The Rona was just a red herring
They wanted to see who'd be daring
To see who'd obey and conform
and who'd notice we've just lost the norm
It was all a big fat distraction
What one would call "the main attraction"
What the whole pleb couldn't see
Before they were all thrown in the sea.
Legislating behind closed doors
Consent was stomped on the floors
The compliant thought it was right
For the state to take over their life
The childless thought it was ace
calling parents a civil disgrace
Parental consent taken away
to get parents out of the way
So the State can now decide
that your kids have secrets to hide
A name that you shouldn't know
and a teacher that never says NO
A state worker is now your kid's parent
I don't get how that's not apparent
Girls are now wrong and need "fixing"
If they don't comply to the mixing
If they want their own spaces it's cruel
for the male in the frock with a drool.
If girls won't undress near a cock
it's offensive to the whole laughing stock
to the ones who complied in verse 1
to the ones who just wanna wank
in the stall next to yours or outside
And women have nowhere to hide
So the Rona finished for men
and public spaces are now all for them
If you don't like a dick in your space
Stay inside, cook, clean, and behave
Don't occupy public spaces - SHUT UP!
You're the Nazi - the state agrees with that!
The state that took over your kids
and the frocks who just want to piss
What do you mean you don't consent?
We've been over that, not again!
We're renaming you to "cis" and that's it.
You have no say - go check verse 3!
• • •
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Imagine being such a Marxist, you support women's trafficking because you read nothing about commodifying humans on the first fuckin chapter of Das Kapital
Imagine being such a pacifist, all it took for you to endorse war, were men dressed as women in the VERY ARMY you would never join.
Imagine being such a reactionary anti-capitalist punk, all it took for you to endorse corporatists, was your band's CD sponsored by Starbucks
Ζω στη χώρα που οι άντρες τσακώνονται ποιό κόμμα στηρίζει την ελευθερία του τύπου.
Του "ΤΥΠΟΥ" που σύσσωμος έχει αποτύχει να μεταφέρει διεθνείς ειδήσεις όπως την ποινική δίωξη γυναικών που δε δέχονται απατεώνες στη γυναικεία κατηγορία αθλημάτων. 1/
Ο δεξιός τύπος (πρώτοΨέμα) αποκαλεί τους αποστάτες "ακροδεξιούς", κ ο αριστερός, κάνει ένα βροντερό ΜΟΚΟ με πέπλο σχολιασμού για θέματα ΓΥΝΑΙΚΩΝ, τα σεξιστικά λογύδρια της Ακρίτα που δεν έχει αφήσει παιδόφιλο και μισογύνη χωρίς ξέπλυμμα. 2/
Κανείς δεν αναρωτιέται πως είναι δυνατόν αντιδιαμετρικά αντίθετες ιδεολογίες (λολ) όπως ΝΔ-Συριζα κ λοιπή ΝεοΑριστερά να συμφωνούν στο μοναδικό ζήτημα που θίγει το 52% του πληθυσμού.
Αλλά ανησυχούν για την ελευθερία του τύπου. 3/