Today is one of the bad day in our trading community irrespective of the market condition due to FINVASIA Broker issue.
Many traders got struck with this issue and had lot of pain after seeing the loss in the screen, 1/n
they could not do anything, it was worst situation for any trader to face.
i am very sad to see many people lost and they shared and asked me for support, i try to help as much as i can, please follow my thread in timeline for procedure.
please keep the record of order details such as -*screen shot with timing is must(if possible use web platform to take screen shot)
*if multiple orders got rejected take screen shot of all the orders 3/n
*download the order book in excel for reference, order id NSE id, other details whatever you have store it
if you have recorded video that also will be good
these are first priority details you must be shared with broker and ask for refund 4/n
some other documents may needed later
*Issue description
*Computaion of loss
*order rejected details with screen shot(error code and messgae if any)
*communication mail with broker
*contract note 5/n
Do not worry about the loss, everybody will face difficult situation, we dont have option other than crossing this with take it as lesson for future, i hope all will come stronger, together we will learn and grow
In this thread I am explaining how I got the refund (66k) from my broker, because of my order got rejected with Error code and msg of “16642 Options buy used limit exceeded the user limit” (1/n)
On 1st of Feb (Budget day), I sold 39800 CE at 387.75 with 200Q at 14:51:30, then I tried to close the sold position 14:52:00 with Price of 325.75, with Profit of 12400rs, but my order rejected, it is continuously rejecting for more than 5 mins with 15 times. (2/n)
Later at 15:01:26 my order executed with price of 721.05, because of that I occurred total loss of 79k (12 Profit missed and 66k loss).