3. a terrorist is a recruit of a state in a proxy war with another state.
#terrorism is a hybrid method used in a proxy war.
to eliminate terrorism, the states engaged in a #proxy war with each other, need to stop the hybrid warfare, and end the proxy war.
4. examples of #terrorists used in a hybrid warfare between Russia and the United States:
a) Julian Assange
b) Chelsea Manning
c) Edward Snowden
d) Jack Teixeira
e) AlQaeda
5. the states who recruit terrorists to be used in a hybrid warfare, are terrorist states.
by engaging in a proxy war, these states promote #terrorism
examples of terrorist states engaging in a proxy war:
a) Russian Federation
b) United States
6. it has become a prevailing orthodoxy that terrorists germinate in Middle East (off white skin, non Christian, strange clothing, etc).
why is terrorism Middle Eastern?
this is because Russian President chooses to recruit from the region he identifies with: Asia;
7. terrorists can be recruited anywhere, including the territory of the enemy state to carry out hybrid war tactics or smaller acts of terrorism.
8. heads of state who engage in a proxy war that entails terrorism are also terrorists.
a) Cheney/ Bush
b) Vladimir Putin
terrorism is an act of war;
its warfare tactics range from small to medium to large acts of terrorism i.e. it is a spectrum;
from breaking into state secrets, to acts of aggression on local population, to a declared war on the enemy state - - these are all acts of #terrorism;
#terrorism will end when United States stop engaging Russia outside its territory;
terrorism will end the moment the proxy war between United States and Russia ends;
the Iraq war was an act of terrorism, not a war on terror;
the Ukraine war is a larger act of terrorism;
there exists a prevailing orthodoxy in Washington D.C. that it is Russia who is the aggressor in the Cold War 2.0. between the United States* and Russia** --
let’s take a look:
since Wikileaks is out of the question, Manning begins to leak these files "bragging" to a handful of Discord users the same way she bragged to Adrien Lamo:
Pentagon claims correctly this is Russia behind the leak --
in July 22 Manning confesses privately with me that she's intimately involved with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin;
i tweet to president Obama on 08.02.22
H.G. Tudor’s work is the closest to describing the predatory human in all of the psychology literature --
DSM5 erroneously displaces the human predatory neurodivergence with the term “narcissistic personality” --
Tudor diverges from it, focusing on his own natural experience;
the author, unbeknownst to him accurately profiles the major strata of ‘narcissists’ along the edges of true evolutionary neurodiversity:
- the Primitive Human: the *Lesser Narcissist
- the Social Human: the *Midrange Narcissist
- the Avenger: the *Greater Narcissist;
*Tudor term