profile below is using ableism as engagement bait. He tweeted the packaged peeled fruit thing yesterday like it wasn’t discussed extensively years ago. Looks like he wants to ride the omnidirectional outrage for engagement at our expense.
A Boston hospital just sent out a new "code of conduct" message thru their patient portal to tell me all about the zero tolerance tone policing policy.
Because patients are "being more combative".
Let's consider that.
Are patients becoming more combative?
Or when patients get caught on the jagged edges of our shattered healthcare system, when patients are hurt by this violent to all system, is it now a dischargeable offense to do anything other than sit there silently while being hurt?
[child abuse]
As a survivor of long-term child abuse, my vigilance is hyper.
A medical analogy: I don't have super specificity, but do have high sensitivity to early & slight signs of toxic, abusive, & violent systems & people.