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May 8 79 tweets 17 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter

We start with objections. Defense argues about an exhibit. Archibald says the exhibits were not submitted until after discovery cut off dates and that lead investigator picks and chooses evidence.
Judge Boyce will review exhibits when witnesses take stand. Jury is now in court, Smith continues with exam of FBI agent Doug Hart —
Texts continue from Lollytime and 4style iCloud. 7/15/19 from Chad to Lori: my love for you is overflowing … I want to hold you endlessly. You are my wonderful best friend I can’t live without.” [three days after Charles is killed]
7/15/19 Lori responses to Chad: “and yet you are. So sad. Missing you. Just landed. Gotta get to work.” You are my wonderful best friend [this is 3 days after Charles is killed]
7/18 text from Lori to Chad: I just got a letter from insurance saying I’m not the beneficiary. Spear thru my heart.

7/18 c to L: this is terrible. But it’s probably another step in bringing down the gadiantons. Especially Brandon.
7/18 texts continue

A lot of lovey dovey intermixed with how Charles possibly changed it before his death,

From Chad to Lori: “ hmmm … it will be interesting if it got changed after he had two bullets in his chest.” 👀

Lori confirms to Chad that Charles changed insurance in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Hart states gadianton denotes “evil”

7/18 Chad to Lori - “I have been instructed to focus my efforts on Hillary, so I will 💋” [Hillary is Tylee ]

L to c: ok, find out her percentage for me and JJ”
Chad to Lori “She is at 0.13. I turned up the pain to 10 & placed a spiritual virus in her. He is at 99.99, Raphael visited him and told him to follow Amy into the light. I also assured him that James would love and take care of his mommy, which he will with all his heart and… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Hart: “The closer someone was to 0, the closest they were to their death”

Chad indicates that Tylee is at 0.13. Jj’s death percentage is 99.99
Hart: Raphael and James are two names that Chad references to himself
7/18 8:40 pm “you are so adorable, beautiful, heavenly, luscious, angelic, so many divine attributes rolled into one dynamic desirable package. I want you even more desperately than you want me. “
Chad to Lori: “Just grab me by the storm [chads penis] and I will follow you to the ends of the earth.”

From Lori to Chad “and then what?”

From Lori to Chad; back to crying and saying goodbye. Back to the box. ??”

C to L: “This trip to utah had a lot of finality to it. I was… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
7/20 l to c- “what’s Blake’s percentage?” [Blake is Melanie Boudreaux’s child]

L to c: “he drew three crosses on the wall on his bedroom. We just finished painting over them

Like he was marking it for the dark side to find him
C to L: Blake is at 7. I took my sword of light and sliced his aura. … [more I missed]

C to l: I also decreased his pain tolerance to 1 percent. And greatly increased his pain. His desire to depart is at 80 percent.
7/21 found it. Ned have all of it to Rhonda. 2/26/19”

C glad you found that out

L it fits now she will try to take him. Thanks for working on her. Work on me too. Reading all of this makes me sick.”

[Rhonda is Kay woodock. Date is when Charles changed insurance]
C we will work hard on Rhonda when we are together. I will get her numbers

L good. Let’s work on it hard
7/21/19- “james and Elena had agreed to visit the temple the following morning. She returned to the hotel room, and
After additional romance on the couch, they calmed their nerves enough to give each other a blessing. “
Cont: “as james placed his hands on her head, he connected to Elena’s true eternal self. He knew he was in the presence of an exhalted goddess who had returned to earth to perform a special mission. This mission was to be with him, and they would progress together as translated… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Cont: “… the full plan wasn’t yet completely clear to him. But the immense power radiating from her confirmed his belief that she was among the greatest women in the universe”
“They embraced following the blessing snd the emotions they felt were a mixture of teens l bliss and terrestrial desire. The sexual chemistry was undeniable. …”
They arrived at the temple and they both felt they should do sealings together

The opportunity came to be at the alter together …

James and elana knew they were sealed as husband and wife for eternity.
Hart: This mission included being with him, and their plan was to be Together

Reads this portion of text as important:

“Two lonely misunderstood souls had finally found their best friend they could trust and confide in.”
Lori text responds to chads love story: “she loves it”

Chad and Lori met in st george, UT end of Oct. 2018 and met again in November on AZ.

LDS Temple records do show Nov 16, 2018 as a date Chad and Lori went to temple together.
7/21/19- l to c: it’s making me so happy to read about our life and loving you from afar.

L to C: it was great. I feel free again. I love you more than …

Hart: These texts show Lori loved chads love story
Chad: love you. Going with garth to see other side of Heaven.

Lori to Chad l: love you, you will enjoy scenery. Looks like Kauai

L to Chad-hopefully we will be there together soon

C to l that is the plan.
7/22/19 Chad: “Hi darling. Back from the movie I look forward to being on a tropical island with you. 🔥🔥”
7/23 Lori: “good morning. Missing you. Didn’t sleep much. Need you to check on JJ. Weird stuff happened in the middle of the night. It’s like they distracted us with Blake.”
Lori: “When you get home check Tylee. She is being super sweet and helpful & she cleaned her room. She is she got switched. Totally not her”

Lori: See if she got switched

Chad: yes she was switched. Please let me know when you can talk and I will explain it.”
7/26/19 LORI:

“how are things at home?

She is fine. Need you to check JJ. She said he was calm and he watched movies all days which he would never do.

Missing you “
Chad “missing you too. It is still in. I’m told she is lying about him being calm and watching movies
“Mel knew. she told me she felt the real Brighton last night and that she was different. She was told I didn’t want to tell her. she is taking well and knowing it’s part of a big plan. she is amazing although I’m still pretty upset over it. I love you and trying to hang in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
7/26 from Chad: “Tonight I figured out who I feel like. The grown up version of Harry Potter. Who had to live witb the Dudley’s under the stairs …”
From Lori to C: ”From mel b: “from Father: My sweet daughter you have done well. I am very pleased. You have been prepared for every moment and surrounded by those who love you. You need not fear the future happenings … be at peace and be still. Enjoy the little things. Have no… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Chad to Lori: that’s a very nice message for Mel b to receive & I don’t mind at all He speeds things up a bit”
7/28/19 Lori to Chad: are you mad? Sad? What ?”

Chad to L: I’m doing okay. Just no privacy here to hardly text and I’m missing you immensely. I feel good about the trip.”

Lori to Chad: I need a distraction while I’m waiting for you.”
From Chad to Lori: “absolutely. I think you’ll have a good time”
7/29/2019 Chad to l: do you want me to cause pain to those two 3s you’re riding with?

L: Probably hold off on them until we arrive. They will be mistake to deal with. But I’ll text you if they start acting up and we can zap them.

[Lori is with Melanie b’s children and jj]
C: Sounds great. Yes if they are going to act up, we’ll at least give them reason to scream. I love cherish, treasure and adore you. The wonderful memories keep coming back. You are mesmerizing. Raphael is one lucky guy.”
Hart points out they are discussing pain given to children and a reason to make children to scream. Mel B’s kids Blake & Brighton
7/29/2019 Lori to Chad: “From Kay in response to what I sent Larry: are you angry at me? Charles did this. I told him I didn’t want to be part to it because he made me out to be the bad guy. Lo, all I can say is he must’ve had reason to do this regardless of what I said. I have… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Court about to start again. A reminder (Now that we know Mel B accepted her kids were dark) that Mel Boudreaux was arrested for trespassing at her in laws while trying to get her children back [Alex waited in the car for her and at this point JJ and Tylee had been killed]… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
7/30 Chad to L; i got the inspiration to go back to my original death percentages that helped us track Charles, Ned, etc. tammy so very close, her percentage has fallen steadily since hiplos left. It is encouraging.

L: what is the percentage now? What about jj too?
C: tammy is at 3. Jj is at 2. Both are being heavily shielded to stop intruders”

L: 2 and 3 percent? Not zero?

Chad: I will explain when we talk.
Lori: “Ok 💋🔥🔥 still feeling hot for you 🔥🔥”

Chad: “we might need to release a little steam when we talk. 🔥🔥 This is the chart that checked what percentage mortals are still in their body. It worked for my friends wife who died, my neighbor, george bush, Stan Lee, etc.
Chad continued … “I kind of forgot about it because we’ve been dealing with zombies and demonic entities. But this afternoon tammy said she felt lightheaded, as if her body and spirit weren’t connected”
7/30 Chad “I believe lillilicious is a terrestrial word that encompasses our time together. “

Lori; yes it does, call me
I love you, until then

Chad; yes, until then I love you.

Chad No worries, garth just arrived home. I absolutely adore you. We’re going to have a fabulous… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Hart explains:

Terrestrial = this world
Telestial = higher plane, higher place
8/1 “panda was good. Just got JJ to sleep. Going to try to take a bath. Ty Yelled at me for 40 mins then took off in her car. Won’t answer me.”

Chad: “that was expected.”

Hart says these texts are only one example of Lori and Chad discussing Tylee being a teenager& difficult
8/7/2019 Two photos sent to Lori from Alex and Chad

Chad next to life size painting of Jesus sent by Alex: “Look at the bubbies”

Chad to Lori sending pic of Alex next to the same painting: “two exalted brings”
8/7 Lori to Chad I love you. Taking Braxy home now. I’ll check on her.

She put a bunch of holes in the walls and doors. Definitely had demons helping her. Probably 1000.

Mel wants us to come up there tomorrow but I said next Thursday to Sunday. What do you think?

Lori to… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Lori to me b. We just had a big fight. Prob no go on. Next week

Mel b- are you ok

Chad—my heart is crushed but I will never stop loving you
Clarify: Last text was Chad to Lori

Mel b to Lori — if you need to talk call me. I don’t sleep anyways, Hang in there babe. It was a hard day but don’t let the dumb things here get to you. You know who you are. Pray our hearts to be made full and for the lord to execute all… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
8/8 Chad good night. Saddest day of my life

8/8 Chad to Lori: “grandpa Keith is here. I am supposed to warn you that you are unprotected. the angels are angry that you are ignoring me. I told him to go back but he says he isn’t allowed to. I’m honestly not trying to manipulate… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Chad to Lori cont; “I understand you need your space. But they say you have cut me off and the protection built around your house is gone. I love you and don’t want you getting attacked. 5)46 said they if you at least give me a thumbs up it will be enough to restore our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Lori to Chad: check on Nathan Pacheco. what level he is. Is he light?

Also Mike Stroud. Mel Gibb thinks he is dark but I think he is light.

[Debate on scores]

Lori; “nope I get 5.1 light”

Chad: we’ll go with your score
8/10 Lori: please check JJ he just woke up saying crazy stuff and don’t go back to sleep. He is talking to Blake. It is weird.

Chad: jj is still jj. I am told his spirit recognizes Blake is evil and is unsettled by him.
How is JJ now?

He is better. He was just talking nonsense

Chad: yes he is at 0. He probably was partly thru the veil, talking to people both light and dark.

… he was talking to the real Blake.
Lori; do you think there is a perfectly orchestrated plan to take the children?

Chad; there is a plan …

Lori to ’Chad : what should I be doing?

Chad: you are doing everything right. The lord told me.
Chad: there is a plan being orchestrated for the children. I was shown last night how it fits together

Chad: it feels good JJ is talking to the real Blake. Getting close. I sensed when eating breakfast with him he was barely attached to his body.
Chad: “that feels good JJ is talking to the real Blake. Getting close. When I was sitting across from him eating bacon, I sensed he was barely attached to his body.”
Cheek to cheek. Loin to loin. It isn’t very far away now.

Lori to Chad: [pic of Lori at beach in yellow swimsuit]: “surprises are waiting”
Lori to Chad thank you for being mine. Wish I could wake up and kiss your sweet tender lips for real 💋. You are my everything.”

Hart: there was a lot of discussion of “portaling”. Reality Vs fantasy.
8/11/19 from Chad to Lori// I will join you! Partly why I am sad my boise trip had turned into a trip with extended family. Not happy about it

They want to take a trip to crater of the moon. I can’t take much more
The next two days will be torture. Thankfully I will be one most of Wednesday and beyond

Lori to Chad; is that what He wants? For me to sit and wait?

Chad; I’m just so frustrated. I’m sorry honey.

Lori; you can’t just keep tearing my heart out.
Chad: it is tearing both of our hearts out. Please look beyond the next two days.

I could have talked but the girls were there. I love you with all my heart

Lori: you should give all of you love and attention to your wife and family. Go have fun with your family. I really do… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
8/11 Chad: you are right. Put me aside until things change, yes, the pain is unbearable

8/11 Lori: are you going to threaten me that I’m unprotected for doing so?

Chad: absolutely not. I’m so upset by the circumstances that I will add more protection to be with you
8/11 Lori: I’m so alone without you !! It is devastating!”

Chad: I feel so alone too. We are surrounded by telestial [earthly] relatives that are simply obstacles. I’m so sick of it!”

Chad: I want to be with you. They is my greatest hope and dream. I would happily join you… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
9/3/19 Alex to Lori: Wi-Fi is in. Whatcha doing?

Lori to Alex: working on z’s. [zombies] Did you decide on a username and password?

Alex to Lori; network is anti-laman Wi-Fi Pw is 2. many kids [laman is Book of Mormon brother of Nephi who complained a lot]
Lori: funny!

Alex to Lori: “I can change it to whatever you want to change it. I am proud of you. No more Zs.”

Lori; we are trying to get to the bottom of what we need to do to eliminate them completely”
9/3 Alex: I am going to get lunch and go to range to sight in my rifles.

Lori: fun!! You need to practice!

Lori: bad news about our brother
Lori explains Adam is a zombie

Lori: forced out I think
With his anxiety he wasn’t strong enough to fight back

Alex: mmmm
Lori: JJ is stronger. Fights them off every day.

Alex: that’s when he yells nooo

Alex: My lips are sealed.

Lori: good boy. Learning more. I’ll fill you in this afternoon 💋
9/8/2019 last known sighting of Tylee 😢

Break for lunch

[NOTE: I didn’t get every text. Some are verbatim, others are paraphrased. I got most, missed some]
I mentioned during my lunch live part of HTC’s interview with Heather Daybell where she gave the other side of Chad’s behavior on his birthday [we know now the texts Chad was sending to #LoriDaybell during this time ] this is time stamped to watch:
1/2 Transcription of that part of Heather’s interview: ImageImageImageImage
2/2 Transcription of that part of Heather’s interview: ImageImageImage

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May 4
AFTERNOON THREAD: lunch live HERE: youtube.com/live/u4j2LqWMs…
Thomas leads cross exam —asking if any trace evidence was taken in the car during search in Kauai.

Thomas asks if hair found in the car and seen in photos was collected or checked.

No sir

Thomas: Couldn’t it be tylee’s?

Yes, a possibility

[personal side note: I suspect police never believed the children made it to Hawaii 😢]
Read 11 tweets
May 4
MORNING THREAD Thurs, 5/4 (Tammy Daybell’s birthday💗): Judge Boyce hearing arguments about jurors being allowed to hear, or not hear, recordings by Ian Palowski.

At noon pacific I will be sharing the backstory on the belief system shared by Lori & Chad: twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Defense wants jurors to hear phone convo on 12/13 with Melani palowski between Chad and Lori in which they discuss the death of Alex among other things.

Prosecution doesn’t want the recordings shared.
Archibald argues Melani Palowski could be co conspirator thus this evidence should be admissible
Read 37 tweets
May 3
AFTERNOON THREAD: Lori Vallow Daybell trial. Just finished my lunch live (below) and now firearms are being exhibited in court —discussions about paintball guns vs real firearms

Ian knows chad and Lori and they had a close relationship with melani. Lori and Chad gave their blessing to ian to marry melani
There were beliefs about possession and casting out, and Chad was present during discussion of these beliefs. Lori did most of the talking but chad was there and acted as a support to what Lori was saying
Read 11 tweets
May 3
We all are. The most out of the blue thing we’ve heard on the stand. Lori daybell looked genuinely shocked, and archibald didn’t hold back suggesting Audrey was making it up
Chatter during recess. Some believe the threat made to Audrey. Some doubt.

A good discussion about how a single LDS woman might have felt obligated to stay with her friend despite feeling uncomfortable. Helpful discussion for me with things to consider and I’m staying open
I am in a new bench for next witness, very close to Lori, and I can see her better than I have ever been able to

Near the Woodcocks. 💗

Fremont County Sheriffs office Sgt Vincent Kaaiakamanu
Read 6 tweets
May 3
5/3/2023 MORNING THREAD - WITNESS AUDREY BARATTIERO. I’m back in the courtroom. Listening to Monday’s testimony of witness Alice Gilbert was heartbreaking 💔. Today the courtroom is full, but I have a seat near the jury again. No empty seats. Image
She resides in Missouri. This is the first time the public has heard from Audrey. Shawn Littlebear told me that Audrey was in contact with Chad often (daily or weekly)
Audrey met Chad at a conference & 3 months later (2/2019) Chad asked Audrey to be Lori’s friend. He couldn’t always flak to her and she needed an uplifting friend.
Read 55 tweets
May 1
LORI VALLOW DAYBELL TRIAL — AFTERNOON THREAD. I just finished a lunch live where I suggested I might not head back to the courtroom, but I AM STILL IN THE COURTROOM. I’m here for us! ☺️ #Courtroomorbust

Reporter @BrianEntin is back in the courtroom this week. The Woodocks are here. Many Rexburg residents and a friend of Lori’s from Texas during the time Lori had been married to Joe Ryan, divorced Joe Ryan and met Charles.
Rick Wright continues testimony about location pings week of tammy’s death:

9/16- Lori leaves Rexburg, travels to LV
22:29- Lori takes flight from Las Vegas

9/18 - 19:58 Alex leaves idaho falls snd heads towards daybell residence
Read 26 tweets

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