Hard to know where to begin, but let's pick 2019, the year Haiti was supposed to have parliamentary elections.
In 2019 President Jovenel Moïse was in power, after winning the Nov 2016 election, which saw just 21% of the population turn out to vote. The scheduled parliamentary elections for that year were delayed, a frequent occurrence in Haitian politics.
By 2020 this left Moïse governing almost alone, with just a rump legislature of senators. The deputies and even local official's terms had ended without new elections. Then Moïse was assassinated on July 7th 2021.
In what seems to be a well publicised affair, a conspiracy between diaspora Haitians and Colombian mercenaries resulted in Moïse's residence being attacked. His bodyguards and security team were all unharmed 👀
So the country turned to the appointed but unelected Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who assumed leadership after Moïse's death. The final blow came on Jan 10th 2023, when the remaining senators left office. There are now no elected officials running Haiti.
Into the void came the gangs. Many outlets float the number 200, half of whom battle it out in Port-au-Prince. The two main gang alliances are the G9 an Fanmi e Alye, led by former cop Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier, and the GPèp la, led by Gabriel Jean Pierre - Ti Gabriel.
The G9 alliance looks focused on extortion, kidnapping and capturing public facilities, like electricity and water. In sept 2022 the G9 closed a fuel terminal, demanding amnesty and even seats in the Cabinet, protesting Henry's regime and the cutback to fuel subsidies.
2022 also saw a battle over the notorious slum Cité Soleil, a G-PEP stronghold. With no water, electricity, food, sanitation or protection, the shanty town's thousands of unfortunates were trapped under constant gunfire.
Haiti is a failed state, no way around it. The army, disbanded in 1995 after decades of political interference, was re-established in 2017 and has possibly 500 recruits, for a country with over 11 million people. The police are riddled with corruption and gang connections.
In March inflation was at 49.3% and around 5 million Haitians were on the verge of starvation. Official figures for murders and kidnappings exist but they seem far too conservative for such an anarchic situation.
Various NGOs and the UN report gang rapes, extortion, torture, ransoms, sniper attacks and general lawlessness across the country. Numerous videos of executions, beheadings, beatings and cannibalism have surfaced online.
Just yesterday videos appeared showing Haitian police beating and stoning gang members before piling tyres on top of them and setting them on fire.
Henry called for foreign intervention to help restore order to the country - the US and Canada seem unsurprisingly reluctant to engage. Kenya, Rwanda, Trinidad and Jamaica have either volunteered or been suggested, along with Brazil.
Exactly how and what the objectives of an intervention would be are unclear. The alternative power block - the Montana Group - is looking to unseat Henry and push for a 2yr transitional government under different interim leadership, and rejects military intervention.
It's hard to imagine that any future Haitian govt would not make use of foreign powers, be they food distributing NGOs, educational charities, police trainers, special forces, military equipment or UN peacekeepers, despite their record.
What are chances of foreign intervention do you think?
I also have other threads on overlooked Haitian history
Thread of pictures from Australia, taken from the book Peoples Of All Nations (1922) Vol I.
The British authors survey both the European and Aboriginal inhabitants, considering the former to be a "sub-type of the British race... far more assertive, self-confident, ruthless"
"The Sturdy Stock They Raise On Australian Farms" - the authors mention the low birth rate in the cities, but praise the outdoor Australian lifestyle, as well as pointing to new technologies replacing older rural livelihoods.
Next up from the Peoples Of All Nations Vol I (1922), we have Annam.
Described as a 'long stretch of tropic seaboard, inland mountains and jungles' with a 'medley of races' - the Mongolian Annamese, Chinese traders, Malay Chams and jungle 'Moi savages'.
I have acquired a copy of volume I of the anthropological classic Peoples Of All Nations (1922), so I will post some threads of the different peoples covered with photos and images you can't easily find elsewhere.
First up is Afghanistan, described as a race of fighters in the hills, with their blood feuds and adaptations to Islam.
A Hazara sepoy and his son, a "fine Mongolian race of the little-known northern hills"
It goes unremarked, but Britain still has something like 8,000 magazine titles in circulation. These range from well known media publications to tiny niche hobby groups.
I think it reveals an important part of the Anglo/WEIRD mindset about how group associations are formed.
The richness of the smaller hobby sector includes everything from model railways, insects, arts and crafts, astronomy, botany, gardening, cooking, choirs and organs, horse care, military aircraft, medieval architecture and the like.
These types of voluntary organisations are historically much more important than traditional forms of association like clan, tribe, caste or even extended family.
A new paper interpreting the East Anglian Anglo-Saxon site of Sutton Hoo and similar graves has hypothesised that the magnificent burials belonged to warriors who fought for the Byzantine Empire and returned home as heroes.
Let's take a look 🧵
The article, from the English Historical Review, proposed:
"it is likely that the men buried in the princely burials at Prittlewell and Sutton Hoo served as cavalry soldiers in the Foederati recruited by Tiberius in 575 in the wars with the Sasanians on the eastern front"
The extraordinary treasure of Sutton Hoo and other similar princely graves has been debated for nearly a century. One standard interpretation for the Mediterranean artifacts and wealth is the trade and diplomatic links with the Merovingians.
The 'Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice, other Inhuman and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act, 2013' is a piece of Indian legislation aimed at tackling the problem of religious human sacrifice and other similar activities 👇🧵
The specific clauses of the act cover a range of magical and religious acts that could lead to harm, death or manipulation - eg coercive sex or theft of money. The list is so specific you have to imagine each of these things has been reported before.
The origins of the bill go back to 2003 and every step of the legislative process has faced fierce opposition. One of its greatest advocates, Dr Narendra Dabholkar, was shot dead in 2013 by Hindu nationalists.