It's Justice to try and save all babies born alive.
Representative Gail Griffin explains her vote with the @AZHouseGOP on @AZSenatorShamp's #SB1600; sharing a story about a friend who moved to Arizona after seeing babies left to die on a table
This Bill doesn't require anything other than that doctors and nurses uphold their oath
Democratic Rep. Travers argues that some life isn't worth saving if it is too disabled or unable to live more than a few hours after birth
@LizHarrisMBA spoke next with personal stories of people who survived botched abortions with missing limbs and are proud to be alive
Majority Whip @TMartinez4AZ explains how it is sad and ridiculous that we're even discussing saving children who are already born.
When is a child deserving of protection? In the womb? At birth? After 2 hours? 1 day? 2 years?
Powerful speech on his vote to protect babies Born Alive by @AZAustinSmith - the youngest member of the #AZLeg - on what the Bill means to him and the next generation of Arizonans and Americans.