Day 1 of #ICLR2023. Kigali is Buzzing with Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Data Science. This is a historic moment as one of the biggest ML conferences is held on the African continent for the first time. It's even better as there is a great local presense. 1/n
Our first #ICLR2023 keynote is Sofia Crespo (@soficrespo91) - "Her work brings into question the potential of AI in artistic practice and its ability to reshape our understandings of creativity." 2/n
I did mention local presence. We have many attendees, speakers at #ICLR2023 that represent @DeepIndaba@MasakhaneNLP@dsa_org@black_in_ai and beyond. Let's all learn from each other and keep building the momentum.
Our lab @DSFSI_Research will also be part of this week through a number of presentations at workshops and helping out with running the conference.
Thank you to all organisers, volunteers and local coordinators who have made this week possible. 4/n
For those interested in the startup + AI space, please also talk to our @LelapaAI colleagues.
I attending the "Oral 1 Track 4: Social Aspects of Machine Learning" - Really liked the papers "Quantifying Memorization Across Neural Language Models" and "Human-Guided Fair Classification for Natural Language Processing"
It's great to experience #ICLR sessions, the posters & sponsor booths. What a great time for AI on the African continent. Enjoying meeting new people and having others come up to introduce themselves. COVID had robbed us of in person, but so many virtual collaborations.
Our second #ICLR2023 keynote speaker is Girmaw Abebe Tadesse @girmawAT talking on "Understanding Systematic Deviations in Data for Trustworthy AI"
The last poster session for day 1 of #iclr2023. Buzzing with ideas. 9/n
It's Day 2 of #ICLR2023. Our third keynote of the conference is Masashi Sugiyama. His talk titled "Importance-Weighting Approach to Distribution Shift Adaptation"
Introducing Masakhane WEB - A Machine Translation Web Platform for African Languages. This is a research tool that can showcase the translation models that @MasakhaneNLP has developed in the last year and assist with improvements.
We have a nice tool you can use, but there is more. We release the tool itself as open-source software. It has a backend with an API and a frontend. These can be improved upon. The development was funded through Mozilla Open Source Support @mozilla… 3/n
Given the Minister and his wife's COVID-19 positive test as well as the quick communication to their contacts to self-isolate (seems to be direct contact). Let's talk about contact tracing just a bit.
What the minister's family did would be termed active tracking and tracing.
What is active tracing? You can identify the risk level of recent contacts of the index case (here the minister and their spouse). The contacts need to be traced and asked self-quarantine. and/or tested as well. How does this contact listing, tracing and monitoring happen?
It can be active in that a health care worker gets the contact list from the index case. In summary (you can read fuller guidance here…), the HCW or tracing team will physically or telephonically get in contact with the contacts to inform them and ...