India's first-ever census of water bodies across the Nation Report Released.
The census provides a comprehensive inventory of India's water resources, including natural and man-made water bodies like ponds, tanks, lakes, etc
By Jal Shakti Ministry
⭕️Launched under the centrally sponsored scheme, “Irrigation Census
➡️Covered water bodies located in rural as well as urban areas that are in-use or not in-use
❇️All type of uses of water bodies like irrigation, industry, pisciculture, domestic/ drinking, recreation, religious, etc
Key Highlights of Report 👇⬇️
✅️24,24,540 water bodies have been enumerated in the country, out of which 97.1% (23,55,055) are in rural areas and only 2.9% (69,485) are in urban areas
‼️So Rural >>Urban ‼️
✅️Top 5 states with water bodies
West Bengal>Uttar Pradesh> Andhra Pradesh> Odisha> Assam
✅️Together, they Constituent 63% of total water bodies in country
✅️Top 5 states with Urban water bodies
West Bengal>Tamil Nadu>Kerala> Uttar Pradesh>Tripura
✅️Top 5 states with Rural water bodies
West Bengal>Uttar Pradesh> Andhra Pradesh>Odisha> Assam
🔴In terms of types of water bodies
Ponds(59.5%)>tanks (15.7%) > reservoirs (12.1%)>Water conservation schemes/percolation tanks/check dams (9.3%)>lakes (0.9%)>others (2.5%).
🔴Interms of Ownership
Private ownership(55.2%)>>Public ownership( 44.8%)
➡️In Public ownership maximum lies with Panchayat followed by State Irrigation/WRD
➡️In terms of private ownership
✴️Individual owner/farmer >>Group of individuals >>other private bodies
✅️Top 5 States in the private owned water bodies are
West Bengal>Assam>Andhra
Pradesh>Odisha >Jharkhand
✅️Out of all 'in use' water bodies, major water bodies are reported to be used in pisciculture followed by Irrigation.
✅️Top 5 States in pisciculture water use are
WestBengal>Assam>Odisha>Uttar Pradesh >Andhra Pradesh
⭕️S1 GPAI aims to advance the responsible and human-centric development and use of artificial intelligence
⭕️S2 India assumed its presidency in 2022 and joined it as a founding member in 2020
Soln 🧵👇
📌Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence is an international and multi-stakeholder initiative that aims to advance the responsible and human-centric development and use of artificial intelligence.
✅️Act as a global reference point on discussions on responsible AI
❇️It was originated as idea of G7 countries ,officially proposed by France and Canda in 2019 G7 Summit
➡️Started with 15 countries, in 2020 India was also one of its founding members
The Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies at the WTO
Is impt for prelims
Let's see statement
⭕️S1 Probhit subsdiy provided Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing
⭕️S2 2 years transition period Developing & LDCs
Recently concluded WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsdiy will prohibit subsidies from being provided for Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing and overfished stocks.
This negotiations on fisheries subsidies were launched in 2001 at the Doha Ministerial Conference
✅️ 1️⃣st WTO agreement to focus on the environment
✅️ 1️⃣st broad, binding, multilateral agreement on ocean sustainability,
✅️ 2️⃣nd agreement reached at the WTO since its inception.