About to report on the School Committee budget subcmte meeting scheduled for 5 PM, seems to be running late. We are ready and I'll let you know when it starts #scbsc0502
Meeting opens at 5:06, Miriam provides an update on the status of the recommended, SchCom approved and Town Admin increase less than either approved. Will need to make reductions to meet the funding #scbsc0502 has list of items according to categories
Option to reduce the items the SchCmte added, decrease in investments among ESPs, and others, don't have doc to view, these are preliminary items so it matters more what this group will forward to the SchCom, additional fee income an option, reduction in FTEs #scbsc0502
Shift some options to ESSAR funding, releasing other positions, a priority choice, transportation up $15, athletic fees by $50, activity fees by $25 across the levels... #scbsc0502
Q on 29 teachers potentially to be cut, non-professional first, June 15 deadline for notification of individuals affected #scbsc0502 would likely notify mid to late May (post FinCom hearings)
Approx $258k for across the board reduction at individual school levels for supplies and other items, #scbsc0502 proposal for some of the summer work by the curriculum committees (mostly teachers, et al) would be reduced (not eliminated)
Sports reductions would affect busing, official fees, awards, etc also an impact on the overall number of games scheduled; approx $50k for this item. #scbsc0502
A sports equipment storage facility is also rented, cost savings would be to find other places to store such. #scbsc0502 decisions would also be made on how deep into the budget the cuts need to make; total of 36 positions possible for reduction. Will impact class sizes
Reduction of any staff affects the educational experience, items cut previously haven't been brought back. Impact on the staff, students, remains TBD. #scbsc0502 in the model, some of these would have been reduced for normal student population declines, this is more
This is all for discussion at the subcommittee level not to create alarm, details remain to be sorted out. #scbsc0502 attempting to maintain as many programs as possible, with slight reductions rather than eliminating a program
Fee increases don't amount to major amounts. #scbsc0502 how does the $375 bus fee proposed compare? Don't have good current data for comparison. Increase in Bus fees would bring in about $20k still capped at 3 per family.
Activity fee increase to $100/student per year. Transportation sign up underway, can't wait for decision on what the fee will be, need to confirm bus routes, etc. #scbsc0502
Title I position would result in other leadership positions assuming the responsibilities, the services would still be delivered either way. #scbsc0502
Bright program tends to be fluid as the students come back, transition in and after some time don't need the program, could get total using and something on how many at a time #scbsc0502 also only at FHS
If needed to go deeper, then the varsity levels would remain, the JV, JV2, froshmore could be at risk, length of games per season, before reduction further #scbsc0502 athletic and after school fees increase revenue, otherwise your cutting/changing programs to reduce exps
Lifelong learning could pickup in some areas perhaps; if cuts hold then, potentially no middle level activities or after school transportation #scbsc0502 "None of us want to be in this position"
Graduation of 424 seniors this June, anticipated 348 freshmen coming in Sep, so there would be enrollment based reductions there to deliver the same service. #scbsc0502 this is going beyond that
36 reductions as mentioned could be fulfilled with retirements, etc. Before actual reductions of teaching, professional staff #scbsc0502 discussion on paper, a district order was placed today, prior message may have been to minimize usage
Potential use of an additional $150k by dipping into the circuit breaker revolving funds could be considered, doing more so gets riskier as those funds are not yet here and may not arrive in the same level. #scbsc0502
Callaghan appreciate approach and rationale behind it to maintain as many as possible with reductions rather than cutting entire programs. B Franklin quote on wall good to reuse "an investment in knowledge pays the best interest" #scbsc0502
FinCom meeting May 10, Q&A to expect, this listing is in preparation for what reductions may be required. Council hearings May 24&25. #scbsc0502 June 13 first SchCmte meeting would be approval of final SchCmte budget
Further clarification on circuit breaker, the increase would be best used, one to one, to avoid the fee increases, rather than to support staff, that use would be riskier for a sustainability position. #scbsc0502
Would be part of the story for next year, that this year, where we avoided the fee increases due to such use but then we can't now (i.e. next year) #scbsc0502
Student who pays $400 for youth football could pay $450 now or $500 with increase high school football, in that light not much of an increase #scbsc0502 bus registration is open this week, collection of $360 now, if goes to $375, then it does and will need to be collected
Next meeting Jun 6, Tues to meet between Council and SchCmte Jun 13; now discussion turns to consider using the circuit breaker (CB) to at least alleviate the bus fee. #scbsc0502 motion to use $20k from CB to eliminate the bus fee increase originally proposed, agreed to
Monday, Jun 5, 5:30 PM rather than June 6 as noted earlier will be next session #scbsc0502 motion to adjourn, unanimous
Chair Mercer opens meeting, reads protocol statement as usual. #tc0503 public hearing new restaurant license Sierra Brick oven Pizza
Citizen stands up for another who can't attend and opposes the full license for the location, some of the condos owner oppose the license
Another condo owner speaks for the proposal, not all are against.
Mr Miller (?) Speaks for the family ownership of the license and restaurant as very respectable #tc0503 Jones clarifies tip training, Cormier-Ledger has visited the establishment in both locations ...
Apparently walked into a healthy discussion on wish list items, Jamie and Bryan bring back to try and focus on priority of the remaining items (listed) and within that what needs to be done, not doing other items. #edc0503
Using some of the MAPC money for an analysis of the current zoning to develop a structure for 40r, not that it needs to be approved, but could be ready whenever #edc0503 also assessing home occupation bylaw in regards to what could be done
Chair Bridget Sweet opens meeting with roll call of participants all in person; motion to approve mins of Apr, second, passes 3-0
Old business, tobacco sales regulations discussion on cap, currently at 32, permitted at 21 (?) Reduce, or maintain. No interest in reduction at ...
This time. #boh0503 3 of the 22 are adult only, could have dual caps, i.e. one for full sales, one for adult only. Desire for more info on what the neighboring communities are doing. Qs on 3,13,16,17 for checklist. consensus on unified approach for fines
Citizen raising issue with trucks coming out of Grove St to left turn on Washington St. Apparently bylaw should be preventing that #cbsc0426
Ken Elmore, speaks to the outgoing Dean a students as their semester finish, and graduation on may 6, looking forward to continuing the conversation with the community #tc0426
Round 2 of Capital after covering all the snow/ice funding, the funds had been held aside in case there was need and hence there is more to disperse. Town clerk starts with request of $3k, precinct polls and vests, staffing for clerk/ election staff (wardens in particular) ...
Vests of election warden uniforms to enable easy identification, used for the day and kept in the stores with the other election items. Very well explained, to be voted on individually, recommend vote, passes 4-0 (Pellegri, Dellorco, Chandler, Cormier-Ledger) ...
At the end of the agenda they do enter executive session and not will return to open meeting #schcom0425
FHS student updates, critical conversations on 4/26, best buddies prom, Apr 28, music group returned from Disney, great trip. FHS junior district musical festival hosted at school on Saturday, junior prom, May 5 at Lomberto's, Jun 2 #schcom0425