on the Police Force that he's assigned to shadow. TH is almost two decades older than him, with all the worldly knowledge to prove it. He's also a crooked cop.

What happens when JK finds out? Or when TH finds out JK's secret? Image
Based on the prompt and discussion here:

❕ Warning ❕

This will have the potential to end up Dead Dove or Dead Dove Adjacent. In the event that happens, I will let you guys decide if I post it on my DD alt OR if we simply use PrivAtter or marked screenshot images to display scenes that may fall under that category.
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Jan 29, 2023
I literally should not do this until my fest fics are done BUT.

Researcher human NJ renting a cabin in the most remote mtns he's ever seen, chasing what his colleagues call a "Bigfoot wolf". No one believes as he does that it's real... A giant wolf species hiding right here?
No way!

So he books the only cabin in a 30 mile radius of his suspected "hot zone", packs a slew of trekking gear and food for the eventual camping he'll have to do anyway and settles in for a good night's rest to prepare.

Until a tiny man walks in, with keys and his own bags.
ON THE FLIP SIDE is YG, a pack Alpha from the South who's here to hopefully find a suitable Omega from the North Pack to take as his mate. His pack has had a rough go of it, nearly disbanding entirely from the lack of organization and love a pack Omega could bring.
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Jan 26, 2023
#HopeKookAU Where HS finds heart candies in his pockets for a week before finally catching the culprit in the act.
"H-hyung! You're ah... home? W-welcome home!" JK whispers, socked feet crossing anxiously as he looks anywhere but at HS in the doorway.

"Hey JK-ah... Just realized when I stepped out it was a bit cold. Came back for my jacket..."
"Ah! O-of course! This one, right?" JK thrusts the jean jacket he was holding towards the elder.

HS levels a look at him while smiling softly. "What were you doing with Hyung's jacket, JK-ah?"

"Um... I was... just... bringing it to you? S'cold?"
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Jan 24, 2023
Warnings: post-military, group sex, public sex, drunk sex, (dubcon arguably? The con is there🥺)

Late night thoughts of JK coming home from the military and hitting up his friends to party. Tells them he wants to "let fucking go" and to "bring friends, the more the merrier idc"
And that's how you find the boys in a circle in a room lit with disco flashing and LED lights, smelling of booze just feet from the bar...

Going from wrestling to see who's still stronger, with JK coming out on top and pinning his Hyungs to the ground...
... TO him yanking pants down to stuff whatever hole is closest, to fuck into oblivion, head thrown back, tattoo'd arms gripping hips and shoulders and hair, not minding the others in the circle with dicks out, jacking off to the sight OR the possibility of cameras snapping away.
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