The leading cause of excess death in 🏴England in March 2023 was symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions, at 525 excess deaths (43.4% above average);
In 🏴Wales it was heart failure and complications and ill-defined heart disease, at 27 excess deaths (58.1% above average)
While ‘symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions’ take the Top Spot in 🏴 with 525 excess deaths
When you combine all of the heart-related excess deaths, you get 941 excess deaths💔
🚨🏴 Mark Drakeford tells the UK Covid Inquiry that it wasn’t safe in hospitals - and that’s why he discharged patients into Care Homes during lockdown
Care Homes suffered 1,400 excess deaths during 10 weeks of lockdown
A doubling of deaths
Safer in Care Homes, Mr Drakeford?
Drakeford said that hospitals were becoming the epicentre for a wave of a deadly coronavirus …
In reality, our hospitals were half-empty during the pandemic
Care Homes meanwhile we’re over-run and implementing deadly protocols such as NICE NG163 (End of Life) 2/
Care Homes would suffer two spikes in deaths
The first, following lockdown
The second, following the vaccine
Now, COVID was blamed of course
But in reality was it the COVID-response & treatment protocols that caused the excess deaths ??? 3/