Response to the Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping on fraudulent COVID death data, missing data, discriminatory mask policy, and vaccinations. Also asking why he has handed over the Province to AHS and the NDP by default!…
Pages 1-4 of 18. #TImeIsUp
Response to the Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping on fraudulent COVID death data, missing data, discriminatory mask policy, and vaccinations. Also asking why he has handed over the Province to AHS and the NDP by default!…
Pages 5-8 of 18. #TImeIsUp
Response to the Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping on fraudulent COVID death data, missing data, discriminatory mask policy, and vaccinations. Also asking why he has handed over the Province to AHS and the NDP by default!…
Pages 9-12 of 18. #TImeIsUp
Response to the Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping on fraudulent COVID death data, missing data, discriminatory mask policy, and vaccinations. Also asking why he has handed over the Province to AHS and the NDP by default!…
Pages 13-16 of 18. #TImeIsUp
Response to the Alberta Health Minister Jason Copping on fraudulent COVID death data, missing data, discriminatory mask policy, and vaccinations. Also asking why he has handed over the Province to AHS and the NDP by default!…
Pages 17-18 of 18. #TImeIsUp
🚨What do you want for Christmas 2024?
Focused Protection & the LIE of 'CHOICE'.
Sold to you by the government & freedom saviors.
Sold your souls for their false 'PROFIT$'.
🚨2024 - The abuse continues in Hospitals & Care Homes. Supported by Freedom Leaders & Governments alike.
Testing, Isolation, Lockdowns, Masks, Gowns, Gloves, Refused treatment, Innaprotiate Treatment & more.
Focused Protection - DEATH BY DESIGN.
🚨2024 - The lies continue as they started in 2020.
If COVID was so deadly, where are all the deaths from BEFORE the lockdowns?
The data is manipulated today as it was in 2024.
A manufactured crisis to push DEATH BY DESIGN.
🚨Alberta update December 13th, 2024
Wash and repeat worldwide.
Under the banners of "Safety" and "Choice"
Choice of Poison.
Choice of Confinement.
Choice of Death.
"For Your Safety"
All based on criminal, provable lies.
See full thread for more plus links.
How many thousands of Albertans will be locked down this Christmas? How many even know it is still happening?
The fastest rollout EVER with the KP.2 shots.
Who will protect the children while the government uses lies to push a false "choice" when there should be NOTHING TO CHOOSE?
As we wait for today's Alberta COVID lies, this is a reminder for everyone.
"Warp Speed saved millions."
"Focused Protection saved grandma."
"COVID was/is deadly."
"It's a choice."
Ask why BOTH sides push these lies.
COVID didn't kill, the response did (& still is).
COVID Shots were never needed and have saved NO ONE. They have done untold documented provable harm based on all government's own admissions.
The lie of Focused Protection continues to be the greatest killer in Care Homes and beyond. Everything it stood for (and stands for) - causes nothing but suffering and death. Cruelty under the lie of saving grandma.
This is Focused Protection as SWORN INTO COURT UNDER OATH by Dr. Jay Bhattacharya in 2021 (published 2023).
How many of his fellow 'False Profits' picked fame & fortune over the lives of the vulnerable I SWORE AN OATH TO PROTECT.
"[189] Dr. Bhattacharya is a professor in the School of Medicine at Stanford University, lately in the Department of Health Policy. He is one of three authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, an article released in September 2020, that is based on the premise that there is a steep age gradient in the risk profile for Covid-19 such that older people face much higher risk of severe disease and death upon infection with Covid-19, relative to younger people. The Great Barrington Declaration calls for a lifting of restrictions as a general matter so that younger people can live lives as close to normal as possible, and then a focussed approach to protecting older people from the disease, with more resources and more ingenuity put into protecting older people from exposure to the virus, followed by prioritization for vaccination once vaccines are available"
"[196] However, he has changed his opinion about asymptomatic spread since the advent of the Omicron variant, and now thinks it very likely that asymptomatic spread of the virus is more important with that strain of the virus than it had been before."
"202] Dr. Bhattacharya supported vaccination as a good public health policy, particularly giving priority to elderly people, which Alberta did in January 2021."
"[226] Dr. Bhattacharya had referred to Sweden as an example of good policy in his written report. When faced with data that indicates that, during a similar period, Alberta’s death rate was about 15.2% of Sweden’s death rate when relevant populations were taken into account, he testified that it was important to adjust for the age of the population, suggesting that the high death rate in Sweden was caused by the initial exposure of nursing homes to the virus without any measures for protection."
Sweden Locked Down Care Homes with NO access by family for 8 full months. It wasn't the virus killing them, it was the protocols they used.
What people thought Focused Protection was is not what was implemented or what Jay et al were and are arguing for.
First posted in 2023. No one paid attention and it continues to get worse as a result. Why does it always come back to Alberta?
🚨Alberta COVID Update Nov 7, 2024
Continued use of PCR/RAT tests causes ongoing reported fraudulent COVID deaths.
'Died within 60 days of a positive test'.
2 reported COVID deaths (17 added), 136 reported since Aug 25, 2024.
2 flu deaths, 0 RSV deaths.
Do you believe 91.5% voted yes? <400 voted no?
October 2022. Smith - 54% approval after 5 rounds.
2 years of broken promises.
2024 Townhalls - many unhappy UCP members.
Crimes covered-up, ongoing deadly lockdowns & COVID shots - highest ever.
Manipulating numbers is what they do!