#sakuatu pregnant Omi part 18 Atsumu's mother looks exactly like her sons somehow despite being a foot shorter and a couple of decades older.
More specifically, she looks like the twins when they're about to start physically fighting.

Atsumu has sent a text earlier to say that--
--his mother was coming to his hotel room and that he'd try to calm her down there first before he brought her to the hospital.
Ideally, Kiyoomi wouldn't meet her until he was back home, but she'd travelled all the way up already and he didn't want to piss her off anymore than--
he had already.

She has a bunch of flowers in her hand, likely bought from the hospital gift shop, even if her expression indicates she'd rather shove them down Kiyoomi's throat.
"Yer Sakusa-san," she says icily and Atsumu, standing chagrined behind her, winces.
"And what's wrong with my son that ya tossed 'I'm aside once ya got what ya wanted?"
"Ma!"Atsumu pleads, only to be silenced by a look. If it wasn't for the current circumstance, Kiyoomi would find it comical how cowed he is by a tiny omega.
Instead, he's battling the deep pit--
of dread and anxiety in his stomach.
"If you are going to be antagonistic and disrespectful then it would be best if you left," Kiyoomi says and Miya-san's face ignites red.
"You have some nerve."
"I need to keep my blood pressure as low as possible right now. Being yelled--
--could potentially hurt my baby." There's an uncomfortable silence, Atsumu hovering in the background like a terrified child, before his mother sighs.
"Fine. I'd like ta know what's goin' on between ya and my son."
"Has he not told you?" Kiyoomi asks, surprised. He would have--
--thought that Atsumu'd give her a run down of what happened before they came to the hospital.
"I want ta here it from ya."
"We're friends and we're planning to co-parent our child."
That doesn't even come close to explaining their relationship but it's not like Kiyoomi could--
--actually articulate it any better than that anyway.
Miya-san sighs like he's a petulant child.
"Fine," she repeats. "I don't have ta like it, I don't have ta like ya, but this my first grandkid so I want ta be kept in the loop."
She's still glaring, and her arms are folded--
--like she's expecting a fight to follow her statement.
"That's reasonable," Kiyoomi agrees. "We have only just told my parents, but I apologise for not informing you sooner. Or getting Atsumu to tell you sooner."
Miya-san nods minutely.
"Tell me about the pregnancy so far."
By the time Atsumu and his mother leave, Kiyoomi is certain that she hates him. She's trying very hard to keep her tone in check and she hasn't said anything offensive (not since her arrival at least), but Miya-san hasn't once smiled at him or offered any words of comfort.
Not that he needs either of those, but there's a feeling eerily similar to distress that Atsumu's mother has rejected him.
He doesn't get a chance to talk to Atsumu alone either. He just stands behind his mother and occasionally chimes in with a piece of information that Kiyoomi-
--has missed or forgotten. Whatever happened at the hotel must have been awful.
It's a thoroughly unpleasant evening, although it's not much worse than any of the rest of his hospital stay.
At least tomorrow he can be discharged into a rental car and Atsumu can drive them back--
--to Osaka.
Even if Kiyoomi will be bound to his bed until the birth, at least Atsumu can get back to practice and get on the court again. It'll be a long drive, and not one that Kiyoomi is particularly looking forward to, but at least he won't be in hospital.

• • •

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May 5, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi part 24 (final part!)

Kiyoomi opens his eyes and blinks groggily at the hospital ceiling. He's dazed and confused and he can't move his lower body. It's too bright in here and everything feels wrong, like he's hungover or something.
There's still a haze--
--around his mind, but he is slowly becoming aware that he's not alone in the room.
It takes an inordinate amount of effort to turn his head to one side to see Atsumu in the uncomfortable-looking chair by his bed.
"You look awful," Kiyoomi says, the words tumbling out of his--
--mouth before he can stop himself. Because Atsumu really does look like hell: dark circles under his eyes and he's been gnawing at his lips.
He laughs, though.
"Nothin' stops ya, does it Omi-kun?"
"What... what happened?" Kiyoomi remembers being bitten during Atsumu's rut.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 30, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi part 23 (CW: blood)

They're able to squeeze in a JNT meeting before Kiyoomi's induction. Hibarida had offered to allow him to join virtually, but since Kiyoomi's been staring at the apartment walls for weeks now and he's able to rent a wheelchair, he--
--makes Atsumu wheel him around to attend in person.
To his surprise, he's not the only pregnant member.
"Lev, fuck off," Yaku, brandishing an iced coffee, shouts as an attractive alpha tries to pull a chair out for him. "I can do it myself!"
"Yak-san, you're supposed to rest--
-- and not have caffeine!"
"That's a myth!" Yaku takes a long suck of his coffee, the ice rattling around at the bottom as he finishes it.
Kiyoomi looks at Atsumu and considers that they might not have have most explosive relationship at the table.

The meeting concludes with--
Read 26 tweets
Apr 25, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi Part 22

"I've called your landlord, the insurance company, and my cousin who's a solicitor and while you definitely could take the landlord to court in small claims. Unfortunately, it would probably cost just as much to do that as it would to just pay for-
--the lost stock items anyway."
Osamu deflates in Kiyoomi's armchair. It's not the good news that Kiyoomi was hoping to give.
"It would probably be the most viable to break the lease on the current property and move to a different storefront."
"Yeah... just wish I could afford--
--that, y'know?" Osamu sighs. "There's a penalty for leaving' before the current lease's up..."
"I could almost certainly negotiate that going away in exchange for not taking your landlord to court."
"Not sure I can come up with the cash for a new place while still eatin' my--
Read 27 tweets
Apr 15, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi part 21

Atsumu comes home after his post match shower and interviews. He looks sheepish, likely from reading the text that Kiyoomi had sent him regarding his on-court behaviour, but any lecturing Kiyoomi had planned to do vaporises at Atsumu's scent.
He's freshly washed, but there's the slightest hint of sweat from his climb up their building's stairs (he refuses to use the lift for bullshit pride reasons), and it's driving Kiyoomi absolutely feral.
Atsumu doesn't manage to get a full word out before he's being--
--shoved against the door and kissed aggressively.
He's clearly confused, and honestly Kiyoomi is too. He has no idea why Atsumu does this to him and it can't all be pregnancy hormones.
Whatever. That's a conundrum for when Kiyoomi isn't this rabidly horny.
"Omi?" Atsumu asks--
Read 26 tweets
Apr 13, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi part 20

"I won't be able to come out with the team while you're here I'm afraid, Tsukasa-kun," Kiyoomi says regretfully, and Iizuna nods on his laptop screen. "But you are very welcome to come to my new apartment at any time while you're in Osaka--
--although I won't be able to leave bed or the sofa."
"I would like to make time to see you," Iizuna confirms. "Is there anything I can bring for you?"

Usually when the Hornets play the Jackals Kiyoomi likes to have a quiet dinner with his old senpai to catch up, but now that--
--he's confined to bed, they're going to have to make new plans. Not least because Atsumu has moved his stuff into the spare room so now every meal time has the Miya flare and Miya volume.
Also because ever since Kiyoomi announced his pregnancy to his teammates, they've made a--
Read 21 tweets
Apr 8, 2023
#sakuatsu pregnant Omi part 19
Kiyoomi is bored. So, so bored.
He's been lying in bed, as per doctor's orders, for a week now and he's watched every volleyball match that's been shown on TV and that he has in his collection.
He's read every pregnancy and in fact care book his--
--mother has sent him twice. He sent out his baby announcement and fielded all the questions from family.
And he is so, so bored.
He wants to go for a run. He wants to do spiking practice. He wants to swim or do yoga, anything that isn't the monotony of lying down all day--
--broken only by short trips to the bathroom.
He'd even take the excruciating trip
from the hospital in Nagoya back home with Atsumu and his mother again instead of this.
Kiyoomi had pretended to sleep in the backseat for most of it while his character was assassinated by--
Read 37 tweets

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