Questions answered by FOCUS. Multiple differential diagnoses with different and often opposing management. Getting it right, saves lives. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
FOCUS is a rapid point of care modality delivering a targeted diagnostic test, with multiple diagnostic targets. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
How is it done? Dr Ortner advises expanding cardiac FOCUS to include lung and upper abdominal views. Is it feasible in pregnancy? Anatomical changes in pregnancy ideal for parasternal and apical views. However, there are challenges (not necessarily pregnancy related) #POCUS……
Certain images may be more difficult to obtain under certain circumstances. What is the yellow ???? A breast implant - decreasing image acquisition to <50%. So the challenges list expands. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Case 2. G3P2 Hx asthma, SOB. Treated as asthmatic attack. The algorithmic benefits of pulmonary ultrasound, with diagnostic accuracy. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Experimental evidence. # of B lines increase with progressing ALI BEFORE Pa/Fi ratio decreases, and correlate with wet dry ratio. There is a learning curve. What’s normal in pregnancy? #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Back to Case 2. First step: B lines or A lines. Findings. > 3 B lines in > 2 quadrants = interstitial pulmonary syndrome -> increased EVLW. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
So having seen B lines bilaterally, what is the LVEDP? Case 2 = Preeclampsia with preserved systolic function. #POCUS and preeclampsia: preserved systolic function +/- diastolic dysfunction. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Increased LVEDP = cardiogenic oedema. Diagnosis Case 2 = Preeclamsia in acute pulmonary oedema. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Pulmonary ultrasound #POCUS and preeclampsia. 25% interstitial pulmonary syndrome present in preeclampsia with systolic failure. 19-20% raised LVEDP - associated with B pattern. A pattern excludes raised LVEDP. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Case 3. Emergency cesarean for non-reassuring FHR, luckily epidural in place.
EXCEPT it has no block. GA induced, uncomplicated ETT. BP a tad low. NO response to 500mcg phenylephrine. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Assessing fluid responsiveness. IVC assessment is not sensitive in spontaneous respiration. Dr Ortner does not use it. PLR testing is his preferred technique. Better sensitivity and specificity compared to IVC. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Dr Ortner has evidence to support PLR vs IVC in preeclamptic patients with oligouria. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
Case 4. PACU patient. Hypotensive and tachycardic. Block receding. Brief improvement with fluid bolus. #POCUS views suggest hypovolemia. #OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
FAST scan of RUQ. Fluid in Morrison’s pouch. Some intraperitoneal fluid post cesarean is normal. However, even a trace fluid in Morrison’s pouch correlates with large amount, the volume dependent on scan position. Hypovolemia + positive FAST = early OR take back. #POCUS#OBAnes……
Hypovolemia and the “kissing heart”. Kissing papillary muscles = end-systolic LV cavity obliterated. NOT only hypovolemia though - also distributive shock. Differentiate on LV-EDA. <10cm2 = hypovolemia, >20cm2 = distributive. #POCUS#OBAnes#SOAPAM2023
@SQuashie presents an update on anesthesia for operative delivery. Declarations. Methodology and themes. #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
Gastric USS. Oral rehydration has benefits over NPO wrt vasopressor use. #siptilsend safe, noting some patients have increased gastric volumes irrespective of starvation status. #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
@SQuashie continues at a rapid pace. To DPE or not to DPE remains a question - 16min vs 19 min, is that 3 min clinically relevant? Esketamine for supplemental analgesia - >95% had psych effects, read @rjharrison79 editorial. #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
@Jamesocarroll presents an Update on Labour and Delivery. Disclosures #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
How the lecture was put together. Screening. Themes. How to interpret the slides. Very Ostheimer-esque @Jamesocarroll #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
@Jamesocarroll Clinical practice theme: intrathecal catheters & ADP. Intrathecal catheters: No decrease in PDPH, but reduction in EBP. 10mL intrathecal saline decreased PDPH & need for EBP. Of note, the percentage of epidurals requiring multiple attempts. #OAA24ASM #OBAnes
8am-ish in Denver and time for a much anticipated session: PDPH beyond the guidelines. Moderated by Dr Lisa Leffert, featuring @Ropivacaine, @euklaas, @sharonOzynger and @WouterSchievink at #SOAPAM2024 #OBAnes
(HT: @Ropivacaine, bless his heart, he knows I hate missing out)
Hot off the Press? August 2023! @JAMANetworkOpen with quite an illustrious team including @Ropivacaine @robin_russell1 @KalagaraHari @LimGrapes @claralexlobo @noolslucas @NarouzeMD (please tag others if you have their handles?) #SOAPAM2024 #OBAnes
Introduction, Methods and the 10 questions. #SOAPAM2024 #OBAnes
Next up at #CASAM2023 - fittingly keeping the most important academic session to last: #OBAnes @ValZaph moderating the Maternal Experience and Outcomes: Improving the care we provide. @DrWesleyEdwards
Dr Christina Lamontagne kicks off the session with: Use of Dexmedetomidine in improving maternal experience and outcomes. Nothing to disclose. Then an important disclosure: All indications discussed are OFF LABEL in Canada. Objectives. #OBAnes#CASAM2023
Why does Dr Lamontagne use a lot of dexmedetomidine (not only in #OBAnes mind)? Clinical pharmacology of dexmedetomidine (1): highly selective alpha-2 agonist; sedation WITHOUT amnesia at locus coeruleus. #CASAM2023
Dr Ning Nan Wang introduces @harshamd5 to open the chronic pain session: Perioperative use of opioid in the context of Opioid Epidemic. #CASAM2023
The opioid crisis isn’t new - China probably remembers the Opium wars that helped establish a British foothold on the continent. Opioids and OUR crisis. Is what we fear the real crisis? Are opioid-related deaths due to surgical prescriptions? No, mostly due to street fentanyl.……
Opioid use around the time of surgery. Understanding nociception vs pain. Does eliminating opioids during surgery make a difference - no definitive conclusions. #CASAM2023