I spoke with a GP yesterday about how the GMC’s “good medical practice” guide would expect the experimental vaccine discussion to go… (thread)
… apparently, the GMC expects patient info leaflets (PILs) to be given BEFORE vaccination (not after), and would expect practitioners to inform patients when products are STILL ON TRIAL…
… If we can get expert opinion like this into court, we have a chance of changing the system so GPs are less eager to take bribes for mass vaccination in future fake pandemics…
… it’s not just GPs. Pharmacies and all other orgs administering @£12+ per jab should have employed #InformedConsent practices but they didn’t…
… instead they blindly regurgitated manufacturers’ claims that were propounded in their “training” and quiz, which took them about 10 minutes to pass…
… in those 10 minutes vaccinators up and down the country were armed with the tools that maimed and killed thousands of healthy people who could have shaken off any “virus” with a few vitamins and rest…
… Legal cases are expensive, but legal cases are how the law is shaped. #InformedConsent is the last bastion of hope for a free country.
Can you HELP?
Make bodily integrity the primary concern in future “pandemics” and “emergencies”, fake or real: