This afternoon, I took part in a #LetWomenSpeak -event, initiated by @Playinstreet (suspended from Twitter for saying that a trans woman is a man), in front of the old women’s prison in Oslo: «Bredvet». Women were speaking to show that we care about the inmates and to say >>> 1/
>>> to the 🇳🇴 authorities that the sanitary conditions in that prison are unacceptable, that the lack of qualified staff and lack of courses to manage life is horrible and that it’s not acceptable that at least one biological man shares their shower and toilet. >>> 2/
>>The biological men that committed sexual offences as men, changed legal gendered > “became women” before going to jail… at least one of them serves time among the women at Bredtvet
When the inmates shouted THANK YOU and applauded through the barred windows, I almost cried. 3/