Your belly fat is setting you up for cancer, heart disease & an early death.
Here's every tip I have to shred your belly fat:
1. Stop drinking alcohol.
2. Drink black coffee & diet soda to suppress your appetite. 3. Eat tons of steak, chicken, fish & greek yogurt — impossible to get fat eating tons of protein. 4. Eat the same meals over & over again. Less variety = more success.
5. "Genes load the gun, but lifestyle pulls the trigger." Genes are no excuse. 6. Avoid Starbucks milkshakes. 7. Whatever the mainstream media says about health, do the opposite.
8. More muscle = more calories burned. Lift weights to lose fat. 9. Cardio is overrated for burning fat but underrated for longevity. 10. It’s easier to not eat 100 calories than it is to burn 100 calories in the gym — prioritize nutrition.
11. Your ancestors walk 20k+ steps a day, the average American walks 2k. Walk more. 12. To transform your body you need to transform your identity. Every time Ethan Suplee finishes a workout he posts: "I killed my clone today."
13. Creatine is the most researched supplement. Take 5g daily for muscle building & brain health. 14. The reason you don't have the energy to work out is that you don't work out. 15. Avoid nuts, nut butter & avocadoes. Although "healthy" they are packed with calories.
16. If you "don't have the time", you especially need to prioritize your health. Health = productivity. 17. Eat slower. You will get full faster & it improves gut health. 18. The biggest mistake in fitness, business & life is looking for shortcuts.
19. You can be the person to break the chain of poor family health. Generational health > generational wealth. 20. Say you can and you will. Self-belief is the most powerful drug in the world.
I'll leave you with this...
When you transform your body, you transform your life.
Get in shape and see how everything changes.
Thank you for reading!
My mission is to help you transform your life with fitness as the catalyst.
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P.S. If you have 20+ lbs to lose and want to look great by summer...
My team and I will coach you for 90 days and GUARANTEE you:
Here's every tip I have to save you from losing 27% of your muscle by age 60:
1. Stop drinking alcohol.
2. The only diet worth doing is a high-protein diet. 3. Eggs and steak are superfoods. Not "foods to avoid". 4. Working out 3-4 days/week is more effective than 6-7 days/week. Your muscles (and nervous system) need recovery.
5. Eat the frog first. If you struggle to consistently work out, do it 1st thing in the morning. 6. Skipping workouts because you're "tired" is the reason you're tired. 7. 8 hours of sleep & 30 minutes of sunshine are the only steroids you need.