First of 3 budget hearings for the Finance Cmte tonight at 7, follow along with the Town budget docs here -…#fincom0508 all of the Town, except Public safety & schools tonight
6 members present in Chambers, 2 others via Zoom, total of 8 (1 missing) #fincom0508
Key slide on expected revenue the budget is built on, new growth less and the prior debt exclusions (schools) are winding down so that revenue drops off as the years pass
"Not an optimist nor a pessimist, more a realist in the forecasts" in answer to the question as to how the numbers are derived #fincom0508
There is more funding going to the charter school than the Chap 70 provides, the Cherry Sheet has the ins and outs and the charter school balance is negative about $300k #fincom0508
The slide should have been added to go with the charter school comment #fincom0508
Scrolling along, budget by department budget, many of the major increases were covered in the overview provided by Jamie, otherwise minor inflation and or standard cost increases easily see and relatively understood. #fincom0508
Open ? On technology, town side shown, can check with Tim on Weds for details #fincom0508
Only the between dept transfers are required approval by Town Council, within a Dept, each lead can manage their individual cost items as long as they stay within their bottom line #fincom0508
14 cent electric rate set for town for 4 years, not sure what the municipal aggregation rate will be later this year. Stay tuned... #fincom0508
Deputy position to do the work for which has already been funded but hasn't been gotten to because of other time commitments #fincom0508 composting project for school food waste, gradually expanding across the district, the heaviest trash item, so ...
Removing the food waste will be eventually saving some 'tonnage' about neutral now, but expecting to do more as we go #fincom0508
Recreation dept self supporting, and more than that, over 6500 kids registered this year, every property used in some way to provide services #fincom0508
The detailed debt schedule
Beaver St interceptor will be financed through the State at 1.5%
Health savings acct has been a big win for benefits (i.e. savings) shown in how little the increase is year over year #fincom0508
With the shift of the storm water costs to the storm water utility, we actually get $600k as a roads line item, not much but better than we have ever had. Had only been able to use Chap 90 and ARPA funds to repair roads #fincom0508
There was an executive session on the agenda, it was announced to not return, then changed, committee votes to accept the change, so they WILL return to open meeting to approve the contract covered in the exec session #schcom0509
FHS student update from A Shetty, Jr class president, lots of activities into May and getting ready for Graduation Jun 2 recognition of the FHS jazz band which brought home the Gold medal and played at the Hatch Shell on Sunday
Chair Mercer opens meeting, reads protocol statement as usual. #tc0503 public hearing new restaurant license Sierra Brick oven Pizza
Citizen stands up for another who can't attend and opposes the full license for the location, some of the condos owner oppose the license
Another condo owner speaks for the proposal, not all are against.
Mr Miller (?) Speaks for the family ownership of the license and restaurant as very respectable #tc0503 Jones clarifies tip training, Cormier-Ledger has visited the establishment in both locations ...
Apparently walked into a healthy discussion on wish list items, Jamie and Bryan bring back to try and focus on priority of the remaining items (listed) and within that what needs to be done, not doing other items. #edc0503
Using some of the MAPC money for an analysis of the current zoning to develop a structure for 40r, not that it needs to be approved, but could be ready whenever #edc0503 also assessing home occupation bylaw in regards to what could be done
Chair Bridget Sweet opens meeting with roll call of participants all in person; motion to approve mins of Apr, second, passes 3-0
Old business, tobacco sales regulations discussion on cap, currently at 32, permitted at 21 (?) Reduce, or maintain. No interest in reduction at ...
This time. #boh0503 3 of the 22 are adult only, could have dual caps, i.e. one for full sales, one for adult only. Desire for more info on what the neighboring communities are doing. Qs on 3,13,16,17 for checklist. consensus on unified approach for fines
About to report on the School Committee budget subcmte meeting scheduled for 5 PM, seems to be running late. We are ready and I'll let you know when it starts #scbsc0502
Meeting opens at 5:06, Miriam provides an update on the status of the recommended, SchCom approved and Town Admin increase less than either approved. Will need to make reductions to meet the funding #scbsc0502 has list of items according to categories
Option to reduce the items the SchCmte added, decrease in investments among ESPs, and others, don't have doc to view, these are preliminary items so it matters more what this group will forward to the SchCom, additional fee income an option, reduction in FTEs #scbsc0502
Citizen raising issue with trucks coming out of Grove St to left turn on Washington St. Apparently bylaw should be preventing that #cbsc0426
Ken Elmore, speaks to the outgoing Dean a students as their semester finish, and graduation on may 6, looking forward to continuing the conversation with the community #tc0426