Sunlight Anti-Fascist Action Profile picture
Apr 3, 2023 38 tweets 39 min read Read on X
Welcome to the sunlight, Logan Michael Smith of Stillwater, OK.

Or should we call you 'Levi Smith', UTR attendee and operator of the racist '/pol/ News Network' accounts which spread lies about Unite the Right to thousands online?


Buckle up, it's 🧵 time! A picture of a man in a crowd of nazis at Unite The Right inA picture of Logan Smith. He's wearing a blue shirt and tie.
Growing up, Logan was a devout Christian, 'Chief Operations' for Florida Federation of Teenage Republicans, and an 'Intelligence Officer' for an online survivalist group.

In 2011, Logan tried to join the Air Force but was discharged due to health reasons. A photo of young Logan. He's wearing a brown shirt, and fakeA screenshot from Logan's intro page on a website called AboContinuing Logan's intro from the previous image: "My hTwo screenshots, one from a thread on facebook, dated May 20
Around this time, 4Chan created '/pol/' in an attempt to 'contain' far-right trolls.

Instead, the board became a magnet for racists, misogynists, genocidal maniacs, and someone called 'Levi Smith'.…… Excerpt from Wikipedia: pol, short for "Politically IncTitle of an article about pol: Containment Breach: 4chan’sFrom a research paper on pol: 5 MEMEIFYING FASCISM The cyberIn 2017, 'Levi Smith' did an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on 4chan,
In 2014, Logan posted photos of a 'Kindness Bus' to his Instagram. His public postings illustrate his 'ghost skin', masking his alter ego: a manipulative, toxic, racist, and hate-filled individual projecting two incredibly different personas. A montage of pictures of the 'Kindness Bus'. It's painted whScreenshot of Logan's Instagram where he writes: "You cScreenshot of Wikipedia page about Ghost Skins: In white sup
Logan ended up attending Florida State University where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology. While there he got married, and upon graduation they moved to Virginia.

Logan worked as a research associate, helping research suicide screening in military populations Logan stands in front of a display board of red and grey panScreenshot from Logan's wife's public facebook showing a lifExcerpt from Logan's bio at BAT Lab, part of Oklahoma State Except from Logan's bio after winning a "Remember the T
In August 2016, a '/pol/ News Network' (PNN) page was created on Facebook. It shared the most toxic memes from /pol/, hoping to radicalize a wider audience.

Around the same time, PNN started showing up on Twitter, Gab, and other platforms. A screenshot of pol News Network 1 twitter page.A screenshot of pol News Net twitter page.A screenshot of pol News Today twitter page.A screenshot of pol News Forever twitter page.
In March 2017, PNN posted a meme vilifying Muslims, Drag Queens, and Liberals. It went viral after it famously backfired, with liberals proclaiming 'Yes, this _is_ the future we want!' (which is true, btw).…… A screenshot of the original post by PNN, which shows a glorOne of several images mocking PNN, it features a cartoon froUh, so it's sort of someone dressed as a blue dragon with a Another image mocking PNN, featuring a scene from The Muppet
In April 2017, a user called 'Levi Smith' joined Twitter and claimed responsibility for several PNN accounts, including those on Gab, Wrongthink, and Youtube.

'Levi' left plenty of other clues confirming he was running the accounts. Screenshot of Twitter bio for 'Levi Smith', which reads: &quScreenshot of tweets by pol News Alerts, one of the PNN accoScreenshot of a PNN account on Minds illustrating a holding Screenshot of a tweet from user "Fuct up mind" on
In May 2017, 'Levi', Milo, & TPUSA joined the 'Safe Streets Project' hoping to 'trigger libs' in to defending themselves, while recording info in SALUTE format to send to cops and make 'antifa' look like aggressors. Excerpt from linked article, which reads: "Levi Smith, A flyer made by Milo Yiannopoulos for an event in Miami to lA screen capture from a video made by Dark Triad Man, in whiA screenshot of Dark Triad Man's website showing a dystopian
To avoid bans 'Levi' framed his PNN accounts as if they were run by multiple people, often tagging other users and calling other accounts 'affiliates'.

CW: In July 2017, however, he did a 4Chan AMA where he removed any doubt about who ran them — and why. Screenshot of archived 4chan thread. It reads: "I wanteContinued: "Why are you doing this? It started as just A pol user asks a question: "Just tell me how do you feA screenshot of archived 4chan thread, which reads: "I'
In August 2017, 'Levi' doubled the reach of the #UniteTheRight hashtag on Twitter.

At ~93k followers PNN was arguably the most influential account promoting UTR.…

Screenshot of a tweet from researcher Erin Gallagher, which A gephi graph which looks like a sphere filled with stars, eA similar graph, but based on data about deleted tweets. TheScreenshot of a tweet from researcher Conspirador Norteño w
The @/polNewsForever Twitter account was created in 2014, years before PNN existed. Using some magic, we found it was previously named @/EveryBitcoinKey — a crypto spam account — prior to being rebranded for PNN in May 2017. It gained almost 18k followers in just 9 days. Screenshot of 'Levi' announcing the pol News Forever accountScreenshot of web archive from 18 May, 2017, showing the polTwitter accounts have a unique ID, which doesn't change even
Logan was a crypto bro — LinkedIn shows he worked for 'Finman Technologies', which we suspect was owned by cryptocurrency millionaire, 'Erik Finman'. Logan and Erik later worked together at another crypto company, Metal Pay @metalpaysme… Screenshot of Logan's LinkedIn profile listing companies he'Screenshot of a selfie that Erik Finman posted to facebook i
Publicly, organizers claimed UTR was about 'Free Speech', the same claim made by other far-right groups such as the 'Safe Streets Project' and the Proud Boys.

The truth, however, is the exact opposite: They want to eradicate free speech.
On August 10, 2017, polNewsForever stated its Admin was going to UTR. On the 12th, 'Levi' tweeted a picture from his car confirming he was going.

That was a mistake.

ANTIFA™ Sleuth Mode: Activated!… Screenshot of tweet from pol News Forever, dated August 10, Screenshot of a tweet from 'Levi Smith' dated August 12, 201Screenshot of a partial google result showing an image from A brochure image of the inside of the car. A yellow box has
CW: That afternoon, James Alex Fields Jr. drove his car into a crowd of people, injuring dozens, and killing a beloved activist, Heather Heyer. 'Levi' claimed 'Antifa' was responsible.

In July 2019, almost two years later, he was still pushing that narrative on PNN's Gab page. A tweet from pol News Forever, in which 'Levi' complains aboAnother tweet from the same account, stating: "Antifa cAnother tweet from the same account, which reads: "CPR A post on PNN's Gab page with a photo of James Fields (Charl
Through constant vilification of 'Antifa', Logan's PNN amplified the 'Safe Streets Project' use of DARVO — a psychological gaslighting technique that makes the victims of violence look like the aggressor.… Screenshot of TV cartoon series 'The Simpsons', specificallyScreenshot of an article titled "DARVO as a collective
Upon returning from UTR, 'Levi' discovered that his house had participated in trickle-down economics, and posted photos of the aftermath to the internet.

That, too, was a mistake, 'Levi'. Screenshot of archived tweet in which 'Levi' complains aboutScreenshot of another tweet, this time outside the house shoScreenshot of twitter bio for 'Levi Smith': @LeviSmithUSA. CScreenshot of profile picture, which is a partial image of '
While 'Levi' blamed 'racial profiling' for the robbery (sure, Jan), a lady-friend called Brittany Pettibone organized a fundraiser for repairs. Brittany is an 'alt-right' YouTuber who interviews far-right guests such as Aleksandr Dugin and Tommy Robinson.… Screenshots of some tweets from 'Levi', including: "TheA screenshot of some tweets. The first is from 'Levi', statiA screenshot of the internet archive for the fundraiser pageA screenshot of a youtube video by Brittany Pettibone, showi
In May 2017, Pettibone interviewed 'Levi' about PNN. On August 12 2017, on his way back from UTR, 'Levi' video called her from his car. Photos of 'Levi' found on @/polNewsForever and @/LeviSmithUSA matched the man in the interviews.

Screenshot from an interview about pol News Network, hosted Screenshot from an interview about Unite The Right, again wiA screenshot of a tweet by pol News Forever, on 12 August 20A screenshot of a tweet by 'Levi Smith', seemingly archived
Based on social media posts, we estimated travel time to be 2.6 - 3.1 hours, which limited our search to certain regions. We mapped gas stations along routes, and searched for the barriers in Levi's photo. We found only one match, near Portsmouth / Norfolk, VA. A map of Virginia with overlays showing where a 2014 Chevy CThe photo from the car showed a full tank, so we searched foComparison of the photo 'Levi' took en route to CharlottesviTravel directions map (final version, showing the route from
"I'm being racially profiled!"
No, 'Levi', you were just exposed to the well-known side-effects of structural inequality. One of these heatmaps shows property crime, the other shows household income. Which is which? (see ALT text)
The data helped us hone in on your location. Household income heatmap for Norfolk/Portsmouth areas in VirProperty crime heatmap for the same region. Dark green is loA satellite view of the area, with map pin highlighting the
After scouring satellite and streetview maps, we finally found the house. Who lived there until 2018?

Oh, look, it's Logan Smith and his wife!

His wife came up with the name 'Levi Smith', as confirmed by Logan during the 4chan AMA. An Instagram post showing Logan holding his wife in his armsA screenshot from the AMA that 'Levi Smith' - Logan - did onA photo montage of 'Levi Smith' and Logan Smith photos, illu
Did 'Levi' actually attend UTR?

PNN posted a tweet; it was archived 23 hours later. We found a Unix epoch timestamp in the HTML, converted it to UTC (14:46:06), then to EDT: 10:46:06 am. In photos taken at that time, we found Logan, and exposed watches confirmed the time. A screenshot of the archived tweet posted by pol News ForeveA screenshot of the raw HTML of the tweet archive, showing tAn excerpt from the wikipedia page on Unix Time, which readsScreenshots of exposed analog watches found in photos taken
Having confirmed the time of the tweet, we found the exact location of Richard Spencer in the park, which then led us to video footage of 'Levi', i.e. you, Logan, taking the photo and tweeting it out to @/polNewsForever (which was banned the next day lol).
Here's some photos for your album, Logan. Next time you want to promote the nazi invasion of an American town or city, or any other place on the planet... Don't! A photo from Unite The Right showing, from left to right, AzA photo from Unite the Right showing a large crowd of nazis,A photo from Unite the Right showing a crowd of nazis near tA meme from a scene in a TV series, in which a slim man with
Just as PNN boosted UTR, others boosted PNN (and thus UTR). One such account was @/TEN_GOP, which was outed in October 2018 as a Russian troll farm operated by the so-called 'Internet Research Agency'. A tweet from TEN GOP asking people to follow a new PNN accouA chart showing how Kremlin troll activity spiked massively A graph showing retweet traffic for a single pol News ForeveA screenshot of a tweet from 'Levi Smith' where he says: &qu
In mid-2018, the Smiths (not the band) moved to Stillwater, OK, where Logan was starting a Master's Degree at Oklahoma State University. @okstate @OSUPsychology

On his public Instagram, Logan posted photos of his silver Chevy Cruze, the car he drove to UTR. Public Instagram image posted by Logan Smith showing the accAn Instagram post from Logan, dated August 2018, showing hisAnother Instagram post showing the car, filled with wrapped
In October 2018, Robert Bowers, a nazi and fan of /pol/ — the toxic ecosystem Logan helped promote via PNN, which Bowers also followed — attacked the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, killing 11 people and injuring 6 others.… A screenshot of the quoted tweet, from journalist Mike StuchAn electronic device of some kind with the number '1488', a A screenshot of some of the people that Bowers followed, witA screenshot of a post from Bowers, where he repeats 4chan p
In July 2021, Logan completed his Master's degree, and promptly embarked on his PhD. He also started seeing real patients in therapy sessions, although currently under the supervision of licensed practitioners... until he finishes his PhD.

What could go wrong? Screenshot of Oklahoma State University website with a banneScreenshot of OSU website, listing current clinicians (theraA screenshot showing the titles of some research papers that
Logan is also a Space bro. His particular interest seems to be, wait for it... SPACE MADNESS. In particular, he's researching 'Automated Psychotherapy', the autonomous screening of individuals & application of 'corrective therapy'. A picture of Logan as he appears in the Space Madness video.Screenshot of a youtube interview where Logan is the guest sScreenshot of an event flyer for an event, held in September
Logan, who knows how to identify vulnerable people, and also what triggers suicidal ideation, and is researching automated psychotherapy, appears to still be posting hate memes to the remnants of his PNN social media empire — namely on Gab. A timeline graph showing how PNN has been continually postin
CW: Here are some examples of what /pol/ News Network has been posting every day since 2016. An endless stream of racism, bigotry, transphobia, antisemitism & misogyny. This stream of hate becomes an ideology for adherents, who then manifest it in decision making and actions. A screeshot with example of misogynist content: Becayuse womA screenshot with example of racist content: Making claim thA screenshot with example of transphobic content: The scene A screenshot with example of antisemitic content: A table wi
Given what we now know, who do you think wrote this LinkedIn bio? Dr. Logan, or Mr. 'Levi'?

Logan will soon be able to see patients unsupervised — many in a state of distress and struggling with suicidal thoughts. He's researching how to automate "therapy". Logan Smith, Content, Social Media, Marketing His bio reads:

Please contact Oklahoma State University to warn them about Logan Smith's online campaign of hate, and how intellectualizing it won't prevent the potential harm to students, patients, or society at large. Photo of Logan Smith.Photo of Logan Smith at Unite the Right .
UPDATE: After publishing the exposé on Logan Michael Smith, the PNN page on Gab suddenly went private.

Trying to hide your 6+ years of hate posting? Don't worry, Logan, we've archived the PNN social media posts, going all the way back to 2016.

#LightGreenHatUTR #IgniteTheRight Screenshot of PNN's Gab account prior to lockdown. It had reScreenshot of PNN's Gab account 6 hours later, after our expScreenshot of content recently added to PNN's Gab account wh
UPDATE 2: Logan Michael Smith has been removed from Oklahoma State University Psychology's "Current Clinician" page as of this afternoon.

We hope that OSU is taking the safety of others seriously and we will watch for further developments.

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Sep 24
UPDATE: Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, TN has parted ways with Assistant Professor Logan Michael Smith after multiple protests by students and community members.

We published our initial detailed expose of Logan "Levi" Michael Smith in April 2023 which was updated after we learned he was hired by APSU.…
APSU posted two job positions over the weekend and announced Monday that they had "mutually agreed" to end his employment.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 26
UPDATE RELEASE! Fash Pack 2024: A collection of over 1,400 PDFs of nazi unmaskings and the far-right from the past several years.

This archive project is a collaborative effort between @SunlightAFA and @LateNightAFA……
Looking for info on neo-Nazis or groups affiliated with specific regions? Files have been labeled with names, groups, and locations for searchability.

If you're only wanting the update, no worries, we've got a separate smaller collection available with just the 400+ new files.
With the silencing and censorship of researchers and whistleblowers by far-right actors, it has become especially important to archive research on far-right extremism.

They may try to silence us, but the Internet never forgets.…
Read 4 tweets
Dec 31, 2023
May the New Year bring us even more opportunities to shine light on injustices and stand together against hate. We at Sunlight AFA are grateful for your support in 2023, and look forward to keeping the flames stoked in the year ahead.

Sunlight we've brought you over 2023 🧵
In January, we released an expose for @UnmaskUTR on Unite the Right attendee Judson Gannon Blevins aka Conway from Oklahoma who ran for Enid City Commission.

#JudsonGannonBlevinsUTR #IgnitetheRight

Judson Gannon Blevins wearing a white shirt and black helmet carrying a red flag at Unite the Right
In January, we shined light on Gabriel Warren Chase aka "Warren" aka #BlackAdidasBrat a J6 Insurrectionist and America First Groyper from Gainesville, Florida.…

Gabriel Warren Chase aka "Warren" aka #BlackAdidasBrat  inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 wearing a bandana and a red MAGA hat.
Read 13 tweets
Jun 30, 2023
Welcome to the sunlight Sean Clayton Spaulding (33) of Carlsbad, CA.

Sean is a biotechnologist-turned-wannabe holistic health practitioner and a long-time racist activist.

He's also Unite the Right attendee #BlackBristlesUTR.

Despite being featured in numerous photos for stories about the deadly 2017 rally in Charlottesville, Sean Spaulding had gone unnamed for nearly 6 years.

Thanks to anonymous tipsters and researchers with @SCResearchClub and @SunlightAFA we bring you this long overdue exposé.

In August 2017, Sean Spaulding attended Unite the Right alongside members of Identity Evropa's Southern California chapter and was frequently photographed with Rise Above Movement members. Under the initial guise of “free speech” and "heritage", the rally descended into violence.

Read 12 tweets
Oct 16, 2022
Welcome to the sunlight, Tyler Bradley Dykes (24) of Bluffton, SC.

Tyler is a tech company CEO.

He's also Unite the Right 2017 rioter #LanyardNoShirtUTR...

#IgniteTheRight Image
Last year, Tyler set up a tech company called Technology King of the Lowcountry.
It provides, amongst other things, cyber security services and surveillance systems. ImageImage
Just few weeks ago, Tyler Dykes - who provides cyber security services - posted photos online to celebrate new business partnerships.

We found those photos, and analyzed them. ImageImage
Read 14 tweets

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