GOP budget cuts could jeopardize authorized programs & services, including those for disabled veterans, military sexual trauma survivors & homeless vets.
Proposed GOP VA budget cuts could limit access to telehealth, critical for vets in rural areas, and increase wait times for benefits for over 134K claims.
Proposed GOP cuts could also prevent construction of state-of-the-art health care facilities for vetetans, and delay openings of new national cemeteries.
As many as 50K vets could lose housing assistance, putting them at risk of homelessness, and over 1.3M could face increased food insecurity because of GOP funding cuts.
Cuts to Department of Health and Human Services community mental health centers and public health programs could deprive vets of mental health and substance use services.
The GOP proposed cuts to VA funding threaten to undermine the care and support that our veterans have earned and deserve at the same time as the PACT Act begins implementation.
The Executive Order directs the Department of Veterans Affairs to improve access to home-based care for veterans who require support with activities of daily living, like bathing and getting dressed, by giving them more decision-making power over who delivers that care and when.
The VA is being directed to consider expanding its Veteran Directed Care program to all 172 VA Medical Centers by the end of Fiscal Year 2024. This program provides veterans with a budget to hire personal care assistance, including from family members.
Banks that lent him money are trying to offload those loans for less than 60 cents on the dollar.
He will keep destroying Twitter to drop that even lower so he can get to a point where he can buy Twitter's debt outright.
All of this is intentional.
Fun fact...
Moody's, the credit rating company, changed Twitter's credit rating from B1 (or four steps into junk territory) to withdrawn “due to insufficient information" last Friday.
Every tweet I post about the Honoring Our Pact Act, I must deal with the situation I'm living with regarding my own exposure along with reliving difficult experiences with my service that I would rather forget.
I can't carry this weight alone.
Please pass this bill this week.
I lost brothers and sisters while fighting in Iraq.
I never expected to lose brothers and sisters while fighting for a bill to be passed.
Advocates died waiting for this bill.
I can't let this fail for them.
I have survivor guilt in trying to get the benefits I was owed.
I have been gaslighted by the very agency that was created to help me.
I must beg to both the Supreme Court and Congress for help.
How much more does our government want to put us through?