Distilled's report exposes the influence of gov lobbying on the 2023 #IPCCReport. An early draft proposed more plant-based diets. But this was changed in favour of "balanced diets" including "animal sourced food". How should the scientific community respond? Open letter coming
It is not sufficient to talk about change: universities need to act to help us grow out of the unhelpful norms and perspectives that limit our potential for positive environmental and health changes:
Some great calls to action in this report, but also some glaring omissions.
We need to be bold and more directly call out the issues with a food system built around animal agriculture, by far the biggest pressure on water use:
70% of freshwater withdrawals are for agriculture.
“Global water withdrawals are expected to grow by another 20-30% by 2050, compared to 2010. Agriculture and animal husbandry (sic) directly impact blue and green water use, consumption and pollution.”