Are gender critical beliefs views a protected belief?
Robin Moira White, lawyer, trans rights expert and commentator on my case wrote in 2021 that people with GC beliefs are not protected against discrimination if they voice them at work.
So following the EAT judgment White & Newbiggin rewrote the chapter in their book to recognise that a belief can only be excluded from protection if it akin to Naziism or totalitarianism in destroying others' rights.
Their re-drafted chapter appears to be the source of the often cited view that it is only holding the belief, not manifesting it, that is protected.
Of course that was also wrong.
This is not what Mr Justice Choudhury said at para 78 - at all. What he said is that manifestation may justifiably be restricted in some circumstances.
In 2023 Robin says again that my beliefs are not protected against discrimination.
This time Robin says my beliefs have changed, and are no longer worthy of respect, even if they were before.
Here are my "absolutist" beliefs as I expressed them in my witness statement in 2019.
The EAT and the tribunal also had a good look at the statement in the FairPlay for Women booklet and found nothing there that was not "worthy of respect in a democratic society"
15 months after calling me in for questioning about a tweet, and having sat on the CPS decision that there was no crime for 2 months, the Met bothered to call me up at 7pm this evening to tell me, and then put out this press statement. 🙄
Here is the tweet over which they wasted their time, my time, my lawyers time and taxpayers' money.
Minister for Women & Equalities says "We are proud of the EqAct & the rights & protections it affords women. The Govt does not plan to amend legal definitions in the act.”
Hundreds of women are going to Parliament on Wednesday to ask the govt to rethink.
It took 22 more years before 1919 the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act was passed permitting women to become join professions and to become lawyers and civil servants and to sit on juries.
There is new statutory safeguarding guidance out for schools in England which tells them to consider risks and harms to gender questioning children as part of safeguarding.
When this was out for consultation earlier in the year Adam Jepsen, Chief Health and Sex Education Officer of the Family Planning Association said that the government must withdraw it.
"These changes do not support trans children" he argued.
This is not the only topic where university VCs have not defended academic freedom strongly enough, but it is a very good demonstration of the problem.
Prof @Docstockk was hounded out of @SussexUni
She has been waiting for 3 years for the results of an @officestudents investigation