2) It’s actually worse than that chart made out, because at most points on the income distribution, Americans earn much more than Brits.
If we plot the same data by actual income instead of percentile, the US deficit is vast.
5 fewer years even among the comfortably-off.
Things have deteriorated so much that the average American now has the same healthy life expectancy (years lived in good health) as someone in Blackpool, the town with England’s lowest life expectancy (by far), synonymous with deep-rooted social decline ft.com/blackpool
I think that bears repeating. *The average American* has the same chance of a long and healthy life as someone born in the most deprived part of England, a place with the highest rates of relationship breakdown and some of the highest rates of antidepressant prescribing.
So what’s happening?
When people hear about life expectancy they often think about older people, broad-based health problems, but the US problem is quite specific and quite different: it’s young people dying from external causes.
Time for perhaps the most damning stat of all:
One in 25 American five-year-olds today will not make it to their 40th birthday.
No parent should ever have to bury their child, but on average across the US one set of parents from every kindergarten class most likely will.
Here’s another way of showing the same thing:
Beyond age 70, US mortality/survival rates are very similar to other rich countries. But between teenage years and early middle age there is a vast gulf.
This has an outsized impact on life exp because deaths at early ages erase far more life than even a large number of older folks dying slightly early.
More years of American lives were erased by drugs, guns & road deaths in 2021 alone than from Covid during the whole pandemic.
The result is that the US is the only developed country where even if you strip out all Covid deaths, life expectancy still dropped by a year since 2019
So we have a steady climb in “deaths of despair” and other violent/external deaths, plus the heavy toll exacted by very high rates of diet-related disease (cardiovascular diseases etc).
Why is the US so badly afflicted?
One strong possibility is because the US is the ultimate “individual responsibility” country. Every person for themselves, weaker social safety nets.
So, far more people slip through the cracks and find themselves in situations that make obesity, violence and drugs more likely.
Plus (directly related): huge emphasis on personal freedoms means more guns, more dangerous/unsafe driving, more lethal vehicles than similarly developed countries.
So a perfect storm of 1) more people pushed into bad situations, 2) easier for bad situations to become deadly.
Wider inequalities don’t help.
Look back at the first charts: despite being a richer society on average, the poorest in the US are even poorer than the poorest English.
That’s taking the society-wide US disadvantage and multiplying it.
Worse access to healthcare will certainly be playing a part too, but the types and ages of deaths suggest the US’s life expectancy problem is as much (if not more) a social problem than a health problem in terms of the way we should think about it.
To put it another way: it’s certainly true that being unable to access/afford healthcare costs American lives, but the bigger problem is that Americans require so much more healthcare (due to poor diet), and tens of thousands are killed without healthcare even being a factor.
This makes solutions harder, too.
With health challenges — cancer for example — the whole of society is pulling together. Everyone wants to fix this. As a result cancer survival rates have got better and better, and the US does very well on this.
But guns, drugs, obesity, road deaths etc are a) fundamentally caused by social problems not health problems, and b) often involve competing interests.
In the unfortunate reality we live in, fixing them is much harder.
One misconception I also want to address: the dreadful US performance does not disappear if you “adjust for race”.
This is way way overstated.
The pockets of both countries where life expectancy has been falling are overwhelmingly white [working class], and the most diverse parts have seen the biggest increases.
Contrast diverse (and hardly affluent) inner-city London Newham with Middlesbrough, Boston, Lincoln.
And here’s a piece I did last year looking at how the US’s life expectancy deficit would look if drugs, guns, road deaths or obesity could be magicked away
NEW: The actions of Trump and Vance in recent weeks highlight something under-appreciated.
The American right is now ideologically closer to countries like Russia, Turkey and in some senses China, than to the rest of the west (even the conservative west).
In the 2000s, US Republicans thought about the world in similar ways to Britons, Europeans, Canadians.
This made for productive relationships regardless of who was in the White House.
The moderating layers around Trump #1 masked the divergence, but with Trump #2 it’s glaring.
In seven weeks Trump’s America has shattered decades-long western norms and blindsided other western leaders with abrupt policy changes.
This is because many of the values of Trump’s America are not the values of western liberal democracies.
NEW: updated long-run gap in voting between young men and women in Germany:
The gender gap continues to widen, but contrary to what is often assumed, young men continue to vote roughly in line with the overall population, while young women have swung very sharply left.
My wish for the next election is that poll trackers look like the one on the right 👉 not the left
This was yet another election where the polling showed it could easily go either way, but most of the charts just showed two nice clean lines, one leading and one trailing. Bad!
Pollsters and poll aggregators have gone to great lengths to emphasise the amount of uncertainty in the polls in recent weeks...
But have generally still put out charts and polling toplines that encourage people to ignore the uncertainty and focus on who’s one point ahead. Bad!
The thing about human psychology is, once you give people a nice clean number, it doesn’t matter how many times you say "but there’s an error margin of +/- x points, anything is possible".
People are going to anchor on that central number. We shouldn’t enable this behaviour!
We’re going to hear lots of stories about which people, policies and rhetoric are to blame for the Democrats’ defeat.
Some of those stories may even be true!
But an underrated factor is that 2024 was an absolutely horrendous year for incumbents around the world 👇
Harris lost votes, Sunak lost votes, Macron lost votes, Modi (!) lost votes, as did the Japanese, Belgian, Croatian, Bulgarian and Lithuanian governments in elections this year.
Any explanation that fails to take account for this is incomplete.
The recent political polarisation of Silicon Valley is really striking.
25 years ago most big tech and VC execs were moderates. Then the whole sector shifted gradually leftwards up until 2020, and now suddenly we have a sharp divide into Democrat-backers and Trump backers.
Chart is from my column this week exploring how the politics of corporate bosses have evolved over time ft.com/content/29426c…
Thanks to a brilliant new analysis from @reillysteel, we know the overall shift has been towards the left, but there are lots of other interesting things going on beneath the surface too
Many of the NHS’s difficulties can be traced back to the deep cuts in manager numbers.
Fixing this doesn’t just unblock waiting lists, it also gives doctors more time to be doctors, and alleviates the stress and poor morale that come from having to do things that aren’t your job
Here’s another fun NHS low hanging fruit example:
A trial last year found that by running two operating theatres side by side, they cut the time between operations from 40 minutes to 2, and were able to do a week’s worth of surgeries in one day thetimes.com/uk/article/lon…