Felis Catus (house cats) are the only species that tested positive in Wuhan early in the pandemic. Cluster 1 visited Thailand in November 2019. The anomalously uninfected group in Wuhan are cat handlers in the pet circle (animal shelters and pet shops, not markets). Cats are ImageImage

More Wuhan cats. Somehow nobody contacting a cat in Wuhan were infected. ???

@Daoyu15 ImageImage

Shi stopped testing cats in Wuhan beginning from May 2019. Pets like cats and dogs can take public transportation including trains. The problem regarding 🐱🐶🐖🐄🐑 are that these species don’t pose any need or possibly for policy changes—you can’t ban domestic animals. Image

For anything that is linked to livestock there is no ban that can be formulated from it.

@Daoyu15 Image
The problem with the livestock anomaly is that they either point toward specific depletion of Homo sapiens (it renders the species counts meaningless) or that it point toward an origin scenario that confer no valid policy changes.
(Other possibilities include synthetic samples.) Image

They clearly did manage to specifically deplete human DNA. Just see all the samples with only livestock DNA in them.
@Daoyu15 ImageImageImage
6的引用-推文图片 ImageImageImage

When their kit clearly show evidence that they are extremely effective at removing human DNA, leaving multiple samples with mostly or even only livestock DNA, even more so than the claimed “wildlife stall samples”.
@Daoyu15 ImageImageImage
You can’t solve a problem with livestock by just dishing out bans and you can’t justify draconian changes to society with a scenario placing a proximal origin in livestock or non-exotic pets. Blaming wildlife allow the #agenda2030 “one health” policy reforms and other draconian Image

And authoritarian WHO regulations.

@Daoyu15 Image


Historically all “pandemic” viruses can be traces to livestock, lab and not wildlife populations. For a novel RNA virus to be pre-adapted to humans and cause an unstoppable and uncontrollable pandemic at first appearance (it seems to be excellent at Image
10 gab

Someone tried to look for Coronaviruses in patients with cold-like symptoms (mild cold to pneumonia, same symptoms sets for HCoVs) in Malaysia and Thailand. Everywhere including Thailand, Malaysia, Haiti, they found only the occasional CCoV (dog coronavirus), traces of ImageImageImage
11 gab

Porcine CoV (pig coronavirus), and in case of Afarica, MERS-CoV which is epizootic and common in camels. None of these were ever found to spread beyond the few occasional patients they were found in. There were NO recorded epidemics caused by Coronaviruses originating in
12 gab

Southeast Asia including Malaysia in the past 100 years.
All the occasional CoVs they found originated from livestock and not wild animals—even those found near markets selling wild animals.
Fighting against active quarantine methodologies and human social control measures (absent in wild or farmed wildlife, or any clandestine sources. However domestic livestock and pet species are subjected to quarantine similar to and in parallel with humans), which is hard for any Image
Viruses that are found in the wild or wildlife farms (these have very, very low rate of exchange and quarantine is nearly nonexistent as their regulations are based on conservation and not disease control)—but consistent with something that have circulated for two or three months Image
Or even more in the Human society (again, unique among the animal kingdom)—Italian and Brazilan human sample RNA, Wuhan cats and cat handlers, clusters in Florida all evidence of potentially months of circulation before the first recognized severe cases, as the virus would have Image
Have to adapt significantly (MiRNA evasion) to human to have severe cases to begin to show. SARS-CoV-2 IS the hardest-to-contain RNA virus in humans known, especially in the earliest days. (Even measures that caused the flu to disappear were unable to stop the waves of SARS-CoV-2 Image

That happened in 2020-2022, when there were “zero positive influenza tests” in the USCDC records. Even Measles, one of the highest R0 respiratory viruses in humans, were almost completely gone. It is able to fight against not only the normal sickness response, but also active Image

Social control—something that is unseen in any previous RNA virus-of-concern in animals or humans. This capacity is shared with common cold HCoVs, but not with SARS1 or MERS, or even those newly emergent CoVs found in animal farms (PEDV/SADS-CoV). This require long adaptation Image

Time in humans and render wildlife trade origin unlikely, market origin impossible. Infections seeded by labs in Humans/pets or by long-term livestock circulation under active and functional quarantine measures (🐖🐄🐑🐱🐶) are both possible ways to achieve this, with humans Image
(Italy, Brazil,
daoyu15.substack.com/p/the-dog-that… NYC, Florida) being supported by RNA and antibody evidence and the routes not being mutually exclusive (animal vaccine trials in domestic/farmed animals,
illegal adoption of used lab animals Image

As pets). There is practically no quarantine measures in the wildlife industry or trade in China. CoVs there don’t adapt to evade quarantine it only adapt to what SARS1 is—highly lethal and highly replicative, and fails catastrophically upon quarantine policy enactment. Image
You only get a virus that can escape quarantine (it is in fact one of the most quarantine-evasive RNA viruses known right at the beginning, a property only shared among HCoVs but not any newly emergent CoVs in either animals or humans.) by having a virus trained in an actively Image

Quarantined environment (labs and domestic livestock/pet breeding facilities with well established and properly enforced quarantine measures, human societies) and adapted to evade intelligent and conscious quarantine measures—you don’t see this at all in the wild trade. Image

(Wuhan military games does see they doing temperature screening at the airport too.)
@Daoyu15 Image
In fact, domestic cats and hamsters are the only two species where Wuhan D614 spread efficiently—even ferrets failed to transmit in half of the experiments performed. Both domestic cats and domestic hamsters are pets. The only known population that had anomalous immunity in Wuhan Image

(Anomalous immunity as (claimed) in SARS1 animal traders where the severity is less but still existent) were pet workers—those that handles cats specifically, but also to a lesser extent dogs and hamsters. The earliest animal infection reports in the world were in pets. Image

Wildlife species on the other hand either spread G614 only, spread poorly or their susceptibility were never proven or observed. If you are to blame animals, isn’t pets much more likely options than wildlife?
@Daoyu15 Image
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The counts in Italy for cats is lower than Wuhan in the first wave.
@Daoyu15 Image

Which could indicate that cat infections in Wuhan predated the main wave or even spillovers into other countries—conferring preexisting immunity against pneumonia in cat handlers in Wuhan.

@Daoyu15 Image

these cats are found in animal shelters, pet hospitals and homes of cases—and not markets or near it. This suggest that the introduction source into the pet industry is independent from Huanan, wildlife trade or wildlife markets.
@Daoyu15 Image
Investigation using serological testing of SARS-CoV-2 in foxes, jackals or wild boars, as well as animals in the zoo in Croatia, found no evidence of either SARS-CoV-2 RNA or neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. This indicate that the absence of reported ImageImage


@Daoyu15 Image

Nobody have found a naturally infected raccoon dog anywhere in the world. Nobody even managed to infect them a second time.
@Daoyu15 Image

"No concrete evidence of SARS-CoV-2 circulation in the German population of raccoons and raccoon dogs can be deduced, not even their susceptibility to the virus."
Their words, not mine.
Even Germans themselves have conceded that Freuling is unreproducible. Image

The real problem here is that
no reports of infected raccoon dogs have been released anywhere in the world three years into the pandemic.
@Daoyu15 Image
"No concrete evidence of SARS-CoV-2 circulation in the German population of raccoons and raccoon dogs can be deduced, not even their susceptibility to the virus."

Their words, not mine.
Freuling et al was never reproduced.
@Daoyu15 Image

However even with G614 raccoon dogs are much less susceptible than minks.
1. How many raccoon dog SARS-CoV-2 genomes are there in GISAID database?

The answer may surprise you!
@Daoyu15 ImageImage

2. How many mink SARS-CoV-2 genomes are there in GISAID database?
See below, snapshot 2 years ago.


Not just to human transmission. To evading human-only and human-made intelligently enacted quarantine measures. You don’t see that in the wildlife trade at all. You see that in viruses with months and not days of circulation at time of its official “first discovery”.
@Daoyu15 Image

It evade quarantine better than even influenza and measles.

@Daoyu15 Image
Cats, inlculated with parvovirus, illegally released by animal rights-concerned researchers.
Parvovirus infects human consuming fruit from trees where the released animals wandered across.
Think what would happen with SARS-CoV-2. Image
37的原图片 ImageImageImageImage
WHU regulation issues: “simple disposal and excessive temporary storage of Ministry of Medicine biological waste….. Ministry of Medicine failed to provide time and operator signatures on temporary storage closets for biological waste.”
Well that is where the illegally released Image
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Cats came from.

@Daoyu15 Image

Fitting a Gompertz curve to the cat seropositivity rates. What you see?
(October-November 2019 first infection is required for first cats and first humans, long before the first Huanan cases).
@Daoyu15 ImageImage

The WHO claim of “no human cases or positive serology in potential cases before 08/12/2019” is statistically irregular and anomalous.

@Daoyu15 Image

On the other hand, aljazeera.com/news/2021/2/13…

Not only were the Chinese “data” claiming no circulation before the first market case statistically improbable even under null hypothesis, Image
Virus screen results are confirmed by white-tailed deer.

Finally, if you claim that “all serological results were negative in 2021” rules out all 92 pre-08/12/2019 WHO phase I study cases, then the 11 Florida patients with a Image


Revisiting the 92 WHO “rejected” cases:
Remember how they claim to test only 67 of these 92 cases (The actual searching process of all wuhan municipal health facilities is stated to be a part of “phase I study” for the WHO origins report, ImageImageImageImage

and begun in 08/2020. Yes. Even these 72253 respiratory disease records took all of the healthcare institutions in Wuhan at least two months to finish reviewing……), and they claim that blood samples taken in 01/2021 were all “negative”?

According to a community random sampling study, the community-level seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies is ~4% over a sampling period of March-May 2020.
A study looking specifically for antibodies randomly sampled in 14-15/04/2020 indicated that the

then community antibody seroprevalence levels is 5.6%, all of which have IgG antibodies. 39.8% of these individuals have neutralizing antibodies.
For follow-up studies, the total level of IgG antibody prevalence in these cases declined to 90%

of original levels in June and October-December 2020 (e.g. close to the January 2021 sampling date), while the total prevalence of neutralizing antibodies did not decline at all.
Binomial analysis using these 3 results gives a maximal probability that the claimed

result is possible of 22.527% (just over 1/5) for neutralizing antibodies only, a median of 6.489% (1 in 15) for sampling period from March-May 2020 (most of which were sampled before the epidemic have completely ended in Wuhan), and a minimal of just 3.128%

(slightly above 1 in 3). Neither of the 3 are plausible under the community seroprevalence of Wuhan as by 01/2021. China have at least 77.473% chance of being lying about the result of these “retrospective case searching efforts” in the “phase I studies”.
In fact,

not even the reviewing results of VPUE/NCIP reports originally reported into municipal and provincial NDRS systems would survive into the final WHO report dataset, leaving only 174 “VPUE” and “NCIP” reports as originally reported inside the National system. Reviewing

efforts on other categories in the national system, which eventually lead to the SCMP leak of another unrelated 92 (completely different in term of timeline compared to the WHO phase I study results) cases, were shut down even earlier.

42引用gab-原图片 ImageImageImage
The WMHC specifically looked for only cases from “several hospitals(near huanan market), huanan market and neighborhood of Huanan market”. Exactly 32 of these biased cases formed the entire “unlinked case bullseye” around the market—exactly the number of cases announced in the ImageImage

Clinically diagnosed numbers substracted by the number of cases that were stated to be directly linked to the market (59-27).

@Daoyu15 Image

As a PUE-causing strain (lineage B) eventually forms, it took the public transport to Hankou, which it would do over and over again in much of Asia always breaking out at *high concentrations of constantly contacting elderly people in an unventilated area that is on the Image
Considering the transportation complexity from Tianhe or the WIV to Hankou/Huanan, and compare that of to other markets (Baishazhou and Qiyimen, same wildlife supply chain) in Wuhan, and you can easily see why these were not early epicenters—Hankou is the easiest to reach Image
45引用-原图片 ImageImageImageImage
Choke-point between international travel and the city*. Hankou station and Tianhe airport together forms the single location in Wuhan with the highest product between passenger throughput and average dwell time of each passenger. No residential areas near Tianhe. All residences Image

Of Tianhe-linked cases are mapped to near the Hankou station.

@Daoyu15 Image

Many of the hospitals in Wuhan were also initially only taking in cases near the market—often with fever or much less severe symptoms compared to cases not near the market. This creates catastrophic bias when these were then ascertained.
@Daoyu15 Image

Differential ascertainment and “isolation for treatment” of cases (some with just a fever—something that not even the reportedly unproductive WHO case searching efforts used as a criterion) with “exposure history toward the Huanan market, including Image

There is more to this problem.

In addition to the specific search targeting the neighborhood of the Huanan market, Differential ascertainment further complicate things in the “试行诊疗方案” and “入排标准” era, especially in ImageImageImageImage

the “省管医院”. archive.is/6Wuve
Fever + “visiting a clinic near the HSM” or “clustered fever cases near the HSM” = ascertainment. (Yes. As it turned out living near the HSM or being admitted to a hospital near the HSM is counted as “exposure history at the Image

HSM” by the “试行诊疗方案” (“long-term exposure”), until the WHO report restricted it to only directly exposed and family members of directly exposed cases) that All mild symptomatic cases were counted near the HSM. Hospitalization is performed on all ascertained

cases for the purpose of “隔离治疗” in this era.


Fever+lung CT showing infiltration in the lungs (can’t be denied, and can’t be an X-ray, only in moderate and severe cases)+lymphocytopnea (not there in WA1 or mild cases)+negative “multi-virus test” (the FilmArray multi-pathogen PCR test at the CDC,


must have testing allocation, which is virtually impossible to procure in this era due to low testing capacity at the CDC labs + can’t be denied for the case to be ascertained, can’t have even a single coinfecting bacterium like mycoplasma or any of the


opportunistic pathogens in the airways) (or negative in-hospital all virus PCR test, again too expensive (the test can’t be denied for the case to be ascertained) and difficult to procure, testing capacity < 25 reactions per 2-3 days given the size of the kits that

can be ordered, no longer available after 03/01/2020 due to shut-down of testing at non-“designated institutions” archive.ph/UIBkB archive.ph/NqyEo and can’t have a single positive including false positives like cross-reagent contamination or

environmental contamination. In the middle of a flu season this is quite difficult to achieve—given the number of viruses that needed to be tested in each assay) and finally have to be expert consulted (responding to antibiotics or is an outpatient before this

step=rejection) for ascertainment. (All non-severe cases are rejected because expert consultation capacity is limited—outpatients that wasn’t hospitalized for purposes other than isolation (not ascertained at this point) are most likely not counted because they

don’t usually have time in the hospital for sufficiently long for an “expert consultation” to be applied, scheduled and performed)
Hospitalization is always performed at ascertainment “列入不明原因的病毒性肺炎” for isolation “隔离治疗”. Just a fever and any

financial capacity if market or near market, severest out of severest and rich if not market and not near market.
If the “试行诊疗方案” hospitals were requiring as little as just a fever (that is, only one of the surveillance PUE criterions) and HSM exposure

exposure history to ascertain cases, but still requiring the full-blown PUE criterions (all 4 including failed antibiotics treatment, in an “expert consultation”) for ascertaining cases that didn’t have HSM exposure history, this is going to cause a massive

bias not only toward “linked” cases, but also any cases in the neighborhood of the HSM, including “unlinked-by-the-WHO” cases.

48引用-gab-原图片 ImageImageImageImage

Recognize the pathogen, searched out the other report from that famous “cluster 1” by the 4 Huanan workers in the same report.


Later searches were done focusing on Huanan, hospitals near Huanan and its neighborhood.
By the end of December 2019, the ImageImage
Biases also emerge in the sampling itself—during the period where the “试行诊疗方案” and “入排标准”, or even National Standard 1, were operating, the only way to get sampled and have a sample stored is by getting ascertained first, primarily through a link to the Huanan market. ImageImage
Surveillance of wild animals in Wuhan including suppliers to Huanan. They took three
rounds of sampling. Huanan suppliers, Hubei, Nationwide. No positives were found. Agains compare this to cats which was the only animal species reported to be infected ImageImageImageImage

By the WHO report across the time when human SARS-CoV-2 is officially discovered.
FIP survey in Wuhan, susceptibility.

@Daoyu15 Image
Different codons, however feline CoVs can have PRRARRS(?) as one of the possible S1-S2 motifs.
The ignoring of cats is primarily based on that it is not in contact with bats (doubtful as these are companion animals that moves with people) and was not sold in Huanan or linked to ImageImage


The wildlife trade.
As (RaTG13 binding affinity). The flow cytometry indicating cats bind SARS-CoV-2 RBD >> raccoon dog.


Not even mustelids fit the D614 transmission requirement—hamsters (CHO/BHK cells) and cats are the only 2 animal species known to spread D614. Even hamsters are massively boosted by G614.
Cats are lab animals. They are often illegally released from the labs after inoculation Image

By “animal rights concerned researchers”.
Natural hosts of Embecoviruses (if the species have an Embecovirus associated with it in the wild) always sport a prenylated OAS1. This shut down transmission of Sarbecoviruses which is one of the reason why neither mice nor rats are Image

Models of SARS-CoV-2 or Sarbecovirus transmission—even after introduction of a suitable ACE2. (Because both mice and rats are nature hosts of several kinds of rodent-CoVs (Embecoviruses). Hamsters are not known to have an Embecovirus associated with it in pets or wild.). Image
(You need lung xenograft humanization to study SARS-CoV-2 transmission in mice or rats.) ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…
Again contrast cats.
Cats can be vectors of 1: international importation. 2: introduction via trains or any other forms of locomotion used by humans because of their Image

Companion animal status. 3: escape from laboratories due to animal rights activism in their institutions.
The only reason they were “ruled out” is the same reason for every other livestock species—“they are not a part of the illegal wildlife trade”. Which is incredibly Image

Subjective and arbitrary.

@Daoyu15 Image

A U.S. link. Although more research is needed. The cat positivity in Wuhan seems o reside with the human case counts (lockdown/mass testing era.)


See what they did immediately after the pandemic. (They banned the “introduction of used lab animals into the marketplace”. There were no permanent legislation made against the use of wild animals in the same manner—any bans in early 2020 were swiftly reverted and the animals Image

were added back to the “livestock” list.)

@Daoyu15 Image

Someone have seemed to forgot that in China, lab animals are often took out to be used as pets, or sold at markets.
This links the pet trade in Wuhan uniquely with the WIV and not to the wildlife trade or any bats that may Image

harbor a related virus, as pets (cats and dogs) are usually bred locally or sourced from a local location due to difficulty of long-distance transport, in closed facilities (Cats in particular, as most pet breeds of cats don’t breed or grow well exposed to the elements)

not exposed to bats. However, many SPF facilities and labs may also sent animals to the pet trade, both from SPF breeders disposing of surplus animals and illegally by labs after They have done experimenting upon them. At least one human infection of feline parvovirus

is linked to illegal release of virus inoculated cats in China.
(More information on the available methodology for large animal carcass disposal. 7-16 minutes at 121C outside temperature isn’t sufficient to even cook a chicken all the way through. Let alone monkeys,

rabbits, ferrets, cats or dogs.
archive.md/piWba )



(The only mentioning to wet markets in the new “Biosecurity law” in China? "It is forbidden to introduce animals used in experimentation into the marketplace.")
65-gab截图 ImageImageImage
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Is unlinked to the wildlife trade. Something may be circulating in cats alongside humans in November 2019 and creating pre-existing immunity in Wuhan cat workers and handlers. Connor reed cat is also sick.

@Daoyu15 ImageImageImageImage


Not even native Mustelids of the Eurasian continent are good fit for D614–“The authors found that SARS-CoV-2 infects the upper respiratory tracts of ferrets but is poorly transmissible between individuals.”

@Daoyu15 Image

Ignoring the most obvious and only actually infected+positive animal host: Felis Catus, by Gao.
@Daoyu15 Image
68-原图片 ImageImageImageImage
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It seems to have circulated first in nearly all of the cats in Wuhan and their handlers (note that the first Beijing epidemic is still comparably small compared to Wuhan during the Wuhan lockdown period where these results were communicated) before the first market case or the ImageImageImage

official “December cases” begun.

@Daoyu15 Image
71-原图片 ImageImageImageImage

Outbreak substantially to not have an unimmunized cat fanciers that can become an early case during the market outbreak. Again, why they didn’t test at all cats from October and December 2019 (only pre-pandemic cats were from Mar-May 2019)?
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… ImageImageImage
Unfortunately, cats are traditionally domesticated animals and are also lab animals. zenodo.org/record/4307879
Well just see what happen to cats that were inoculated with viruses (feline parvovirus) in Labs…… (many, many labs in China illegally releases these animals

that were considered “companion animals” into the wild after they were inoculated, due to “animal rights” activism within the universities and labs.)
Well what else you see in HZAU?

73和74的图片 ImageImageImageImage










American Mink is farmed only in northern China same as foxes and raccoon dogs. None of them are exposed to the right bats.

@Daoyu15 Image

Old-world deer are not susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infections as none of the deer and muntjacs sampled in Europe were positive.

@Daoyu15 Image

strains only. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P



No fox infections before Omicron too.

@Daoyu15 Image

There were to this date 0 reports of raccoon dog natural infections anywhere in the world with any strain of SARS-CoV-2.

@Daoyu15 Image


Nobody have found a naturally infected raccoon dog anywhere in the world. Even foxes were completely nonsusceptible before Omicron.

ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P… Image





This leaves Felis Catus as the only two animal species that may serve as an animal host for SARS-CoV-2 D614–the other is Mesocricetus Auratus, golden hamster, (not an Embecovirus natural host) which is also a pet species. Both are lab animals.

@Daoyu15 Image

Nobody have found a naturally infected raccoon dog anywhere in the world. Nobody even managed to infect them a second time.

@Daoyu15 Image


The real problem here is that


no reports of infected raccoon dogs have been released anywhere in the world three years into the pandemic.

Nobody have even managed to infect another raccoon dog a second time. No natural infections were found in raccoon dogs.

@Daoyu15 Image

It don’t even use civet ACE2.

@Daoyu15 Image

It can’t use civet ACE2 either.

@Daoyu15 ImageImage

Some samples had animals that was dropped in.
For example, Q61. There is no Meles Meles (species) in Chinese markets. Chinese farms or even China. However as the type species with an actual sequenced genome in the genus Meles the species (or a specimen of it) is archived in ImageImageImageImage

• • •

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More from @zijizhanchu_5

Nov 27, 2023
43-1/ @Daoyu15

Ask “which species shed the SARS-CoV-2 where it is found”, and you get Homo Sapiens. Image
43引1-1/ @Daoyu15

Even where robust surveillance systems are in place, raccoon dogs are not infected at all. An absence of infection in Europe neither wild nor farm 3 years in the archive.md/DChUL

@Daoyu15 43引1-2/ @Daoyu15

does exclude infection especially D614. Even with G614, the highest shedding of any contact animals—taking average 1.5 animals inoculated with extreme doses and incomplete inoculum clearance to infect ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P…

Read 27 tweets
Nov 27, 2023
补1-1: The last sales of live raccoon dogs for food ended in 2018. After that, it became economically infeasible as the pricing for meat have crashed, and a series of counterfeit food busts in China have made the public aware that raccoon dog meat is mainly used for fake food and
补1-2: it have extremely bad taste. No market exist for them as live animals other than for virologists to test and test on since 2018. Image
补1-3: Not susceptible, but draw the highly susceptible and Yunnan CoV-contacting virologists themselves right into the “raccoon dog stall” in a monthly basis.
Read 109 tweets
Nov 26, 2023
Read 7 tweets
Nov 25, 2023
1-1/ @Daoyu15

Unfortunately, if you actually look into the “related species” in the locations where the virus is found, you end up finding that all they had is a coincidence with proximity to the toilets. The correlation crashed in the positive samples—they become negative.
1-2/ @Daoyu15

Breakdown of correlation one metric or another occurred when entering that “stall”. They were all in zero or negative correlation with the SARS-CoV-2 reads in one metric or another in contrast to Homo Sapiens. Also, the raccoon dogs are archive.md/iw1Pz
@Daoyu15 1-3/ @Daoyu15

from Hubei, captured by trappers from within Wuhan. These have publications linked and were all negative. Nor were the porcupines, all from Hubei farms, both farms tested, all negative.archive.md/DChUL
Read 187 tweets
Nov 24, 2023
1-1/ @Daoyu15

It is worth mentioning that there is another metric called “significance”. Needless to say that if you count in significance, those porcupines—they were the least significant and highest R^2 species known. archive.md/MtkL3
1-2/ @Daoyu15

You also can in fact find them in W9-36-38.
@Daoyu15 2-1/ @Daoyu15

Needless to say that if you actually go to the correlation within the samples where the virus is found, the porcupines were actually in strong negative correlation—the only thing it have is that there is relatively few stalls that sell them, which are 3 stalls that
Read 116 tweets
Nov 22, 2023
2-1/ @Daoyu15

Again, the miners were positive originally. The claim that that test was in stead negative invalidates the test used at the WIV. The impossibility of all 67 members of the community in Wuhan sampled in 01/01/2020 to test negative proved this. Again, why there is an
@Daoyu15 2-2/ @Daoyu15

5x single day jump in 01/01/2020 from China’s “cases” data? Does Not fit any kind of epidemiological curve isn’t it?

Read 108 tweets

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