Meanwhile, here's a Tory leaflet delivered to a strongly Labour voting area in Norwich, telling people 'you don't need to take any ID in order to vote...'
@TownCloseEmma has reported it to the Electoral Commission.
Meanwhile, a new @hopenothate poll finds nearly a quarter of voters are unaware of the Voter ID rules
The @timloughton amemdment to curb detention of children in the Illegal Migration Bill now has 22 backers.
Feels like Govt edging towards either accepting it or at least @RobertJenrick signalling from Despatch Box key concessions.
.@RobertJenrick tells MPs the removal of unaccompanied children is a "complex" moral issue.
"A very large number of young adults do pose as children". Says one migrant posing as a minor had committed a murder + discretion needed cos people smugglers may load children onto boats
Jenrick says Govt accepts MP concerns and says "It’s our intention that children are not detained for any longer than is absolutely necessary with particular regard to absconding.”
Given his new reassurance he asks @timloughton to withdraw his amendment
Why are there so many British nationals in Sudan? Because some have family links. Yet there is no safe and legal route to the UK for refugees.
As @refugeecouncil + @barnardos point out, nearly all child Sudanese, Afghan, Eritrea migrants are granted refugee status after arrival
With Theresa May and Iain Duncan Smith not expected to force a vote on their amendment on modern slavery, the child detention amendment is set to be the main focus for possible Govt defeat - unless ministers make more concessions.
Key sentence sounds slightly cryptic. "It is clear there have been shortcomings in the historic process that have negatively affected everyone involved".
Surely PM/No10 will have to elaborate on what this means.
NB Sunak also reveals he consulted his independent adviser on ministerial interests.
Yet we have no idea what that adviser advised. Not a lot of transparency so far.
Speaking of which, @campbellclaret recalled this week that most journalists were hoping the peace talks went well back in 1998...apart from 'the guy with the blond hair from the Daily Telegraph'.
V interesting at Liaison Cttee, @CatMcKinnell asks @RishiSunak if he wants to declare an she points out 6 private childcare providers getting taxpayer help [double the rate of individual childminders]. Sounds like she knows something we don't..
One of those providers is Koru Kids, whose website says:
"£600 if you apply to be a childminder directly (independently)
£1200 – yes double – if you come through an agency like Koru Kids who offer community, training and ongoing support."
And here's why @CatMcKinnell question sounded pointed:
Last year, it was reported that Sunak's wife had direct shareholdings in the business that runs....Koru Kids
At Labour's NEC meeting, @ShabanaMahmood just said: "Jeremy Corbyn is a barrier to winning elections. His behaviour since resigning as leader in the aftermath of one of our worst ever election defeats, is a threat to winning..."
She cited his stance on EHRC/antisemitism.
.@ShabanaMahmood said in past 2 yrs, Corbyn "has failed to move one inch from the position that brought about his suspension".
He failed to take advice offered to resolve the issue. "He failed to do what that party had to do - to acknowledge the problem and change accordingly."
.@jeremycorbyn supporters believe NEC motion out of order cos it fails to mention anti-semitism as reason for blocking him as MP
But @ShabanaMahmood told NEC the issue "cannot be allowed to fester any longer" + Lab needs exlns campaigns "free of the stain of what the EHRC found"