1. Alex Barnett, a college student, was sentenced to 10 DAYS IN JAIL for participating in a peaceful protest of anti-trans policies imposed by an Arkansas school board.
The school board would not allow public comment, so Barnett chanted "Trans lives matter!"
2. Barnett and his classmates were there to protest the actions of the school board at their previous meeting in October.
At that meeting, the school board banned trans students from using restrooms that matched their gender identity and banned two books with trans characters.
3. The October 11 vote by the Conway School Board came after incendiary comments during the public comment period. One speaker said of LGBTQ people: "God gave them over to a depraved mind... let me remind you that those who do such things deserve death"
4. None of the Arkansas school board members publicly objected to such comments. Later in the meeting, they unanimously approved the bathroom restrictions and book bans.
5. In an interview with popular.info, Barnett said his original plan was to organize students to speak at the next meeting. But then the school board decided to not allow any public comment.
6. Barnett was not ready to give up. He and about 20 classmates came to the next school board meeting. They were told there wasn't enough room in the meeting room and they should listen to the proceedings from the lobby. They complied.
7. About 30 minutes into the meeting, Barnett and his group started chanting, "Trans lives matter!" A police officer in the lobby told them to leave
Most of the students did. Barnett and two classmates sat on the floor, linked arms, & continued chanting
8. All three were handcuffed, taken to the police station, and charged with trespassing and failure to disburse.
According to the school board minutes, they interrupted the proceedings for a grand total of 8 MINUTES, from 6:31 to 6:39 PM
9. In Arkansas, trespassing and failure to disburse are both class C misdemeanors and carry a maximum penalty of 30 days in jail and a $500 fine. But jail time for a first-time non-violent misdemeanor is unusual
Barnett had no prior criminal record - not even a traffic violation
10. The prosecutors, according to Barnett, were not seeking jail time. But Barnett decided not to take a plea.
"[I[f I were to plead guilty and take a plea deal, then that's admitting I did something wrong... [and] "I did not do anything wrong."
11. Two police officers took the stand and, according to Barnett, testified that he was trying to intimidate the school board members.
According to the police report, Barnett did nothing other than sit on the floor OUTSIDE THE MEETING ROOM and chant "Trans lives matter!"
12. Barnett took the stand in his own defense. "I admitted to instigating the protests," Barnett testified. "And I said explicitly, what I did was morally correct, and I have no remorse for what I did whatsoever."
13. District Judge Chris Carnahan, who presided over the bench trial, found Barnett guilty on both counts. The judge said that Barnett attended the school board meeting specifically to intimidate school board members. Carnahan sentenced Barnett to 10 days in jail and a $650 fine.
14. Carnahan is the former executive director of the Arkansas Republican Party.
During his unsuccessful run for the Arkansas Supreme Court, he used the slogan: "Finally, a conservative judge!"
15. Carnahan collected tens of thousands of dollars from Republican Party committees, even though the races are non-partisan and such contributions violate the Arkansas Judicial Code of Conduct. Carnahan said he was ignoring the rule because he believed it was unconstitutional.
16. Carnahan posted "Let's go Brandon!" code for a profane insult targeting President Joe Biden, and a tribute to Rush Limbaugh on his public Facebook page.
Among the groups Carnahan likes on Facebook is the Family Council Action Committee, an anti-LGBTQ advocacy organization.
17. During his campaign, Carnahan claimed to support "amnesty and community service instead of fines" for non-violent offenses.
But Carnahan apparently believes that Barnett's non-violent protest supporting trans people deserved a much harsher penalty.
19. After Carnahan found Barnett guilty, he was immediately put into handcuffs and held at the courthouse until the court's business that day was completed.
Around 5:30 PM, he was transported to the jail.
20. Barnett described the conditions at the jail as "utterly inhumane." All of his clothes were confiscated, including his underwear and socks.
He received no food.
He slept on the floor with only a thin yoga mat for cushioning.
21. Barnett also feared for his safety due to the nature of his arrest. "I told one of my cellmates why I got arrested, and his immediate response was, 'Do not tell anyone else in here why you got arrested,'" Barnett recalled.
22. Barnett was never transferred to the main part of the jail because his attorney appealed the decision, and he was released at about 5 PM the next day.
In Arkansas, he has a right to a new trial in the circuit court. The trial date has not been scheduled.
23. But there is still a chance Barnett will have to return to jail and serve the remainder of his sentence.
1. TODAY a watchdog group has requested a state and federal CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of Tennessee House Speaker @CSexton25
The request, which draws extensively on Popular Information's reporting, centers on whether Sexton sought and received excessive per diem expenses.
@CSexton25 2. The group, @Accountable_Org, wrote to state & federal prosecutors in Nashville, & requested they "immediately investigate whether Mr. Sexton has violated any state or federal criminal laws, including felony theft, honest services fraud, and tax fraud."
@CSexton25@Accountable_Org 3. The letter cites Popular Information's report that Sexton secretly purchased a 600K home in Nashville and notes that, in response to our reporting, Sexton has admitted his family is based in Nashville, and not the Crossville district he represents two hours away.
1. A Florida school district has banned dozens of books based on PROPOSED LEGISLATION
These books are perfectly fine under FLORIDA'S CURRENT LAWS
But administrators are keeping them off the shelves because they might be prohibited by FUTURE LAWS
Follow along if interested
2. A Clay County schools' spreadsheet on the status of challenged books lists 55 titles as "Pending Legislative Update."
A spokesperson confirmed those books are unavailable to students while the "district is monitoring the current legislative session."
3. In other words, the school district is anticipating new legal restrictions and is withholding titles even though they do not run afoul of current law.
Among books that are no longer available are critically acclaimed novels like A Fault In Our Stars and The Handmaid's Tale
A member of GOP leadership in the Tennessee House, @ScottyIsOn, was found guilty of sexually harassing an intern by a bipartisan ethics committee.
Speaker Cameron Sexton (@CSexton25) took NO DISCIPLINARY ACTION and kept the investigation SECRET
@ScottyIsOn@CSexton25 Meanwhile both @ScottyIsOn and @CSexton25, while papering over sexual harassment, voted to EXPEL three Democratic members for expressing solidarity with gun safety protestors
To put this in perspective, @CSexton25 believes SPEAKING WITHOUT BEING CALLED UPON is a more serious violation of the rules of the Tennessee House than SEXUALLY HARASSING INTERNS
1. The @Tennessean, the largest newspaper in Tennessee, published a lengthy article today analyzing the implications of Popular Information's reporting on Speaker Cameron Sexton (@CSexton25).
In 2021, Amazon's "partners" sold 3.9 BILLION products
The more products Amazon lists, the more money it makes
According to lawsuits, https://t.co/C5dtocmR1W has been selling "suicide kits"
@amazon 2. The lawsuits involve the sale of highly concentrated Sodium Nitrite, a lethal industrial chemical
According to suits, beginning in 2018, Amazon "received notifications from parents of children who died from various brands of Sodium Nitrite" but continued to offer it for sale
@amazon 3. The most recent lawsuit was filed two weeks ago, on March 30, by the families of two teens — a 19-year-old Virginia and a 18-year-old,.
Both teens purchased Sodium Nitrite from Amazon.com in 2020 for $19.99.