Combat Patrols could be a huge deal, IF and only if GW plays their cards right. They should be using White Dwarf, and the Warhammer App to release all new mode legal builds with Datasheets for each faction intermittently... 🧵
along side new missions and strategems for new builds. The whole point of Combat Patrols should be to effortlessly transition a single Combat Patrol starter box, into a full scale matched play, 2000 point army. With the release of new builds and datasheets, new players are... 2/?
tempted to expand their faction's collection. (Perhaps this month in White Dwarf, there could be a Combat Patrol that lets Orks use Warbikers, and the Wartrike. or Killa Kans, Deffdreds, and Morkanauts.) The ultimate goal being... 3/?
Show the new player a lot of cool stuff they can use in Matched Play, while also allowing the player who simply enjoys the new casual game mode to expand its horizons.
I think if GW did this correctly there could be huge dividends for every single player. 4/?
The highly competitive side get new players to fight, and a new way to introduce their friends to the hobby, and new players get an easy to understand, and simple avenue to get introduced to the hobby, all the while slowly expanding their collections as new updates release. 5/5